Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Aug 1923, p. 12

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THE TAKR SHORE NET" ""™v AUGUST 1ft 1923 ^^■mWwK^fnM'^ W< CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT? General Notices- ^TiJSS^StS af-SgS ass ssrssi s." ssr^sjosrwsss^s^ •«• The Judged V'-f:;:ilillC;-^;■.' 1 \:H worda. to the line* No black face type used- |yf This siae type charged as 2 lines. This sfae type charged as 3 lines. Thi* »iae type charged as 4 lines. -- - » -a. Classified advertlsementa will he wnfKBTKA 1S*» REAL ESTATE A VERT ®»DW1%5?Ifc*?r7 rfne for apaurtuwenta cm Main SSL 11T !^ A bargain « taken at once- jSt-itlot desirable Bast location. 1 R. fxanae house* H. W. heat* N. W. location; only *».5M-m T K. frame house, between Lm*e •BdF&rest on east aide; only flttste- * R. new brick and stucco tam- zalew near "LT ami Lake; fls,W». * R. new brick borne nearly com- pleted: convenient to T/» and Lake; Attractive new « R. brick house in Winnetka. Huge liv. w*0"8*.*-^- beat; conv. trans. Snap at llS»o<Mh Act Quick. 8 R. stueco home with garage at* taehed. vap. heat; wonderful interior arrangement and decoration. 2 baths- Best N. E. location among *4&,04M> to f 7G,»0fl> boniest Price. $27,500. We have a splendid bay on Elm- wood Ave, ST. E. location. A T R. stucco home with beautiful lot and garage; $Uy5M, 1157 WOmette Ave. WiL S4® Ii4I-ltc REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -- WILMETTE-- MODERN 6 no. stucco house, * screen pens, newly painted and decorated, gar.; 3 blks. to "LT--only *12.«M>. sonable terms. .__ „«^. Attractive T no. residence* nice, all large rooms; in excellent cond*>» tion; gar. Lot 85x17©; splendid value at flMM. , w _ ,___ Fine 1# ro. residence In best loca- tion; n. e. near lake; « bedrms* z baths, billiard rooms, h, w. he. breakfast nook; * car gar. f22,»«J(. L & WHEE1 ill Linden Ave. TeL Wll 93. L41-lte $ ROOM STUCCO -- LARGE LIVING room; fire place; large screened son porch; tile bath; beautiful woodeA lot. Conv. to "LT and steam trans. Price, f 12.500. Excellent terms. £9 * St. End S2S-4th "L" WJlroette S7M Ltt-lte REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 1Z $1,250 Buys an Aere Lot at Highland Park. Terms, ft 25 down, |25 monthly. No interest. Just what you are looking for. An ideal spot for a country home. Fruit and shade trees will be planted on the clear acres this fall--no extra cos^__Ajn_acjte__lot- is .ejonal to- 12--city--lofcr-in--siws:--f*T~me7sKow you. Subdivision office »4& Central Ave.. Highland Park. There daily from 1 to 5 P. M.. Sunday 9 A. M. to * P. M.. or 133 W. Washington St.. Chicago, or 2«©$ Broadway, Evanston. H, Do 1 X FOE RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT---S ROOM HOUSE. 2 CAR garage; bordering Indian Hill Got' Club. TeL Winn. 83$. LTG41-U, WASTED TO BE5T-HOISE WANTED TO RENT--5 OR * B bouse or apartment, can give I reference. State rent and location. Harry Varabill, 393 North, Oak Park Avenue, Oak Park, BL I*TG4V-^P WANTED--SMALL* HOUSE OR galow by Oct. 1st <me^ or two/year lease. TeL Wilmette 2I4T5. L~3*-tfc FOR REST--GAMACE Garage Fcmf Kent Fifteenth hsette 758. and Washington; Wil- L41-lte FOB RE.\T-«BOOXS REAL ESTATE WILMETTE-------«^fiHr home, c&oice west side section. I dandy bed rooms; wonderful Igclot with beautiful elm; tll.909. Brand new 7 ns. brick: h. w. heat. 2 pek&; ideal east loc.; convenient both "%T and steam; fLMOft. & rm. solid brick bungalow, built _3L_ye«rj«L knge- ilvr~«nv steep;--^jctc; h, w. heat. %~ -hattika; best construc- tion; 3 blocks from lake; I18.SW. North '" E«anstoT*^-T room stucco, liv. m. I:4x2*y 'sun-'- parlor, 4 sunny bed rmsw. steam heat, garage; extra deep, well wooded lot; $14,5>9*h Ph. WiL L4t-ltc iifijSket::r4si;- here' im-M^mlMa^ ;that :i? ■': ^fgU^^r" fW'ft^K""::' - '^^CSHM'. '.at ' haK"'ffles# loeatfea---I12« -Cfentifal,A?fc, '2nd Floor, Room 4--or "Phone Wilmette 215... L41-4te »OR':SALE---7 ROOM' HOUSE* SOTJTH -■■Weast .Winnetka. near schools; 3 blocks t« firartsp«>rtatio-iiE; . t - bedrooms and ::fjj«eepiag\pOEeM; JasTBe-MvliBg ana .din- fal^\P®«*he»; h. w... heat; large Ifiingr: ^;|m»wbb; spfeffidM Sreplace;' larga trjees; ^;j«ne,,.._sihEwfe»--- -aad -frtrtt;' ^bargaffn at- - 18»;^(#;::fer- «*ttiek sale.. ■, Address. .Lake. " lore :NewSv A-251. " L.TG«-ltc REAL ESqfATJS REAL ESTATE SMALL FRAME BUNG.--3 RMS AND bath, slpv pen.; wooded lot; only $&&w. ___ Z_____.. *• rasi atneeo«»-Kvtng" andT sip pch^ garage; owner moving east; 114.5(MX. 8 rm. stucco--liv. and sip. pch^. garage attach.; beau, wooded lot. Snap at -$17,&®». 8 nu. solid brick--2 car gar; large lot: fine east loc.; only |ISr0O0'. « rni. frame--2 pches^ gar^ at $12,5>e#. . S rm. brick--new; 2 bedrms.; beau. . ravine lot; NEL Glencoe--^naake offer $:l».5e#..' These are only a few of our list- ings; if you are looking for a home see- the ones we have before you buy. A DELIGHTFUL HOME IN HUBBARD Woods section--7 large, light, airy rooms: .sun- room, 2 unusually large' sleeping: porches and bkf. peh.; all- painted walls; k, w. Heat;' heavily' wooded lot. rStaa-ML »JP*tee"«SM«& M 5:^6 Center ?SL;. Winnetka 254, LTG41-ltte REA1. ESTATE i mm: $750 cas per nioiitfi m^BUMmm^AOmatm^ibt^mgumm^WSHr^- 'Cash price, f«T& ' «■» |te';,;v. .If yo»..-need- a. building; lot. here fa an opportuniity: to f»t one . i^lfcave': M~ p55d': fSavi' m;^--,:r^>~*^"y"^-•i". ^r^,^*fl^^v . ,:>.;wJa^*wm"..wlR. nnmke your selectfon a»^e*rly/.,a* i: s««^:^.^w.:;?w-..-^'.-..:'.:^ A Splendid Bargain--EDO'■ Not 'Miss'Ttt ?V;GI*b»*»;'Q«e«^^3a W: Waaiungton, Phone Franklia H. I>. RENT, Agent. -«~«« - you are 1*42 224? H^ REAL ESTATE WE ARE PREPARED TO OFFER <i|seho4ee acre tracts .in. loeatioas con- ,Hpv^«rte»t ta transportation and within ';.U'«m& aaile of. three pwrnninent ..l^popwlar Golf ClnhaL - '-I.- For perasaaent w thia nropestr is rapidly coating to i the flrajtgaumjaL^aB-ara.ewaWer •*• are in search ittveatnaeut in Real . Batate. new is the time.; to act: this; property m av&axaeing; steadily. -..^iPheafce "Wilmette 36* ■ .■;:■.. - L.TG41-lte FfV^: ROOM aOUD BRICK BUN- ~ ' 'lea* than year old; tOe natkv ' peeel^l^w. heat; lot 4««l<ga. Witaaett^ ,ft»if^Mif'; "-' S%Lvil^,te ^^ft^^^ spilt;; i*K5 WILMETTE -- NEAR LAKE elevated * ntm aftiec*; atareemed front and ttmr gf^^ Ifceat; beauatiful w 5»x2««; large etaa, willow he«r^ treeav^^^^e^^ji. ynr llewt WHmerte~reaideMee, ANTJ %rg» fruit ^^' C1IARLSS ^ BRKTHOLD jWRm&jfSXSJm&fW* THEFT AND ;:B"AJCTO INSITRANCK;^ 'm £«» Mai. str««t ,;S- WOmette. Ill Telephone S3. CENTRAL HOTEL--ROOMS; STEAM heat, ht. and cold rung, water. Tel WiL 1080. 62» Main St Wilmette. LT32-tfc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM; cool and pleasant, near station. TeL Winn. 415. LTG4i-ltc Painting and Decorating 1632 Central Ave. Wilmette Phone Wflnlefte 2934 EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR WILL drive any make car to Los Angeles &r Tietaity; leave any time. Four successful trip* via Lincoln Hyrh- way. M. Halpern, Box 1*2, Win- netka. LTG41-ltc WANTED--POSITION AS CHAUFFEUR and gardener by young man, witk __six years experience: Address Lake Shore News, A-25£. LTG41-ltp Don't forget that w« your headquarters for go-1 nine Ford Parts, accessoriej and service- imP-M $s its? 712-714-716 Blm Stmt! .■■^^■'v ■ ■■'■. "^f^iv .; ^mm: t Winnetka $M Authorized JPor«i:; and -.-.DN|^]feTy,----- Umtfa ~^"v.?lSll... SITUATION WAJrTED--MALE SITUATIOSI WAITED--HALi FOR REXT--FURNISHED RM& ALSO housekeeping apt. TeL WiL »35-M near all trains. LT25-tfc FOR^^^tENT~3*ARGE ROOM. NEAR transportation; private family. TeL Winn. 2078. LTG41-ltc FOR KENT -- ONE LARGE FTJRN- nished room; gentleman only. TeL Winn. 404. v I*TG41-ltc WANTED TO REST-ROOMS GENTLEMAN WISHES A ROOM PER- manently in private family; con- venient to "L" station; reasonable. Address Lake Shore News, A-24&. _____ L41-ltc WANTED--ROOM A.VD BOARD WANTED--BOARD AND ROOM DUR- ing September by father, mother, and 13 yr» old daughter: Protestant. Should be convenient to school. Ad- dress -Harvey, 1*11 Marshall Field Annex. Chicago. LTG41-ltc FOR RENT. is especially planned to pro- vide modern rooms suitable for lectures, meetings, ..enr. tejtakiiiieiitsv---^^ "•For-' rates-"-^aiMt'-'-'aTaflaMe- dates see the chairman of the Temple Hi^se^Coittinit- tee. Dr. J.JE^JFipficia Phxme- 1211 WINNETKA Meyer Bank Bld^. MELT* WASTED--MALE WANTED--GROCERY CLERK ; perteneed: steady position; good wages; one-half daly a week off. A. wrantette. I/TG41-ltg SmiFATlOli RTANT«a»~agALK ^Ojpholsteriiig, Draperies, -Interior ri^aoraSiiif «tV* MawaVf Hras. r :^9ttT^;Stre^,^Ptt^^ EXF. BfAN WANTS work. eaeh^. ......_ r«f« DATS BjOjJBRWla class; WT1- '«SI#I BoildeT of Fountains and Stone Gateways ^,4r3^:':Z wiscoNSM. flag stcme,-wBB&r Ycmc-$^m stom) 730 Center Street, Wmnetka Phone Wmnetka 1530 ] HELP WAXTED-FEJIALE COMPANION -- FOR ELDERLY WO- I man who is in good health; light nshld duties. Prefer person who could come daily front eighlrtsr five but who could also stay over night when needed..- Address Lake Shore News. 252. LTG*I-ltpw WANTED--A FEW LADIES TO TAKE orders for a guaranteed ao!d season- able article that.. everybody, uses.. We deliver and collec*.. Liberal' com- pensation. Write, address Lake Shore rNews. A-246.. . ......". L41-ltp WANTED -- GIRL FOR GEN^ERAI* housework.-'where: assfstinK nurse Is kept. -TeL W'tnra. 1T13. ■ LTTGsi-Ite. WANTED--HIGH SCHOOL' GIRL, TO ear© ■ for children; saorningsw -■ .'TeL. . Kenltwortb m. ■ ■■ ' LTG4t-ltc aOTCATlON TWAlXme&--J&EMMUR College f^reparitlon In French BY TEACHER OF EXP. IN ETJROi pean and American schools* senior and. junior girls. Special attention «wen t& backward students. Con- versational French by appointment; Term* or application. Miss F. Beryl Speck. 22S Greea.Bay Rd, Hubbard Woods. Phone Glencoe 3S5.----- :-,-".....~...... . - LT«4»=tM FOR SALE--CHANDLER. T ger touring: cat. Bargain fSSi. ' ' ' m^l. WWBL SALE--UOUSEHOLD GOOPJ FOR SALE -- FTJRNaTTJRE. cart, anything bought, sold cnanged. piano, ilxturesv plbg..; stave*; ■*»» .Oak; Sit* .Winn. 121 FOR: SALE-OAK DRESSER. fonier. brass .bed .with box . $30; also metal twin beds. :GleneoeV4fS'; :; LTGft-1 N. .FELL:-- DEALER. IN NEW*-.. .:.'■'■■us»* household gt>ods. 1*44. ..ta . ■ . ATfe.-' E^raa»s«oiBiu:::;' "IPhone'. EvaiMifeii FOR SALE -- BRASS . BED; . , ■■ dress-er..'... TeL.:-WIL:rS4t-M;------Lt^ WA5TED TO RITY--MOTJSHIHOtB j GOODS WANTED TO BriY--SaBCONI> H4S furniture:' and!:' 'other household Highest price paid' for same. Furniture Store. lft#4-* Emersos Evaaiato*,: mt-ti Phone' 'IS*. _U '-:■"■ LTS2F SUMMER TUTORING IN HIGH school or college entrance grammar ^wSS1*^by ,!**m'^£* Chicago Lartitt f^°Sl *•**"?•:■ Katharine Bemrd, w jPBEPt 8fcr€et" Winnetka* TeL Winn. S32-J. L.TG41-ltp *P*EN0 ,WOMAN EMPLOYED VFMMf do typings <ht stenographic work day "~ ----*-- Address Lake Shore News* -A-24S. LTG41-ltC WHITE WOMAN WISHES LAUNDRY ££!Lk..*f * «,e*«tn« »3[ «»y. Cadi fee- tore ? A. ML* after » p. M. WIL 3»ST. ________^ LT41-ltp smjATjpN Wanted by experi- S^ ASS^sJSlP^ Best ret A«^ dies* Lake Slkore News. A*-3S4I 1-lt* huaband and »e«ereneea;ft ^"^ktST"****** LT41-ltp ^™ENCEI> LAUNDRESS WOULD ,^«k*iTOrkto jgke home. s^e«»ww3r.:-->SWw Ashland Ave. ton. ML^TreLJWU^ »34-R ^ Mraw LT4l-ltp SALE--3nSUELLA?iB»l?» for sale--lot tm-maum* ■ hold articles: beds, tables, tinware garden tools, etc. FOR SALK i~ FXTRNACE. OARAC doors, bath tnhi. stovew dave deatt»^tMtfat»--'k«SR^'^Vtf^^BriBaL :«| FOR SALE--'PtrLMAN" ,REEE> Cm ajrit oriole; cheap. TeL W*ha^| ■•■^Itiyii, - " ' :;;-'-. '■■■• : ' ■"•• Ljl'lgl ■ISCELLANBOrS Tn CARD OV THANKS _. the dear friends and selg*h**1 wfc» so kindly showed their artnsa^ and assisted ua at the burial of dear - ------ Ststera extend our ^ Rohtnann. and. WANTED -- LAUNDRY ^g± ^TeL wa wax, WORK BY Marie Belt LT41-ltnL NotrliSkle *••«* AMI FOCND LOSfT--FRIDAY. •LOST -- 4% ^-..^.-------------rr AITGL 3L MALE AIR? ZJ^S^gs^NA-m Reward i! B»*a» ^S^y- trhttft^sw E-11 The N<wth Side Cleaners and of Chicago win open an attratfcj! new shop in the Evanskire hokO^m »» Man street. Evanston, on Aaf* 15. Tnej? wiP offer direct to the ogji saore the same exceOent diy «ka,S) *hey have always rendered -tta«Pl*i 5WC WiL~ltS^ R^t to took Better * and their _.. JWat ▼ertiMBjB emohastzes the economr ;I^?|iti.4J|EeeaiuW' clothes --cleaR»PSSSli^:;' :-M

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