Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Aug 1923, p. 11

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.'•-'^ 11 *m \hildhood qf Composed In Song and Pictures «| *HE Children's Program arranged f!J for Thursday afternoons at Ra vinia Park, aside from a musical Jpoint, are proving more beneficial he young folks in an educational Mr. and Mrs. Marx Oberndorfer, e weekly interpretation of each or- ra number played, and the tableaux jged by MlSsBertha L. lies, the ren taking part being members of Junior class df«th|| Academy of matic Education, is ^certain to de- the children at , the concert on rsday, August 16. e Chicago Symphony orchestra will nt the following numbers. The re- der of the program follows: avotte, D Major Suite..... .Bach rgo ................... .^ Handel inuet, E Flat Symphony.,..Mozart herzo, "A Midsummer Night's Dream" ............. Mendelssohn urkish March, "Ruins of Athens" Beethoven _HE CHILDHOOD OF GREAT , OMPOSERS IN SONGS AND PICTURES s by..........Floy Little Bartlett. ■gs sung by...Helen Abbott Byfield. '$ leaux arranged by-----Bertha L. lies. H dren in the tableaux from the Junior fljlass of the Academy of Dramatic Education. I JOHN SEBASTIAN BACH 1685--1750 Scene......... The Brother's Home. Characters___John Sebastian Bach. The Brother. hen Sebastian was ten years old father and mother died. So he went ive with his brother. The brother ht him music and so eager was e Sebastian to learn that he begged jplay the pieces in a largeboqk that brother had hi the library. "The ther refused to let Sebastian have book so he used to sit up moonlight ;hts and copy the pieces. Just as astian copied the last piece the brother ind out and took the music away him. ___ _________ - --------U EORGE FREDERICK HANDEL 1685--1759 Scene... The attic in Handel's home. Characters____George Handel. The Mother. The Father. ne night when George Handel was ery small boy his mother and father e awakened by music, they listened, followed the sound and discovered r little son in the attic playing. Ill OLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART 1756--1791 Scene____The Garden. Characters-.. .vTbe Minuet Dancers., hen Mozart was five years old he posed many charming minuets that e great joy to many people. FELIX MENDELSSOHN 1809--1847 Scene....A Midsummer Garden. Characters.... Felix Mendelssohn. The^air ies. fcelix and his sister were great chums Hf I enjoyed his music together. rs. Byron H. Knapp is giving a „e tea next Tuesday afternoon be- £en the hours of three and six o'clock, |her residence, 900 Forest avenue, in lor of her daughter, Mrs. Howard A. „immond and Mrs. Albert W. Rock- Hfll, the latter of San Francisco, Cal. Mrs. M. E. Converse, a guest of her ghter, Mrs. R. J. Mulvey, 800 Oak- od avenue, has returned from an ex- ded eastern trip visiting many old ends and relatives. Mrs; Converse 111 soon return to her home in Cali- jrnia. !?■"; .,',...',;,„Vi....'. IMr. and Mrs. Marshall Davis, who fcently moved into their new home 153 Robsart place in Kenilworth, Ive as their guest Mrs. Davies' sis- |r, Miss Elizabeth ©ilhart of Baxter >r frigs,"';' Mb,;i:;S:| :§^^B§0^M^0^^0ik |Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Heuer, Glencoe, announce the engagement their daughter, Margaret, to Mr. cmrad A. Spoehr,„sonol Mrs. Charles Spoehr, of 1605 Chase avenue, Chi- |go. ;;,:„.,, ,.,ff;,,v ^ ^:m;/.:^p:,^:^^m [Mr. arid Mrs. George Phillips, 1119 Srest avenue, who returned Wednes- iy from Post Lake, Wis., are leaving pet Wednesday to meet their son, «>rge, Jr., who is in camp near Estes [Mrs. Lorin Hall saitec[_ifroniJdMoit Floy Little Bartlett, of Wihnetka, the composer, will present her own violin duets, assisted by Mrs. Harvey I. Brewer, also of Winnetka, and will give her original pianologues at the Musicale Sunday afternoon, August 12, at five o clock, at Skokie Country club. A num- ber of Mrs-. Bairtlett's most popular songs will be sung by Helen Abbott By- field, the well known soprano. By re- quest Mrs. Byfield will sing a group of Negro Spirituals. , j I MR and Mrs. George Zendt, 719 Park avChue, spent several days last week as the gue«s of Mr. and Mrs. L. Bernard Kilbourne at! Ithel* summer home M Green Lake, Wfe«Mrs* Zendt, known in the musicale ^rl|a^Mris. Marie Sidenius Zendt, gave the program at the musicale held recently at the home of Mrs. Charles Rollins, in Chicago. Dr. ahd**,Mrlr'K J6hn"'Segswortli "and Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Richards, of Kenilworth, returned Monday from a 2500 mile trip through the East. Miss Beatrice Segsworth, who has recently been teaching at the Missionary Edu- cational Conference at Lake Geneva, also returned home on that day. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Cobham and family returned to their home in Lakewood, O., by motor last weeW after visiting for several days at the home of Mrs. Cobham's mother, Mrs. F. R. Fridman, 242 Greenleaf avenue, «nd her sister, Mrs. C. H. Deuchler, 723 Ashland avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Houghton, 515 Seventh street, have just returned from a drive to Hoopston, 111., where they attended a family reunion at the home of Mrs. Houghton's sister, Mrs. R. R. Zook. There were 110 relatives present, representing four genera- tions. Mrs. Frank C. Vincent, of Dallejo, Cal., with her children, Barker and Net- tie, is visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs. M. R. Barker, 1240 Forest avenue. Mrs. Alida L. Blodgett, of Madison, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. pucker, 1214 Lake avenue. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. George, of Lin- coln, Neb., spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tucker, 12J4 Lake avenue. Misses Emmy Lou ana l|thel Rosberg, 830 Park avenue, left Monday evening for a fortnight's stay at Clay Banks, near Muskegon, Micl^^': Mrs. Robert Campbell, of Portrluron, Mich., is the house-guest of her sister, Mrs. E. A. Kaumeyer, 601 Linden avenue*^ MwHg: Ma^^M^SCrcsa|,' "'239' Essei T'rbaa^*r'en^r1ajM "Mt~'"hinehl^^^ *in honor of Mrs. Irving B. Babcock; ^2ft:EssM, .roa^^C;^i|f^|«iPiir' Dr. and Mrs. Charles G. Smith and daughter, Miss Marjorie Smith, 1325 Greenwood avenue, are leaving Sunday for a three weeks' visit with friends in Minnesota and Iowa. They -will make the trip by automobile. Mrs. J. E. Hays and daughter, Miss Mabel Hays, who have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde T. Hays, 519 Laurel avenue, returned on Friday of last week to their home in Lincoln, Nebraska. Robert Frost, 509 Central avenue, went to Boulder, Colo., on Thursday, where he will partidpate in the tennis tourna- mentsproceeding the opening of the Boulder State Preparatory School, early in September. Charles and Frederick Lundberg, 1538 Walnut avenue, have gone to the Boy Scout camp at Lake Geneva. Charles plans to remain at camp for__a_month, ^i^^stet^Fannyr^Htra^ within a fortnight. Dr. and Mrs. Charles N. Reese, 727 Forest avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Potter, 607 Forest avenue, returned home Sunday evening from Eagle River, Wis. Mrs. J. Herbert Kincaid and her son, George, of Evanston, are spend- ing a fortnight at Lake Kegonza, Wis. HANNAH Pteatet SCHUMANN T««efce* Mid Aaatataat at the ™ OSCAR DEIS STUDIO WcdttCMlltys and Friday*, 12 to 5 1260 Ceatral Ave., Phone 984-Af WILMBTTB Mr. Carelton Kaumeyer, 601 linden avenue, is enjoying a trip on the Great 'Lakes, with a party of five friends, aboard a large freighter;-'..... ..4gf ;.i;3iri >and Mrs. Stacey Bennett and family, 1321 Greenwood avenue, iare occupying their cottage on Hess Lake in northern Wisconsin, • this month. Mrs. Charles Glennon, of Albur- querque, New Mexico, is a guest at the home of her father, Charles N. Roberts, 1014 Lake avenue. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Tucker and son, Albert, 1214 Lake avenue, left Thursday for Spider Lake, Wis., for two weeks' vacation. . Mrs. D. R. Ransburg will entertain the members of the Cozy Corner Circle at her home, 1700 Walnut av- enue, Thursday afternoon, August 16. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fox and daugh- ter, Mildred, of Richmond, Va., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Buck- man, 925 Elm wood avenue, this week. Mr. George E. Cole, 911 Greenwood avenue, leaves Monday for Rock Island from where he will take the Mississippi river boat trip up to.. St. Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Moss, 316 Cum- nor road, with their two sons,,Earl and Irving, returned Tuesday from a trip throughjpnorthwestern Wisconsin and Michigan. ':"f ^v'::<;" \V^>/;V/'--""^^i|?^'||||§|'-;'. f Mr. and Mrs. John M. Robert 328 Warwick road, and daughter, Caroline, arrived home Sunday from their tour in northern Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, .-u^ ■■ "■'$■■':£:}'$-^';$&*P.: |f Mr. Carl Keith who spends the sum- mer at Big Lake, Wis., was in Kenil- worth for a few days last week, i Be- fore returning to the north woods, he visited at his uncle's farm at Ottowa, 111. ' Mrs. J. A. Culbertson, 220 Melrose avenue; entertained Monday and Tues- day afternoons at Mah-Jongg parties for her sister, Mrs. Hicks of Pasadena. Mrs. Edward D. Parmelee, 310 War- wick road, entertained at a Mah-Jongg party in honor of Mrs. Walter F. Shat- tuck, Wednesday afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Owen and family, 205 Essex road, returned Sunday from Ephraim, Wis., where she had been so- journing for a month. aiMiss-;, Miriam'- -Shattuckl^ last week with Mrs; Hypes, of Glent is the guest -:lllb.-w«^JwVll«|i;AWM Starirett, "of 'VKehiiworth|:K'*« --Jtfrs^rXerry-er ~Mes&se?^?t^CerttXBt avenue, was hostess at luncheon this week to members of her Tuesday Lunch- eon and Bridge club. Dr. Emily Anderson, 827 Linden av- enue, will sail for Europe tomorrow for a two months' sojourn. Miss Alice Carter of Boston, is the guest of Mrs. Frederick O. Ebeling, /26 Ninth street. Mrs. Robert G. Halliwell, 1132 Lake avenue, is entertaining informally at bridge this afternoon. Mr; and Mrs; F. BJ' Mackinnon* 1125 Ashland avenue, and family are guests at Breezy Point Lodge, Pequot, Minn. fenbion!s ffitper Cut Flowers^ for all occasions Phone EVANSTON 632 1712 Sherman Avenue EVANSTON ealoir"1^dayTor^alir^ ian sojourn. She will visit in France, fngland, Ireland, Switzerland and Italy, Eturning to Wtftnette at Christmas time. Mr. Lester Moore, son of M#«^and W^rs. --Wlf S.v;.Moorjeif|53Mi^shington ^yenu^^returne^hon^lasf^ frbhi ppletonl W5s.r %he£e h^ attended Law- ce ycollege.-^./'a"u ;^:^XA^xr" ^i^ enth street, returned early this week II rom an extended visit .with herjather |f|i^Salinar:-Kansas;-:^4{-"*., ., itl^w ......._, . ■-;;■: ■'. --o-- ■■,.:.^ISHl^l' P*f Mr. A, G, Frost, 50» Central Ivemie, ■m as returned from a ten-day business |fip in New York City, JPJiilade' " MEMORIAM sip f;?;4 WARREN MM$&?":< ■%%$:? s;^l||||| '^k'§i§0&0 & £^^0>MSh *fff |1 -.,^?S^ ORIAN A, GALITZ ^"?£:5i!^^lf|®: '•^7,w%i-A-fe Three Photographs for the Price of One As a special get-acquainted of- fer for the month of August, we will give you this reduc- tion in your choice of finishes and sizes. A portrait of the highest quality at just ONE THIRD the regular price. .... ..... .-,. Hoyburn Bid*. EVANSTON Photie Evanston 22J^ ^'-for: sfttmff ^MSMMiMiMMi Wli: Our space is limited. WeJ must make roc4n_for^ our autumn GOWNS--formerly $19.50 to $150.00, now| $13.50 to $85,00 ^ SWEATERS--formerly $5.00 to $30.00, now $2.95 to $15.00^^ # HATS--in three groups :-^:^~:::z::z:zi $1.95 $5,00 $10,^ Many of these hats are from the best importers and range in pice up to 9&Wj^%kj^0 SALE OFSILKSmCKMM BATHING SUITS, LINEN RIDING HAS. ITS, NEGLIGEES, SCARVES, BLOUSES, POLO COATS, CHILDREN^^^ Many real oargains which will be useful for the autumn as well as for the remaining summer months! ! .?. 'i-^^:^'f:'0 ->^K A few strings of exceptionally beautiful Japanesl Pearls, for4n€*4y^$15to $40| wow ' r:ll! Womrath's Lending Library %%i^0z&$i$)0, ■.-- ■M^M&wr^i^. B ¥0& mm :■,&.& 'iJ-l^^k^Sf^^ir^"A *'.■■■ •fi^SMmi^&*ii W1 B---M&Xr: ^i'^^^^^^S^^^^M^KS^M^^^^^ wm

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