Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 10 Aug 1923, p. 10

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THE t ^SHORE NEWS. F--^ AUGUST tQ, 1923 August 16 th IS Day in Evanston all over Town The values in every instance are unusual Don't Forget Is Bonded by the Fidelity and Casualty Company a Nation-wide Institution ? la die five years since the first Nokol was installed, it has grovn from the pioneer in the entirely new field of automatic oil heating for homes to a nation-wide institution. ------- Nokol owes its growth to the satisfac- tory service it has given its owners. It has solved their heating problem anddoneawaywithold-fashionedcoal heating methods. Nokol gives them clean, automatic heat, and they have told their neighbors what Nokol means to them. They have built up a 13 reputation for Nokol that is as envi- 3 able as that of any household device. Terms: 10% down, 24 months to pay balance The Chicago Nokol Co. 215 N. Michigan Ave. Telephone Central 7832 .yt August, Like July, Has Its Quota of * Interesting Brides ST LUKE'S chapel in Evanston will be the scene of an attractive wed- ding tomorrow afternoon when^iiss Mary Bell Job, daughter oT Mr. and Mrs. Frederick W. Job, of 1003 Hinman avettue, Evanston, will become the bride of Mr. Douglas Hawes Saunders, son of Mr. and Mrs. PH. Saunders, 1015 Forest avenue. Rev. Norman B. Hut- ton, of St. ChrysostomTs church, Chi Many north shore women frtjfcny, tea given at the home of !!«, H.. McCulloch (Catherine \lijW Evanston Tuesday afternoon 5t of Mrs. James Pafige, internal known for 'her political, charitym fare work,!With whom she is sp a few days on her way to Mii after attending the international. conference j at Rome earlte|J:V summer. < '"':-^m Mrs. Paige, after her marri^J tended the University of Minnesota! school, of which her husband is j and was subsequently admitted til bar. Her practice has been alt tirely limited to charity work ii _---------The New Nokol Is the Quietest Automatic Oil Heater Made Protect*J by Doble Detroit Patents. Tested and Listed as Standard by Underwriters'Laboratories cago, will read the service at five o clock, various philanthropies m which Miss Virginia Job will be her »»ste«* *' actively interested, especially j» only attendant. Mr. MacClelland King tjon yjth legislation to better t_ will serve the bridegroom as best man ditions of women and children, and the ushers, both fraternity brothers js a member of the Minnesota of Mr. Saunders at the University of legislature, and has been promim | Wisconsin, wilt be Messrs, Harry. Mac- identified with suffrage and Y.|| g§|ii| Cosh and Ronald "Ramsey. Mr. Evans, j woric for raany years. Vm*m assistant to Herbert Hyde and organist at St. Luke's ehurcj* will playthe wed ding march, ^j£^iL--U±-±:-.....-------.............-......^ The bridal gown of white georgette is handsomely embroidered with pearls. In place of the conventional veil Miss Job will wear a Grecian headdress of. pearls and orange blossoms, jand wia carry a shower of -valley lilies and bride's roses. Her sister's frock is gold in color and made of imported crepe. She will wear a headdress of gold lace and carry a large bouquet of Aaron Ward roses. y ^/.<M&^0lW.u 'W& Following the service; thete will be a small reception and dinner at the Evans- ton hotel, for members of the immediate families and close friends of the young couple. Both Mr. Saunders and his bride-elect attended the University of Wisconsin, Mr. Saunders being a member of the Chi Psi fraternity.. . ":?$S-■■■%<&&■& The young couple will motor through I Wisconsin and Michigan for _three^ ~ ^ ^ R Barnett of m(k weeks, and ^ ^ •cago. .^^i-v &,rM!&:': '-^yYY-'ZYm^-'Wm': though:'Miss Groves is spending the mer with her parents at their sii home in Behsenville, 111. Mrs, Frank A. Wilson was hoa at a luncheon party on Thursday at I home, 1118 Central avenue, in || of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Fitrftand who recently sold their property Florida, and are temporarily a small, furnished apartment in „ The FitzRandolphs were formerly, dent$^^yjjfilmettc for many yean. ol interest to many in the viQ children as well as adults, is tf that "Aurit Jennie" Cowan, of ti tral avenue, will celebrate here fifthia&irthday anniversary :,-* Thursday, August 16. On the of her ninetieth birthday, "Aunt, as most everybody knows her best in swimming in Lake Michigan^ "■'": Sep^inber 8 is the date sel Miss Elizabeth Groves for her to Mr. Lawrence Barnett, son of WASHING MACHINES ..^t&tyitomiW!'* m#m»mmi** August 16th is fpii il^^Sf'r-'? KPfi Retail Board The "North Shore Garden Club, Of which Mrs. Julius Rosenwald is presi- dent, will hold its annual flower show at the 4*ake Shore Country club, Glen- coe, Tuesday, August 21, from 2 until 8 o'clock. The net proceeds will be sent to the City Garden associa|iopP<of Chi- cago. ..' -■-..'.■>' VJ". '■ \:;M'-:'r: ■ '- ^^rr^ikjI^L^ , , w„s, A *,„t* *«,.»«... Jhe-^ardens-e^ 20"in lanti" will, be opened to all ™tors^at the New ^ico. garden show, through the courtesy of ^?^ ^^ their owners: Mrs. George Pick, High- fend Park; ^s. Jh^ ^ ^ Lake Forest; Mrs. Chark^.^on^ Mrf ~&J- feelrtstern; M*^™™T®*fx have sailed for home, expecting to and Mrs. Moms Born m Gkncoe^and rJve in Wilmette next Tuesday. 1a Mrs. Louis Kuppenheimer m Hubbar| have enjoyed a two months' soj<wfn| Woodsy,, mzmm "J^tagte Ifa^lM -Europe,: ^^hlwuflcement is made by Mt Mrs. Francis Peabody Butler of netka of the marriage of their Miss Alice Hunter to Thomas mond Wells, son of CoJL of^NewrYork llr. aa|iSfot. Lyman Drake^ Mr. and Mrs. Richard lloyle XJO^ othy Parks) married folk -of^ FREE FREE During August we will continue to give ABSOLUTELY FREE with every APEX washer one of these genuine Sunbeam electric irons. This is the regular 6 pound iron advertised and sold for $7.50. If you have an electric iron we will give instead a $7.50 set of MIRRO aluminum cooking utensils. ._..*,,---- ^^^^Qti^AmmED USERS " i IN COOK CXMJNTY 'ii^f"M !iS#fe ^V^l""^^"' kThe(Original APEX oscillating tub; Built for a lifetime of service. The APEX copper cabinet washing machine is the washer that never disappoints. It is the one machine that has stood up under the most trying tests of time, hard usage, and year after year service. « ^ ^ y ^ Special Terms Hoover Suction Ili^Sweepefll: ISN'T f HIS THE CLEANER YOU WANT? SureljHt^s^becaaseit jstbitprily cleaner that really cleans a rug. That's _ because only THE HOOVER beatS^sJt^w*e©j&^as^it^leaTis=^25^wlH^ place THFE^ HOOVER^UCTIOlrSWEEPER IN YQUR HOME DUR- ING AUGUS15aND THE EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS SOON WIPE OUT THE BALANCE. .. -- L.3iy.'y-^Vy/' Let us demonstrate THE HOO\T|U£ in your home,. ^r::':--ptfM$?Y. ] [llinois Apex Company Sherman Avea Evanston Mi and Mrs. J. Wesley Peterson, are among the yctung Chjcagd; are receiving congrattlati who are deserting theon_j-fa» hirth nf q__«ia4<fftogiy4fanl ^«^^ ,„w„.^ trf^^ieynorth shore foTTAugust 5, at the Evanston Hospiiatl the more rural con^ have been spending the sap where ^ractive^^ being iier with Mrs. Petersons parents, 11 l^t^o meet^tt^ John T. Rosberg, 830 ft f Mr. and Mrs^Franlc^^ M avenue. ana Davis) and Major and Mrs* Reed Landis expect to build there eventually, Jlrs. R. Tencher,Iol 507 Washing! a^so* ,t^ y avenue, and children, are spendmg I ■ ""■o-- ■,,.. y summer at Muskoka Lake in uuii October 20 is the date set for the Recently Martha Tencher recejw^ nuptials of Miss Mary Latham, daugh- silver cup for winning the ladies!,s^j ter ofy&tr. and Mrs. Carl R. Latham ming race at the regatta. Bill :$&4 of Evanston, formerlytoi Wilmette^ and came in first in the men's race.y|| ; Mr!l|Whipple Jacobs of': 'G3tencoe:*;'::"'The'. ■ .--o-- -^ 4 cereinony will be 1^ "Miss Edna Davison, 1441 Forest^ George ^raig SteWa^ nue, left Saturday with her aunt; 1 of the bride's parents, i^ of Oak PatkK *roady Evanston, ^^ at Murray's Inn,pW evening. ' "::^^^...;^;. ..,,-'.. ..Lake, Mich, Mrs. Donald M. Gallie, 1115 Elmwood' ,Mn and Mrs- Walter HannaVlj avenue, will entertain the members of the Eleventh street, have gone to i« Thursday Luncheon and Bridge club at ahawk Lake, Wis., to be the fie Westmoreland Country club on the oc- °* Mr. and Mrs- William C Enf casion of their meeting next week. °^ Kenilworth, for a month Mrs. E. B. Wheelock and her daughS ier;rMiss ^label Wheelock, 830^ Central, avenue, are Spending several weeks viiit- ing in Washington, D. C, and eastern cities. #rs. John Cawkwelt and daugN Shirley, 802 Ashland avenue^ 'J Saturday on a three weeks' w |hrough the Yosemite Valley a«^ liisit in Los Angeles. .,,_„,...., ,.,'iif m ::.§»;* I N The beautifully pan' THE ORRIN&rok are exceptionally wide and will be cov- ered with the finest jtualMg Hartford^ Saxony Carpet in delicate rose, blue ana gold shades. 5 Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Casey daughter, Marguerite, 347 Central emie, plan to motor to the Dells,' week. They expect to leave Wl ||r|y next Monday morning. SMf*:;.and Mrs. C. C. t^afnaiial Central avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. aid Simmons, of the Boulevard " ing, returned Sunday from a two outing at Gull Lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Will C. Braofl, Central avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. E. Renneckar, 935 Elmwood avenue, return Saturday from a fortnight's ing at SquaU Lake, Wis. «| ^illy^folianTTu^ t returned this week from a month Post Lake, Wis. He plans to enter University of Illinois on September with Billy Winslow and Jack Ow There will be the usual number"W: formal dinner parties at Indian Hiu Saturday evening preceding the -damang--;pai^^s^g%^gS^;3 Bin ■211 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Knoop, 221 wick road. Kenilwo^

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