.'SIWSm ..... "■BSS8S83SS3SSS5SESSE •;-%fagi:.;5av^ai^fcfeg^^^^^^faA a ^■-w»!Wjp«|<: Tl»illff^ i A -9JM ' •# ill HfWM&Smm _» bills'»*§ iMjtiiiaii»||»^P ruolic KsOnttaence ITH;^^ %r;;^ our pl^s^f e #^ 'seryg ji gupst list of just the v^y |est p^*^^'""'" Die---people who have displ^e||a most remarkable confidence in the organization behind this delightful place to lii^. in ;»t SIM It is singular--out of the ordinary^ have over cffie hundred peqple pnt |pn4l sign leases on quarters they h^fe ii£verW seen, in a building they have viewed only | from the outside. It is de$d|d^^ f^the^Mghest^n^ that could be offered. ■■'>^P?i&^$P Quality has been the constant watch- word of the builders. To have eyerythii|g the vei^ best, to offer ^ things* to provide new quarters-^ --these are the daily effort oftfie man*;-^c^^ agement i>-^;' "?U.^^^2;^-1';I """"""^^^*'■■;* *:^■'■.. We sincerely respect and pay "^n^^-r^f|^3 »0^^ '*?*$§ uTthfs advertisement to this exceptional } display of public confidence and pledge a home of superlative elegance, rei|nfrnen^ comfort, service and pleasure:jbBj^i^^w^ have leased quarters in The Orringtanu Reservations Should Be Made Now There are still several one, t\yo, three rooiti and larger suites available. A full house, how- ever, is anticipated before opening date, Sep- tember first. THose who wish to enjoy the ft pleasure of new quarters, new furnishing* and the comfort and prestige of living in The Ornng- ton will wisely make their reservations now.^ 'mm mtw®. SlftS pVANSTOT^I^aatf I-LINOIS m§/ M ';itlf ■feffi Isllip l^^nm^-AYf^^op^J^ify, 8:30 a.m. until 9 p. in. 111^^ ^a^^^fcfestan's MostjfeatttaM- Hotel Ready September First f| " "" •■■■-'"'•■■'■■■-■■■........■"■'• '-:^mm^: ■-'"*.*'-.■ 3f¥* '?SS*S*'3P5%i msisilll^^^ i:^ ^fe^;asl ^a^siiy *k?i'KM% Hi mm lit*: K 4ii Si'mii '#mm&> 1--i&-- ^wpS^f i.i*"S ■ ... ~*'-iifi'.~::.;'s:'!il;'iim ^Hi'sJ^^iliayiL ^4;^j#-i*^"^^ s»-^ l^^f^^i^ mm^mm »■ *«^^^^!^«i^sip*gji i^tipjiaiiPiaai^ l»+ft?£l !^JP S^.&1^ ^M-.U: .viu. '■:;;;v.^"^.j|^te^il^T&^^