n miM^g^!^^W^^-WSW^0 CE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 3. 192J sssamssta uv\\\u\\\ .....f=as=aaaafil nnr...... sattfcsssa trict's Records Are Good idence that the Seventh Senatorial ict, in which Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe are located, is ably repre- ;d in the Illinois state legislature, is ained in a letter recently sent to ence S. Pellet, partner of Lyman Drake, Wilmette, of the firm of hell, Miller, Whitney and Barbour one of the leading imura|jee^ejs jal ago, written by S M. Singleton, etary of the Legislative Voters league he State o& Illinois. â- â- %jjt-:-:.i$£&%--/ Representative Named !/;:" â- : - he Seventh Senatorial district is esented in the house by Lewis B. inger, of Wilmette, Howard;-;Pj Cas- of Barrington, and John W| Mc«' hy, of Lemont. t speaking of Mr. Springer and Mr. tie, the two representatives -who are known in this end of the district, Singleton said, "Representative Ilf yard P. Castle, during his third term ^ Springfield, maintained tlie ^viable* Ird that he had previously' made -As chairmaa ol theJiouse judici '"â- "'.i: P^i^'J^"'""" l*:i "â- :'it:WWt^(^ -'^^B^iilti%';ilinSM Jm -tfe8i| 1SH m *« * committee he gave tireless service, the work of that important comtnit- was exceptionally painstaking and ough. By his eft^ectiveness'* in de- and his fearless opposition to un- rable measures Mr. Castle won in- tsed. recognition, as one of the real 'â- lp iers of the Assembly.' '._'*" .h^m Praises. Lew ".Sprmgfre'^â- & Representative Lewis B. Springer, of Hmette, the other Republican member our district, showed unusual apti- j in learning the legislative game e«Eng his first term and made a highly nlitable voting rgcord. .Mr. Spriftger a iioduced a bill, which became a law, fablishing an experimental agricultural gfctfon in Cook county this year under giw I supervision jpf t#| stale university. B act carries ari appropriation of :i,000 for the establishment of this ^cultural station and. its maintenance f the next-twcferyearer^v : - fBoth Mr. Castle and Mr. Springer fed against the governor's $100,000,000 ad bond issue bill; and voted in favor pverriding the governor's unjusti- Je veto of law enforcement items in appropriation ;fpr the arta«iey-gen- iTs office, as w«d^ in fayprvof oyer- Ing the governor's conscienceless veto the Park Civil Service bilL Mr. Singleton â- •_ also speaks a good prd for Representative McCarthy, of anont.......__;___:,3iij£:*....."â- * """~":" """'"" *"" eligious Education To Be August Course at N. U. The fourth annual session of the orthwestern summer school of relig- us education will be conducted by le board of Sunday schools at North- estern university August 20 to 31. he school is one of a series of six ich schools being conducted by the >ard this season in colleges and uni- rsities in various parts of the coun- The range of subjects oflfered is ih- nded to meet the requirements of 11â€"pastors, directors of religious ed~ cation, superintendents and other of- c^V-teachers and especially young eople who look forward to any place f responsibility and leadership in ^e work of the church. Professor orman E. Richardson is dean of the immer school faculty. ?$^g$^d% fmm ::mm h: â- " : 111 ::S$:0-^. f#f^- 'â- g:My y l^-'jft'V.: ftill;r Mm 'â- â- '£l\:: :wSli 'y$0- garden oif a fair evening this fall: a soft invigorating lake breeze; to the south Ghica^o's many lights; to the north, the historic illum- S^- inated clock of XJniver;sity hall and the lighthouse flas^|ngL|eJji^ . •' â- . white* :^%f^^M>?Â¥* â- •'â- â- â- â- :' :mmmMm<m^ Tq the east, the lake sparkling with the silver reflections of a rising harvest moon or the lights of a passing ship. Below, a sea of trees and the glow of Evanston's homes and business center. ^ 4 There is no view in this vicinity more inspiring or more interest- â- X3 -inff than this never to be forgotten view from the roof of The '§'v; G*rington.M^ â- â- ;'â- ' ;-;*ltefitl !E,S room, two private dining rooms and ^^outdborrefreslinieht:Servke::add to the enjoyment of it-all and prom- ^ ^ ise for The Orrington not only the distinction of being, Evanston's tm0v:i ' Si'-- jlp^mo^ sociaI activities as well. :lfif^^ to .for those who make The Or •:;-^|r;ringtpnf:their?^ <&& :;;j5f§fe Reservations for the remaining quarters are being scheduled at the renting office. N. W. owner Davis Street and Hinman Avenue, EvanSr ton, or telephone Evansto£87WlorlnTonnation. : \M - | ^Ht^^'v iiili -•iisit