irfftwJSil mM"»M?mm«ft^rmi- 6 On /Vo THE r oin? gHORE ?fl£WS PREPAY, sttii AUG^^ wM ore Golf Li Tribune Expert Tells of Busy Week at Local Golf drib* BY WALLACE ABBEY North Shore golf foSowers turned dMsr rves on MayfieM Country crab, Cleveland, last week, as several of their somber straggled in the fastest field which Iras â- ever competed for the west- ern amateur title Although the winner, of Edgewater, is not from K H. Barns awS -G- Henneberry,Jffl» Vi*w, « aod 1. R- W. Key** a»* f- » an* 2- K P. Edwards+*j*a K- lW <*3en View, ^t^f*â„¢ Kvmth. *M F. Blossom. lB^, JSi *!nA rw*to--fito» View 2; Indaaa ^T^BOB OXDOt-J. T. }W •â- » F Brawler, fife*****. Meat*a C & ^> firas aa.fiT <^+. 3^^2jpF ^ ar>d 1,. K. J. Oska- and a. ». Ritdue, Sofc *»* i-ink, •defeated »««**£ M«3F*r a»d C. F. Fearase, Jr- 4 and S- iMntsâ€"S&ok**, 2; Bob ©' Laalc 1. T&t&a «ral «f ifae iboj-s ai*o made l3be tonraa- «ent ittteressSag- are.' f Ira Coacm, <of &en View, jcacraed ike 1fri> north shore farthest when w5d> 349 and later efimi- E. F. Carter, former Irish. i|i«jâ€"yW<n -w»e8 known along the shore, 2aad 1- Conch alsoflayed cm tbe 0»- cago district team winch worn the Olyia- |koq>. ' He felt before W~ JBL Qarmwftv of Bralaio, 12 and % bat Gardner was a tough job even for Evans is the final Ed Hart of Indian H21, got away to a good start the first day wife -42-S7-74V ibut failed to ot&Efy, has second day's feotaJ amounting to 163. 257 was the lowest to cjaalify. Dexter Comings Oawentsia^s national intercollegiate champion, made a valiant fight, bat went down before tie mighty Sweeiser, 4 and 5. dabs, James,,. A Dehmcy «i Golf cinb, tramped 25 miles -**.- 86 fey ska*- tarn- ETanston _________ necessary! to finish m the novel 72-feoie-»-day toor sament held &ver ^ie foar conrses « Fiekfc last' Wednesday, De- ia a '341 ior ^he day's work, Eia Eai3aenbash <rf Btaergaie win- jang dK meet ws& 3@§- Afeiaat li© «o»- •_y|w |w^r|ib^_.„^£^.Ael'jew3Bt was So show the possibilities ©f such a scheme. £_:L> SadUUud-M. V. O^Brien tied in -the "'iSfecial 18-faole medal handicap cvemsi Indian Hill last Satorday wida tow gross W 7L Strobel made tir eciarse in SI m-ith a handicap of !#, whik: O'Brien took one more stroke, but had an II advantage. Evanston Conmmmty now boasts a champion in th person of Matt Jans,| who wad^djhrosgh^the..entire. &M ^ii^^f^ mmtaapal golfers last week and won ~~ "* ~ idte championship m Cook Comity Mn- â- pScipjri Goh' association. Jans' final ob stacie was Art Patterson, of Jackson, fftek, bnt the north shore ffiayer posed of 2mn handily in the nnal at JBdteebrx»ak, 5 and 3. Jans shot three; 'par .^JhBBt&^jssMiK -fee final tihirry-aaac, lis; inal card*'Being 36-36~72. FaastTson: mrned in a ^-41-79. Omer f^L ^ Itcbi the Evanston coorse compefctng ie |f jSte meet were E. and A. Meyers, Ck.lL': J-' H- JBacsaied «nd H. Kites ' ;':;f«*ent Gks View members with 6D years or more to the good qaaiined Satnrday for me Matarity enp, T. S. Koyes, 8>->2->83, ^K- lowest *GOffl^ Ajb aSowâ€"S ance ot one ss^3ae~-was~grpen for each year over sixty and E. €~ ;Carter, the ciMest member <sompeting, came in fourth with 97-9-8S. O&er gaaiifiers wife neat scawes were J- J. Charles. 92-7-85; H. B. SSey, S8-1-87; R. A. Kayes, Z&0&-92', W f:.....1>w^ht. S96-7-99; and E. G. Panldinr. 3 35-4-1IX " ^â- tQgtSkt. .same day the FeBowsSrip C*a?| III wseat to C iL I^athsm. wio defeated 2 up K. L, Ames and Wteteer tied in the ckab handicap with 7S-5crath-70 and 77-_7-7k | .Earle Q. -^cifeins gav*. Irtnmlf abe Evanston Comnmmty coarse fey shooting the sncteen^i hole, 345 m wte stroke- Ik shot cleared Brown and W3Bam E. Oanssen, all Staver MoaMing is now in possession of the presadenls trophy at Westmore-i land as the restdt of his victory aver â- K. C Taylor Satm-day "in the final canal John A '-lio^gs&pp, â- ^ayl^oand. The y»Be-president^ ^cap went tej C;" IT. ^nrghart when he defeated J. shore residents, were in ikMim% M. Boggs. C. iL Kaylor won "die weekly cop on S4-13-7I. same Gay with a,| card-sof -184-13-71.. A fine cornered tie 1 Skdfeae members lamed soot en masse j resafeed m; tiie blind tx^ey event. C '|bwt Saturday for the fest round m daelW. ^%%|ey. R. A, WorssaC It C M,c-: s^idia« ^mmier femrnament, an annnal]Kay,.-J-,4C^McEiBief:^'U-'Side'W %fa*_I^B^ sotares Compet^aas was art^'sa*.--^w*": for ime liolaawl^^fQneiii^jr Onondaga and Cayi^a 'feimas. â- 'pi- C Shape .and Warren €!;'â- " Ajpy 'fia- ished a2 seven. Scores in the aw flights f«at«d 3D...'.M- K3mb»rk. 5 im& .»;• -D. "F^i «aiing^ #e«eatHaa -:GL M. Raskin, I je®; ' •p. .aacT^T- -M C at?* ..â- **.> Wiarren CL| â- :;*- »L ^a^e, % ax»a a; -r;.aB8Bait»a -gr-CT'^feTsfatm,"' 1 «mrJ£^! ^*»««^ Jf- •«-. 1»r*-i. *' ^.ai^ £' '"â- ^kmbb,-^**^'1:-^ jSL CL Fmiriteilia, â€" - *!' -^•'â- -s *3i,B 2« 335"^ Faaus% .Bataawl^' ^ .llv-'JL HDwasa, .;-a' aakfl 2; ^ F. s,aBaa -*;.^-. â- â- >-.:â- '*£«* actEeflSMT :i*. 3i»sff5e. ;;'P ^a^-'^'-a44Kr-ahte»a "Weas ife^r -Sefaaat t!*waaa- 3B. ..HT. .H;»m; m. jr. Jf&bam&m wom f-wgr.sBcaaal* :*«jin"â- 'â- £. J'., ^ijjatrt:; Wr "3 .haaaM'.l- •.,; •fcia^oa^. 1 '-op;, *!,. ;fcx3ffir*3bjBJr3ff '^ksfestea'l â- 5fcJ?WlH**!*'*-:*»*i« a*-- ^^E&^'Jffc-- m- a»p(*-:'.#^BB*ee. <a m. â- ^.â- ' '-c^pstam*pss^^ a©- I- .l^a«WBa^;iaeJtep««a';F,.:,afc^ :ca&tt««^ % %'S^ m^^-:;^pa*:-'#«to|;:ii?"' ««B«ste ,fe«mi saL.^juutt«.p£^..attiittt affea*^1 presiaent's cap â- aset^-llll^lB ime liaS^aweenstakes widi S2-#-73.:v:::|Sx*een' "members alao Qualified for ^bs Anjgas -cm? witii cards below '7%,' C' E^lSajlGtt- leading with S4-13-7L A sunset ttarrnament at T^fep Shore -mas-wSB^jf'Mr. aad'Mcs. â- ©* M 'Gasi^" man, ;:44-IS-.34, second 'f^nar*®"" T E ' SaH&;aML3Ix&,.£c-<9ftK3ftBBB. 43-^alj IdtewSi members competed Snsday m &*t first sroands &i the president's and ^i«!e-presiaent"s .tasopiaes wash some good ^matches fea&iring :Hflae.. day* comperition. EtEanslioga GoH;,.:,-c1dI> had a record •week--Cki Wednesday two women, MfH ,,..... A. W*'Dm&*f-& . . .lr«d^>eitaBaM»e«aA^ ^aert^wiy jag ra casds -jA «> ^ILfTSS ^C, ^^ ^^^^Sandar^ Ae course m «, two n^er mens f«£ Perfect scores for women are 5^M Sfee same day J. J. .Gto "* ^2" Hess tied for first m ihe ^^^S:,, Bob Gardner, wteraa ot rna^y taay-fr ments along d»e north shore and captam of the American ^Vall^_f^Jf^^ a new oonrse TBoatd^Xi^aff^S^F' dav when he nccataacd 3ke 1« â- â- °J»j;- â- 32-^-67. Far far the *Lake F-cxreffl: '©aafse as 7%t SCOUTS ON EDGE TMMAKE CAMP Forty Wl Leave Next Week For Oatmg Earl Pronto I^^??^0Srwaii»a S» Howard Wi« fiSlu J& George Kacme, ^«**«» ^T* H^! den Jcunes, Jack Kaafraaa, <*taot 4eB. Presto© ito4 O"*1"*8* and Hasr©ld Asicea. jipiBa *iiSfi Forty Boy. So|ot5 <rf Troop 3.^^?% merte, w^i hawe. &e Mediodist <dxm*& SaQarday. nwrning, Aag, 11, at 8i3§ oclock for an lifting at Camp StanseH on Lake Geneva. That tie forty boys will fee wdH taken care of is attested by She stafi of tnea who i-I administer the camp according to the Scoot law, ^e few «f tiie camp. C. X, Stakes -w3 be d« Scoot master m charge. Under him and helping him in his work wiS be B. X- Cox, cnairman of the troop committee and director of in athletics, swamming and music; and varions troop comaminee members in- cladmg L. E. Matson, John D. Emrich, Br. G»ert: Stans*®,; WHBard Osbome and ojfcers. ^he anost important posi- tion m,.a#â€"^aiat-'^..!CJfaEfâ€"w$M. be...filled by Ira Smafftajg. ..«.,^ . In stating lie pnrpose «£ the and the laws which w3i govern it, Mr. Stokes ..and Mr. C&x,w^0i^:'^i^/.Sa0at law is the law .of Ae caa> Scoat is expected *o W"«ro"',lii honor, and <*e6bent to ^Hfftip^^i Aged Wtoette Worn^iM Dies At Daughter** Home â- Mis. Sofiaa C^»ac«'; ;tfirf,;;at._w' fecme «f &a- daqgliter, Ifa. Dg« Wi» an Monday, Jwiy JOL '^.|A«Mal aâ„¢c*s were add fgoMtr./: her-^iiitlilgy.i..; jp*g- at 2 o'clock Tfairjpday ateaeop jto 9C Peter's E-vatHjeBcal <fepxi». 'wtee «rr- ^pices wrae feeM at ,* *&toxk.M:iBmit: was m I!5osrest..JBfoiae -oeanetary.; ^; Mrs. Ummach was $3 years old at the time of her death. â- She was ifae widow of Charles Ummach. She is sur- vived by ftitrr children, Dora Wi&am- son, data Xyc Annie and Charles E. Lmmacfa. _ m OtanoMle Ca»e« tfcat fail t* to tbe tr«atinent» «cpeciaj|y iled -^^©^'^.JiPar^vwatt./siiLi cro^le to' fce«S(wm« caxoafer' Ha^ctrical li» >fw<H« fcrc ' reoows»«i*«S ia '.&I*ft . _ are, xwerv^oas traaShAem. jw« _ ad^ea^ocm, aleera, abceavaiJ f«ama^ tJWBlttiaa..; i laaia iTnaji J113 Capitol BMs- lESKttafai '""â- â- â- â- ":' aVL .B*artwrn:ia^ttrWJ DRESSES and Sport jA^oarel REDUCED PUCES for July and August Grace Forbes Shop 217 EVANSTON *aa& RAZOR BLADES] Mail a* jo razor blades, tfeem fike _»ef ^rtisfacuoii We win ChawSlers T »VANflTO«| Necessary discipline as it effects tiealth, safety 'and morals wffl'l^enlowaed. JX*o smoking or firearms wiH be permitted rnn the grotrads. and »©^one wtS lie per- mitted to leave the grounds without per- |' .ior SooatS: " merit amSsrjoiL anent*"m. tnne. liere' 'm>&t: le •an raSI '.-'&cBBns£:'"*sf an ^ ^ie inormng g of /taps •evening. Boys, who are planning an making ***? tarip are- B^feert^-'Brn-rc*!?, Waaren '"'Bsav 'axjws, 'SL Cnh^.';W^aW, Idler. Edward adsaoBce~; mstrnctKSi aoa*i!3i5Sit"'v' ,!Tlte , . «>Vak)dk' will end wida the ......Are Ytm m Memibmr? CHICAGO M0TO8 CLUB ;^>^- BtetaMiiilhee l»ft€ " XG.STANT09I fioitii Sbor* H»te*, E, 1-4 Milli** Cm*h l?y aiitto':in5^iraaaqe..^de- partment in ^1^ ^ -1^12 fl i It BEATS... '*•** r of tJhc llucc of ;:;::.Aad:::i^oaV onr of dbc tiave IcMids of wen^c Tke Ouwcr <loes." ,;. HcJifiMB, sad hwtJLpuag i&e west; the Hoswer Memts*.mM r**tps<,*&itsxctwm- Let us iluiw yoa Xhe Hoover' ILUNOIS APEX €OJ g^'«. :lD"?ibe;:"lSiar& "'Sfeot*" SiS l&Hr ^fea:: SMefiaiufid third p2aae r^l8k^,.^te;aiafe . Av, siiB^ wF,.«K:'.-aae::pia|p'iai^.^Bfeg% "yiai^f'? ..S ;â- :?:â- . ^^:^'.T^|K|tt%a&"'a^alaaK^ 0«: vis?-.?W^flfaiia: 'aaa â- . ;-H.'-: €^ ' HB WISH TO. AMB0O1CE . . 1J«t we feaw arrai^ed to ^a^e FMEE PH^I^HEY of. a^J^ere^a^paarti^sBareofc^^fcSca^ 'or.-FAJSCT ICES. WE .wasa: to OaS'^oar"attea!taoB 1T> 1571 A Ave. f^ii BUILDING MATERIAL COMPANY '%*" JBiftfi;:A. !•: W. Trades il itffiifewif :** '^â- â- .a^p gggtM^-a^*^:^ â- -•! - - a«wt' â- " -^'- ' «v*n*ton. defeated â- Jfta*b»;;l«tee^«...:iKBi:;'-' ft -w%. SHOP SKIS MEW LEAKY ROOFS .«EFAflmiG 1124 Phones 2237 and 9140 ;=$|^ 1561 Sberman *mi*m*mmmmâ- ••mm»mmmmmmmmmmwmmmm••m»m+»+mmmm»++9*m*«hmm*+*+++ » i >mwww your neeos are one load or a hundred, we are now in a poa^on_to^ for the iaum Ettotlhketi 1907 T^ealen in AD mMtsrrm wTLMETTE of KENILWORTH WINNETKA .«p3i:rM ^ ii^y^Mliiiis^Mi ispllli i^f^.i