iiWiSil^W^^^f- spgf ,.„.........„„,.. MOVEFOR ROVEDROADS THE tAKE SHORE JrewgTfflttOAY^AtKfe^ Golf Clubs oponsor [ighway Improvement on North Shore • rNS TO CO-OPERATE _ ..;%y,-.. iittee States General and Specific Aims food roads committee consisting: representatives each from five shore golf clubs has been ap- fcd by the presidents of the clubs )-operate with the state atitf officials, and • the officials* ~&i Wilmette, Niles Center, and iView in procuring better roads |e north shore. W:-:^':^S A :Vl £'â- Iton, committee at present intorett^XMU tbfc.. '*& is espe> . __ -â- *.,. -, .â- »•â- - - througfc!|X^Dr\av .the and highways between Wifi- and Rvartston and the Wauke^ ad to the West. They have hajtl nt responses from tneirr ©fltorte lar, they announced this week, f' Aims of Committee '«" *" good roads committee, through committee, will have the Glen |*oad in excellent condition with- ew days, it is reported,^ Demp- treet has also been put 1L first- condition. aims of the committee follow: so co-operate with the state ounty officials, as well as Evans- ilmette, Niles Center and Glen that eventually we expect; » To have Main and Dempster eifs paved with concrete (30 feet with two feet macadam shoul- P| from Ridge avenue, Evanston, to Vaukegan road and Church street the same way from the end of rick pavement Evanston to the egan road. \j To eventually have the Glen- road, from the brick pavement ilmette avenue, ^ilmette, to the ge of Glen View, paved with a 30 concrete pavement and two foot dam shoulder. Until this is done ove the present macadam road. To have artistic concrete 30- bridges over the drainage canal ese highways. Plan for Upkoop To employ V dependable man elp keep these roads in A-l con- nâ€"fill up holes, cut down weeds, r sprinkle where necessary, elimi- all waves and do everything ssary to make these throughfares With Northwestern university athletic stars as officials the Wilmette Beach Day program will be held tomorrow at beach. _Tbe, evenjt,. originally scheduled for last week, was postponed until this ^Saturday in order not to conflict with: the,Sheridan Y^cht c4uh,,Watef Carnival staged last wefikr^ '* ' " > * "* * A full view of the afternoon's races has been assured Wilmette people who will attend the meet. Vernon Franzen, beach master, has been working out the details of the carnival for the last month and has the fine points down to perfect tion. Arrangements are being made to enable the onlookers to get a full view of the races from the lake shore. Get Trained Officials Franzen and the life guards have *| active and safe. Since the break- up up of most pavements is occa- jsjg ed by overloading of trucks, Sher- iff Peter Hoffman has agreed to give $$ ice authority to any man that the ~tj& imittee may engage to assist in thj stopping of these offenses. The Sj| ense of the employment of such ||i| representative and the material Sp essary to keep the roads in good *| air may possibly be divided be- Sifcen the golf clubs represented by committee, the highway commis- ers and the villages through ch the roads pass. The city of nston has agreed to furnish the erial for repairing thestreetsfrom ge avenue to the ci^ty limits. 5. To be of all assistance possible elping the highway commissioners ove all fences now wrongfully ced upon the property belonging the highways between Evanston d Wilmette ori the east and the aukegan road on the west, as is de- flated by the white stakes installed the highway commissioners. ^ "6. To have all telegraph poles on e above highways remQved^fc^ plac- er wires and cables underground. "7. To have ditches on these high- ys filled up. 8. To arrange to have at least two these highways well lighted the tire year.^W >-i>=T\^: â- ';':^-' "9. To create, if possible, bridle ths on one side of_iheL.Gleii--.yiew- ad on the north, and on one side Main street on the south. retaryV and James F. Byrnes, treas- urer. ' Representatives from the Glen View club: Frederick Earle French, chair- man; Frank X, Murray, vice-chair- man. ; - _Westmoreland Golf club: R. G. Mc- Kay, chaihman; George W. Springer, vice-chairman. Evanston Golf club: Martin Kent Northam, chairman; v Charles O. Rundall, vice-chairman. _North Shore Golf club: James F, Byrnes, chairman; A. C. Wenban, Devonshire Golf club: M. B. Riss- man, chairman; Dr. S. M. Edison, vice-chairman. SWIMMERS READY Announce Officials For Wil- mette Beach Program made every effort to obtain the very best officials for the meet. The men whom they have engaged are men who have considerable experience in university athletics of various kinds. Bob Skelton, Northwestern university swimmer, is scheduled to act as starter. Ole Magnu- son, another Northwestern athlete, has been chosen as referee and Vernon Franzen, Wilmette beach master, will do his own announcing. Gold, silver and bronze medals will be given to first, second and third place winners in the various events. Sixteen events are scheduled, and some of them promise to be fun makers. Entries may be made at the time the events are called. v Here Are Events For the boys there will be a 40 yard free style event for those under 12 years of age, and another for boys between 12 and 16. In the latter age is also included a 40 yard free style breast stroke race. For boys over 16 there will be a 100 yard free style race, a 100 yard breast stroke event, and an 80 yard back stroke race. Girls' events are the same as the boys except that a 40 yard free style is sub- stituted for the 100 yard free style race, a 40 yard breast for the 100 yard breast, and a 40 yard back for the 100 yard back stroke event. There will also be a 40 yard free style race for married women and a 100 yard free style event for married men. Special features, such as nail driving and pie eating contests, have been arranged for. The life guards of the beach will also stage a resuscitation exhibition. LETTERS SHOWERED ON WILMFnE BROADCASTER J. E. Stevens, 404 Gregory street, Wil- mette, has been making a great success singing for the Board of Trade broad- casting station from the Drake hotel, station W. D. A. P. - For one evening's work 72 letters were received complimenting him on the quality of his voice. These letters came from Mexico City, Alaska, the Pacific coast, and oneâ€"telling that the program broadcasted on July 5 was unusually fineâ€"was sent from a boat 1,800 miles east of New York. The . reports from Alaska also show that the singing pro- gram came in especially strong in that part of the continent. M:Mm:ii0^^wfr ^ ^. Santa -e*£- *ha Inttnwr. ~'amuZiiiM. liy Mf. Stevens have been written by expert musicians, and one is a testimonial from Samuel R. Gaines, song composer, offer- ing Stevens a copy of his latest song, "tfling Abroad The Sail." Mr. Stevens has also been requested to sing for Victor records and Will probably do so in a short time.- =- â- â- ;^.-^j$&&;$#•â- "M-f*ff^?:"l§'.' Some of his musical education has been taken under the direction of Leon Rothier, Metropolitan opera star and one of the great artists of the day. He ex- pects to go to New York in the im- mediate future to study for five months under >Mr. Rothien • Miss Alice Burchard, "of 1424 Forest avenue, has gone with her guest, Mrs. Vose, of Portland, Maine, to Estes Park, Colo. vipProf. Douglas C. „ Macintosh, of the faculty of Yale Divinity school will be the morning preacher at the Baptist church on Sunday, August 5, at 11 o'clock. „ -Is * ' ?v The Bible school will meet at ten o'clock where provision will be made on the summer- basis for instruction for all grades and ages. ^The Young febple's meetings and the Wednesday evening meetings have been discontinued until the first of September. Memorial Highways - . '10. To suggest to various organi- ttions to plant memorial trees along lese highways. '11. To lessen accidents by having ^op signs properly placed on these >ur roads at intersection with rail- >ads and dither cross-roads. â- . - '12, iTo haveâ€"aâ€"30-foot concrete ine-way road on either side of the [rainage canal from Wilmette to ^awrence avenue thatr traffic: on either Jtreets or highways between Wilmette ind Evanston (Ridge avenue) coming from the west may be diverted at the Irainage canal instead of being >bliged to pass through Evanston; tlso, that all traffic north of Wilmette lay more speedily go 'to and from 'hicago." I Officer* of Committee The officers of this commLtte'l; are, is follow*: Frederick Earle French, :hairman; R. G. McKay, vice-chair^ Lan_;___Martin-Kent Noxtham, secre- jary ^ ^^^4^ssjBan».«^§$ist^n^e,c^f The~-Wilmette: JBaptiat church is^ lo- cated on the corner of Wilmette and Forest avenues, arid welcomes all to its services. iThe pastor, Rev. Francis ~C. Stifler, may be reached at his study during the mornings or by appointment. The church office will be open during the summer except during the period from August 9 to 26, when the secretary will be on her vacation. The office is open - from 4^to-5 daily except Saturdays~and f mm O fn 12 on Saturdays. The church telephone is Wilmette 2235. of meat you are buying and tee if it has Ilia color and the appearance of fresh, tender, juicy, wholesome beefâ€"Don't buy it if it is stringy* dry, dark, and fall of tendons, You get Qual- ity Cuts Here. A FEW HOT WEATHER SPECIALS For Saturday, August 4th: Home-Made Veal Loaf , Heme Cooked Corned Beef, per lb. ..............45c Home-Made Head Cheese ___.........25c Cottage Cheese, none better, direct from the Parkway Dairy Farm, per lb. . .19c Pigs Feet, boneless, pint jars 28c* quart jars 49c We have all kinds of bulk and package cheese. Elgin Creamery Butter and Fresh Country Eggs. Our Cold Meat Selection is worth your inspection. Bulk and Jar Picklesâ€" Relishe*â€"Sar-A-Lee Therei will be the regular services in the Sunday school and church, Sunday, August 5, at 9:30 and 11. TiIS^.IhW.1;^^ university secretary c^f fne^Seheral Board of Education, will occupy the ' O^^Sundayl^ugust 12^!4h#*liev, Alexander McFerran, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, Mt. Pleas- ant, Iowa, will supply the pulpitpl The churcn is located 'cqr^sSkwfh. «t».^. ..jâ€"o.^v«iicnrâ€"avenue. The public is cordially invited to attend Rodney Allen is enjoying a fishing trip in northern Wisconsin. He is stav- ing at. Eagle Wv^^^V^fPS^V^n^MI ,, Mr.' Howard and Mrs. Brown have interchanged the dates of their programs in the church school. An unusually in- teresting account of the pioneer mission- aries ' to the Hawaiian Islands. was pre- sented last.Sunday b^Mra,|,Biwiira,.:'.;On |^M Sunday,-August S, Mr.RJ^i^|0:.^S ,j|^vs, his talk :on Alaska. Sii'â- '.â- ) <'^'^^i'^^^p f .At H o'clock Mr. Stoffer will preach on the "Quest for I4fe.** You a|| dially invited to worship with us^l TANGLEI nviMt tint Iiv« andMnitafyI deftroyor knpw^. CoBtoete i Ifodâ€"dort „ _ ._„ ..,.,.., ins wwiwWNh ootb bofstocan aas , ': fHl <* 4'W. 1HUUOQ. OkAND BAMCfc Mni ' HMMMHMIiMMa WW We at^e taking: tfeis tiiejahs of f onv^mgf to the selling public that their chances oi a qiiiek-sale^r-e^^ listing property us. 3$Ymm nee '3;M mif^ A. 513 Fourth St. /. mgovmMtMEM ~^afn0§H^'M^^MiS^M^ :l^j^^^iPlione Wilmette 130i in^l W0M 1189 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 2779 We deliver in Evanston, Wilmette, Kenilworth, In- dian Hill, Winnetka Our Phone Orders Receive --------CarefuFAttenti Business Men How often buSfiwessl men glance at yoiir 1l; shoes and size youS " Up. L;^i:H %-:^0M You can keep those p shoes looking RIGHTS for a cost so LOWS that you will hard-1 ly notice it. And they will wear longerfftoo. j In our MODERN repair shop the work is done .'right j§ -â€"our real knowledge ol shoe repairing,,and ourK modern machinery insures SUCQESS.^M^^sp#^S KASPAR SHOE STORE Wr- Devoe Points vdolesale^LATliaSWINDOW GLASSâ€"Retail !^* and BaintWorks 1193 Wilmette Ave. Phone WU. 2508 /