20 â„¢v t AK-ff SHORE NEWS. F»™aV AUGUST 3, 1923 GONE 21 DAYS: GO 2,700 MILES EmU Hes« and Party Return from Eastern Tour Emil F. Hess, Byron Smith, Bert O'Connell and Mrs William OConnell of Wilmette, and Miss Genevieve Scanlan of Chicago, returned last week from a 2700-mile automobile tour through the eastern section of the United States. DODGE BROTHERS EXPECT 1923 TO BREAK RECORDS Since January 1st, Dodge Brothers dealers have consistently broken all previous records for delivery of cars to customers. Since April 1st, de- liveries to customers have averaged more than 5000 cars per week. This is without taking into account sales in foreign countries. Materially in- creased production in 1923 has made this performance possible. For the first quarter in 1923 retail deliveries to customers were in ex- cess of any quarter in the history of the businessâ€"even including the peak periods of 1919-1920. Following this, delivery figures for each week m April exceeded the totals of the pre- ceding weekâ€"each week creating a new high record. May maintained the pace established in April. The constantly climbing delivery records, coupled with increasing pro- duction, lead Dodge Brothers to be- lieve that the last six months of 1923, added to the record breaking first six months, will total by far the great- est year in the history of their busi- ness. Winnetka Man Gets Prizes for Being Best Salesman h. A. James, 752 Sunset road, Win- netka, a salesman with the Cadillac Motor Car Company xrt Evanston, won a $150 gold watch for having the largest number of sales ism tftiewmonth of July of all the Cadillac-salesmen in the entire country. ^S|;ess^fi^ wife also presented him with a Jstana some baby as an extra premium fo Bis energies. * They'itiMe the trip in 21 days J deliveries for April exceed any pre- Driving a Jordan car the party left $ mQnth of the first quarter and Wilmette in the first week m July, lne first part of the journey led through Indianapolis, Unionstown, Penn., and Wheeling, West Virginia. The trail ended at Washington. Stay Four Day* At the nation's capital the party stayed four days visiting all the govern- ment buildings. Under the guidance of a governmental official the Wilmette group was accorded special privileges. Side trips and excursions were made to the Unknown Soldier's grave at Ar- lington and to Washington's old home at Mt. Vernon. From Washington the Jordan was driven to Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York. At the largest city in the country the party made a four-day hah, tripping up and down among Broadway's lights. Niagara was the next stop of interest to the Wilmette travelers. From Niagara the tourists set out for the re- turn journey, making the trip by way of Buffalo, Cleveland and Toledo. Hess reports that the trip was made at a moderate speed and without a bit of car trouble. As a helpful hint to others who may be planning a similar trip he advises the use of some low test gasoline, such as Good Gulf gas, Jn climbing the mountains. High test ~gasoTftrer fee-say*, *»fitt -not develop -power in the rarified atmosphere at the moun- tain tops. He further cautions motor- ists not to use their foot brakes in mak- ing steep and long descents, as it not only wears out the brake but actually fires the brake lining. The correct way to hold back the car is to put it into second and to turn off the ignition, us- ing the foot brake only as a snubber. Auto Painting That Can't Be Beat ROBERT W. McINTYRE HIGH GRADE PAINTING Re.r of Wilmette State Bank Plume Wilmette 684 High Grade Auto Tops and Seat Covers TRAVELING BAGS AND ALL LEATHER GOODS REPAIRED CHARLES R. PETERSEN Rear of State Bank Telephone Wilmette 1686 f„M»»»»»jjWJu»MmMiim ' i i I ii I """ 5 isnii Phone Wilmette 2600 721 Main St., WUmette, DL MOTORS SERVICE, he Everything for the Automobile TOURING? If so you will probably strike some hills. If you cannot get^pjhen^hansbail^^ control the car^properly going down, something serious may happen. Let us look over your brakes and reline them if necessary._ We use_ only genuine ^ ^ ^iz PEERLESS BRAKE LINING Such a Job will cost from $14.00 to $18.00 J. C. Slown â- -A? B. Van Deusen You Can Own Car Our assortment of used cars, all guaranteed and ranging in price from $200.00 up, gives you a variety in selection greater than ever before of- fered in the history of Used Car sales on the North Shore. WE INVITE YOU TO COME AND INSPECT. YOU MAY FINDJUSTWHAT YOU WANT Evening* Until 10 Buy Your Used Care in Evanston m* lil :1S! from -^ ' Used Car Departmentâ€"Shermaeii Ave. and Grove St* Evanston Branchâ€"1019 Davis Street For Information Call Evanston 578 or Sunnyside 3220 s . ________________;______________________ â- Cylinder and Piston Our shop is now equipped with the same machinery used by 90% of motor car factories in finishing their cylin- ders, including Rolls-Royce, Stutz, Packard, Lincoln, Winton, ||§rmon, , Duesenburg,' etc.^^-^ T-lSSMSMM. We Repair Flywheel Starter Gears v *N emotive cf^S&MR?hmsJShopf â- iim w: m aâ„¢; : KENILWORTH. % Mocks North of ^^ ^mm' €V & tf. VT. Station. ..„„..«............ :^t0££Ms3js^3^