Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Aug 1923, p. 12

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12 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS FKTDAY, AUGUST 3, 1923 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ,*, ___.» %r^s.x„^ Classified advertisements will be charged General PlOtiCeSâ€"* only to persons living In the district from Evanston to Olencoe inclusive, whose names appear in the tele- phone directory, or to persons who are regular subscribers to either The Lake Shore New* Wlnnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. â- n . 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all KateS-----three papers, Minimum charge 3 lines. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. M This size type charged as 2 lines. This size type charged as 3 lines. This size type charged as 4 lines. r* j?. x ~ T-.~*~+:**m~ Classified advertisements will be. Deadline JOT insertions----accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for The Lake Shore News or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Wlnnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock il^Ufc" mengoe News. Telephones WILMETTE 1920-1921 or REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATES EoMo J®IhiMtoirji <§bC®c ©if s>pg©: ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM FRAME IN good-section, hot water heat, large glassed sleeping porch and open liv- ing porch. Lot 50 by 175. Price $10,500. Modern 6 room stucco convenient to both "Li" and Steam; glassed sun room; lot 50x150 beautifully land- scaped. Splendid value at $14,000. Almost new 6 room brick in very finest section; glassed sun parlor with tiled floor, breakfast room, ex- tra lavatory and toilet on 1st floor; tiled bath with shower and 3 fine bed rooms on 2nd floor. Landscaped lot with garage and drive. Price, $25,000. Modern and attractive 8 room stuc- co in best north east location; hot water heat, vacuum system, 2 baths, 3 large porches, 60 foot lot, garage. Splendid offering at $25,000. We offer a 45 foot corner, 2 blocks east of the "L" at $100 per foot; a fine 50 foot lot on Central Ave., 3 blocks west of the steam station; all improvements in and paid in full. See us for these and other bargains in vacant property. 340 Linden Ave. PH. Wil. 68 and 444 L40-ltc EMra®ma AN EXCEPTIONALLY BEAUTIFUL home in one of the finest and most exclusive N. E. section.. Red Br. Eng. Col. 11 rooms: 5 B. r., 2'baths on 2nd; • 2 maids, 1 bath on 3rd; sun par., sip. pen.; bkf. rm. and scr. pch.; h. w. ht Many spl. features, such as Frigi daire; gas clothes dryer, elec. wsh. mach. and ironer; 2 car. Br. gar. with gas storage tank and service pump. Heavily wooded and well landscaped grounds. 100x240; $55,000. Shown by appt. only HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. 556 Center St. Wlnnetka 254. Open Sunday Afternoons. LTG40-ltc FOR SALEâ€"NEW SIX ROOM FRAME Colonial, glazed and heated sun and slpg. porches; dressing room, bath with built-in tub' and shower; Ice- box and other built-in features; st. ht., large attic; corner lot 75x185; east of tracks; 4 blocks to Hubbard Woods station; $19,500â€"$6,500 will handle. Gilbert D. Johnson & Brother Glencoe office, 352 Park Ave. Wlnnetka office, 564 Lincoln Ave. LTG40-lte REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE .~dfl rauE We are offering for immediate sale on a CO-OPERATIVE basis, 4500 feet of restricted property frontage on Lake Avenue, west of Ridge. See the property and whether you are "HOME-SEEKER," "BUILD- ER," or "INVESTOR," you will find this decidedly the best buy on the North Shore. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SEE SCHAEFER <& GOLEACH 909 Ridge Avenue - PHONE WILMETTE 364 SALESMAN ON THE GROUNDS ON SUNDAY REAL ESTATE ID® Yma Waist a <b Mum Jiknia SHE WILL HELP YOU FIND THE one you really want; not the one some one else thinks you should want. Phone Wilmette 215, or call at her new location, 1126 Central Ave., 2nd Floor. L40-ltc REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE BY OWNERLBAV- ing town, new modern 5 room red ?reK8«S?d br»!cK b«n§:alo.w, $9,500, only $2,500 cash down. Hot water heat, 5 rooms and sleeping porch. Bier lot, driveway, all improvements in. possession in 3 days. Furniture ^SWn*nV- Se« owner Sundays at 1739 Washington Ave. Wilmette, Illinois- LTG39-2tc REAL ESTATE „tlTn „ FOR SALE FIVE ROOM SOLID BRICK BTJN- galow, less than year old; tile bath, rlf5?in&?A£ch' hsW' heat! lot 40x160! Cash $2,500; price $9,500. Phone Wilmette 1304. L40-ltc REAL ESTATE ®mm, (Bmmmt The Haviland Realty Co. (formerly located at 743 Elm Street) wish to announce~ the" "^«riin^of"'thdr~NEW OFFICE (next door west) at 747 Elm Street, Winnetka.* 747 Elm Street, Winnetka Phone Winnetka 577 J-RM. HOUSE; LGE. 8UN AND SLP. m penes; hot water ht.; garage: fruit g( tree* and perennial garden; I blka. to IS la^e^^^rans. ^Priced for quick iff ^ lll^ll^lLJSt^ -â- &&&&&&<$$â- ' "â- â- â- â- â-  **L" rWiTmette 2794 \ L40-ltc WILMETTE 7 B,RO?M STUCCO, 4 BEDROOMS wate,rnh^P0^ lap«« ' •»«? parto?! «w£ i0*.*- «â- **«•. Pretty lot; 2 blka 336 Linden Ave. w,;, ,,A Business Bn IPo. Wilmette 308. »ut on f* BEAUTIFUL. 6 R. HOUSE LOCATED at 327 Oak Circle. Sun parlor, steam heat, instantaneous water heater, one ear garage. Must be seen to be appreciated. See us about price and terms. We have two new brick homes on Linden Ave,, which will be ready for occupancy soon. Both very modern. One is $18,000, while the other is $23,000. Owner very anxious to sell beauti- ful 6 R. home on 16th St. One of the longest lots on the North Shore, approximately Vz acre. 200 currants and gooseberries. 250 peonies, many other shrubs and trees. Price $12,000. Make offer. 7 R. house on Elmwood Ave. H. w. heat (Newport Boiler). Requires only $2,000 cash. Price $9,500. Beautiful Brick Colonial on Ash- land Ave., 7 rooms and 2 baths on second floor. Lot 75x178, 2 car gar- age. $35,000. Have you seen the new subdivision at 17th St. and Wilmette Ave. Not many left, better get one before they are all gone. Lots will never be any- cheaper in this town. A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE BY OWNER LEAV- ing town, new, modern 5 room red pressed brick bungalow, $9,500, only $2,500 cash down. Hot water heat. 5 rooms and sleeping porch. Big lot, driveway. All improvements in Possession in 3 days. Furniture thrown in. See owner Sundays at 1739 Washington Ave. Wilmette, Illinois. LTG39-2tc FOR RENTâ€"FLAT FOR RENTâ€"LIVING, DINING, BED- room, kitchen and bath, one block from depot, September 1. Tel. Wil. 158 ___________ L40-ltc FOR RENTâ€"APARTMENT FOR RENTâ€"3 ROOM APARTMENT; furnished or unfurnished^, stove heat; adults; $20 a month; 716 Ridge Ave., near Washington Ave., Wilmette. _____________________ LT40-lte FOR RENTâ€"FURN. APARTMENT 1157 Wilmette Ave. lei. Wil. 640 L40-ltc FOR RENT â€" FURNISHED 4-ROOM apartment on north side, walking distance from loop; $90 a month; available immediately; lease expires Sent 30. Tel. Wil. 105. LTG40-ltc FOR SALE â€" WILMETTE â€" 7 RM. home in choicest West side section, extra large liv. rm., all sunny rms., garage, wonderful lot with finest Elm trees. Priced very low, $11,500. Special bargain is offered in 6 rm. stucco, 3 bed rms., beautiful sun parlor, dining pch., garage; east side 3 blocks to "L". Owner must sell now, and has reduced price to $12,500. Owner leaving has just listed with us a substantial and artistic 7 rm. stucco, built 3 years, in excellent state of repair, liv. rm. 15x25, sun room, sleep, pch., h. w. heat, fine heavily wooded lot, east side, 4 blocks to steam station. A real buy for $14,500. omit (G@©re@ ®o End "L" 410 Linden Ph. Wil. 407-408 L40-ltc WAJfTJBD TO RENTâ€"HOUSE WANTED TO RENTâ€"OCT. 1. DE- sirable house. Must have three bed- rooms and be conveniently located. Tel. Wilmette 2090. LTG40-itp WANTED^SMALL HOUSE OR BUN- galow by Oct. 1st one or two year lease. Tel. Wilmette 2475. <â-  L39-tfc FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS P?Rn5fi?rTLOV?LY LARGE FRONT â„¢?,m' .9t location; east side. Tel. Wilmette 1940. L40-ltc C°hUm?RIABiLB^Rf?OM IN MODERN nome, small family, no other room- ers; board optional; near schooTs. Reasonable. Wilmette 874-M LTG40-ltc Wo H@me Btuiytsir* WE HAVE NUMBERS OF GOOD homes for sale at attractive prices __:â€"small ones as low as $8,000, others from $12,500 up. If vou are contemplating the purchase of a home for fall occupancy or sooner you should get in touch with us at once and see the properties we have listed. There will be no ob- ligation on your part and you might find that we have just what you are looking for. DON'T WAITâ€"RIGHT NOW IS NONE TOO SOON. , See or phone us at once E. E. Stults Realty Co. 790 Elm St. Winnetka LituGE LIG,HT, BURNISHED ROOMS-' w-L sJation: 164 Woodland Ave Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1543. _______________________ ________LTG40-ltc FOR RENTâ€"WILL SHARE MY FIVE $Snm £Wsalow uw,^h younS couple; $50, half gas. half light. Address Lake Shore News, A-245. ' _____________ LT40-ltp FOR RENT â€" PLEASANT FRONT room with or without board, for a wii fi„!.n a P,ivate family. Tel. Wl1- 1134- , LT40-ltc °Eh?atRAh^ HOTEL-ROOMS; STEAM wn i^0-nan<l«£old run- water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St., Wilmette! LT32-tfc Ph. 1800 LTG40-ltc ^ CHARLES H. BRETHOLD FIRE, LIABILITY, THEFT AND AUTO INSURANCE First and Second Mortgage Leases REAL ESTATE 545 Main Street Wilmette, 111. Telephone 65 LTG20-tfc FOR SALEâ€"BY OWNERâ€"NEW MOD- „ .ern^ColonialrTrtx"ttrgr^fwmirWn" h^rl<?r*Mndv.sllepin8r Porch; hot water and linen closet; hall leads into all rooms and basement. Lot 50x198; &«htJ2i5'S£0; iern28- a blo<* North Hubbard Woods station. Tel. Winn. 1119' LTG40-ltc Upholstering, Draperies, ft fssew [&ft<Mifl<2 Tempi® is especially planned to pro- vide modern rooms suitable for lectures, meetings, en- tertainments, dances^ etc. for r*tes and available dates see the chairman of the Temple House Commit- tee. - ..... --,-r-n*^;--,-;;;.; Dr." f: E. Fonrli Phone 1211 WINNB^KA gMev^gan^gc^v »FOR RENTâ€"COOL COMFORTABLE room, east side home; convenient cafes and transportation. Tel. W11 S44'J- L40-ltc FOR RENT - TWO FURNISHED ""' LT40-ltt. irngâ„¢prfvatebfflemfn^ U^h,t *°JMekeep- WANTEDâ€"WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST mg, private family. Tel. Wil. 821-R. with children, may eo home nights; L40-ltc FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED RMS ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel mi i«u near all train,. ^ WiV,^& ~WAjyTBiTiHriii^^ROOM8------- W£2H? *2 *â„¢* - FOR 14EL JPAPE Painting: and Decorating 1632 Central Ave;| | Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2934 PmqI Kinuigeir i . Builder of : . ^ Stone Gateways ? | Fountains and Garden Furniture in... Stone rj4 Wisconsin Flag Stone I New York Blue Stone Phone Winnetka 1530 730 Center Street, Winnetka INDUSTRIOUS YOUNG MAN WISHES position as chauffeur in private fam- ily. References. Tel. Evanston 1711 after 6 P. M. LTG40-ltp WANTED â€"r EXPERIENCED ft4J?- dener, houseman, caretaker, w\»\fei work by the day. Tel. Wil. 2753. ? ____________________ \ L40-ltp HELP WWIKOâ€"FKMAIJB WANTED â€" TRUSTWORTHY YOUNQ girl to assist with housework and car© of two small children. Experi* ence hot necessary. Excellent- op* portunity for a grirl who desires to learn the principles of the art of housekeeping and care of children Good pay. Apply in person at 15$ Maple Ave., Wilmette. L40-HC WANTEDâ€"GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; may go home night* Tel. Wilmette 1198. 1049 Chestnut Ave., Wilmette. LTG40-1W WANTEDâ€"GIRL TO DO COOKING and to take care of first floor, frori Aug. 6 to Sept. 3; $18. Tel. Win- netka 680. LTG40-ltC WANTBD-GEN'L MAID; PLAIN cooking; fond of children; no up- stairs work; $18.00. Tel Wilmette 1422. LT40-ltc. with children, may go home nights; _________________303 Fairview Ave., Winnetka. Tel. ctntral' Sv'e. TelS°wi>lIe:i1.«SPly 823 EXPERIENCED MAID FORJ3ENEB. "'• w"' 1068. al housework: teood cook: Mrs. T. J. al housework; good cook; Mrs. *• - Tubbs, 1350 Greenwood Ave. Tel. Wilmette 2338 LTG40-«c ann ?J\ed house between Evanston New8GA2^°e- Addre«s Lake Shore jyews. A235. LTG39-2tc rrUAT&M^ WASTE1WMALB WANTED â€" MAID (WHITE PRB^ ferred) for general hawk.; f<fl»»- adults in family; no washing. Te». Glencoe 974. LTG40-ltC months or year, beginnTnJ^ti i2_ I^i^4^^HiiKa,Hfg^ll l^^^^^^^o^ws^S^ children; HO.^Tet wnmette 1422. L40-U0 Interior Decorator Formerly xvith Mand el Bros. *1^F°UrthStreet' Wilmettel . 1 ^Pfeone Wamette 2228 WANTEDâ€"GIRL OR WOMAN TO Ji& sist with housework; good home. Tel. Winn. 1428._________ LT40-lt% WANTED â€" GIRL FOR GENERAf Tiswk.; good cook; good wages. TeL Wil. 1341. LTG40-ltt SITUATION WAKTEPâ€"FEMAtE Dramatic Reading ?0:^&* and .,;â-  Oral Ext)reyi}on Sf^f '.ffSSSSS; ^Priva^1^ ning. Aug. 6-31 Day or eye- ,Mh^-V^ W^: M^-m W:&-:;<> W40-ltC.' -College Preparation In |f .... â-  French :;"':i â- $â-  BY TEACHER OF EXP. IN EUROf pean. and American schools, senior and junior girls. Special attention .given to backward students. Com versational French by appointment Terms on application. Miss F. Beryl Speck, 228 Green Bay Rd„ Hubbar* Woods. Phone Glencoe 855;-------r ,. â€"--.â€"------.....â€"-............-"â- -.....â€"â€"â€"1DTGT0-|^ SUMMER TUTORING JN GRAMMA^ high school or college entrance sub- jects, by member Chicago Latin School^ faculty; Katharine Beard, Winnetka 632-J. ; LTG40-ltp MI£RhF* AGED WOMAN (WHITE),, married, m husband, employed. -want»^ steady place as cook; general housed iT-0i?; whe»:e self and husband can Z??f TO+om together; best reference*; ?S222,rat^ 2K*«»*--Addre«w Lake Shore News, A-229. LTG40-ltp ESSE^E!^CEI> PRACTICAL NtTRSB w^i ^â€"Chautauqua School of ~5fS8ln5 w»l.take work by the hour. ^mâ€"street. Telephone vrinnetka

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