Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 3 Aug 1923, p. 10

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Sale Starts Wednesday August 1st â- â- m Qiji5Ailiy: Sale Lasts ;;V;:':But"'t.|?;i 10 Days oMD>|ug| Featuring quality merchandiseat enormous teviilS I t I I I I L. Free with every 50c Purchase A small size jar of Kraut's Lemon Cleans- ing Cream. The cleansmg and ^Beautifying power of this cream is wonderful and we feel that the expense we are undergoing will be worth while if we can introduce to you this fine cream. Dental Needs 50c Pepsodent Tooth Paste, 34c 50c Saveall Tooth Paste, 35c ... Colgate's Tooth Powder....... 37c Reg.SOc ....3 for $1.00 ... .3 for $1.00 -----15 and 25c SOAPS Jap Rose, 7c ...... .doz., 80c Cuticura Soap, 17c -3 for 56c Colgate's Big Bath, 9c, .................doz., 89c Auditorium Path, 9c, doz., 89c Jergen Violet Glycerine, 9c _„ „ ..................doz., 89c Woodbury's Facial Soap, 19c......_____.3 for 56c Colgate's Coleo, 9c...................doz., 89c Allround Bath, 9c ___ ............doz., 89c 4711 White Rose Glycerine, 21c ..____.3 for 59c Tir Shampoo Soap; Ber. -TV H HwP^ozTfOT" Sayman Soap, 10c.................... .dozf, $1.10 Bocabella Castile Soap, bar _______......$1.49 MENNEN'S Shaving Cream 39* Reg. 50c Tube PALMOLIVE Shaving Cream 75cKRANK'S m Lather Cream 69c $1 Gillette Blades ...___ 50c Gem Jr. Blades ...----- $1.25 Pinaud Lilas Vegetol 1 pt, Witch Hazel........ Colgate's Shaving Soap, 7c. ........69c --------...39c ........98c ........35c TTir.4-for^5c- Moth Preparations Genuine White Tar MOTH PROOF BAGS Suit Size . . . Overcoat Size Ulster Size .. ....90c ..$1.10 . $1.25 Enoz Moth Liquid P£79c Qt. $1.15 Sprayer 50c ^lyosa»y-:3 .:.i*^*.^..... ?...,â- .<,£...'.69c Hair and Shampoo Needs __ Cocoanut Oil Shampoo Reg* f 1.00 Size Only ^g^ $1.50 Pinaud Eau de Quinine... .-----$1.19 $1.00 Krank's Lemon Shampoo ..........------89c $1.50 Van Ess Dandruff or Scalp.......___$1.19 $5.00 Zip Depilatory .. . ... .$3.99 50c Neet....................................39c Icy-Hot or Thermos A pint size vacuum bottle of the very best quality. Just the thing to take on your picnic S $2.00 value only Ei.fL28prv; Toilet Papers |A. P. W., 4 rolls to carton, 10,000 sheets i. .$1.75 ICross Cut, 1,000 sheets, 14c**V.........doz., $1.59 SBurley-Crepe, 14c ... • V- •.. •.....doz., $1.59 Crusader, 2,000 sheets, 23c, .......... .doz.JP.50 Northern Tissue â- â€¢,**„..,... .••••••?•â-  •••>•• • • • • • •?«£ FlTEE Perfume with every 50c purchase of Twi- light Toilet Requisites. Twilight Bouquet Powder ..'.Tfi-.T.-.v.50c TwiHght Rouge.............. .... .SQc Twilight Cold Cream....... ..... 50c Twilight Vanishing Cream ...... .....50c Twilight Bouquet Toilet Water .......50c Face Powders and Talcums Piver's $1.00 size AzureaorLeTrefle „_-__ Face Powder only 79c 50c Derma Viva Liquid Face Powder 75c Three Flower Face Powdei.. $1 Colgate Compact Face Powder . 50c Djer Kiss Facs Powder special 39c 25c Mavia Talcum Powder. $1 Lionel Compacts........ $1.50 Double Compacts ----- 50c Dorin 1249 Rouge . La May Talcum,-19c A very soothing and healing talcum fragrantly scented. A summer necessity. 60c La May Face Powder, only 49c and Lotions $1.00 Size Lemon Facialax 79c A three-treatment cream that cleanses, nourishes and whitens the skin. Very special at 79c. 60c Size Creme Elcaya ....... .........49c 50c D. & R. Cream .........................39c Melba Fleurs Cream.......................75c 60c Pond's Vanishing or Cold Cream .......49c $1.00 Ingram's Milkweed Cream ...... .....69c 50c Blue Beauty Cold or Vanishing Cream.....42c 50c Jergen's Benzoin and Almond Lotion.....35c $1.25 Hind's Honey and Almond Cream .....79c Boncilla Preparations $1.00 Beautifier Clay 7. .7;. •.. ~^^^-^^.79c 75c Cold Cream or Vanishing Cream........59c 75c Face Powder...........................59c 50c Package O' Beauty • •. ... .42c Miscellaneous Needs 7 at Big Savings $1.00 Nujdr:t. :t.-~................• •.. . •. 69c $3.75 Horlick Hqsp. Size Malted Milk-----$2.89 $1.25 Sal Hepatica • •..... ...........• • • •.. 79c $1.00 Lysol ..;............................. -79c $1.20 Resinol Ointment ***^«^L--F^«Jfe $3.25 Mead's Dextri Maltose...... .......$2.69 50c Phillip's Milk of Magnesia • • • • •......• • -39c 40c FletcnerV Castoria .1C ViTTwi^ :w.... .29c 59c Hospital Roll Cotton ...........-----____ 39c $1.00 American White Mineral Oil...........75c 25c Parke Davis Hydrogen Peroxide........15c $1.10 S. S. S. Blood Medicine.......:......79c Sea Salt for the bath, large bag...............29c Boric Acid Powder or Crystal, 1 lb. t|| 39c Epsom Salts, 5 lb. bags..................1..25c Elixir Iron Quinine ft Strychine, pt.........$1.00 Tincture Iodine, 2 oz. bot,...... • • Eff. Solution Magnesia Citrate..... Pure Glycerine, 1 pt. bot ........ Paramne for sealing fruit jars, lb. 65c Cutex Cuticule Remover. 60c Melba Petite Manicure Sets.. 50c â- Glazo......................... $1.50 Knickerbocker Bath Sprays... 50c 4711 Bath Salt....,-• •......... 50c Bathsweet .......*............- 60c Amani Bath Powder.... i i.. . With Every Purchase of 3-10c Bars Peets Creme Oil Soap~-l Bar FREE MiwiiBiMi&» Hi Announce Marriage of Miss Eloise Bedlan to "â- ?â-  Alman Brooks Wilder :â- >â-  â-  â-  â-  . MR. and Mrs. Frank A. Bedlan, 1139 Sunnyside avenue, Chicago, until recently residents of Wilmette, announce the marriage of their daughter, Eloise, to Mr. Almon Brooks Wilder, on Saturday, July 21, at Leland, Mich. Mrs. Wilder has achieved many honors in the musical world as a pianist, and has appeared on inany club and social programs in concert during the past two The marriage of Miss Emily Knudsen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Knud- sen, ol 424 Prairie avenue, and Lester W. Poklen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Poklen, of Evanston, was solemnized Sunday afternoon, July 22, at three o'clock in St. John's Lutheran church, the Rev. Herman W. Meyer officiating. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a white georgette and shadow lace gown. Her veil, which R*I*. 8i3i fil Photo by Wilhite MRS. LESTER W. POKLEN The marriage of Miss Margaret Ww^ er, daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. James Dower of Rochester, NeW York, to Alexander E. Grate of: 405 Prairie ave- nue, was solemnized on Thursday morn- ing, July 12, in the Church of the Bless- ed Sacrament, the Rev. Father Leo V. Smith, pastor of the Church of the Immaculate Conception of Rochester, performing the ceremony. Rev. Thomas F. Connors and Rev. William E. Hayes were in the sanctuary. The bride's gown was of pink georgette and lace with a picture hat to match, and she carried a shower bonquet of bride's roses and lilies of the vallev^-Shf was atti>nr»Pri Ky hrr sistfr. Mm-liaiy jfrunci, who wOTCWue georgette with hat to match and carried pmk f roses* The bridegroom's brother, Charles J. Grate, was best man. The ushers were D. P. Griffeth and Ja»e» Dower, the latter a brother of the bride, and both of Rochester. The wedding breakfast was served at the Hotel Rochester, covers being laid for fifteen guests. Mr., and Mrs. Grate went to the mountains for their honeymoon. Numerous luncheons, showers:;/and:-en-:'W tertainments were given in honor of the TA couple previous to the ceremony. After M October 1, Mr. and Mrs. Grate will be i I at *home in .Wilmette. ^:A!0Ai:M$ Organization work is ^well."'under""^ray"^ for the Christmas Toy Carnival which fi will be held December 8th at the Evans- iS ton Woman's club under the auspices of & ? the North Shore alumnae of the Na- II tional Kindergarten and Elementary Col- €| lege. 'â- :-. â-  \'\:\ ---^jM. Summer meetings are held each Tues--W day with Miss Anna F. Murray, 1312 H .Church ...street, Evanstoni^^r;^^'^&v^^ Mrs.^Fred Kingore, 1^16 Livingston III street, Evanston, is chairman of the Doll II department, with Miss Caroline Harris, IS! of Kenilworth, as co-chairman. Among III those assisting Mrs. Kingore ar« Miss 1iS Louise Grey, Miss Louise Webster* and 111 Miss Margaret Blunt, ofJ»,,ra"cf'w. Mkn .#'^ ©aisy Harpotar oTXotuwotSv and Mrs. II •Fred Porteir; â- . of .:l..Ravmia.i;^41i||pMftl-iI Ravinia Park, on Thursday, August &Kt will include the following program://i If rSi 1. Interpretation of Orchestra Num^l * ^i^rrrT^MTraTid^frs. Max Obe^nd^feT|p 2. Chicago Symphony Orchestra Overture "Obertori"... Von Weber:^i Andante "Surprise" Symphony ff^^ili « .:'â- :•£>â- - v• *â- â€¢â- â€¢â- '• **«:«*>.^.iSlS Bridal Song) ttA w X ^» j e® Serenade J ,,'A J^^J^Mim .â- -.;•â- â€¢ â- > : ^'ding- '>:. .GoImnark;;?!|| Marche Slave ......... Tschaikowsky i?i 3. Dances presented by pupils f^rohiilil Marie Landry School of Dancmg^|ij John Gilnuuf^and' :'his^'"Iamei^s!S*re;iM house-guests of..Mr. and;Islrs:':'H'i>;^is^'teP sell Smith, 430 Eighth street, several&Ji days recently, having left the latter part SI of last week to motor back to their home just outside of Boston. ;. Miss Marion Tilt, 615 Laurel avenue; ?1d and her cousin, Miss Virginia Little, of fc§ Kemlworth, are-returning this week-end -# from an extended visit with their for- 11= mer roommates in New York city and H in eastern Pennsylvania. was of shadow lace, was fashioned high with a wreath of lilies of the valley. She carried a shower bouquet of white roses and lilies of the valley. Miss Mar- garet Jensen, of Chicago, attended the bride and wore a pale green chiffon gown and carried pink roses. Richard Skaer, of Evanston, served Mr. Poklen as best man. Immediately following the ser- vice Mr. and Mrs. Poklen left on a motor trip to Ludington, Mich., and will drive around the lake, returning, through Wisconsin. Mr. R. D. Burtner and his daughter, Betty, 810 Oakwood avenue, who camped and fished on Squall Lake, near Minoc- qua, for ten days, returned Thursday of last week, and have been entertaining friends ever since with stories of their wonderful luck. Just to prove t]hat they weren't telling "fish". stories, they ship- ped home an eighteen pound muskie, some forty inches long. Mr. and Mrs. Walter T* Mead and have returned from a two weeks' out- ing atCrystal Lake, Mich.____________ I As you enter THE ORRINGTON there is no hotel feeling, but rather, the feel- ing of a most sump- tuous and magnifi- cent home. The of- fice lobby is entirely apart and below the grand lobby. WL*mcmrntmim~mK^M I 5 l â-  As â€" gfEa ! i Mrs. Samuel Hi Cohen and daughter, lftlthr~1237 Forest avenue, accompanied by Mrs. W. D. Elmer, 1517 Lake ave- nue, and Mrs. Charlotte Hill, left Wed- nesday for a two weeks' vacation at Bay View, Mich. Mrs Henry B. Gates and Mrs. John Clark Baker, have issued an invitation to members of the Reading Circle and their husbands to spend the current week-end as their guests at their cot- tage on Lake Kegonza, Wis. Mrs. F. M. Tidmarsh, 1007 Green- wood avenue, has gone to Two Rivers, Wis., to be with her mother for several days. Mrs. C. A. Keller has just re- turned from a visit there with Mrs. McGee. Mrs. William Holmes, 622 Central avenuer is -entertaining* at- ^tmeheon- to- day for ten guests in honor of Mrs. Barker, of Mountain Lake, N. Y., the guest of Mrs. Howard Fogg, 319 Cen- tral avenue. Bridge will be played. J^mr7-wmt afrW-^HM-^e~EL Nelson and Dr. and Mrs. Wallace Voreck, who were guests of Mr^ and Mrs, C. A Lundbere- 1538 Walnut avenue; for severaffdayr returned Wednesday to their home in Charles City, Iowa. Mk. Alfred J. Ruby, 816 Central ave-' nue, entertained informally for her small daughter, Betty Jean, on Wednesday af-" ternoon in honor of her second birth- day. Mr. and Mrs. James' F. Byrnes, 808 Ashland avenue, have, returned from I: Eagle River, Wis., ^rhere they w«ref& guests of Mr. and Mr^/;'Frank:'Sertglf on the Isle of B. â- .-."â-  ,:â- :/â- -:]vy-A-'jM Mrs. Charles E. Glynn accompanied; by her niece, Miss Florence Byrnes, left Tuesday for her home in Davenport, Iowa. Mrs. Glynn has been a house- guest of the Byrnes' for a month or so. m Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Estes and "sott| Earl of 1626 Wilmette avenue, left Tues-g day„ on_ a week's motor trip to the i|prt^ ern part of . Wisconsin,:^;A0£}£'~fe£^££ ^^^^SSI^BIiill&lIlv^y -'". .â-  â- â- â- â- â€¢â- â- :

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