iiilif #§ The Survivor'* (by. £. IxcMclino Limp ABOUT BOOKS AND THE >EOPLE WHO WRITE THEM A Ballade of Books ks pour out in "a steady flow,! lad in jackets, subdued or gay: jmes Have Changed", (McBrlde & Co.) â- 'â- -~:y-'t'~'*?":v^^ The Marriage Verdict", "Career", "Youth's Way", 07 Henry Prize Stories", (Doubleday ) he Religion of Main Street'V (a stir- ring' iheM)-^:0m^ >*%*: v So There!" (the verses of F. P. A.) ks flow on like the old mttfJlMxeamJ' ssup", "Impromptu", "Merry O", 'Demian", "Stonecrop", (Cecile Tor- may) 'asteur", (by Vallery-Radot)â- ."" ...^: 'The Craftsmanship of the Qne^Act piay", . ' ;i::\::;\lij^^... [bin's, "The Rose of Sante Fe^, } he Wolfer", "The Sea llawk" (a gem! a dream!) In the Tomb Were Found" (by Ter- ence Gray) ks flow on like the old mill stream, hither France", (Monsieur Caillaux) Figaro: Life of Beaumarchais", illed Wine", (by Miss G. St. John- loe) â- â- â- ^â- :i>iv:: he tucky Number", (good old Ian} Hay) . > 'The Job", '"m- °........"'* Malet). .......... , «,^.-.fe- ough? I'm just betting under steam! [You're a reviewer. Bring a dray Js :, oks flow on like the old mill stream. L'Envoi. ink of it, Prince, long after they, ,, Reviewers, the authors whom best you deem, d publishers, too, are turned to clay- Books will flow on like the old mill „„,,., str.farn '" •â- , .,. > ' f , „ Reuben P%1&i&b%< XrM'â- The People's Poet ME. JSMSmiS*, THRONG" . ; By Edgar A. Guest Janjes Whitcomb Riley ^tiir^ th€T jarts of people with his poetry. Edgar Guest runs him a close second, in yle and selection of his subjects. We iinust have our '^ennysons, and of much important are poets like Jfi W. iley and Edgaf A. .Guest. | ! In his book, '"The Passing *TKrohg", 4r. Guest shows a fine understanding of uman nature and of the people that hake up this world-r-the workers* C # He comprehends the^ ini^r eo^cio^ |ess of boys and tells us about it in a host human and delightful way. , ; . * Contrary to most philbsopftersi Mr^j uest expounds his views in such a j#ayl iiat they are easily grasped. It is pleasant :o find gems of thought that do not re- juire too much digging in the recesses )f our brains to fathom. It is the sort of book one enjoys most â- eading underneath a-^hadyâ€"tree with-a rippling brook not far off. It is an en- tertaining and ideal companion for vaca- tion days. But it can serve the_ same purpose on a crowded subway traip. Rose Kushner* Sermons by a Modernist "THE RELIGION OF MAIN STREET" â- **'- By Rev. Percy Stjckney Grant These are very interesting sermons. They will prove helpful to many a mind that has been shaken loose from the old statements of the Christian faith and has not found any abiding place. But with all their eloquence and good sense they are a little rasping. There is too much of the-eontreversial spirit in them nd too much ego. Dr. Grant is no gen- tle soul who turns the other cheek. He has been made to suffer and if he hits back hard at times it does not detract %?}he interest of these discussions and will doubtless arouse a sympathetic res- ponse in many of his readers. SS . , * James Walter Doughty. Adenventure Pure and Simple s .JTHE GUN RUNNER" ^ . ;£.„'.-.â- fiy Arthur Stringer ^McKinnon, the radio operator; King, Baker Ganley, trafficker in contraband arms and South American revolutions; Alicia Boyntoh, sister of the President of Locumbia; the good ship Laminia with all aboard, the one determined to land his evil intentioned cargo, the two to frustrate the villain, save the honor of family and fate of country, s Thus the plot, with action splattered about generously and indiscriminately. If the success which appertains to the hero and heroine were a little less of a foregone conclusion-â€"greater would be the^jncentive. to finish it,â€" â€".--- "[:^-<i§mM':'":..":^-^:^i*/i B. Buetl. 'â- â- ' "**4p23, "Howard H. Seward) yy^y^^ |y|9^ I State To Open Bids 'hit^M' Paving Jobs on Wednesday Another letting of hard roa<| paving construction, grading and bridge build- ing is announced by the state department of public works and buildings; division of highways. The date of opening of bids will be August 8, at ten a. m. The work will consist of approximately 85 miles of paving, 75 miles of grading and 45 separate bridges. The 85 miles of new pavement will be laid in White, Edwards, Lawrence, Knox, Ford, Fulton, Peoria, Richland, Clinton, Cfiristian, Livingston and &te- Henry counties. Grading of roads will be carried oil in Crawford, Clark, Shel- by, Christian, Fayette, Macon, Jo Davies, Clay, Franklin, Hamilton, Jasper and Calhoun counties. Work included in the August 8th let- ting for bridjje construction is located in Crawford^ Clarky* Shelby-Christian, Fayette-Shelby, Macon, Ford, Peoria, Clay, Clinton, McHenry, Calhoun, Ver- milion, and Cook counties. Information K/ree/ Ask us for data concern- ing any Boarding Schools in the U. S. All catalogs sent. There is no charge for this service affiliated oarclm^ Schools Association m . ;-ViS3 S H SHULT7. 01 r.'F" ~ OU H CENtra! 0 3 4-5 H^ MAnSHALi. F'.ELr AMKE I 9 m i tt you will sto^f â- LOOK and listen you may not have to own up that an accident was the fault of your faulty vision. Have your eyes examined regularly. Learn eye hygiene. Dr. 0. H. BERSCH $»%. ?«r«er Mp. Op. DcyL CD. P«t»ck Ik. 1177 WttMETTE AVeI 1 For Appointment Phone Wll. 2760 or Residence Wllmstte 1707 "The man who will ^realize the opto? metric truth may suffer a clouded future." i notfl &wltt>L*&toed&/L£i IF you are gdngjtoJbuild ivi Iciili yom fiii3^^ house jyou y?$m have pictures and flbot jplans -o&^mpm thaiilpner hiiiidred beautiful Face ^tigi homes, for all of which we c?n,gft ing plans for a nominal sum* These houses cover a wide tahg^ of tectural styles and kitprte^Enraii^^ and all are economical to build. They run from three to eight room$ m galows, story ana a lialf^ and tWQ ^tori^ And before you build vou will want to know all about Face Bride, for ilgives youl indi^ipng run the most economfcal hpus# yourcan build, as well as the most beautffti| and durabk* Cbme in, or^nd for "Thel Story of Brickw which gwes^ai the tect^ 'W 9Mh Chicago Face sociation , Bonner-Mardhall Brick Co. Brick Sales Co. Hydraulic-Press Brick Co. S. S. KimbeU Brick Co. ' : Burt T. Wheeler Brick Co. Wisconsin Lime & Cmnmt 326 Wei^ MiUi^W Sfc^i,,......... Room 1033^^^^^^â„¢ CMusB^m^^mm^ pa of a Finger" There ic much ado about coal today. Men have had their theories, but these t theories have left us without fuel. Other. j men have manipulate thfi p-u ^y-^. *r~rtrr: xnen prices nave jumped skyward. Yet out of this turmoil has come a solu- tion. Necessity, foresight and genius have developed a truly wonderful heat- ? f ing .systemâ€"Kleen-Heet--"Heat at thei â- ; Fhck. of a .Finger:'" r \ _:;. ^MmMMM^§k _-^-Kleen-Heet is oil heat controlled byfaH thermostat in your living room. Thisi t* system, connects up with your presentl ^ heatmgf plant Once installed you're!! ^ through with unpleasant early-morning janitor work! You're through with* coal, ashes and dirt. Just "flick" the indicator on the thermostat to the tem4 perature you desire and Kleen-Heet V,;;dpe^s^|h^:;pst.,. .;,.â- ' â- . ,,;}â- â- let us demonstrate "iUeen-Heat'r tc3 you.. See it in operationâ€"the perfected product of years of experimenting by specialists in the oil-burning field. Step- i m at our North Shore Branch now be- fore the Fall rush starts. * > bus w p m i m [ft INI "mm ..... |||ilii W w i i „.HI fresh milk, vegetables and fruit there is life-giving force Called "vitamines. Milk salts Is especially rich in"- lime which are absolutely necessaryf for Mmerai proper growth and development. #'.; nite care from the farm to your door inakes ___jr the safest milk that yott ea« ^uy^r-^^J^ INSIST ON| Ttowman JLF-BAIRY COMPANY vi.^*? f^ifesiill Battled in the Country mB tifflM ^smm. s^ii