Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jul 1923, p. 7

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wwmmm "WMiMmMmMm •'^SiJPWs 1 |U.... ,™„js» T^B LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY? JULY WJ1& \ardemW m N Satur^y Ifteiic^ It three o'clock, Mrs. Andrew Macteish, 459 Longwood avenue, will open home and delightfulwdens m »l*coe for a musical to benefit the yas- ig* Laura Williams, a resident of '& icoe, with her usual charm, will sing ral groups of songs of different na- mm- She will be accompanied by Agnes iCo >ver. Martha Milinowski, director Lf ie Lake Forest School of music, will frer er two groups of piano solos. I glimpse of the program gives one. Jan dea of the appeal of the selections. sM t Williams will sing first a group of lish songs. Following this number, M ilinowski wi& play several French Ipi«o numbers; A group of French Chil- ian i's songs witt be the next selection. Ilri i songs and songs of the Kentucky |mc ntains will follow. Miss Milinowski jwi also present several numbers by Rus- Isia composers. fter the program, light refreshments be served in the garden, a setting Teh Will add to the attractiveness of occasion. ^illltk â- 'â-  insisting Mrs. MacLeish will be: Alfred B. Welton of the Ambas- , president of the Chicago Vassar laerthe Misses^Cydia and Frances* ley; Mrs. William Bennett, Miss ed Dennis, and Miss Helen Hobar Evanston. Several younger girls of north shore will do their share in jiving "the guesfcsV:fg§f ';:^§§I^SK:- Lrs. Hubert Carleton ahd^nier lughter* Phyllis, are returning Sat- fday from a visit with Mrs. Carle- 's mother, Mrs. E. E. Davidson of •wtonyille, Massachusetts. After ;nding several days in Wilmette, will leave for Post Lake, Wis- Misin, where they will spend' a uith or six weeks. *he Evanston Woman's Christian imperance union invites the Wil- stte-Winnetka union for a day's ring for the Frances Willard hos- il on Wednesday, July 25, in the of Mrs. Elizabeth G. Williams, )7 Park place, North Evanston. >x lunches. For further particulars hone Winnetka 518-Jv ! IMr. wt C. Shurtleff, 815 take av- me, and his daughters Miss Helen mrtleff,; and Mrs. John Campbell of [ilwaukee, left Wednesday on an itomobile trip to Waterloo,. Iowa, they will be the guests at the [ome of ,Mrs. Minnie Crippen for ten pays. .' Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Potter, 607 For- st avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reese,; 727 Forest avenue, are leaving tondax^pn an automobile trip to- Eagle Liver, Wisconsin; They will be the iests' for two weeks of Mr. and Mrs. >rge D. White who are opening their immer home. ,v.!0^ .â- *„.;.:,,. vj^. '„,fe:.;; ^ *,,. Miss Hazel Spaulding, of New York rill arrive Saturday the^est «f; [iss Marjorie Banning, of .600 Third treet. The arrival of Miss Spaulding rill be of interest to many irt '"WW oi ie fact that she formerly resided .in the pillage. Miss Spaulding will spend about k> weeks in Wilmette._______ Miss Mary Wilson, 72? Greehw^bd ivenue, left with llrsV Paul Goddard |nd family, formerly of Wilmette, to lotor to California. Miss Wilson rill be away about three weeks. The >ddards will probably remain in California for the winter..;iv*i;-r'. • Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Hillinger and Family, 1520 Spencer avenue, have just returned from an automoble trip through the state of Iowa. They visit- relatives at Sherril Mt., a small Mrs. Russel B. Barker of Mountain [Lake, New Jersey, is spending the [summer with her sister, Mrs. Howard !*. Fogg, 319 Central street. Mrs. Barker has been the guest at a num- ber of. entertainmehtsK:^^ Misses Martha and Elizabeth Gern- meJU, Bit Lincoln avenue, Winnetka, are spending July and August at Bel- videre Park, Lake Geneva, j$j|©pp& sitt- :,J&r:;; ^;:^KillSiiJ^^i.-;:' Dr. George P. Magill, 731 Elmwood avenue, has returned from a ten-day fishing trip in the Colorado mount- ains. Mr. and Mrs. M.^L. Humphryes and fatnily, 519 Gregory avenue, left for a short trip to tfie Dells in Wisconsin. it Mrs. David Laird Todd who had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Holmes* 622 Central av- enue, returned to her home in Salis- bury, Maryland. Many entertain- ments were given for Mrs. Todd dur- ing the two months she spent here. Mrs. Andrew J. Maloney, Cumnor road, Kenilworth, gave a cafeteria supper and bridge at her home on Tuesday of last week in honor of her guest Mrs. O'Shca, and Mrs; Todd, who' left last; Friday.^:fÂ¥ri Mrs. G. F. Bollensen, 311 Fourth street, is leaving for Europe on Sun- day. She accompanies her husband on his European business trip. They sail from Hew York on Wednesday; July 25, on the Line of France. Mr. and Mrs. ^ Ira Rose|berg;%9i0 Forest avenue, returned recently after spending month at Garbutt's Island, Birchwood, Wisconsin. Their two children and Mr. H. M. Rosenberg of ........ m'"' 'â- mm Evanston, accompanied them. Mrjan^ lira. Oliver R. Pringle, have been spending their honeymoon in Estes Park, Colorado, returned Sunday night They will stay at the North Shore hotel fora: *hoit':';titnek"lS^,,,/....." â- ^ftS- Mr$p Harry Joyce entertained at luncheon and bridge Monday at the Ouilmette Country club in honor of Mrs. O'Shea* of New Yorjc, who is visr" Mrs. Joseph Joyce, of Kenilworth. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Lockhard and sis- ter, Miss Douglass, of the Wilmette Inn have just returned from a visit to Ni- agara Falls and New Yorlc,. returning by way of the Great ...Lakes. "f^P Miss Mary Martin, 1046 Elmwood ave- nue, suffered a fractured collar bone Saturday when the horse, on which she was riding, fell, throwing her over his head. .'.;"â- ' "" '• :<".. /^'*fr,,,.,. "Mr. and Mrs. J. P^Mulvihil, 1117 Ashland avenueV are leaving for an outing on Madeleine Island, on Lake Superior. They will,£& away r!Bfgf.two weeks. ;â- â-  ,;"S ' "'""V{. ";â- â-  ^iBi'M ^- Dr. and Mrs. F. WT Fuerman, 835 Greenwood avenue, returned Monday from a motor trip to Watertown and Milwaukee. * Miss Pyllis Fuermann is visiting relatives_^ Iowa Frills. Mr. and Mrs. J D. Greig, of St. Petersburg, Florida, are spending the summer in Wilmette. They are living with Miss Susan Northam, 731 Tenth street. Miss Peggy Williams of Rockford, Miss Jane Neuman of Chicago, and Miss Floy Carroll of Aledo, Illinois, were the week-end guests of Miss Helen ^hurtleff, - 8t5 Lake avfenue. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Henry Roberts, 613 Central avenue, have taken a cottage for the summer at Grand Beach, Mich- igan. *'7-"Z:!iM& Mr. and Mrs.J. Anman, who have been visiting Mi's* E. H. Kaumeyer, 601 Lin- den avenue, have returned to their home in Port Huron, Michigan. * Mrs; W. C Mitchell; 1009 Oakwood avenue, left Saturday to spend two weeks at Lake Beulah, Wisconsin. I Miss Lillian Ayres of Pacific Grove, California, arrived Wednesday to visit Mrs. C. D. Ewer, 1111 Ashland avenue. â-  m^^^^MBW^^W Mrs. Emraeit Snyder, 1110 Ashland avenue, has been motoring in Col- orado. She will visit in Kansas City on her return trip.' •&*...,. â- .;â- . .......â- 4.,*^ Mr. and Mrs. George E. Hartman. 1129 Elmwood avenue, have opened their summer home on Lake Cath- erine for;the season... n: .|.v-,-i Miss Ruth Drayer, 1034 Elmwood avenue, is in the Evanston hospital, recovering from an operation for ap- pendicitis. , •._ Mr. Frank':§^M^^'^^k.!Mr^ l] Puddefoot, Jr* arrived Tuesday evening I from Detroit to visit Dr. and Mrs. Don- ald M. Gallie, 1115 Elmwood avenue. Mrs. Gordon Hanna and daughter Virginia,^are", leaving for Kelly Lake, Wisconsin, to remain the rest of July and part of August.,,;." Mrs. Roy Marquardt, 218 Woodbine avenue, is entertaining Mrs. W; A. Upton or| Youngstown, ilOhio, this week.,.. Mrs. William Cornell, 801 Ashland avenue, entertained the Thursday Lunch- eon and Bridge club yesterday. Mrs. Matilda Van Deursen, 1101 For- est avenue, has returned from visiting , friends iti. Holland, Michigan. ";' $jp Mrs. Charles P. Evans of Wilmette was a guest at Nippersink Lodge last Try xrrJlaons I^CJut Flowers ;:;"" for all occasions Phone EVANSTON 632 * â-  "1712 Sherman Avenue â- I -llM ml A CORRECTION In the social columns of last week's issue of The Lake Shore News it was stated that Mrs. C. C. Carnahan, 700 Central- avenue, had been visiting in Mil- waukee. This was erroneous and The Lake Shore News regrets fhe err^r. AMtataBt t»S€AR DBIS ST1TDIO <***** '] '^^^^iM0M^i YowmmHoM Wt"Gamm;iSSi '. iZi i*i.k Ti\*M^i»Wltt;ftfeWuiii( 'ii i'Ali^iSiiijtfiiii-fciiiAltW "Caii 'be-"Otf' Studio. .lft,KV,,;,s,s,,^ ! Our m«>dernt I equipmentI ^ gives an r;a|{^i^::,t<ltich .. to^ff?? 1 home portraiture. ':f0^r ^k^^i I And the ptcturcl will bear| fe the added charrn p| ** â€"* f ting that is familiar. 20^ discount on framing and unframed prints during tWe. months of rust. Jffii ar ineArts 1613 Orrington Ave. EVANSTON. ILL. SuMay^ July 22 I Dinner Melon Balls; Jblf Fried Broifer '&""«; ...or**- ;,*>♦ Mint Sauce Peas Roast of Lamb * Escalloped Potatoes Bran and White Bread •'.,/;:;,,â- ,'.:.'â- .,iiSm., . „;,.,.:vButter and Jelly - s:}.4^..:^:/:-: TomaiovSa1a<f'L__. '.":^<- .^p.;. .^arragoC'lileMing Mw- â- ;â- #; â-  .;;â-  ^ctkmpvii^^ \ "^:* ;^ Lilac Special and Sunshine Cake^ ^ â- sgt-w^r] *;;â- â€¢ -";*;â-  m - â-  Cofree:";:\:-a3^W, T;'vâ- .^<"^iJfSS 576 Lincoln AveV Phone Wwm^iM> bi$M$0§n, â- i :^M "i^sit; â- :??',. «isl,S^. taiotman s for eXarnpm w$m %Mi Of the sixty-three cars parked at the Mdlothian Ccniil^ twelve were Cadillacs- more than twice as many as any other car, regard* les8;:of:price. i^&^F^T^-v,- â-  What is the deciding factor which leads so large a percentage of men who are successful in business and professional life to select Cadillac as typifying all that a fine car .should be? jK It is preponderance lvalue wii^ to tte analytical minds of these men. Many of diem could easily pay a great deal more for an automobile. They buy Cadillac because, after mature reflection, they have a clear conviction that it is the world's greatest motor car value* - GAXm£MW&^ BRANQH Division o/Qencral Motors Corporation 2301 SOUTif MICHIGAN AVErJUB BVANSTONBRANCH.1820R1DOBAVBNU* BROADWAY BRANCH. 5U9 BROADWAY i-^^S.':::: â- â- â-  ^o'â- â- :â- ,,'- C:.;;.!! •,.'.;[ .:-l~r~^-r-^.â-  '^-;-,*r'- .---4--:-â- ^H*^;- ^'â- â- . 'â-  ^J^^^"Â¥i M^m^M,-^^ft^^^^^^^^^^^l^l Sffi^Sr^^frlfeS*S%fe mm>.

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