Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jul 1923, p. 3

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^fm^W]simw^^^^^mWfm #;lf^$8IM e MUSIC SHOP ,rmal Opening Tomorrow; Musician In Charge If rVith a grand formal opening to- ll rrow the Wilmette music shop will ke its bow to Wilmette residents. [e new shop will be conducted Her the management of Orian A. Jitz at 1179 Wilmette avenue. Souv- fers have been promised to all who „>nd the formal opening. jor some weeks carpenters have in busy in the store remodeling it the music trade. Three trial Iths, equiped with {electric fans, a sound proof demonstration )th have been built along the east |ll. In these booths' customers may out the records and machines of tHeir choice. In the front of the shop will be located the stock counter and Juting furniture. According to the management a >mplete line of musical instruments fill be handled. The shop will, how- >er, specialize in Brunswick phono* raphs and records Vocation red rec- rds, Adam Schaaf pianos and sheet lusic. Repairing and pipe organ tun- ig will be done by the new concern rhich also advertises that it will be |ble to furnish all kinds of musical itertainnient for any occasion.'â- % Orian A.; Galitz, lfa%rf$'&i0ftfBfr' of le music shop, is the son of Edmund Galitz; Who for 15 years rati a gro- cery and market in the village. Irian Galitz graduated from the Wil- lette grammar) school and from the lew Trier high school. Later he >ok a special course in Music at Northwestern university. In 1913 and )14 he was baritone soloist with the irdova Concert company, a chau- tqua and lyceum bureau organiza- )n. While serving in this capacity appeared in all the principal pities of the Mid-Western states. During the war Galitz was connect- with the Ordinance Corps of the Fnited States army. Illness prevent- him from getting into active serv- -e. .,..,J "• ' ' At the present time he is the or- ganist of the Wilmette and Winnet- :a lodges of the A. P. and A. M., and >f. the Evanston lodge of B. P. O. lElks. He is also soloist and choir piaster of the St. John's; Evangelical [church, Evanston. From time to time ;he has appeared in many other churches along the North Shore. K. OF C. NINE TRIMS 't!^?- CHICAGO EXPRESSMEN The Ouilmette council, Kniphts of [Columbus baseball team last Sunday jtook the measure of the strong Rav- Jenswood American Express company line by the count of 2 to 1. Heinzen, who did the hurling for Ithe locals, achieved a string of 14 Jstrike-outs which figured immensely |in crumbling the invaders' offensive. ' Herb and Borre took first honor at ibat, the former collecting two timely pingles and the latter horning in with nifty stick-work and a brace of stolen |bases. The locals pushed over their ir ^Tâ€"â€"-------- â- .. â-  $&â- :&. \ff--sr :msffi-â- i^fs,^ 'â- "'"'â- rf'S'.'iif Big Reduction ON ALL Shoes MEN'S Regular Price ...$3.50 Sale Price...........$2jSS BOYS' Regular Price ^... $3.00 Sale Price............$2.45 YOUTHS' Regular Price . .$2.75 Sale Price .........;..$2rlS Sizes range a« follows: .- Men's 6 to 11â€"Boy»' 2% to S^#l ££ Youth's 11^ to 2 Get yours before it ts too late* This Sale Ends July 28 Kaspar's Shoe Store ?Sigsg§ •: THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. JULY 20. 192$ two markers in the seventh frame on three solid hits. The home line-up yas as follows: E. Braun, lb; J. Schmitz, cf; Sommerfeld, ss; Herb, c: Cearney, 2b; Becker, If; Borre, rf; A. Schwall, rf; p. Schwall, 2k; Heinzen, The Ouilmette team meets the ,,,JL A1!-Stars Sunday afternoon, July 22, game time being at 3 o'clock. On Sunday, July 29, they expect to. engage the Fort Sheridan aggrega- tion. All games are played on the dia- mond at Lake aand Ridge avenues, Gross Point. Mrs. Ella Roger* Dies At Wilmette Residence Mrs. Ella M. Rogers, mother of A. W. Wiggles worth, died Sunday at her son's home, 426 Central avenue. Fun- eral services and burial were in Palmyra, New York, Mrs* Rogers' old home. .:>£&;&*•.: â- ;,*:.." :-:4#l-'-â-  For the past ten years llrs. Rogers had made her home with her son, who has lived in Wilmette for twenty- five years. With the exception of Mr. Wigglesworth, she has no immediate relatives. At the time of her death she was 74 years of age. We Wish to Announce To Our Wilmette and Kenilworth Patrons That we have arranged to make a free delivery of ajl orders of a quart or more of our delicious ice cream and fancy ices. PHONE EVANSTON 3087 Excel Ice Cream Company Orian A. Galitz mm announce? the formal opening Jiililliilleâ- ... '"";â-  of the Wilmette Music Shop 1179 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, 111. Saturday, July 21,1923 Brunswick Phonographs and Records Vocation Red Records Adam Schaaf Pianos, Sheet Music Souvenirs :m> "*!>'^*5*ri *. â- *.*â-  *'#'•* â-  5..... ~Ki*&!!f*mm~' plans of over 100 FaeeBrick *~ ..S^-jtf* houses. Many styles and House No. 701 '^^^:..... .. $^^Conu^*^f*t^tm' The Beauty and Character of the Face Brick House BEAUTY andchaiacter are d^^ialities _____ we want our homes to express. They are "no^'ide^rident dfr size and cos£ but on design and materials. Through its wide variety of color tones and textures, Face Brick offers aitisticl possibilities beyond the scope of other rnaterials; and by its durability and fire-safety, and by reducin; repairs, depreciatior^ririsurance-rates and |ft^.|jd^"to.'a minimum, it is the most economical material in the long run, for the cottage as well as for the mansion. *H!:??rhe Story of Brick" gives you all the facts* -â- Â£ fCorae in and get a copyâ€"or send for one. __ Chica&o Face Brick Association Boimer»Marahall Brick Co. Brick Sale* Co. Hydraulic-Press Brick Co. S. S. Kimbefl Brick Co. Burt T. Wheeler Brick Co. Wisconsin Lime & Cement Co, 32#WeisrMadison St Room 1033 Chicago Police Fliwer Squad Gets Shining Fdrdtter That bright, new Flivver you may have seen parked near the Village hall, is the latest vehicular addition to our municipal department of police, as careful scrutiny of the insignia stamped on the doors, will testify. Purchase of the machine was au- thorized recently by the Village board. Mr. and Mrs. William Levett, 723 Central avenue, are motoring to Washington and Atlantic City. re Home Bakery â- Â». tt» WILMETTE *mg|g €oo^Tfiiittgs % Mat. •* SSmSf*' Made Bread, Pies, Cakes- |fSp Pastries, ^c.!i:f||||| Special Attantiom' Qitvm "W':'l§ "V ffc'i'Mtt 7 to 17 ymarm " Tt'S Palm Beach or fiaea crash, pmy9 hrm^n, or aaad, reduced for inunedlate $7^ AD odd loft and broken sixes . colors), reduced to .00 Boys' Blouses and Shirts :-0lifi^ Values tip to $250......... r • •.. Boys* Neckwear, 75c values, reduced to*3 for SL00 Boys *1^^ JRetfaffl Randolph and Wabash JL We have added several salesmen to our force. It you wish to aell or buy, let us know. You will ex- perience complete and last- ing satisfaction if you do your business with the SjfeSfeB WILMETTE JP^LTY CO., ---z:^ZyA* J. Woodcock, Prop. â€"^513tik Street ,gj^pilifj Sfftlsi :cSfe . â- .â- â€¢â- â- 'â- --.â- â- â€¢â€¢ .â-  â-  :• h^S;-..' 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