Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 20 Jul 1923, p. 10

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10 â„¢* t ak-p shore NEWS, FRTHAV TULY 20. 1923 ENGLISH LUTHERAN | ' . Greenleaf and Seventh . "William Guise, Pastor I Services for July 22. . I Bible School at 9:45. Friends are | invited. The adult class will discuss pan interesting lesson in the life ot tnc ; Apostle John. ' Worship at 11 o'clock. The pastor will answer the question; How anaii Christians Live?" This message will the based on one of the Epistles for the JEighth Sunday after Trinity. * Our members and friends are requested J to keep in mind the Ice Cream Social [to be held Saturday evening of this week at Atty. Gash's home, corner of Sixth and Central. Drive or walk around that way and enjoy a part of the evening ?with us. Tfye proceeds will go toward the Missionary society. CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH This week Mrs. H. J. Burt will have charge of the Intermediate- Junior program of the church school. The theme will be, "Our Flag on the Border." •Dynamic Faith" or "A Faith for Today," will be the subject considered by Mr. Stoffer at the morning serv- ice.___ A welcome is extended to all and especially to newcomers in our vil- lage. j~FRE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH J BAPTIST CHURCH The closing sermon in the pastors series on the Sermon on the Mount will be given at the Morning Worship hour at 11 o'clock on Sunday, July ZZ. The Theme will be, "The Balanced Life." The Bible school will meet at 10 o'clock with classes for all ages. The Young People's meetings have been discontinued until September. The Mid-Week meeting for Prayer, and Fellowship will be held at the church on Wednesday at 8 o clock. The discussion of Old Testament Characters will continue, with a study of Elisha and Elijah. This evening is the occasion of tig Annual Beach party of the church, which, for a number of years has proven one of the most delightful of social occasions in the calendar. The members and friends of the church will bring their supper to the beach at 6:30, afterwhich a program ot GRACE FORBES SHOP r Sport Apparel Summer Frocks also Making Gowns and Frocks Room 217 Hoyburn Theatre> Bid*. 516 Davis St. BVANSTON Telephone 7467 â€"^Phe^ regular Sunday school"^ana" morning church service next Sunday. 'Sunday school at 9:30 o'clock. Church .service at 11 o'clock. ; Dr. Magill has returned from his ten-day fishing trip in the Colorado mountains and will occupy the pulpit next Sunday morning. The sermon subject will be "The Message of the Mountains." The church is located at the corner of Ninth street and Greenleaf av- enue. The newcomers and summer visi- welcome. ..... "*.•'*;â- ' MEDICAL ELECTRICITY Tuberculosis and other Lung; Trouble We are glad to co-operate with your own physician In giv- ing these treatments if you wish. Electrical treatments are espe- cially recommendedfln high blood pressure, nervous VouhleSrâ€"post operative adhesions! ulcers, ab- cesses and all female troubles. ELECTRO PHYSIOTt 1113 Capitol Bid*- 159 N. State St. Tel. Dearborn 9583 B w Your Confidence In a Product The name behind a product is the closing argument in many a sale. Not that the name is important but it personifiies the past per- formance of an organizationâ€"its achievements, its reliability and its service. Kleen-Heet oil burning systems for home heating are backed by an organization old in the heat- ing industry. The Winslow Boiler & Engineering Co. are pioneers in the business. Need- less to say their endorsement of Kleen-Heet is your guarantee of its success. : We invite you to sjBe_a_iCleeji-_ Heet system" ih~ operation. Visit our new North Shore Branch. Solve your heating problem now before cold weather is here. Division of Winslow Boiler A Engineering Company 175 N. Michigan Ave*â€"-Chicago North Shore. Branch 817 Chicago Avcâ€"Evanston Phone Evanston 9235 sP •::': â- â€"â€"«â- â€"MIWWMIMIM^ ifiH ; If your vision blurs when you try to keep your eye on the ball ywx need the benefit of scientific researchâ€"a thorough eye inspect :t:ion jinmediatly. ©StE Dr. 0. H. BERSCH 'Optometrist fWT^Â¥ltMETTE^«^E^~W iBaSfi-rfPorsjMwrijr Ngr. Opt*. Dent. C. D. PEACOCK, UVC. For Apyotatateai Pkoae WU. 27S* iip; ar ReaMeaee Wllmette 1707 failing, procrajttinatloa) Bury Your Gar bage Can TUST THINK how much better it J would be to have your garbage can underground â€" in a Majestic Under- Eound Garbage Receiver right at yont tchen doorâ€"out of sightâ€"odorless 5 r~"^og proofâ€"fly-proofâ€"convenientâ€" Insanitary! Why, then,should you put up with an unsighdy. unhandy, insanitary j^aarbage can any longer? ^ ifmmmM^m When the Majestic Receiver is closed no odor is emitted. A alight pressure on the foot-trip raises the lid. Garbage ) is easily depoaited sJid as easily re- moved. Made in sizes from 5 to20gaL rwitfc ?:'-;{.s?"'v»^0i'""'""""" "'â- â- "[-' ^ndCet USi ."'. For Sals &'$bW Loctf':â- :'":.' fm aail lark* Jio> |>aatatkfi»>al i Qarbaaa Raatfatf â-  afaaatUaTltSmli mm ; mm«» ~t •rjaa H* daS'Ba>a<^ la» _______ __ _________________________ <» aaawaMaat, aaaaaflfc »%Aptt/*9fyi Our washing machine""'e^^ \M structions in the use and care of WJ^^^M??1^ ^h*i special sale. Get our EASY PAYMENT T^RMS^hi â- savings on wages of your laundress ^ajcme^^wiyc^^a^ â- for a machine. ;,,'.:..>'.:•:; :;;^ Here's your chance to get a washingmachine;^ll'dBARy GAIN prices. At this sale values will be offered whicfl mav never be offered again. Chances to get the best! make of washing machines at RECORD ^Q^|R|CESi Chances to get them on "®ASI^S^;;;5^^|p^^g^^ A washing machine is not only the'^rc^i^tjcTO^nlenciJ of any labor saving appliance for vthe hbm6r but if MONEY SAVER. If you figure the cost of laundress! hire you'll see instantly that this one item of labor ex4| pense alone will pay for the washing machine in no time! at all. Then you'll have the'machine paid for out ol| economies, and a chance to save »orc.'^^|^^j:;:--;..;:^ No modern home should be without a washing machin<^ whether you have a laundress to wash for you; br notf If you do your own washing it will save ypu manyi hours of back-breaking work over the tubs eveiry week;! All you do with an electric washer is put in jthe clothes| the water, the soap. Then turn the switch and thf washer does the rest, .-";#f^^-ft:B-; Built for a lifetime of service. The Apex is the washer for you. ;.|itejjjp MH CABINET â- ;Si* â-  Here is the washer that never disappoint!; the only machine that has stood up under the most trying of time, hard usage, year after year service. Regardless of what you know about washing machines, or think about washing machines, here is one thing you can depend onâ€"the APEX will ___always deliver a clean batch otsweeV'whiteirdeil Rghtlully beautiful clothes. And what's moreg Madame/ they will be the kind of clean clotheJ| you expect. ^ x-*$mm What some people might call "clean" clothes yot| ^wouldn't call cleiui:^]^V\Thcit»J'ai"a^.dinc«^^~' '"^f^an"cibili^:-'tn% -I^^K^iraihed 'c$*^es*"; .N other kinds. This is one thing every Woiuaji^ x sires. And this is what the.,AP^X.offersl«SS...... Come in and let us show you this super-washeE Examine it. Let us tell you WHY it washes BETTER.. v ;|C^iV" 11IE ' 'lltp';.-' &*% fill DQW&-wiiL v\*c^^h$^ q)tl«Ull your hpme. We QnJvAskJthis as an evidence of your sincerity. Come In and find out about our EASY TERMS. Get our prices. This offer is limited to this week ONLY. Don't delay. %&'^5----v "'"â- .:.'.â- :â- â- :"i- â- â-  '^..,,.-. Easy ferm**mS^ â- ^^K*** nonet 2237 and 9140 1561 Sherman Ave. 'Midi, 'W: liiBi^^SS -PREE to eviry^ purchaser of a New Apex washing machine during this sale, we will give a genuine $7.50 SUhbeam Electee Iron delivered with your Apex. This -is the regular 6^ pound iron advertised and sold for $7.50. If you have an electric iron we will give yoti instead, Free, a fine set of high class Aluminum Cooking Utensils. Remember this offer j^^good f^ m^ i$}?%? fir SIS' â- â€¢â-  M *er%an^e and ad-^ iTo every lady who will3 w ,r..__ ___,________ dress during this ^week's satertwho doei not: ownl *â-  washingjna^ine^ oi^^wl^o^h^a^ Imore than five years_J3ld==of-^H^^f»aice^^^ ^.J&YB * handsome Aluminum Stew Pan: ^Come ml this week an4 Register Free^~Get the Iree Gift.l '..............ii,.,------..""' "^"'^-^ ":_______ TTfr', . $S: 1^,-r 'tÂ¥*^^.M%&-':.1- ~ -hmmSmm^WM^iwkiM

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