Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jul 1923, p. 5

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THE LAKE-Mmimii: J*lbAV? ttA wiingMimcqle at Skolm CoiMtry&tihStM^ JulvJS .OKIE Cbuntry "club** announces its Opening Musicale of the sea- son for Sunday afternoon!, July 15. vas the custom last yeajrfthe pro- s will commence at five o'clock. Chicago Trio, composed of Karl lte, violinist, Herman Felber, cel- and Prank Mannheimer, pianist, will ;nt an ensemble program. They are lists of the first rank and their work iperb. Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt of ^oe is chairman of the musicales. following is the program to be given lay: .-,• -, jta No. 2 in E Minor (Op. 24) for lin and Piano ..........Sjogren llegro Moderatoâ€" Allegretto Scherzandoâ€" in D Minor (Op. 32)... .Arensky Scherzoâ€" ta in A Minor for Cello and .... ino ....................... Grieg Ulegro Agitatoâ€" in A Minor (Op. SO) Tschaiko iky to the Memory of a Great Artist) Theme and Variationsâ€" Finaleâ€"Codaâ€"- >ld friends and music lovers travel- linto the city Wednesday- morning to American Conservatory of Music tear Mrs. Marie Sidenius Zendt, So- 10, who appeared in concert with lues Gordon, Concert Master of the igo Symphony Qrchestra.:. Mrs. fsm &$&$fi%$&?}&^ffi$&: Marie Sidenius Zendt tidt occupies the J. R. Harper resi- ice at 719 Park avenue during the imer months. \:$d)i*'r&/:i^it'.^^-i The following program was presented: Sicilliene and Rigaudon----------..... ................ Francpeur-Kreisler Hymn^p the Sun .,>^.....r....;. .......T..T'. Rimsky^Kbrsacow-Franko Menuet .......... â- > Porpora-Kreisler Jacques Gordon ' Marie 'Sk<^Zendt v;â- ,-,.:,,,...,,. Introduction and Rondo Caprtecioso '.......... i'.|„ .'71$. J. ^|f:iSairit-Sae|is Mr: Gordon f' "** **^*; "**. â-  The Little Sheperd's Song ........ ..____.............. Winter Watts In the Dark in the Dew ........... ........rU^Tirrvk.'.!.. ,;*J Pelletier Before the Sunrise ........ Meyer Mrs. Zendt Londonderry Air ..Arr. by Kreisler The Huiit ..... ."..*. Cartier-Kreisler Oriental Romance (MSS.) ;>v^i. ......... Rimsky-Korsacow-Gordon Indian Snake Dance ....Burleigh _ â- '.,.:-,i3;;. -.^x^^r-§:M:s ^ greenwood avenue, fcaveS returned from a extensive motor trip up the shore of [ichigan and back home by way of the Wisconsin shore line. ; >; Miss Marion Calvm? 709 * Elmwood renue, graduated in June from Elmira, lew York, College for Girls and is now n joying a two months' European trip jrith other girl graduates. Misses Louise, Pauline and Florence IcCoy, 730 Ashland avenue, are spend- â€" the summer with relatives in Provi- de,- Rhode Island. They plan to re- home earlv/ in September. -:r ; The marriage of Miss Katherine Ger- ude Schwall, daughter of Mr. and Ers. Simon Schwall of Ridge avenue, ||o Mr. Karl J. Pape will take place {Wednesday morning, July 25, at 9 /clock, in St. Joseph's church. Sir. and Mrs. p^V. F||| Suits and the Misses Helen and Marian Suits of 718 Forest avenue, leave Saturday for an extended' motor trip of several weeks through northern Wisconsin^ ^ ^ - Jkr.' liffifrs. Julius T. leng, 1222 Chestnut avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Barton, 1216 Chestnut ave- nue, are leaving Saturday night for a two week's trip through Yellowstone Park. * 'â- ',;<â-  '"'"^'-'.v. : V^:â- â- â- ,-,,â- .**.â- . , Dr. and Mrs. William ^H. Mann, 1115 »»hnwood avenue, £fid: Mr; Hand <Mr£ William H. Iliff, 626 Washington ave- nue, are leaving next week on a motor trip to Devil's Lake and the Dells, Wis., where they will camp for a week or so. Dr. C. E. Geisse, 1412 Elmwood ave- nue, returned Tuesday.. from, a ten day automobile trip in northern Wisconsin. Mrs. Geisse and baby will remain,until the first of Aug^<MXXXXMXXXX ;M?|I) ^"^^^sT-wr-Dtt^rSirSr l,ake avenue, returned Tuesday;- from a Mrs. Fi r#S. Harman and t^ro \chil- dren of Pasadena, Cal.,'who visited old friends irt the^village during the past week, has gone on to Boston for an ex- Mrs. George W- Rand, ^df New York city, will be guest of honor at a bridge luncheon given by Miss Grace Cooper, 824 Lake avenue, on Saturday. Miss Frances Scheidenhelm will en- tertain at luncheon and bridge today at the Evanston Golf club in honor of Mrs. George W. Rand, of New York city, tended stay. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Poronto enter- tained sixteen guests at dinner at Indian Hill club last Tuesday in honor of Mrs. F. L. S. Harman of Pasadena, Cal., who has been visiting friends in the village. Mrs. Frank A. Bedlan and daughter, Eloise, formerly of Wilmette, are spend- ing the summer at Leland, Mich. Miss Eloise Bedlan will resume her piano classes in the Fall. Paul W. Cutler, of 407 Central ave- nue, left last week for the East where he will enter Peddie Institute. Henry Cut- ler left Saturday for Boston where he will enter Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Crossley, 602 Washington avenue, will return home this week-end from a# ten day's outing at Neenah, Wis. Miss Marjorie C. Smith, 337 Washing- ton avenue, is spending a few weeks in the_East, where she went to attend the Commencement exercises of her cousin, Miss Dorothy Smith, â€"oâ€" Mrs. Marshall Da vies, 518 Forest avenue, was hostess at a luncheon and matinee party on Wednesday for Mrs. George W. Rand, of New York city. Miss Marjorie A. Van Arsdale, accom- panied by the Misses Harriet and Flor- ence Stephenson of Chicago, are leaving Sunday for a month's trip through Alas- ka. ^ - Jâ€"oâ€" Mrs. Robert Kenyon and her two sons, 1011 Greenwood avenue, will leave next week for Post Lake, Wisconsin. They will return the first of September. Mrs. Pitney and Mrs. Michener, who have been the guests of Mrs. George H. J3ird, 1010 Chestnut avenue, for two week», have returned to California. Miss Ruth Hawk ins on, 1610 Spencer avenue, will return Sunday from a fort- night's stay at the Eleanor Club Camp at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Gelder,,129 Dupee place, are leaving shortly on a motor trip to Sheboygen, Mich., where they plan to spend a month. One of me Tuesday Luncheon arid Bridge clubs met in the home of Mrs. H. M|, Dibble, 520 Lake avenue, this week/1^ ^ ;Jf-'-|g: â- â-  -gr-.....|§r if% â-  The Beading Circle will meet with Mrs, Henry J. Smith, 806 Oakwood, avenue, next Monday afternoon. Mrsi Eaton -G. Osman, 80#^ntral avenue/ left recently to spend the re- mainder of the summer in California. Mrs. Jacob Brant 01winr|82a Lake avenue, is spending a fortnight at Post Lake, Wis. â- wmm Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wooden of Evanston are enjoying a fortnight's mo- tor trip through Iowa. r Read the Want-Ads HANNAH SCHUMANN Manlet an* juMmpmt Teeeae* OSCAR DBIS STUDIO !^"Sfcf?iL«*« *W«ny». iMiWm 12M Central Ave., Ffcene tM-M- WILMBTTB tifsifuraf^M |? for all occasions :^4^^7iZ-OT«rraiiiiiii Avenue s Mrs. C. C. Carnahan, 700 Central ave- nue, and Miss Christine Bauer, 161£ Washington avenue, returned Sunday from a three week's visit; in Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Wilder of Terre Haute, Ind., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Day, 1233 Elmwood ave- nue, for ten days.." Mrs. R. F. McCoy, 730 Ashland ave- micsi returned Friday of last week from an extended visit with relatives in the East. '"' â- - :"" :; | ^'^.^o^.^-^.^v^. Major Malcolm McKerchar, 1109^£en- tral avenue, is leaving July 17, to attend the Officers* Training Gamp at Camp Custer,.Mich. '..... â- ">•".;'"^l.X., â-  - :' 1 Harrington and C.^C. Mitchell, Jr., 819 Linden avenue, left last week to at- tend Mr. Childs c^mpjin northern \ifis- consifi.'"" 1®^%?$^'*:;""- f Miss Elizabeth Sirtgleton, 522 Hill street, is spending the summer in Wash- ington, D. C, as the guest of her uncle, Mr. Avery Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mead and daughter of Forest avenue, are going to Crystal Lake, this week-end for a vaca- tion. ' Mrr and Mrs; Dwight Harris, 1011 Cheslnut avenue, and two children, are leaving tomorrow on a trip through Gla- cier National Park and Montana. Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, 819 Linden ave- nue, is leaving early next week to visit friends in Lansing, Detroit and North Branch, Mich., for a fortnight. The Evening Card Club was enter- tained at the home of Mrs. George White, 927 Greenwood avenue, on Mon- day evening. ; • ? The Drama Study Class was enter- tained at luncheon on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. John W. Iliff, 1115 Green- wood avenue. ICE CREAM SOCIAL The Missionary society of the Wil- mette English Lutheran church will hold an Ice Sream social on the lawns of the A. D. Gash home, at Sixth street and Central avenue, Saturday evening, July 21. Proceeds from the affair will be devoted to the church building fund. • A CORRECTION Some few days ago an article ap- peared in our columns pertaining to the BEACH MANOR PROJECT wherein it was stated that Mr. N. Max Dunning was the architect and that he was the Vice President of the Architect .Asso- ciation of America and that he was chief ^M^,..otJM^^Mtm^bUk ,Bl*n,C<>m-. mission. This should-, have read that Mr. N. Max Dunning Ms associate architect and Royal L. Simmons is the architect for BEACH MANOR. Mr. Dunning is Vice President of the American Institute of Architects and NOT associated, in any way, with the Architects Association of America. Mr. Dunning is NOT chief adviser to the Beautiful Plan Commission and has been called* upon only a few times to speak, at luncheons, on generalities per- taining to the profession. At the time the statement was taken Mr. Dunning was out of Ae city and could not be interviewed. I; % ' ,gf "% f "â- % %VitKQ DISCOUNT fj20^ discount on framing | andsfeunframed prints | X durinf^tRp'inpjn^H^ â- Ifcf July and August. .|| 'H^Slk me Hi 11^ "^i^P?5^f^53?^3!S5J'SS! H â- 2BMHKSCsHBj35ESHb2ESHSsSEj! H " |5i With the completion, several days ago, of the tower, the last of the heavy structural work of THE OR- RINGTON is fin- ished. §i Everything at opening time as scheduled. ^::-MiMm. Wilmette's Newest Building lliill fH im |||iejr^^^|e^|^^ business ' district:-:' It.: is- :the'j:^tiew| ^H^stdry business an|| aparfnent building being erected at 1129-33 Central lve%e,;^ i: . ,-.{%-,<:>â- .., ;, *&;â- â-  :..\^ M' ;^^^Vnen;^he'"ri;ew"'structureA':'0l'iiiali|'::completed â-  it 'will"iii^^ii^-:'ttk^y-'iSsi^ $100,000. Work ott it was started last April and will probably be completed by September 1. Sixteen apartments will occupy the two upper stories of the builds v ing^Eour business houses have already contracted for the four store buildings thai are being planned for the first floor. Lulias Brothers, the Wilmette GJassil Works, Welch's Cafeteria and a bakery will do business in the hew building. It is probable that the cafeteria will open its new rooms in the next three oirlf |ou1r"vweeks;-sfe&'^;^^^^mm^wm^m^m ..-â- â- : ^ â- >-.:>-~wm\< ^xm^m^m^:^m. | Surmounting the new building, ivvill be many decorative ornamental lights designed to enhance the appearance of the business district at night. The front pf» the structure is terra cotta doiiie by the Northwestern Terra Cotta companyp ^^nM'nent:,a«fon*^J^g^torM^:,^ building will be the arcade effect at tlti Andrew Sandegren, a Chicago architect, designed the building. Construction of the business and apartment block is under the supervision of Aran Millert general contractor, of Chicago. .^^V.^..;..,,â- .., . .^--^^M^mm^ ^M. Your Own ffmte or Garden Can be our ituditx 4. , 'fit Ouf* modern equipment gives an artistic touch to home portraiture. » n And th^ pictures will bear the added charm of a set- ting that is familiar. /oXmrmatri^m m^SWmM During the inojaths 11 " ^ourtailorstfo not Work Sat1 urday afternoons] I In priJfr to insure call and delivery of work desired at .,. the week-end it will be nec- essary that you notify us before f o'clock Saturday morning. iN^ll'iFl C :fiL'Se^';fi6 EFT: wfT 1 s v>%m' ^HVt!l :M J«PJ|!<$$|:$ /-; North Shore'* Finent Taild flUltltlHiTirViftliTrtn -r........ifiiillliiiii in i' iiiiiiiii n inn Phone 3 v'" 5^^fe^%^S^*ttw iSiiMiSiiiMiJ^^U l^!Pl^iisS'|--ll=iil;:^^^K^^ â- 

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