Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jul 1923, p. 4

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THE LAKE SHORE NEWS> FRIDAY. JULY 13, 1923 Announcing dur the height of the summer season, we ate offer* ing evei^r Alcle of white foo^ear in the house at Marked reductions. H. G. Barrett Home Scene of a Lovely Wedding Ceremony ON Saturday evening, June 30, oc- curred the marriage of Miss Alice May Barrett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gibson Barrett, 822 Lin- den avenue, and Mr. Nanko Cornelius Bos, son of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Bos, 200 S. Humphrey avenue, Oak Park. The wedding was a most charming af- fair, the service being read before an altar of palms and white peonies, in the Barrett home, by Rev. F. L. Branch, pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Oak Park. The bride wore a lovely gown of white frost crepe, her tulle veil fastened to the headdress by a wreath of orange blossoms. Her bouquet was a shower of white roses, sweet peas and lilies of the valley. Miss Ethel Barrett, who at- tended her sister as maid of honor, wore a frock of peach colored crepe, and carried an arm bouquet of pink roses, while the bridesmaids, Miss Wil- helmina Bos, sister of the groom, Misses Dorothy Charlotte and Helen Muriel Barrett, sisters of the bride and Miss Lucille Campbell, of Chicago, wore gowns of pea green crepe trimmed with ecru Chantilly lace and silver, and carried large bouquets of pink roses. Little Daisy Barrett as flower girl, wore a dainty frock of pink crepe and carried the conventional basket of pink roses. Mr. Perry Reininga of Oak Park served as best man for the bridegroom, and the ushers were Messrs. Wayland Smith of Evanston, Lucius Brigham of Wilmette, Harry Green of Detroit, and Paul Knowles of Park Ridge, the latter two,, cousins of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Bos are travelling ex- tensively in the West, and in the mean- time the bridegroom's father is building them a new home at 421 Edgewood avenue, Riverside, which they expect to occupy early in October. A small field got under way early this week at the Indian Hill club, in the Fourth annual Women's West- ern Golf Junior championships. A large number of the 1922 contenders graduated into the grown-up class, including EvanstonJs pride, Miss Mer- cedes Bush, of the Westmoreland club, who won last year's tourney. Her runner-up, Virginia Wilson, is also on the retired list. A good many hopefuls are emerging from the younger set at .Indian \Hill i<;«wntry club, a l^ft^i»T^tr>Uf ^<e Hai^ tries in this contest being froih this club. There is Marguerite Watson, the daughter of Mrs. Hathaway Watson, former president of the W. Wt Cr. A. and a golfer of note. Mrs. Watson huilt a putting green on her. estate a year ago for the youngster who now plays a surprisingly excellent game for hef age. She may prove a large factor in this week's tournament. Louise and Antoinette Lackner, also of that club, are a bit older than the Watson girL but they are not as experienced. Eleanor McEwen and Marion Fulton are aapable of bringing the cup into the possession of Indian Hill. But Indian Hill will not have everything its own way as Mid- lothian, represented by Evelyn Page, and Skokie, represented by Eva May Johnson, are out for the honors and cup this year. There are all-white shoeBrslippie^ 4n4 o^Kds to- gether with the new color-trimmed styles. m ills E^eS!North Shxn^^^p^^rririoj3l^a^e~arI^HSii of t|||>oJi)Ortunity to select the newesf v^|tuS|a footwear at appreciable savings. ji» «**â-  Cantilever Shoes not included in this sale :&Ostitter's Wi0^M^0^i^^':" "^ - :7': *^ oi'e Bootery mMsJ^mhSh Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Miller and Mr. - and Mrs,JR. M. Miller have just retuniedfD, from an extended trip via auto thru the eastern part of Indiana and southern part of Michigan, stopping at Elkhart. Indiana, to pay a visit to Mrs. N. P. Miller's brother, Mr» Frank Felke, for- merly,, .of Wilmette. .. .......,â- ........^,^'.',-W! J^anAJMrs^Jiarry B.^»rudenr63t Central avenue, aire spending the month in northern Michigan. Mrs; Henry M. Alien of Troy, Ohio, is visting her daughter, Mrs. L K. Stov- er, 1044 Ashland avenue. Mr. Allen will motor from Troy this week. People already speak of THE ORRINQi TON as "The most beautiful hotel in Evanston/* No ef- fort or expense fas been spared to make it truly a wonderful place to live. N Sybil Bauer, swimming under thrc&S ors of the Illinois; Athletic club, t^,I stroke champion of the world, and sopta; more at Northwestern university; rJ cently smashed the 100 yard backstriJ record for men. |f^' She is the first woman swimmer e» to break an existing man's record, wlklra she did in the swimming pool justjMtfii side of Newark, Sunday." II Miss Bauer swam in the time of 1$ 3-5, which is a world*s mark, anil <!£$,<? ered that of 1M held fcy Miss EtheW»! Bleibtrey. She defeated Aileen Riggin, Olympic diving champion, and Lillian Stoddart. Aileen Riggin finished tint yards behind. ..;. ,.|^ Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lison of Evans* ton announce the marriage of her daugh- ter, Helen to Mr. Paul I. Moore, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Moore, 531 Wast ington avenue which took place on Sat- urday, July 7, in the home of the brides>m parents. Mr. and Mrs. Moore will & at home after July 25, at 1812 Juneway terrace, Chicago. -----~~:_~~i$iil Mrs. W. J. McDowell and daughter, Ruth and son, John, 511 Tenth strtft left July 5 for a month's visit wi« friends in Hartford, Conn., and other eastern cities. Miss Naomi McDowell i is attending Camp A-Wa-Kai at Wato|l vliet, Mich. Mr. McDowell left Suo-j day on an extended business trip k| Omaha, Kansas City and Iowa. "M â- .â€"oâ€"• ...•â- â-  '-iii* The marriage of Miss Gladys Withers Lowry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Lowry, of 1720 Walnut avenue to Mr. Frank Gray Waggett, son of Mrl and Mrs. Charles Waggett of Melrose Highland, Mass., took place Wednesday ft V#--J' Photo-'by'. Eugene U 'Rajrir^::'"^ evening; June 27, at the Church of thl Holy Comforter in Kenilworth. At presf? ent they are honeymooning in the soutfa| and upon their return will snake theis home in Wilmette. v^";/.,:^,/^ -M Mr. aid Mrs. C. ^S.:'Cia1^':anTMr|, Sanford Clarke, 526 Washington avefa nue, are leaving this week for a thre#l weeks' trip in the East. They will mofi tor to New York, Nantucket, and through the White Mountains. Mrs. Percy Anil drews will accompany them to Ne«l 'York. ;§v;Pl;:^ <:-,' "-â- â-  â- .â-  :\:,„;.,..: J^'y\..;..',;,,;:..' J| Mrs. CliftblX. Keith anl tiiree sonsp have gone to their summer home, Keith's .Cliff," at Hazelhurst, Wis, Rl X Haftenger^ ioriherly of 227 NinthlH street, has joined them, and has taken ' full charge of the resort for the ^sum-«ifi â- merz ::â- â- â- " â- â- â- --â- "::â- - :^;>,^se,,rj" Mrs. .Ri&ljand Mo^t|||tiif a^ hertwo small daughters of-s€u!sa. Okla., lf« of Mrs. Montague's parents, Dr. and^ Mrs. Charles G, Smith, 1325 Green- wood avenue; for sewra| weekf, Mrs. Clik't^'^:|Jbrci^/;iMflit 919 Forest avenue, entertained at luncheon and bridge on Friday of last week if honor of her daughter, Mrs. George W^ Kand, of New York city, who will he her house-guest until me ktt^iiii^of next week. ^ The engagemenr of Miss Catherine Rehm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, William H. Rehm of Hubbard Woods, to John Stuart Coonley Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs, John Stuart Coonley of Chicago, has recently been announced. w~s nv 11 ??drPrs- a 5. Morley and fam- ily, 1112 Greenwood avenue, left Wed* nesday for St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada! Mrs. Morley and children will remain ail summer. Mr. Morley will return atter a three weeks' visit. |1 Mr. Charles Ostrom, 715 l^shing^ ton avenue, has returned frbnl northern Wisconsin, where he spent a fortnight with Mrs. Ostrom and their son, Ren- nolds. â-  ....- :>:?,zp?~&&tf^*^i:^:-â- â- ;â- â- â- â-  Mr. and MrljDa^lHall and family, da for the month of Jur^Jlfl^pIll spemv^few days this week in Battle ^Lehmd F VISIt1ng her br°*he^ M*V

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