Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jul 1923, p. 3

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\mmm-- '>Amm.:.-':.->.\m CLOSER IN I^Sfilllipllf ".;."'!'â- ......' 'Connor K. Ct Take 4 to I Battle After Eleven In- ' nings of Fine Baseball ^ fNDREDS SEE GAME Backers Sound Appeal '-.Now. for the sad news, Tflfie ball club is financially embarrassed. Most of the fans are doing nicely to help defray the considerable expense of staging ball games in the village. . Ip.-. order to get good competition, orr In othct words, to get good base- ballin the village, it "will be .neces- sary that the weekly contributions be somewhat increased. If the fans won't stand the expense, the team father O'Connor's -' K. of G. bail ^ > went home from Wilmette with t§ to 3 win over the local A. C's Sun- i : afternoon after the nines battled : Dtigh eleven innings of glorious l|eball. It was a game that will be forgotten in a hurry since sides went runless for ten in- although each managed to get around as far as third base sev- .. times.' •;lH:lipiSglSil?lif/' ^tfipf' ird out in the fateful eleventh, trtz Jlit safely to center, Adler laid Its 1 must and that hardly seems fair, does **?IPsast-;*:.Sunday's contribution was not nearly sufficient to cover the ex- penses of the game, yet the local fans saw one of the finest games revejr played in this vicinity. That ought to serve as a gentle hint for the future, eh, what? Sunday, July 15, the M^ Cs yrill play another game with the Iroquois of Chicago whom they defeated in a close game Several weeks ago. I l^f . Sunday's score :Mm':.. O'Connor' :lt^KS«^iiit- HE Adler, 3b -l^SMMM^n'" *& Shanley,, ss .^r^Sii;;- >3;" 5 0 â-  ..'1 sN|l Kutten, 'â-  rf:'^ili^l^^l^.â-  0" 0:Wti Fenger, c|ii;ji|IliSi||g 5\M£ â- ' llie Rank,.- lb ^W^WM^M B:p$$ - ."i Â¥% Prayling, C:M^m^Mk^W^^-^M Sullivan, 2b-. ff^^S|s^.4/-."â- â- â- '(>â-  .-:'0-PU. Flannery,)Jt$^3&$gf$&U:4 â- :-:.0'.-;0Sfl0: Mertz, p;^,4i!3|||f©':!lk; 4 :rri- 'A-Wft ^Total|||||f| Wiimette A. C 'irjierfect bunt-' Aiiii'7. "tifeiB^>iiV'cif^^J-:§Mfflic^|^s^".-^b^^^ '-"'- hit a fluke home run that JRosbcrg^ ss l||| Saunders, 4b>s?|; Estes, cf â- Z"'tr& H::;.Hopp,.'i#ii Robinson, c ?$$B Norman, .;p"-j|l§L $chultz,:"?f :;W$eBl Summerfeldt, rf Miger _____________....._ |fed out of the lot that Hbpp lost the tall grass, scoring three funs^ iother marker was added when Ink lined & triple to deep center raced in on Prayjhngs single. * filmette tried hard to bring the game back in their half of the tenth but the rally ?feli short by *'â- '>: tallyj|f Two .;..mei^^ere:':;oh. the, ,cs with" only one Out when their ||s lofted a couple q£ easy flies to the pastime. :-:\^^:yr^^, ^0- lel'locals-ai^i^ t some of the best teams of the :r-city;^:£ft4';.:^^ ^ral hundred fans witnessed an ^rles£v4gah1e:::Ott- the home defense ""'..Sunday, ;afl;i^:indi^io1n"::^:^tl»e' le;iof:y:bia*:the>-^ .. promise: â- '"is""" gWe^fP'th^'^he ^ifelc >ard; .will. â-  provide â- . grand stand seats "#;'â- !they-rooters in^^^ri^l^^mi^l^^' re,;:gTh« portable '.:&»iids..:'lti^t|iee1ri dered an4'..,.':shonl4lbe^oir^'latid' ithin a few 4ays, Aw the seats will in the shade, is the gladsome news. tide lf$%$$!?( fTotall ^m^ig4-w§4 UXbHr H:vB] il,6f§0,..;2llOl §|;sfp-;;olgo1 ^f 3'CSO: '2i§lQ] m4&Wli& ' "8^"'0l Paul F. Lobanoff Dies;|-:.^:-,: At Home in Los Angele* .......'M â- â- I •Mi, Word has been received from IyOS Angeles, Cal., of the death on June 27, in that city, of Paul F. Lobanoff, who for many years resided at 1118 Green- leaf avenue, Wilmette. "WMSmwm Services were held irotn the Little Church of the Flowerifalplbiest l^twh cemetery, Los \A^^k^^;0f:. -::\f%y,m: t Mr. Lobanoff is survived by his widow, three sons, Paul E., and Roy 0., and Robert M. of Milwaukee; and a daugh- ter, Vera T., ^,:W&^;:::1ffi®j&~ Angeles.: .' ..,*.â- -.â- ..-v,, -^ We now have a wonderful j!â- :.;assortment of Stimmer Dresses, Coatees, Wraps and Capes at prices that will ;surprise., evei^odyl;3|l|i|^r%^;: ;f:% 1US C«ttr^ Aw^^m.;! SRS wmmm, O'Connor ICCJiO ^ 0 0 JO 0 '0 0 0 0 4-4 Wilmette A. G 0 0 â- <M> 0 O 0 01) 0 3^3 Village Home Bakery ^ff', .^,;';..:::lThnna Wii. 9$^z^: ^llil» <|do| filings to Eat. ffiine jWte4| Bread, Pies, ^jgibes^ . Att«ition Gfr«n to Sp^ial <kda«........... W>M I |f When read^ "5||' trip, be ^ure.:tO'- carry ^;an.'"extiia\pair of ^laitses.^ SI.'>f â- â- ;;;â-  ,;:rf[^SW|: . ^^ercjisje^ j^thajoresjg^^ 12: possiEIe jchances of breaking! or losing your regular pairllSi 4 We Ga&^uickly Make a§ &?aci: JPupHcate of the Glasses il f |-,:XpM,-^fe,^ow^^^ llllll We Make '^:JB^^;^^^ for Examination i^eilP^iGouiiinl iTwo.WiSis' ^^•i^iSs SBBKB' Big Reduction Basket Ball ow lea Formerly Robinson s Restaurant i^H^yii#k# ;^iW:ifc^. lijy^p^^^ ;Cia is now en !:T|aW"!Liiii^eMm |I>iinier 530 to &30 IliS" On our opening :days| we:ikd% larger crowd than we dared, prepare for§ â- able to take care of any number of patrc^g||^,i.|3to,,J^),?aga^ «*^:.-. â- â€¢Â«i^reshing:S.;^nlk^;;?^ 'One Dine .and.' &M^ffyiS00, '""""' llllilf r Personal Supervision of Is MEN'S Regular Pric« ...$3J« Safe Price..............$2JS BOYSMterular Price .... ,$3.«a #g&$S«k Pric«' .....^^....."^./.IMS rOUTHS' Regular Price . .|2.7S | Sale Price ......;.. .JUS .....; ;â-  »!#•" â-  f>M^». „•*«feUfciifis. . ?:-c ".â- .â- .../â- â- tT^f^f1^^*.' •â- 'â- â- ',.;; .:CftjWW#Myi^#1« too lete." Phone Wilmette 2600 721 Main St, Wifaartte, Everything for the Automobile "itim glasco> suimsm :&$ '.^^€|Bi|ghi ^ay^*1** m $13.00 to $16.§0 ItwUlled SIMPLEX WINDSHIELD WINGS "mam^mtw^^mimmmmwmoi <tr> ^jigfelg. $16.00 to $30.00 Installed WIS 'mMM^ !i^(>gp:^;l":illii i|SiStiiM^^il^K:. Oii^oY> ' :llUSn?i:'; 'Sl*ii'*SlS^KiSl ...___^„!!^^S:!.!;;....... S^li^P^^^^^^I^I^^^P^IP MONOGRAMS ARE THE i;i*fii':PASHION' m vSJPfe: **wv â- . Monogram <m- REFORM FOUNDATION fortaltyllsetS MS in ^uttonCtwering ti '*.-i|'-4*Si*;»a safe.,.,,.;, ^_-i'.-.r';:i*sps Sliaste A. Ml CARY 1167 2nd Floorâ€"Suitep Smlfer-Cud Drue /Store Wilmette 2354 etables in our own! laMMRtheditoreiic^ jbe^Seti: home'-grown ve»% SsiliiSl^i iptables andSouth^ mater Street stira.||^nji 5^ 9 IWces are .lower.j Come in and see 111* #si mlmmm Mmmmm rencel â- "mm II .ftl

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