12 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, JULY 13, 1923 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Evanston to Glencoe inclusive, whose names appear in the tele- phone directory, or to persons who are regular subscribers to either The Lake Shore News, Winnetka Weekly Talk or Glencoe News. n.x^ 10 cents per line in one paper. 20 cents per line in all KateS-----three papers. Minimum charge 8 lines. Black face type charged double price. Average of Ave words to the line. T\~„J1:~~ **â€" Zm.^wJsx*.* Classified advertisements will be Deadline JOT insertions---- accepted up to Wednesday 12 o'clock for The Lake Shore News or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Talk and Friday 12 o'clock for the Glencoe New* Telephones WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 288. fj QOVRVS ADJOURN WETS GO AND PLAYBAU) BJEBAJL ESTATE R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. OFFER SPECIALLY ATTRACTIVE 7 ROOM HOME IN finest section Lincolnwood district North Evanston. House In splendid condition inside and out. 4 bed rooms, beautiful wooded lot, garage and children's playhouse. Sacrifioe a* $12,500. Modern 8 room stucco between "L" and steam transportation. Hot water he£t, also instant gas heater, glassed sun and sleeping porches, wooded lot.[garage. Price reduced to $19,500. Substantial 9 room stucco in best ndrfth east section, 4 large bed rooms ___-and; sleeping ^oreh 15 by 24 on sec- ond floor. Maid's room and bath on third floor. Billiard room on 1st floor with large fireplace, 54 foot lot, 2 car garage. Splendid offering at $22,i500. Bargains in vacant property, east and west. «0 Linden Ave. Ph. Wil. €8 and 444. L37-ltc REAL ESTATE Service You Will Like SPECIAL OFFERING flew 6 rm Dutch Col.â€"Glencoe. Heated sun and sip. porches; |Decorations and light fixtures %o suit buyer. $13,500. Terms. % rm Modern Brick. East loca- tion, large lot, new 2 car garage $18,500. rnn Stucco, 2 yrs old, finest lo- cation, sun and sip. pchs, double garage. $17,500. Mew tapestry brick home, 2 bedr., all conv. rustic garden, Ravine lot, garage; $19,500â€" worth moreâ€"see it now. E. E. StulU Realty Co. !M Elm St. TeL Winn. 1800 WILMETTE CHARMING COLONIAL. 6 ROOMS and sun parlor, very attractive liv- ing and dining rooms, choice light kitchen with breakfast nook, water heat equipped with Klea» Heat Oil Burner controlled by Thermostat; double garage with cement drive. $16,000. WINNETKA Pretty 6 rm. stucco, sun plr. sip. pch., artistically landscaped. 3 blks. to lake," owner leaving N. Shore, ask to see this and-^make offer. Exclusive Agents, w. a sxacey & ca 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 A BUSINESS BUILT ON SERVICES! LTG37-ltc WILMETTE FOR SALE^-MOST ATTRACTIVE 5 rm. brick bungalow, best construc- tion, built 2 years, extra Ige. liv. rm., tile bath, glazed sleep, pch., 3 blocks from "L." A snap at $12,500. Owner anxious to sell quick, wants offer. Ideal 6 rm. stucco, in perfect con- dition, Choice Baat aide lOc, con- venient both steam and "L". H. W. beat, all Ige. sunny rros, sun parlor #0 ft. lot. A real Buy $18,500. Circumstances compel owner to sell his home located best N. E. Section. 8 rms. liv. rm. 15x30, 4 . master bed rms. and maid's rm., 2 baths, over-slse h. w. heat, 2 car garage. Beautifully wooded lot, FRINT GEORGE & CO. End "L" 410 Linden Ph. Wit 407-408 _____________________________ L37-ltc A. R. EDDINGTON AJO _JLA&7-. Wilmottc-Avg-----~"~Tel. Wil. 640 ATTRACTIVE 7 ROOM HOUSE AT 1201 Elm wood Ave. Can be seen only by making appointment with us. Come in and see us about price. etc. 6-room stucco home with large sun ?^Tlor\,h- w' heat parage, wide lot. Attractive buy for $13",500. Neat little % room frame colonial near Indian Hill station. Large lot. Bargain at $16,500. One of the best buys in Wilmette, 4s a 7 room colonial on Maple Ave. Has beautiful large living room and attn parlor, wooded lot and 2 car garage, price $20,000. ♦*5eei.our ,ll,t of vacant especially .-'.I** bargain on Aahland Ave* sL tHOOO per foot---------------------L37-1 tb For Lots and Acre Tracts in New Trier See SCHAEFER & G0LBACH Phone Wilmette 364 909 Ridge Ave. (Near Lake Ave.) All My Vacant IN WILMETTE GAGES ADDITION TO WILMETTE located on Chestnut, Ashland, Elm- wood, Sheridan Kd., Tenth St, and Seventh ave., comprising Lots 2-7-10 Bl 1-L2 Bl 2 with Riparian rights L 4 L 5 L 4 Bl 6 L 3-4 Bl 9 L 9-10, & 12 Bl 10 L 5 Bl 13 L 1 & 3 Bl 17 and L 16 Bl 18. seven Wilmette Agents will show these lots; or write direct to the owner J. P. Gage, Vineland, N. J. LTG-20-tfc. Judge s fvlkfi/li ^\w^{ Hill „â- 'â- $.i;:/ty-'$.' ;,;.>§s. SiJfelJSL iP M £s /»Itik y«>i FOR §ALEâ€"HOUSES FOR SALE BT WILMETTE REALTY Co. means more to the seller than one would think. Our experience and ability pre-eminently fits us to han- dle your property with the utmost encieneyv I* .yau wanttto ««a â- ywi*> place, phone us. WILMETTE REALTY CO. r.,„ ..A* J* Woodcock, proprietor, 513-4th St. Wilm. 1304 '_________ L-37-ltp. Winnetka Wonder -«^TSD^N^»rTCCRfiri5F SUPER- * »/y wooded and landscaped grounds, lies this remarkable home, with 4 ££l££m8 an\2 bath»: l»r«re sun and S^fP*K1l*IM?rcne8: *apa«* and a gar- »1« vhH, l,*A Per*ect joy; $307000, «ifi-ha?dle *¥» »*5,000 value* The • J!£l~ . J&E1 .of construction. HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. "' -i- „ Exclusive Agents »s^Ce«}J«f«s Winnetka, Ph. Winn. 254 Open Sunday Afternoons. J LTG-37-ltc. Wilmette & North Evanston DESIRABLE 6 ROOM STUCCO, 75 FT porch and garage, f 10,500, easy terms. Modern « room brick, large lot f i^ol : •un and *lPS »orche* Greai bargain, modern brick, nine rooms, Eng. Oak and Colonial. Large ±M enclosed and heated porches. Very MO 000 OCatio1* and «r<>tthds. Only S! HILL & WHELLER 411 Linden Ave. *! Tel. Wil. 93 WE HAVE A LARGE LIST OF clients in the. market for homes *from $204>00 to S40.000 from Wil! S^^i10 .?lencoe- I* your home is EVEY, DE LESS * CO. S25-4th St. End L. Wilmette 2794 ;; -.V- L37-ltc CHOICE VACANTâ€"50x187 FOOT LOT in S. W. section. $80 per foot. . -VJ?riie£-.niust "ell. Make offer. HEINSEN & CLARK, Inc. c" Center St., Winnetka, Ph. Winn. 254 -----Open Sunday Afternoons. _________ LTG32-ltc FO?*< SALEâ€"MOD. 9 ROOM HOUSE: attic, basement h. w. ht., gar. Suit- able 1 or 2 families. Tel Glen. 338-J. Box 165, Glencoe, 111. * LT37-ltc FC£? SALEâ€"CHOICE LOTS, FIFTY ST, frS£J» at 1718 Washington Ave Tel. Wil. 993-W. L37-ltc I i, €JHA«MB» H. BRBTHOLD "»«. LIABILITY, THEFT A WD ~. ATO6~ilfSURANCE . j"**** muH «eees« Bfermase Irnsts RKAL KSTATE B4tt Mala Street Tfllawtte, Dl. V 1Vle»sieme m ' ' LTG-I0-tf«v WINNETKA'S NEW MASONIC TEMPLE fs especially planned to pro- vide modern rooms suitable for lectures, meetings, en- tertainments, dances, etc. For rates and available dates see the chairman of the Temple House Commit- tee. Dr. J. E. Fonda Phone Meyer Bank Bid©;. 12H WINNETKA * ^JfFOR^RlflffTâ€"A PLEASANT FRONT room in Wilmette in a private home for a couple. No other Boarders. References exchanged. Address Lake Shore News A-221. L37-ltc __ RENTAL *°iLRFNTâ€"AUGUST 1ST TO SEPT 15th, 7 rm. hse. Sun and sip. pchs HEINSEN & CLARK, Ine. 556 Center St. Winnetka win. 254 LTG-37-ltc FOR RENTâ€"BY AUGUST 1ST. SPACE 24*llS -f,i»ft?a^: a^o finished loft Iff *â„¢Ulta£!f for st«dio. «79 Hill Rd.. Winnetka ____________LTG37-ltc Why pay out your hard .earned cash for rent when I will build you a beautiful Old English home as pic- tured above on your lot for $6,000 and have same ready* for you to move into in S Weeks Living room 15 x 20â€"Hot . ^Tater.; J^t,.4ijiil^ windows full screened with copper wireâ€"all windows and doors weather stripped with cop- per weather stripping. See plans and specifications to-dayâ€"you'll be pleased, JOHN BODKIN Builder of Homes EVANSTON Tel. Er. 4281. Open Evenings 7 to 11 SITUATION WAJJTED-MALE Paul Kruger Builder of i___ Stone Gateways Fountains and Garden^%; Furniture in Stone Wisconsin Flag Stone New York Blue Stone Phone Winnetka 1530 730 Center Street, Winnetka HELP ^AJTTICDâ€"FEMALE LTGtfitilj WANTEDâ€"RELIABLE WOMAN ^PHO will take home laundry work m call for same. TeL, Winn. 74i|â€" KARLPAPE Painting and Decorating 1632 Central Ave. Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2934 WANTED â€" EXPERIENCED CODE* also waitress. Best wages. Tel' Winn. 58. LTG37-H* WANTED COMPETENT WHITE GIRL for gren'l hswk. Kefs. Good was«. Tel. Wilmette 1506. LTG37-1U SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WILMETTE SHOE SHINING PARLOR £ Hats Cleaned and Blocked While U Wait Expert Shoe Repairing 2 ELECTRIC PLACES College Preparation in French BY TEACHER OP EXP. IN EURO- pean and American schools, senior and junior girls. Special attention given to backward students. Con- versational French by appointment Terms on application. Miss P. Beryl Speck, 228 Greenbay Rd., Hubbard Woods. Phone Glencoe 3(85. <* LTG-37-lte. COLLEGE WOMAN, WITH FIVE year old son, would like position is a managing or working housekeeper in a motherless home; companion for small boys; former social service worker. Best references exchanged. Tel. Glencoe 337. LTG37-ltc YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN VTVUL care for children afternoons or even- ings. Can furnish references. TeL Wil. 2919. L*5.tfe HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WILL CA1UB ror children afternoon or evenings. Address Lake Shore News A-222. L37-lte suits excl. FIRST CLASS signer gowns ing $4 per day. FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENTâ€"LARGE PLEASANT AIRY bedroom, twin beds; nicely furnish- ed; also private sitting room; suit- able for two business men or couple. Also smaller room for one* Home of â€"refinement, nearâ€"tramsportattOTir^eas? side; breakfast; ref. exchanged. Tel. Wil 1091. L37-ltp FURNISHED ROOM, EAST SIDE home; cool, comfortable; convenient «afes and transportation. Tel. Wil. .844^3. L37-ltc CENTRAL HOTELâ€"ROOMS;,ST. HEAT hjL and cold r««S. water. TeL Wil. 1080. 629 Main St., Wilmette.___ ------------------- L32-tfc FOR RENT â€" LARGE FURNISHED room, private home, near all trans- portation. Tel. Wil. 873-J. L32-tfc FOR RENT â€" 4 UNFURNISHED rooms, $35 a month. 1826 Elmwood Ave^ Wilmette. LTG36-2tp HELP WANTED MALE WANTEP^TO ItgNTâ€"APARTliiBMT^ WANTEDâ€"FURNISHED-OR- UN^rmr 5reCs.enp. O^^lat^ChfcaSo-. Ad" ^^^_____ T.ST-ltn FOR RBHTâ€"aoOlln A CHANCE FOR FIVE YOUNG MEN to learn salesmanship and earn a generous amount of money at the same time, selling a dignified con- tract line to homeowners-. Apply between 10 and 12 A. M. to Mr. Sieben c/o Schaefer & Golbach, 909 Sr«seoi^ve- at 'I*a*« Ave. Wil. or TeL WiL 364- LTG-37-2tc. aanruATioN wantedâ€"male Upholstering, Draperies, Slip Covers James B. MacFarlane Interior Decorator \. Formerly with Monde I Bros. 519. Fourth Street, Wilmette PlieM Wilmette ~2ZST^^T __. RemodeV Tel. Evanston 1711 L37-ltf ALL KINDS OF SERVING DONE IN my own house. Best of references. Tel. Wil. 1091. L37-ltp EXPERT LAUNDRESS WISHES WORK by the day. Tel. Oakland 5003. ..________________________ LT37-ltp SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE AND FEMALE WANTEDâ€"BY SWEDISH-AMERICA!* Couple, position as chauffeur, gardneti and cook. All around gen. couple? 7 yrs. exp. on North Shore. Addres* Lake Shore News A-223. LT-37-ltoi B*. FOR SALEâ€"AirrOHfOBIL.ES HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WiSF?DTW?1T3B GIRL FOR GBN- fZl1 «8Kwk' fou,r in family, no wash- i«fiil5 a we5H" Mu*t have best^of references. Tel. Wilmette 2209. - .....-......- LST^ltc W^JSrBD^"W«AIJRESS- MUST BE Ex- perienced. 9 hours a day, $20 Per 5*eewifPP^ SherWa« Cafe. 601 Main St.. Wilmette.___________^ LTG37-ltc CHANGE OF LOCATION FOR SALEâ€"$200 CASH FORD SEDAN! nas been all overhauled; needs little! paint; ^fully equippedâ€"starter, de- mountable rims, all cord over-si.?ed?: tires and spare; bumpers; snot lights S'IleeU?ck: 8P««<lonieter; slip covers. ..._^-- Winnetka l«Mâ€"4i^ mentr Ave# WTnnetka, 111.________ LTG-37-ltc. Frihklin Sedan. 1918 Oakland Sedan, i»2© «»^-SSulSL^-To!l Truck WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Ave.. Winn., Tel. Winn. 165 LTG37-ltc FORf SALEâ€"RARE BARGAIN SIX ^Mnte Nash Sport TouHn^Sr m£ write H. Fisher, 738 10th St. Wll- mette L37-ltc MARRIED MAN. 37 YEARS. NO CHIL- aren, high school education, who 2f kFnPrtfS*,,-^e'. Itallan- Snanish ^rt^i? n^»Bh; desires position as ._ Privateâ€"chauffeur.â€"pâ€"t*;â€"cK*»ii«i ^tirchell Ave.. Highwood, ill. ' '- LTG36-2tp EXPERIENCED MAN WISHES housework or lawn work by the day Reference^1 Tel. Wil. 1353. y* L37-ltc CMANGB OF LOCATION Ope, â„¢*Z*^*£FSg"$g' W?fa &Si WANTED-CHAUFFEUR near ai| tntfnm^Z JI^JL^^^ e00?3**: Cal1 Glencoe r.-if >."• - â€" POSITION, Call Glencoe 446 We wish to announce the opening of our ™™y, ~l0r' Saturda^ July 14th, in our NEW LOCATION on the second floor of the Eckart Building, 733 Elm street, Win- netka (next door east of^the Winnetka Mate Bank). Jnbodbe Jane H3 Elm Street, Winnetka. I SOUVI|NIRS FOR THilHttDREfl!;"fi i^?^ ffjll ,-M