Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 13 Jul 1923, p. 10

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â- HRKKV1" 10 »*vw.. THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FP^AY. TULY 13. 1S23 ^j'PSlMBfeiiffe^ >â- â-  :'3w'M9 HEARLECniREON UACK 0'YARDS' I â€"------------- Miss Mary McDowell Tell* Kindergartners of Her Set- tlement Work in City URGES WOMEN'S DUTY Must Use Ballot to Beautify Chicago Miss Mary McDowell, Head Resident of Chicago University Settlement and Commissioner of Public Welfare of the T3ity of Chicago, in speaking before the summer session of the. National Kinder- garten and Elementary college this week said, "the only thing I ever took thoroughly was the course in kindergar- ten wori^nr this college under Miss Elizabeth Harrison. I have loved it very much and it has affected my attitude toward life, my method of doing things with people and children, because it is a philosophy that gees beyond little children and one who is to be a kindergartener must see the child never as a little child all alone but as a child who is part of the great Social circle. In speaking of her life back of the stock yards Miss McDowell said that she has lived in that district for twenty- eight years because she wanted to get in touch with the laborers, the unskilled workers who get the lowest wages. Ac- cording to Miss McDowell the little children there are not unlike those in other placesâ€"some are less spoiled, less bored, more simpleâ€"but they have all the possibilities of any child. Right To Beauty "We put the child of the poor in sor- did ugliness where there is no beauty," said Miss McDowell, "and are surprised at the unlovely result. Every child has a right to beauty. You must not be- lieve in this just in your own schoolâ€" you must spread the gospel." Miss McDowell said that in showing slides of "Beautiful America" to the people of the stock yards she tells them very emphatically that they have a right to beauty, to grass and trees and flow- ers." Will that make them discontent- ed?" she questioned. "Yes! I want them to be discontented with dirt and ugliness. What do we have schools, and kinder* gartens for if not to stir up a noble dis- fl*PtK'ti.?" A**ef ?n* *1<ph l*«*nffg sf. Ht- tSt-JPoltsh boy, who lives in a wooden hut below the level of the sidewalk said, "it is true what you said. I no like it here. I go away. I like grass and flow- ers and trees and I like lambs that eats out of your hands like on the farm." Miss McDowell told tersely of one experience in the district "back of the yards." "There were great clay holes filled with rubbish and garbage from all over the city. Mothers came to me about FISHBRMEN. ATTENTION I . Regularly during the Summer, the Chicago and North Western Ry. will Issue Bulletins , showing the best oatches of Bass, Muskellunge, Pickerel, and Pike In the 7.000 Lakes Region of Northern Wisconsin and Michigan, and other information of interest to every Fisherman. Bulletin No. 1, showing early season catches of Muskies and Pike, has just been issued. Write C. &.c£irIMi *S» T* *!•» <?• *â- â- â- **• W. Ry., «|* Jackson St., Chicago, saying "Put me on your Fisherman llst,"~sfiff they will come to you regularly free ©r any charge, Chone Earl E. Orner, Wilmette Ticket Agent, C. & N. W. Ry., Wilmette 4." tips 4#S*; Are You o Member? CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB Established 1906 i J. G. STANTON '^M}M: Wilmette Branch Mar. North Shore Hotel, Eranston *400 Wt1*4 Milton Cash ; f 1 Returned by auto insurance de - ^MSi-:?****0*0* in 1922 Miff NlWWSHuCLbDGE okioa JimcTiow«Wisconsin 18 Miles froarCMeajro* a» Miles West otKeaeaaa. GbodRosds. C.*N.W*R*Rr-f The Resort Complete A place of refinement ^with-ai1 the advantages of a modern country «lubr-*avinsr-arT»tron-' age consisting* only of gentiles. Our own 18- hole golf course; spaci- ous clubhouse. New hotel; rooms single or suite with tub and shower baths. Cottages with running water, electric lights. Excel- lentmeals. Inspection Invited. Write for folder. - ^ Caao. JB. Cartia, Ms* ... PJMsie Geaea Jet. ft it and I went to the City Hall, thinking that all I had to do was to tell them of the high death rate of babies in families living near these holes, and that tney would immediately change it. I kept on going for nineteen years. After about fifteen years one man said that I coma never get it changed until I had public opinion on my side. I went abroad and found how such matters were handled there but it was not until women got the vote that anything was done about it here." ' , ^ According to Miss McDowell women s votes are not to be used by any political machine but as a weapon or method for getting something done. "City govern- ment," said Miss McDowell, "is not for political partiesâ€"it is for the welfare of the homes, to bring cleanliness, pur- ity and beauty into the lives of the peo- ple. We haven't got it. We have beau- ty in spots but we have far more ugli- ness, ft is patriotic to say that Chicago is ugly, and is beautiful only in spots? It is neither patriotic nor unpatrioticâ€" if is the truth." In conclusion Miss McDowell said that she does not consider' her work back of the stock yards as finishedâ€"that it cannot be. finished until politics stops playing with such things and science starts working on them. "In this coun- try," said Miss McDowell, "we can ncv-^ er have a love of beauty until we have a knowledge of ugliness. No neighbor- hood liveth unto itself. The city as a whole must care for the stock yards as well as the Lake Shore drive." SOME SHIPMENTS ^ During the first nine weeks of iyf), the Western Electric Company ship- ped three billion eight hundred mil- lion conductor feet of lead-covered telephone cable to the operating com- panies of the Bell System. 15,000,000 POLESâ€"PHONE There are 15,000,000 poles now m use in the Bell Telephone System and additions and replacements call tor 750,000 new poles each year.________â-  ROOFING N over the Old Shingles ESTIMATES FREE 0RTH SHORE ROOF CRAFTERS p •lit! GRACE FORBES SHOP Sport Apparel * Summer Frocks also Making Gowns and Frocks Room 217 Hoyburn Theatre Bid*. 516 Davis St HVAN8TON Telephone 7467 ///////////////- â-  '/â- ////. â-  3201 Emerson St. Evanston Phone 7026 Park Ave. Glencoe Phone Iff wmmmmmMBam Library Plaza Hotel Evanston THE finest jewelry shop on the North Shore, maintaining a repair depart- ment for watches, clocks and jewelry. Atoll First class Grocery Are You Familiar with all of the many tasty dessert combina- tions that you can make by using Seidel'a **ady-Angers-5 a«»^^ convenience, we have a number of these recipes printed; you can have a copy for the asking. Both the cocoanut and almond macaroons and our light, delicious lady fingers are on sale at all grocers. Order from them. The Home of Good Balling tcrnM 9IO CHICAGO AVENUE Ev&naton,InV _ â€" 45 FAMOUS K^MACAROCWS 61 LADY FINGERS PHONE EVANSTON taoo SUP COVERS Ucladin« Labor «nd Material !*"*' aim Davenport ^r fiiiL moo $6.50 Intel? Guar- anteed Alee a woaoarfal eeleettoa of tav- pottoa1 CoveriatT* at a trmmvmA* ow leaaetloa d«e to oar wMe experleaee la tae ataktea; of Cov- er*, oaaMla* aa to a*re r©» aaa- ertor aaallty. . Save «•% oa **»AatoieeeUe era. Order #lreet fcroaaâ€" GOLLIN BROS. Formerly With Mendel Broa. Call or Write liHJ MAIN ST. EVANSTON Phono Evanston till »„»»»»>»»»»»»»wjj»A YOU MAY Bl YOUR GLASSES Untess completely shatl|fv save the pieces, bring th^ us and in a short time we exactly duplicate the lens without re-examinaul your eyes. Our repair work reflect! most creditably, the consciec tious service we render. M â-  Mi Your Optical Headquarter** Make This IS Yearo of *r**tlm Df.O.H.BERSQ ------WTi WILMETTE AVeS? Fonaverly Mgr. Opt. Dept. CD. PEACOCK, INC. - ? For Appointment Phone Wit or Realdeaee Wilmette 170T â- //////a//////////////////"///'" Combustion Fuel Oil Burners Fourteen Reasons Why Thousands of Combustion Fuel Oil Burners Are Being Sold This Year. REASONS. 8. Nothing inside the boiler but fire brick. 9. Impossible to flood the boiler with oil. North Shore Combustion Co. 1 Electric Place Wilmette CALL "KEEGAN" WILMETTE 2131 "^^l WATCH THIS SPACE FOR OTHER REASON^ F II, LING Whether your needs are mm load or; a hundred, wij are now in a positionsst6 make prompt deliveries. W§& M Lime for the lawn EDINGER & SONS Dealers in All Kinds of Building Materials |v/aNSTON_ _^KEmjVfGKl^m aypHH;

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