'W'l'WWwmlw^- ff^^^^T^TW^WP^ifflil Some time ago there appeared in e columns of the Lake Shore News ention of the "BEACH MANOR" oject, contemplating the erection of residential hotel owned and op- ated upon the multiple home own- ship plan. The announcement has t been made that Beach Manor is be completed by May 1st, 1924. e Hotel is to be located on Sheridan ad and Lake Michigan, between lmette and Kenilworth, and will tain 120 homes of four, five and rooms. The difficulties in the way its erection because of the loca- i upqjh "No Man's land" havte n removed. These difficulties were IfUfregard to water and sewage, and i contract has been signed by the Sa iitary District of Chicago agree- to connect the Hotel directly with e North Shore Channel. Artesian wells have been sunk hich after analysis by one of the st prominent Chicago chemists are ported to furnish cooler and purer ater than taken from Lake Mich- an. -' v'!\ â- â- 'â- â- }':'â- â- - • -' ' ' f ' â- ' '\ff"f;' '.,#â- . Beach Manor has been designed by r. N. Max Dunning, an architect ith a national reputation, vice-presi- int of the Architects' Association of merica. Chief Adviser of the Citv eautiful Plan Commission of Chi- go, and one of the Associate Arch- ects of the Furniture Mart which rive &nj&'~. will' cbvfr! one and bliie* alf million souare feet and cost app- roximately $10,000,000. An unusual feature of the Architect's ork lies in the fact that he has been ssisted by his wife, Mrs. Anna Dun- ing, Who ha> designed the layout of [he apartments and drawn the pic- res of the Hotel as it will appear om the Sheridan Road side of the ke Shore frontage upon comple- ,h:i:*^>:v.'i-"v.':';•-â- â- â- :/'.;â- ;-,&/â- •;:â- : -:.,'.;â- ' ,**"'e ;.;.â- ;â- .>:•>â- • The members of the syndicate pro- ding the Beach Manor project are! ". C, Davisy President of Davis- atkins Dairymen's Mfg. Co.; whose usiness was, recently sold for over hree million dollars; Hermon S. laich, of Mutual Trust Life Insta- nce Co* Chicago; Patrick J. Mc- ardle, of Counsel for Chicago Sur- ace Railways: A. E. Wells, Wells Bros.. Construction Co.. Harold C. lixs -of ^ne|^-Pix,-RealtQM4lAnd miar G; jHarriSi prominent engineer nd originator Of the project. The cost ^=frlaced *t-two and one half million dollars and already thirty-five partments have been disposed of. This is. a novel home owning plan originated by a group of business and professional men who desire to secure exclusiveness and seclusion in the home which the ownershm of' an in- dividual home jdoesA not always guar- antee. ":.:â- :â- }?;%';â- .'ffff.^ Very careful arrangements both sit the building plan and in the selection" of owners, have been made, so that these requirements shall be preserved. To secure the best ideas regarding the management of such an establish- ment, they have-covered this coun- try and continental Europe. From the Parisian Falansteries and the belt equipped hotels in Europe and Amer- ica they have secured ideas upon ar- rangement and management which vwU guarantee a combination secur- ing all owners the advantages of cityv suburban and resort life combined. The main building-will contain 120 apartments of four, five and six rooms, with hotel, restaurant, grill rooms, coffee - shops, commissaries, drug store, physicians' and dental of- fices, gymnasium, garage facilities ac- commodating at least 120 cars, with a perambulator and playroom for the children during the months they are prevented by the weather from mak- ing use of the sand beach. It is estimated that the multiple ownership plan will save about fifty per cent of the cost compared to leasing a like apartment building or owning a private home with the same beautiful surroundings. It is certain ♦hat more than fifty per cent of the annoyances, inconveniences and hard work needed to manage a privaW house will be %lim\$j$ffat,>i«<v~,«.....m-râ€":--r ISforfHllw^ create* accommodations than can be found in ahy other hotel in the Chi- cago district. The servant question is settled for all time by the purchase of a home in this establishment. The greatest objection the individual home owner has to face, that of a possible change in neighborhood, has been re* moved by the selective method which the Company areputting inter ieffect^ A* committee formed fronai those who have already purchased apartments will handle future applications and paiss upon the desirability of the ap- piicants. :^-. "^M^§;--- fefilP '- .#^' Our ideals of home life are chang- ing. A representative of the Company Who has been in Europe has made the statement that fifty years from now there will not be a castle in Europe occupied as a residence. The British aristocracy are living" in hunt- ing lodges and tovim houses in pre-^ Terence t^ handling a great retinue of servants^ The real aristocracy of America are the business arid professional people. Changing conditions have made It im- possible to secure the right kind of help in managing a home. Beach Manor will remove all these difficulties. AH the seclusion of a country home is guaranteed, yet just outside your door you will find all the social pleasure needed to make life ktnson happy and complete. So many claims are made upon the society woman of today that she is likely to become a hervous wreck if she has the care of ah individual home upon* her shoul- ders. Beach Manor does not take away from her the joy of housekeep- ing, but removes all the petty an* noyances and gives her freedom to run her home in any manner she finds most suitable. :.'..*/. The sound proof walls insure quiet* ness. The; electrical ranges, mechan- ical refrigeration, and all modern de- vices make it possible for her to dis- pense with any help if she so desires. If not, the management will make ar- rangements for the rendering of any service necessary*â€"Should she require to entertain a larger number of guests than she can accommodate in her own apartment, there will be at her dis- posal guest rooms of various sizes, so that any kind of reception or any form of entertainment can be furn- ished'her guests. The building ami grounds will cover a four hundred foot frontage with a Stretch of sandy beach equal to any- thing to be found' along the lake shore. The owners will have their own yacht club and the boating facil- ities and accommodations will be complete; as well as the privilege of bathing in the lake, ^^mJa^^swmmmB^ The location of Beach. Manor is most picturesque, located Jbetween Kenilworth and Wilmette, within Kenilwo ^ , Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Smith, 324 « Cumnor road, and Miss Dorothy Smith H. Prentiss, 2M-Jeftâ€" Thursday to motor to Erie, Pa., entertained thirty where their daughter, Mrs. Leslie Tay- at the Ecteewater|lor resides- Beach hatel, Monday evening in cele-| Miss Alice Wessa,'of Oxford road, oration of „iheir iwen^-fifth wedding left Tuesday for New York city where iff Mr. and : Mrsv" J. |r Cumberland avenue, [ friends at dinner " f^Mcm etcham, 329 Sheridan road, ga^^'a""'ii^]^ise^idinn^^:pa^- for Mr. Ketcham last Saturday night at The Buccaneer's Club/ aboard the Santa Maria, anchored in the Wihnette harbor. I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mock who have been staying Witt* Mrs. Charles Meyer, 423 Cumnor road for the past month are now at the Evanston Hotel. ? , Mr. and Mrs. Owen T. Reeves, Miss Hellen Reeves and her guest, Miss Lois McMonies, motored to Lake Geueva~to spend the 'Foutft^.v;,ai.^;$iiJney!;.;SMhV summer home. â- â- . Wl^fxW-lff'. WIMMti. fc'Steve" kenybn* 3Q4 Cumnor road and his friend, Jack Smith, spent a week visiting Miss Miriam Shattuck at day morning. SMrSand Mrs. J. H. Newport, 620 Abbottsf ord road, and Mr. Herbert New- port, Miss 'Florence. Newport and Mr. Charles Rockcastle motored to Seneca, DU this? week. she will continue her graduate work at the Teacher's' College, Columbia Urii- Mrs. Gilbert Kelly, 412 Cumnor road, is entertaining her sister, Miss Riddle- burger, of Washington, D.C, for sev- Mrs. E; J. Papke, 323 Kenilworth avenue, and son, Mr. Ranson Wood, left Sunday to spend the summer in the White Mountains. 11 ; -1 Mr. and Mrs. Ralph S. Gr^manh, bf Chestnut avenue, returned home Sunday from Cleveland, Ohio, tended the Real Estate convention. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Bellamy arid family, 320 Oxford road, left Wednes- day to spend the.s^immer^in^Berkeley, Mrs.--Charles Ware, J2Sâ€"Abbottsf ord road. Miss Marjorie Burchard, who gradu-r ated from Wellesley in June, has re- turned home. Dr. and Mrs. Henry H. Everett, 415 What We Really -1". s^ellts.."r::' 1 Satisfactory__ Transportation A doctor* sells health, and a tailor sells gar- ments. You Wouldn't care to patronize a doctor who sells merely ^ills, or a tailor who sells only cloth. An automobile dealer sells,, transportation,^ g so . why think of him as one who sells only a car? We sell our customer satisfac- tory transportation. Our knowledge- and experience lead us to4 recommend the splendid ^«ew Dodge Brothers and Wills Sainte Claire models. Our- equip- ment for service to carf assures the assures the easy access of almost fifty country clubs, with' doxen of large private homes in the neighborhood bickerf by a most wonderful arboretum of trees, gardens and lawns, with a view of the lake i6i miles from practically all *pa|rtinents, constructed sb that there win be sunshine in each for the major portion of the day, nothing could be more desirable. From a practical standpoint, the easy access by road and rai|, with the fact that Chicago telephone service without tbll will 1>e installed, makes Beach Manor an ideal location for the busy executive, pro- fessional or business man, who de- sires to spend the greater portion of the year near his interests in Chicago. | Atthe same time, the careful selec- ,. ; iiiiji mini iiwi .iiiii'irinMiffiiiini'ii.r ii.i) my».fM^\'^pm^^ tion of owners insures the protection .of his family socially. :-'^Z?.^<&;--im. ; ,;TIw*'€toiimairyi;wder;?tils^rttt of Beach Manor, Inc., have opened office* at 11 S. La Salle Street and will be glad to furnish further in* formation to those desirous of under- standing "the multiple home owner* Ship plan.** They are hot in the real estate business, but a group of earnest people who are interested in secur- ing an ideal home and are willing to back their ideas with their dollars. Adv. St":;?: pin iffll t^f^m^..., ........ I KEEN. AiCCURATE_____ Jus problems only as well as he sees (them. fy^&i^i$?'f£:.. i^f^y«... ?f t^Moderii complexities of Jife cause an imdue strain upon ^mkt more you cotrserve ymir sight the more efficient yo#& ' is Team «e awfeeâ€"f«i Pra««ic« f Ebr.o.l4.BEai§t:i| Optometrist â- â- â- â- â- â- - us^:^- I 1177 WILMETTE AVE. ,S% ..^â- ..â- wmmmaw Mgr. o»t. mmbf^w P«r AppolBtmcmt Vhmmm Wll. 37M 'l-~Wi «SP» NORTH SHORE CATERER is ridw^ at 350 Washington avenue, Glencoe. High class catering at moderate prices. Will prepare and serve lunches, din- ners, etc. for parties of:five or more*,. ^ » First Class References. First Class Work. 18 Months on Henry Ford's Private Car as Chef fyww^'*!**!-.- Telepliofie Glencoe 367 *>fS$i§i An i^peal e have been told by a customejywho is well known on the north shore that when securing: esti- mates to recover his roof with asphalt shingles a competitor called and made several- false state- ments about our company and some of our officers Several ways have been suggested by which this thing can be stopped but we know that this sort of salesnianship will prove nxjt only tiresoine: but repulsive to our neighbors on the north shore. So we ask as a favor that if you are approache<i in j the manner above stated give us an opportunity io prove that our Company and every one connected^ with it is reliable. We can refer you to Jitmdredsl of satisfied customers on the north shore; to local I banks and we can show that our |>reserit volume is| approximately $50,000 per year§and increasing rapiqly. ' ' . ' :llpwc;;; â- 'f^.'.-'^""r'r:'""""" We are the north shore distributors of #lintâ€" kote roofing, one of the largest roofing manufac- turers in the United States who guarantee their shingles not to curl for ten years. , 9U