SffiS :H SBRB ^IS^^^^T'^^wpS ^mmiresHe^^ BAHAI SKf \> Complete Botttom Room Hi &y Fn< before At a meeting of the National Assem- of Bahais, in New York city: on ttirday, it was deckled that work on e Banal temple would be pushed as pidly as possible. The basement audi- rium of the $1,500,000 structue has ready been put in. a usuable condition a series of Sunday afternoon and day evening meetings are scheduled r the months of July and August. the season is completed the rs, the lighting fixeures, and the ting plant will have been installed the foundation room, according to esent â- . plans. â- M&:$^'A :; â- â- |lil§*':f ilii . soon as .the necessary funds nave raised by the Bahat followers, work *- - -fifatrTfloor- auditorium of -the will get under way. On this r wilt be located the nine chapels nine different religious creeds and e central assembly room f or the teach- of universalism. Above.; the' see- As iple ln«. issivt The ;rmanence, it V^o^ted^ol^Hjjr Bahai >llowers. For this reason work on the tructure is being carried on slowly but loroughly. In order to avoid the obli- ition of debt no building is under- cen until the association has sufficient ids available to pay the costs of the idertaking, say members of the group. During the months of July and Aug- % the Sunday afternoon meetings will held at 3 o'clock and Friday meet- js have been arranged for 7:30 o'clock the evening. Opens Wilmette Office inden avenue business district has a w addition to its business firms. The oal-Less Heating company has opened ffices at 511 Fourth street in the build- ig formerly occupied by the M. h. ~oody Real Estate company. George Paynton, a Park Ridge resident, who 1 soon move to Wilmette, is the ac- ive head of the company. The Coal-Less Heating company sells khe "Oil-O- Matic" heater, an oil burn- ing automatic furnace. It is claimed that the device makes possible the slo- gan, "No dirt, no ashes, no dust and o labor." THE PUBLIC FORUM PS OaltOr^ i'?»*'iwH:«^p*.;.?!f«*^ sfffc June, 30,. 1923. Xake*;$hore;;Piiblish|ng Cb.:':HlKl " Wihn^tka â- : Talk, $mwm l«ilt*l Cross, I wish to thank you for the generous amount of space which your paper has given to the Chicago Chap- ter, not only on special occassions such as roll call, but from month to month throughout the year. The gen- erosity of the press^ was brought to the attention of the board of direc- tors, at a recent meeting, and I can assure you that they are grateful* Yery truly yours, llfMAUMCE R. REDDY, >j IS'lllPil" Ex*futive Secretary.' LAKE lloRE-NEi^ljIttell :â- .After readi^'&'W«^ I am herewith asking 535 m mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm_. attacking people and killing squirrels at a rate equal to the bird slaughtering mentioned by Mr. Weaver. If it is nec- essary for the safety of the village that all dogs running at large shall be muz- zled why is not the penalty enforced and unmuxzled dogs slain? Two years ago *44; our police attended to their duties by rid- ing through the suburb and shooting every dog not protected by a muzzle. Are dogs and cats of more value than children, birds and squirreb? If citi- zens can be fined for shooting of these animals, dogs and cats should not be shown more favors than humans. Can- not Wilmette support an anti-cruelty .society?--";^ v-/\v>'*3^:;" S^*-- tikeMf;%eaveri I, tolfha^ enjoy- ed the nesting Of birds on my own porch and the companionship of many squirrels at my back door and various windows in our village, your permission to say a word in defense of forest animals which add greatly to the attractiveness of Wilmette; whereas licensing of cats or requiring them to been posted since June 1 and the procla- mation has been printed in your paper, still dogs are roaming about recklessly to get nuts we provide for them. Almost all the squirrels in our neighborhood have been killed, and while dogs are allowed to roam at large there will be no encouragement for squirrels to come and rehabilitate our immediate surround- ings. t?Blessed are the merciful; for they shall --obtain;' mercy."; W$®M>* "r' .. TJhe v:»e#'r Itidge 90nvk^^imcrete pavement _ extending!'J|rpm'%"ICeiitral siree^-T'E^anstbrt,0l&Lafcev" avenue, where It joins with the concrete stretch extending to the Winnetka south limits, was opened to traffic early this week. ' Community Golfer*H%v* ' A Busy Fourth of July Fourth of July was a big day for de- ; Srotees of the Community Recreation links bordering the drainage canal. Prizes were awarded in many events, compris- ing for the most part the very practical golf ball. :^^.r:w:::;.r.,:..:: Among the events of the days were a Blind Bogey, 18 holes, with addtional awards for low score on selected holes; low gross and low net scores; mixed foursome, 18 holes; Driving contests, Approaching contests; Putting contests. <, In the evening manyof the players en- joyed the pyrotechnic display at Norlh- I western university athletic field, given by the North Evanston Business Men's association. ^ . ^ Statistics Show Illinois In Healthy Commonwealth No Illinoisan has as yet threatened Methuselah's longevity^^ reCQrd»==Jiut the f<>lks of Lincoln's state are get- ting in training, according to figures made public recently by the Federal bureau of thercensus. Illinois, inv this jreport, is given first |>lace? among the more densely populated states for low death rate. The average death rate in Illinois for 1921-22 was 112 per thousand, as against 12.5 for Mas- sachusetts, 11.4 for Michigan, Iff.tijEbjr Nev^York. 1U for Ohi^ and 12.3 for Pennsylvania. 20 Months to Pay (with your Service Statement) ?$$$i£; Offer! During this special sale we will give FREE with each purchase of a Clark-Jewel (Lorain-equipped) r range, a 13-piece whole meal cooking set of [h-grade aluminum. Or9 we will allow you $10.00 m-^:imrmm (Lorain-equipped) if you turn in your old stove. This is an exceptic^ Clark rlem^^«B&^twief$- at vmei that are righfr#a real opportt^^ buy the stove you lmigim^mB^i^t0 with 20 months tb'pW^:^'^:^^^^^ The wide*Variety of ^langes^'^dislMl Elayed, including other jnaros thaii lark Jewel, insure a wetidti^^ suited to your needs. :':-,<*:,^,,^w-r^m^x at Regulator Demonstrated With the ^Lorain" Oven Heat Regulator you need not stand over the range watchfully waiting. You set the wheel at any one of 44 temperatures and let the "Nfagic Chef" do the work. You can go out to a "nwvie" or to visit friends, and be sure of your cookmg result takes the guesswork out of cooking and gives you lots of extra ttrne. Come in and see how accurately the "Lorain" works* Let us show you thel3-piece whole meal cookingset, FREEwtth the purchase ofCfarkJewdfUfrainequipped) stove. Very desiraik in any home, Qukkly sU>red when not in use. W^^ to pay. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS mMmnMernrsroKEr 1141 Central :,s;;.,,i;;:.:^4«jfcC;J: â- *&$&£ '^S$--: it's done with HeatB^omsandoMMetter ~3c£_iiii:<?;l SfiiMS $£&miitiiLi â- lillR wmt 3M