Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1923, p. 5

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;S?&^ji4siPBS "'â- "' iWi»iiiW«li«WllltilliiiWiI At the marriage of Miss Grace Mary Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Q. Cook, 5203 Kenmore avenue, to Mr Paul Schulze Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schulze, 2505 Common- wealth avenue, Chicago. Miss Helen Schulze, sister of the bridegroom, will be the maid of honor. The brides- maids are the Misses Vivyenne Morin, Wilmette; Evelyn Brown and Mar- garet Knauer of Chicago, Mary Mey- ers of Cincinnati and Alma Lewis of Fairbury, 111. All are Delta Zeta sorority' sisters of the bride except Miss Schulze. • ^ ' , t r The best man is Mr. John Simmons and the ushers include Messrs. Victor Schulze, brother of the bridegroom; John Hendy, Frank Mayer, Cecil Bes- sell and Ralph E. Ogden of New York. The wedding is to take place June 30 at 8:30 p. m. at the Fourth Presby- terian church. Rev. John Timothy Stone will officiate.' -J. v Mrs. C. K. Blackwood, of California, formerly a resident'here, has given a beautiful gift to the Church of the Holy Comforter, in memory of her husband, who was a vestryman and a very faith- ful Episcopalian. The -large window on the west side of the building will be re- placed by a new stained glass window and a rerados will be given in memorial, also. Mrs. Blackwood hopes to be here in the Fall for the dedication: '$!/;â-  Mrs;wG^:G^Mm99te&S&^ Cumnor road, and--her. -three -smallâ€"sonsr 4eft Saturday to spend several week* aft Conoesus Lake, N. Y. Mr. Kingsley returns tomorrow evening from a busi- ness trip to Seattle and will ac- company Mr. John C. Carpenter on a motor trip to New York. Mrs. Car- penter and her children are leaving to- morrow by train to spend two months at Conoesus Lake. t^ Mr. John Keith> and Mr. Elbridge Keith, 319 Warwick road, left Wednes- day to spend the summer travelling in Europe. Mrs. Carl Keith and Miss Cornelia Keith left the same day to join the rest of the family at their summer home on Big Lake, Wis. Miss Alice Shipman accompanied them for a fortnight's visit.5' '*' Mr. and Mrs. F. E. M. Cole, 315 Essex road, and daughter, Bernice, motored to Detroit last week for a ten days' stay. They stopped in South Bend, en, route, to visit Mrs* Hobart Marshall, a former. Kenilworth presi- dent, la Detroit, they were y>en^rtained by Mrs.: Frank "McLaughlin, another ' former resident.,* "T.; .^t r~ ~- v; Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kunkel, 414 Abbotjsford; road, -entertained at bridge Tuesday evening^ Monday, Mr. Kunkel's molther^whcJTias'been visiting here, returned to her, home in Phila- delphia! A week "ago Mrs. Kunkel en- tertained at an, afternoon tea in honor of her houseguest. Mrs. J. C. Murray* 433 Cumnor road, and son. John Robert, accompanied by Harvey Fenton, nephew of Mrs. R W. Murison, 339 Kenilworth avenue, start today to motor in their. Ford to Maine where they have rented a cot- tage near Camden for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Reichmarin, of the Webster hotel, Chicago, fdrrrterly of Kenilworth, are spending six weeks -shv California. Their son, William Reichmann, is home from Brown uni- versity and is staying at the Webster. He will be a senior next year at college. â- $ Mrs. George Shipmarif 432 Warwick toad, recently went to White Lake, Mich., to open her summer home. Her son, George Shipman, motored there last week in the Boy Scout truck, f I Mr. George W. Keehn, 312 Essex -JroaoVmade a short trip to Grand Rapids, ^Mich., on business recently. Mrs. J. H. Newport, 520 Abbottsford ^^*EmmTBmmmSHmWmm%mtSSMmmtLmm%%1B^^ summer * home ' there. «*-"*^**fc^: - ,-â€",T-Rrâ€" Junior a week. He was a '£2^,^ at Dart- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Taylor* fLfw*"9'0?.' a?l s£n' »«»yt are spend^ 329 Sheridan road, while Mr. Ketcham Wiswnwn1* * ^"ng tHp in northern Mrs. George Calkins, 337 Essex road, and family, and Mrs. Chittenden, havi J5?8* ^ "&r\J"00?, farra in Michigan for twd inonth's. Mr. and Mrs. George Brown will occupy the house with Mr. Calkins in Kenilworth. »The 5S?**? .Florence and Beatrice r^**:*20 .^Leicester road, entertained at bridge Monday evening for Miss Louise Tinsman of Kansas City. Mo., who is spending the week with them. Miss Louise Durham, 431 Abbotts- ford road, arrived home recently from Sweet Brier college, Virginia. Miss Durham expects to take up her junior work at Wisconsin university in the fall ,_. AMr. and Mrs. M. H. Dement, 337 Abbottsford road, entertained sixteen guests at dinner and bridge Saturday evening. Tuesday afternoon, Mrs. De- ment entertained eight at luncheon and bridge at Skokie club. Miss Elizabeth Stevens, 330 Abbotts- ford road, was a bridesmaid in the wedding party of Miss Alma Thompson and Mr. ^Jeyne Haugan, whichâ€"took Pi*1* « ijroesdayjsvenjnjLafc St^Lukei church, Evanston. Miss Lucille Jeffrey, who has been attending Northwestern this year and has been staying with her aunt, Mrs. B. C.Hawkes, 157 Kenilworth avenue, left Tuesday for her home in Duluth, Minn.--------- - â€"~------------i----- " The neighbors and friends of Mrs. G. W. Kelly, 412 Cumnor road, wel- come her home from the Presbyterian hospital, where she has been confined for several weeks. # Mr. and Mrs. John Benham, 165 Ken- ilworth avenue, have gone to Cananda- gra, New York, for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Parmelee will be in the Carl Keith house, 310 Warwick road, this summer. Mr. Edward D. Parmelee, 512 Roslyn road, was in St. Paul, Minn., on busi- ness last week. fflPpS^^ Miss Hellen Reeves, 612 Warwick road, will have as her guest for two or three weeks, Miss Lois McMonies M,ip,...8. D„ a schoolmate at Ferry Halli;--;;:/ Mrs. C.'G. Burnham, 536 Roslyn road, and Masters, David, James and Philip Burnham, have gone to St. Paul for a fortnight's visit. Miss Elizabeth Meyer, who is just home from college, is attending a house- Karty in Indianapolis, at the home of er school chum, Miss Mary Evans. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Owen, 205 Essex road, and family, leave tomorrow to spend a month or more at Sister Bay, The Church of the Holy Comforter and the Kenilworth Union Church held their final eleven o'clock morning serv- ice, Sunday, June 24. Mrs. Bentley McCloud, 416 Cumnor road, entertained her Bridge club at luncheon at Indian Hill club Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ware, 325 Ab- bottsford road, left Monday by motor for the Shattuck's summer home at State Line, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen, 258 Mel- rose avenue, entertained the Evening Bridge club at dinner at the Skokie club. Mr^ and Mrs.â€"HairyHP^Harrison, 307 Abbottsford road, and family, left Wednesday to occupy their summer home at Leland, Mich. The Sewing Class met with Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, 304 Melrose avenue. Mrs. Du Maniac is giving the class instructions. ^fer-Julius A. Petersen, 222 Cum- berland avenue, arrived home yesterday from a ten days' business trip to Scran- tonville, Penn. Mr. John Keith, 312 Warwick road, was host at dinner to six Illinois uni- versity friends, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Foresman, 515 Essex road, entertained a few friends at a golf breakfast Sunday morning. .Mrs. Harry Smyth and family have gone to Portage Point, Mich., where they have a summer home. Mrs. North, a sister of Mr. J. A. Petersen, has rented the E. D. Parmelee house, 512 Roslyn road, for the summer. â- ;:*#h tig|£i6miy: Plaza Hotel rpHE finest jewelry shop on the North JL sShore, maintaining ft. repair depart- ment for watchea£ij|^^ m i^jj&k' WmS ww$ t$i& TIN SHOP \#. NEW REPAIRING »â- â€¢:*â- Â»: GUTTERS, SPOUTS, SKYLIGHTS , ^'"" and METAL WORK \^X,Ws TILE, SLATE and LEAKY ROOFS FURNACES and REPAIRS .»' >'»>.*• â- %f% *^T* :."--•** Factory Br anch IRONING MACHINES VACUUM CLEANERS Repair parts in stock for all models Skilled mechanics at your service WILMETTE THOR SHOP If IS^tjKemlaf' 'Ave. WILMETTE ^â- ^^W^^ii Hfofil 1^1 W$s imig Paint Picture and Mirror Framesg || Whokwk PLATE and WINDOW GLASS Rati | Buy your Paints â€" Oils â€" Varnishes ~JBrushcs -- Wall- j|| paper, Etc. at our store, as we :cai^lMil3ri,lne Best and |J Largest Stock of Paint Supplies on Hke NoFthlShore^ If :-' IT'S 4J>EV0E :«T0B^^^^ , SPECIAL-. SAJLRrFOR...THE/OD^ilNG,.WEEK ip CARTER'S WHITTB LEAD .:..v ';tt.'„im Uba, $13.7$ HOUSE PAINT, Our Best..................GaL 2JS FLOOR AND TRIM VARNISH ..... ..... .GaL 2J0 If you have a paint problem '*Xi"ju"??<-}:-.: ask Wilmette Glass 1193 Wilmette Ave. $ .. teir** -if â-  .!$ S n â-  }0 't^H, Phon* WiL 2508 '/////////////"//A'///. .,,-â€",. „-_-tained her; fridge club at luncheon on Tuesday^ f I Mrs. Charles F. Meyer, 423 Cumnor |road, was a luncheon hostess on Tues- t» exclaims dad from Jkf ^t^L Mother Mifles, for ^^..£g* had arMm shower t^^l,,; FnUer Frlctton Shower %«*»• f»Z knows how refteshedone feels after using It. -'â- -.•;-"â- â- -â-  Ybo, too, Will feellikoa ffi*&™£ after yoote tried theJTiilfcr Shower Brush; for While astream of «N in* water is fiPPW jJ^Z Z£SL back, the bristles are J«^-^ saging your body. And>4iutwhy tefi moreâ€"ae«t time the ™»J* Sineallsatyoar home, ask Km* show you this brush, or^any of tae other 44 Puller Brushes. ^ (HESTER F. BAMBBRSf|3;Â¥ 1122 Ceatral Ave. ||| Fk. 81 IP m4 1% i Announcement esst fruit ivlarket on thel^ORTH SHORE in the JPALACE CASH sMARKjy, SatuK K: *• day, June 30ths~ FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES AT THE MOST REASON-, 5^BiE.,ipCE^>0;|?,«a*i | In order to offer the'^ f lowest possible prices 1559 Evanston S HANDLdErNOTHIWTBUT THE BEST OUR PRICES ARE NEVER HIGH lffinois# ?&^?l&i>i$^^ ,â- â- *•â- â- .••-â-  . ... â- i&j$$uti^}$t. 5at.Qrfy_____________________________ ^ Highest Quality , Meats ;%|"*the'[yLowest, Prices â- ^•"ff „, Best Peacock Hams c*g%i / per lb. ... . f*•^•s^SiO yvC Fresh Dressed BroiIei^||^~ p* ~-T~~ 'â- ;â- â-  -mm y-.<^*rniM&'m--'.!"'^ '**•'•â-  â-  '•»."?:.f •'^â- ^a^^ nAf Ih 'â- AK*^^' â- â- â- mt'i- m\Jm\J%^ UvjT. â- â- Â»â€¢.•â- * • •â- .•:â- *'/.• »'».•/• »,•••••• •'« •»••••• ».»^mw^mw.^mw t >â-  ..â- â- -â- ,"' â-  -k ' • " - â- â- 'f'^"'!"*•'""•â- "â- â- " "â- â- " • Very Best Sirloin Steak Very Best Pot Roast .__v„;- .per id.,.».a..*.•*;f • »•»•••• *,p»* teg of Veat per lb..........>,....^^^£Xi^/0'JC ;*per Bb».*;:..v.r*'.-......*•.Iff*i*.....,^r*aj|IL.#?..:.,^ -.^i^per.. lb.,.?.^.%.........*.,......»j.^...-.,.<?...>.^a^f^iifwH rery Best Porterhouse Steak pâ€" Pâ€"^ r-lw.» ^m*mâ„¢^%m^m^ per.t io».. »..*.«: ...•.*..;».'.. .•»• •»•»• <i* «4» •....." I'iflw^ ipp â- wt â€" (- Fresh Calves' Sweetfcleaofc^^ .dOC & per lb.................„>'. ,OJJC Our chickens are selected of the best, fres.«j, dressed by us, and ari "Wv^jpivw a day old. Jack Sprat Bacon, Sliced m ^t^SiK'SfsS" we are not quoting in^ thisadve0s^^t *%.ji;:jI~:. ^a^ig4|^S!SS«ii; 3 pounds our home made 'sp^fg ^©cyL^^ Very Best Peacock Bacon IRper ibj-Brnm^Mmzstt M&. 1U-: ;•â- ..';â- :•. _..__ .......""â-  ~^â€"*â€"---------^»â€"«»>w»v,-^---------------^_J-^-â- -^^â- ^^n.ww. ..,........â- â- ...........â- .â- â- â- â- . -;. â- â€¢ ^ . .... ,.

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