<;*^fflK%w&i â- - THE LAKE SHORE NEWs!™™AY TUNE »• t923 ^^â- 1â„¢"'^*"^'^~^ -â- '-â- â- â- - PP? KfsfATKRSONl TAKEN BY DEATH Well Known North Shore Business Man Passes Away At Wilmette Residence year, his death came as * •or5jfJJ' 8? 'many friends. Since ***** the year he had remained at home direct- ing his business from the residence. Mr. F?tterson's health was thought to he improving until he suffered a â„¢*P** last Saturday, and finally succumbed to Iheart disease. He was a member of the TCnigTits of Columbus, Knights of Pythi- as, Kiwanis club and a charter member of the Elks. He is survived by Ma widow, Frances J., and fouf^jJSi Bernardette, Mary, John and Charles all residing at home. WAS ILL FOR YEAR Called Splendid Type of Business Man r - â- â- â€"â€" Bernard F. Patterson, 918 Linden ave- nue, Wilmette, a member of the nrm of Patterson Brothers, well-known north shore dealers in musical instruments and household appliances, died Sunday eve- ning, June 24, folowmg an extended ill- ness. Funeral services were held from the home Tuesday morning. Mr. Patterson, who had been asso- ciated in business with his bnj*er, James K. Patterson, for the past fifteen years, was one of the energetic type of merchant. Starting as north shore agents for the Singer Sewing Machine com- pany, the firm, within a few years, add- £d a line of pianos, phonographs and el- ectrical household appliances. *r few years ago a large store space at 8M Davis street, Evanston, was ^ occupied, and a second store established at 1950 Irving Park boulevard, Chicago. Birilt Large Business ^ The business has become the most extensive of its kind on the north shore, due largely to the tireless energy of Bernard F. Patterson who, even in- recent years, emphasized the advantages of old-fashioned personal service. It was quite common to see Mr. Patterson pack a sewing machine or phonograph on a truck and make a personal delivery to some north shore home. He did it because he liked to give personal ser- vice to the customer. Although Mr. Patterson had been suf- fering from anemia for more than a t^MM Community Course Offers Many July 4th Contests While there is to be no Community celebration of the Fourth of July in Wilmette, the residents of the vil- lage will find much of interest to claim their holiday hours, as pro- grams at the various golf courses and I clubs indicate. For instance, at the Evanston-Wil- mette Community Golf course, border- ing the drainage channel, a definite program of play has been arranged for the day. A Blind bogey event (age limit) is scheduled to be held from 12:30 until 2 o'clock; Mixed Foursomes will be- gin at 2 o'clock; a Driving Contest is booked for 4 to 4:30 o'clock; Ap- proaching Contest from 4:30 to 5 o'clock, and putting contest from 5 to 6 o'clock. Forty-five prizes^ donated by north shore banking houses, will be award- ed in "fhe~ various events. £ ' In the evening the golfers will be invited to witness the pyrotechnic display at Northwestern university- athletic field. FISHERMEN, ATTENTION! Regularly during- the Summer, the Chicago and North-Western Byr-will issue Bulletins showing the best catches of Bass, Muskellunge, Pickerel, and Pike in the 7,000 Lakes Region of Northern Wisconsin and Michigan, and other information of interest to every Fisherman. Bulletin No. 1, showing early season catches 'of Muskies and Pike, has Just been issued. Write C. A. Cairns, P. T. M., C. & N, W^ Ryrr 226 W. Jackson St., Chicago, saying "Put me on your Fisherman list," and they will come to you regularly free O0 „„,, oh^ere. Phone Earl E. Orner, Wilmette Ticket Agent, C. & N. W. Ry., Wilmette 4._________ Night and Morning Have Clean, Healthy Eyesy If they Tire, Itch, Smart, Burn or Dis- charge if Sore, Irri- tated, Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine often. Refreshes, Sooiftc*. Bale lotInfant or Adult. At all Druggists. WrtU tor Frtt€y* Book. Marine By* fUaraJy Co., 9 Bart Ohio St.. Chiâ€"jo should be reinvested immediately. m:f§^[ as to keep your money .hard at w^^||^l;* liHi' We have some very fine real estate loans on local properties to 'offer"th|t % we are sure will interest the expert-|||||M enced investor. Well secured, and paying tidy rates, they are invest-f ments that we can recommend njo^ heartily. IP Wm I ! *?"$<?%â- : $."'^f$*| ^// Wm W'Wtii %?&#". II WILMOTE STATE BANK S/>1 â- sgis *% 'Ml I III "Your Home Bank ill OMfgT* "BASK vx m |:BiiyYlii' m* at KenneeKagr § ^â- Our' Satiing^Capi' are .â- of, the - best quali ty - perfectly .;â- cuit and :nnished.1§^^^^^^^|Sm §|j We have this. seasons latest styles-:and:;;;;:mo4el^ ;jt?#s3:-«w \:':«*fp||||gS^: When giving â- _ â- â- â- -___ sure tpaskior Meadow Gold butter by rt&me. www It is an assurance that yo^^ i|^B :lJiat is always uniform and ^fX^ffhs^:hrXio: better food for growing children. IISIIll Made of the 'jna^ bbdiea and makes rosy cheeks, r^ncourag dren to eat plenty of Meadow Gcrfrjy^|i H^sM^i^fcwcad it on im^lmm^^-^^W^^W^ S!^B^$di$?f,$|$§R?|fl?i *P liffi^ Meadow Ck>kl; ii^ii,,«^;- ^^: •: inpiin; thoroughly clean creamer- ifi§ CHUKNEDN ?ESH DAILY ies. It is triple wrapped and Sseflpfedipat, me||^reaineiy. \ to §§|| insure reaching you pui^iiiSil,,,^^ C*e8^$i|;;$^^ If you cannot buy Meadow Gold W^iM s at your dealer's, write us. !We 1 Will see that you are supplied. Frorn such a splendid assortment you will find no trouble m choosing the cap that becomes ;;yott;;mostf||||^^ 3athin^^aps>-all^^bbetv-fancy -^ ^ -..........-......,, . 'W&- Cfficago, low :^ MM? ':r â- 'â- 'v^?- ^f :v||-Stationery |l||te||p ^^|SS|^^|S|lg^rhernios..' Bottles "~ _ lUesJis^ ,|P$ipcr Spdoiis^'ii^li „_.. ft^r^per^I^kSc|||i|(i|| Vacation Suggestions iiiiiill First.' Aid UllBoifd- Creams-: ppsspis^i^Tdoth B.rushesl||i|ill(^^^ pal^Tooth,.;;=l>aste^ :f^^^8 ^ttiii^lTooth -$0^^^^^*^^ toggles ' "te^ttiping mixture of freshly:'crushed :ftl^i:i |aspberries and marshmallows over a iff 3%ood sized', serytng^j^our^Honey^^l^ew^ ilss ^*:',;Your m mm .,»».". '^o our snK»REiS«pa« SPEGIALr A^ tiiinly coated iitn ^;pure' cane suial mmMmmmm..... '^SSiv;.;,-" "?%v^::S:V^& -.SiillE^-^^ .:':'Jv,"â- ,!-'"v'1"*"";i^.,;".";..i â- ;; ,----•;.