Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1923, p. 19

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""^' THE LAKE SHORE.^EW^^TRlD^fTU^fe-lJ^I^^ When You Think of HOSIERY it's Real Silk Guaranteed Hosiery and Men's Super Service Real Silk Socks made in Indianapolis, Indiana, sold from ,JUm to--Millions." Box of six pairs, Ladies', $8.00; Men's, $6.00; Ladies' Chiffon, 4 pairs, $6.00. Advertised in lead- ing magazines . See Saturday Evening Post of June 30, 1923, featuring Mae Murrary, famous movie star and dancer. â-  A» W. EH£IM| Box 411, Evanston, 111. Special Representative for Evanston and North Shore Dis- trict,^ ;Write today and samples in forty colors will be brought your home. :..-* :fc<^.*. :u-.* to FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALEâ€"BABY CARRIAGE IN excellent condition, also nursery baby crib, white enameled, decorat- ed with nursery pictures, drop sides. Address Lake Shore News, A-214. L36-ltc FOR SALE HARLBY DAVIDSONTWIN ^motorcycle; twin motor, sidecar, --electric equip.- S140. Tel. WiL 1583. â-  â- â-  â- â€¢,â- â- â-  â-  .â- â-  .,-____________ L-35-ltp WANTED TO BUYâ€"MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUYâ€"SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods : Highest price paid for same* Grost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., JSvanaton, 111. Phone 18*. LTG-27-tfc. WABjTBDâ€"HOT WATER BOILERS, 1,200 ft. capacity or larger, In good condition for easa. Tel. Winn. 393. _____________ LTG35-ltc MISCELLANEOUS AUTHOR OP SOME STANDARD books wants to live in a suburb in exchange for teaching. He can fur- nish best references, desiring to be- come acquainted with persons who appreciate art, science, literature, and a deeper understanding of life ^ and all its creative splendor. Address Lake Shore News, A-211. L36-ltp GIRL ATTENDING SUMMER SCHOOL at Northwestern University would ^ like to spend several hours each k afternoon tutoring children. Ad- 5 dress Lake Shore News A-210. :: : .â- â-  'â-  LT-35-ltc. LOST AJVD FOTOD LOST â€" A BOSTON BULL DOGâ€" answers to name of "Tony." One (blue and one brown eye.. Reward * J. M. Henderson, 720 Lincoln Ave., % Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1819. LTQ35-ltc LOST â€" GERMAN POLICE DOG, â€"a answers to the name "Wolf." $10 ii reward. Please return to 703 Park -^:Ave. Tel. WHr 2620. LTG35-ltc LOSTâ€"MAN'S CHASED ©OLD WED- feding ring. Engraved "Catherine A. SI Henri.'1 Finder please ; =. telephone f Wilmette 11, L35-ltp VILLAGE OF KENILWORTH IN THK COUNTY COURT OF CoSk COUNTY ILLINOIS. .â- â- â€¢---'â- ^, VJ"X1' KEmLW^ST^rS^CiAL ASSESS MENTijNUMBBR 15. :â- Â«Â«% SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED that the Village of Kenilworth, Cook County, Illinois, having ordered that a local improvement, consisting of a connected ^!e,m <>fwconcrete sidewitlks, be made within the^ Village; of Kenilworth; County of Cook, *nd -Ptate #f Illinois; as follows: On the north side of Kenilworth Avenue, beginning at the west line extended of Lot 22, Block 5, West Kenilworth, thence east and parallel with the south line of Lots 22. 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27, in said Block 5, to the east line extended of said Lot 27; . On the southwesterly side of West Railroad Avenue, beginning at and connecting with the northwesterly end of the present sidewalk on the south- westerly side of said West Railroad Avenue, thence northwesterly parallel with the easterly line of Lots 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1, Block 5, West Kenilworth, to a line six (6) feet ten (10) inches northwesterly of the southerly line of Linden Avenue extended; also from a line six (6) feet ten (10) inches south- easterly of the northerly line of Linden Avenue extended, thence northwesterly parallel with the easterly line of Lots 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1, Block 4, West! Kenilworth, to a line six (6) feet ten I (10) inches northwesterly of the south- erly line of Pleasant Avenue extended; On the north side of Linden Avenue, beginning at the west corporate limits of the Village of Kenilworth, thence east and parallel with the south line of Lots 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 3, West Kenilworth, to a line six (6) feet tenr( 10) inches east of the west line of Maple Street ex- tended; also from a line six (6) feet ten (10) inches west of the east line of said Maple Street extended, thence east and parallel with the south line of lots 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, Block 4, West Kenilworth, to the west- erly line of the northerly and south- erly alley extended southerly; also from the easterly line extended of said alley, thence northeasterly and parallel to the southerly line of Lot 7, Block 4, West Kenilworth, to a line eighteen (18) inches easterly of the southwest- erly line of West Railroad Avenue ex- tended, and connecting with the pro- posed sidewalk in said West Railroad Avenue; On the south side of Linden Avenue, beginning at the west corporate limits of the Village of Kenilworth, thence east and parallel with the north line of Lots 10, 9. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1, Block 6, West Kenilworth, to a line WJJJMMMWMSJMJJVJJjjmmj*^, â- â- 11 mwm mm ^National; Ban^ ter gffited.. byl thE ^D^f^lUr^f 1 thi Currency'-.of the United.'State^l require and certairt â- "â- -•â- â- -â- "â- â€¢"•'â-  â- â€¢â€¢"â- -"-â- â€¢^g'"*---<"â- "-•.........»-*â- â-  * ;a charters ^tb^ Wanled a "National"Charter^ Wheif the Charter is {granted the batilt ^autoriiatically beg^p||| a membfiL^M If afe : PILGRIMAGE TO CROSS '^ ^ ff" Celebratioii of the Gross over the (Crescent will be observed July 16 in |heColorado Rockies, when a pil- grimage starting from Redclic reach- es Shrine Pass, eight miles ^away,just a>jthe first rays of the sun touch the Imm^itse-xToss^ of snow, nature-fash- ioned, on tn^^Cojmt of the Holy 4-'. ' . ' ^^i**^..--- â-  . .•â- â- â- â-  ~;-r^----'-~-:.:.:-. jli. FROM EARTH TO 3UN'w:;& i If the world's 22,000,000 telephones were placed along a straight line con- necting the earth and the sun; there would be a telephone instrument e,very four and a 'quarter 'miles.- #i|fl##|s: six (6) feet ten (10) inches, east of the west line of Maple Street extended; al- so from a line six (6) feet ten (10) inches west of the east line of said Maple Street extended, thence east and parallel with the north line of Lots 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9 and 8, Block 5, West Kenilworth, to the westerly line of the northerly and southerly alley extended northerly; also from the- easterly line of said alley extended northerly, thence northeasterly and parallel with the northerly line of Lot 1, Block 5, West Kenilworth, to a line eighteen (18) inches easterly of the southwesterly line of West Railroad avenue extended and connecting with thfe proposed sidewalks- in said„West Railroad Avenue; On the north side of Pleasant Av- enue, beginning at the west corporate limits of the Village of-Kenilworthi thence east and parallel with the south line and the south line extended of Lot 23, Block 2, in the Resubdivision of Blocks 1 and 2, West Kenilworth, to a line six (6) feet ten (10) inches east of the west line of Temple Court extended south; also from a line six (6) feet ten (10) inches west of the east line Temple CoUrt extended south, thence east and parallel With the south line of Lot 10, Block 2, In the Resubdivislon of Blocks 1 and 2, West Kenilworth, to the west line of the north and south alley ex- tended south; also from the east line of said alley extended south, thence east and parallel with the south line -- " - - m the Resubdivislon 2, West Kenilworth, feet ten (10) inches line of Maple Street extended south; also from a line six (6) feet ten (10) inches west of the east line of said Maple Street extended south, thence east and parallel^ With the south line of Lots 15, 16,. 17 and 18, Block 1, in the Resubdivision of Blocks 1 and 2, West Kenilworth, to the southwesterly line of the north- erly and southerly alley; extended southeasterly: â€"â- -;â€"-•_____i_ .? On the south side of pleasant AVt enue, beginning at the west corporate limits of the Village of Kenilworth, -thence east-a^d-par^llel^Jth-Jhe-JttOJjh .the- Ifederal „J£j|||^^ its falilitie^anl^ of Lot 9, Block 2, of Blocks 1 and to a line six (6) east of the west walk in said West Railroad Avenue; On the north side of Houldsworth Avenue, beginning at a line eighteen (18) inches west of the east line of Temple Court extended south and con- necting with the proposed sidewalk in said Temple Court, thence easterly and parallel with the southerly line of Lots 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42, James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenil- worth, to the westerly line of the northerly and southerly alley extended On the'south side of Houldsworth Avenue, beginning at a line eighteen (18) inches west of the east line of Temple Court extended north and con- necting with the proposed sidewalk in said TenrpleCourt, thence easterly and parallel with the northerly, line of Lots 35, 34, 33, 32, 31. 30. 29, Z}. 27, 26 and 85, James Rice Brown's Ad- dition to Kenirworth, to-ERe westerly, ] line of the northerly and southerly alley extended northerly; §f On the west side of Maple Street, beginning at and connecting with the present sidewalk on the north side of Kenilworth Avenue, thence north attd parallel with the east line of Lot 20, Block 6, West Kenilworth, to the south line of the east and west alley extended east; also from the north line of said alley extended east, thence north and parallel with the east line of Lot 1, Block 6, West Kenilworth. to a line eighteen (18) inches north gf the south line of Linden Avenue ex- tended east • and connecting with the proposed sidewalk on the south side of said Linden Avenue; also from m~ line eighteen (18) inches south of the north line of Linden Avenue extended east and connecting with the proposed sidewalks on the north side of said Linden Avenuer ~thence north and parallel with the east line of Lot 20, Block 3, West Kenilworth, to the south line of the east and west alley ex- tended east; also from the north line of said alley extended east, thence north ajid parallel With the, east Hue of Lot 1, Block 3, West Kenilworth, to a Une eighteen <18) inches north of the south line" of Pleasant Avenue line of Lots 10, 9, 8, 7. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1, Block 3, West Kenilworth, to a line six (fi) fwet ten (10) inches east of the west line of Mapfc Street extended nnrth: also from a line s»x â- ..<«) ' of -tht ^east- feet ten (10) inenes west of me of Maple Street extended north, ^hence east and parallel with the north line of-Lots IS! 12, 11, 10, 9 and 8. Block ,4, fWest Kenilworth. to the so«thw;e^w line of the northerly and southerly allev extended northwesterly; also from, t£e northeasterly line of said allev extended northwesterly, thence northeasterly aYid parallel irortln^esterly~ttire otliofâ€"^ . .. West Kenilworth. to a line eighteen ?18) inches easterly of the southwest erlv line of West Railroad Ayenw eriy une u wIth the proposed side with the extende'd east and connecting with the^ ^rlyliank of said Skokie Ditch as now '" "" located northerly and north and par- proposed sidewalkâ€"on- the south side of said Pleasant Avenue; also from * line eighteen (18) inches south of the n^rth line of said Pleasant Avenue ex- tended east and connecting with the proposed sidewalk on the north side of said Pleasant Avenue, thence north and parallel with the east line of Lots 9. 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 and 1, Block 2, in the Resubdivislon of Blocks 1 and 2, West Kenilworth, to the southerly bank Of Skokie Ditch as how located; On the east side of Maple Street, beginning at and connecting with the present sidewalk on the north side of _ enilworth Avenue, thence north and parallel "with the west liner of- Lot 18, Block 5, West Kenilworth, to the south line of the east and west alley extended west; also from the north Une of said alleys extended west, thence north and parallel with the west line? of Lot 17, Block 6, West Kenilworth, to a line eighteen (18) inches north of the south line of Linden Avenue ex- tended west and connecting With the proposed sidewalks on the south side of said Linden Avenue; also from a line eighteen (18) Inches south of the north line of Linden Avenue extended West and connecting with the proposed sidewalks on the lnorth side of said Linden Avenue, thence north and parallel with the west line of Lot 14, Block 4, West Kenilworth, to the south line of the east and West alley ex- tented west; also from the north line of said alley extended West, thence north and parallel with the west line of Lot 137 Blbclr 4, WeST ICenilworth, to a line eighteen (18) inches north of the south line of Pleasant Avenue -extended west and connecting with the proposed sidewalk on the south side of said Pleasant Avenue; also from a line eighteen (18) inches south of the north line of said Pleasant Avenue and connecting with the proposed side- walk on the north side of said Pleas- ant. Avenue, thence north and parallel With the west line of Lots 15, 14, 13 and 12, Block 1, in the Resubdivision of Blocks 1 and 2, West Kenilworth, to the southwesterly line of the north- erly and southerly alley extended northwesterly; also from the north- easterly line of said alley extended northwesterly, thence north and par- allel With the west line of Lots 2 and 1, Block 1, in the Resubdivision of Blocks 1 and 2, West Kenilworth, to the southerly bank of Skokie Ditch as hpw located; S|*:. ;N$f::^/' •â- 'â-  â- â€¢â- "-• '*'Uâ€";â-  :'â- "<•• Ori the west sld<fe of Temple Court, beginning at and,_ connecting with the proposed sidewalk on the north side of Pleasant Avenue, eighteen (18) Miches south of the north line of said Pleasant Avenue extended east, thence north and parallel With the east line of Lots 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18 and 17, Block 2, in the Resubdivision of Blocks 1 and 2, West Kenilworth, to the southerly bank of Skokie Ditch as now located; also from the north allel with the east line Of Lots 75, T> ti, 72, 71, 70, 69, 68,87, 66, 66, 64, 63, 62, 61, 60, 59. 68, 67* 66, 55, 64, 68, 52. 51, 50 and 49, James Rice Brown's Addition to KenilworthV t© the north limits of the Village of Kenilworth; On the east side of Temple Court, beginning at and connecting with the proposed sidewalk on the north side of Pleasant Avenue, eighteen (18) inches south of the north line of said Pleasant Avenue extended West, thence north and parallel with the west line of Lots 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16-. Block 2 In the Resubdivision of Blocksâ€"t~ and 2, West, KetiUworth, to the southerly bank of Skokie Ditch as now located: also from the north- of said Skokie Ditch as now located, northerly^and parallel with the westerly line of Lot 35, James Rice Brown's Addition to Kenilworth, to a line six (6) feet ten (10) Inches north of the south line of Houldsworth Av*: enue extended west and connecting with the proposed; sidewalk on the south side of said Houldsworth Av» enue;: also from a line six (6) feet ten (10) inches south of the north llni of said Houldsworth Avenue extendcta west and connecting with the propose sidewalk on the north side of sc Houldsworth Avenue, thence north a&J Sarallel with the West line of Lot %%. ames Rice Brown's Addition to Kenll% worth to the southerly line of tfcl westerly and easterly alley extended southwesterly; also from the north- erly line of said a,Uey extended Bouthl westerly,* thence north and parallel with the west line of Lots 48, 44, 46V 46, 47 and 48, James Rice Brown's â-  Ad^L^«»^», â- gitioh^-to"K*nilworthv-to-';the^outhwes^^#|i erly line of-the northerly and -soutttfe:-'"*'"*â- '"*'"' eriy alley extended northwesterly: al- so from the northeasterly line of said alley extended northwesterly, thence north and parallel with the west line of Lots 2 and % James Rice Brow * Addition to Kenilworth to the no: limits of the Village of Kenilwor including connection of proposed sidef walks to present sidewalks, all ex;», cavating and fUling, preparing the suh grade, placing and tamping a six (I inch layer of cinders, construct! above described sidewalks, and re» moval of all surplus excavated mat- erial, all in the Village of Kenilworth, Cook County, State of Illinois, the ordinance for the, same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said village hay* ing applied to the County Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assess- ment of the cost of said improvement; i according to the benefits, and a spe- | cial assessment therefor having beep i made and returned to said Court* H Docket Number 15, the final hearing thereon will be held on the sixteenth @ day of July, A. D. 1923, or as soon thereafter as the business of .the said :- Court will permit. All persons desir- » ing may file objections in said Court before said day* and may appear «H ^ the bearing^anC^make^JJ^^ Said ordinance provides for the c lection of said assessment in five (5 annual installments with interest thereon at the rate of six per centum <6%) per annum. Dated. K«>njlWorth. Illinois. June 19> :A.>;:D.)J*4$. MB KLMBR Village FRANK R. YOtJNCU P«rSon appointed by the Pre)|"« SIS ident of the Board of Local Improvements^ of^the; ^fiWa** Mg of ' Kenilworth, Cook â-  County, liig* Illinois, (and 'such appoint* «p ment approved, and confirmed »«. by the County Court of Cook #« County, Illinois) to make said "TScW"......... --'â- assessmentr^g?" JACKSOIC^^ •• Attorney#it

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