Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1923, p. 1

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'immmmmm^ Clean Newtpaper for a Ct*an Commani OPENS MONDAY Daily Vacation Bible School Called "Expression of Community Enterprise" 7;<*» SHOW DAILY PROGRAM Secure Trained of The Daily Vacation Bible school conducted under auspices of the Wil- mette Church Union, opens formally Monday morning, ]vft$2i at the Byron C. Stolp public school. Tenth street and" Central avenue. |,lf f: "Another beautiful expression of community enterprize "f.Js hereâ€"the Daily Vacation Bible school," a local church leader has sakfe^Our children have the beach (never more beautiful than this year) for the afternoons, the character-building school for the fore- noons, and their own homes for the evenings. Place all this in Wilmette, and we have for our children an ideal vacation/* Three Section School The Daily Vacation Bible School will be a three-section school: 1. Kindergartenâ€"Mrs. Rf D. Burt- ner, superintendent. Mrs. Burtner will Jfiivet assistants, and plenty of material for the children's work. 2. Fr|matyâ€"Mrs. A. L. Fuller, Sup- erintendent Mrs7^M will be as- sisted, and will have plenty of Hand- work materials. 3. Juniorâ€"MissBeatrice Segsworth, superfiitendentpf Miss Segsworth will have ^%*:aswsiants/|lt'7^^^i^i'^^ O. |. ^0rtb|E!rs will have^ charge of the musicaV instruction for the entire school;)^;^;;:|^ill^,:if>e-:rassi§tPd at the piano b^; :'"|i .--j I^ol^vrM ic lcif.;yM i s s ;-;Lry la h. M. Fleming. 1018 Lake avenu^ is; the registrar ,gl the school. j^tlss:;^a Reynolds^"Wirmeitij^Sta^CTOnk^i"is' th> treasurer. .-„• The fotlowinw: daily program, w?*h modifications, will 7be in force: ? Daily Program 8:30â€"Teachers Prosent. Neighbor- hood visitation. Everything ready. Prayi?r of workers. 8:55â€"Do«»r» Opened. Children march in to music. "Be Seated" chord. 9:00â€"Worship Period. Quiet music Holy, Holy." or some other IG ORDER - ISSUED BY VILLAGE «P?g Lmuzzlin« days are at hand. With the approach of warm weather, Wilmette s dog muzzling) ordinance goes into effect and President Zipf has issued the customary proclama- tion, copies of which have been post- ed in every section of the village. It is necessary for the safety of the inhabitants of the village", the proclamation states in effect, "that all dogs running at large within the corporate limits of Wilmette shall be muzzled". Dogs permitted to run at large must have substantial wire or leather muzzles securely put on to prevent them, from â-  biting. â-  â- , 77K"7' 777f:7^77p ."Dogs found running at large in any of the streets, alleys, or public places of the Village of Wilmette after June 1, 1923, without the required muzzle will be taken up, impounded, and if not redeemed within five days such dogs will be slain," is the warning,^ The order is in effect until October 1, 1923,_________________________â€" M®rm, ILLINOIS.^ J I ill ^ w.l. in. I BATHERS FLOCK Plan Beach Day in Here Late APPROVE VILLAGE B JUNE 29, 1923 Total of $214,00l| Appro- priated for Fiscal Year A total of $214,000 is prescribed to defray the expenses of cohdcteting the business of the Village "'?*$ Wilmette, in all its branches and departments, during.the current year as indicated in the annual AppropriatkJjjh budget approved by the ViHage§jNbfrd at its last meeting. 'â- .'â- â€" V"?i,;;'-J,. Itemized, the budget provides funds for corporate purposes ai7f<9lows.; ^ 1. For construction anj§! fepair of streets, alleys, sidewalks, !elc| and the cleaning of streets and afeys, the sum of $20,000. ' !§fi7 \'i7 2. For opening and repiiring of drains and repairing sewers, water LAY CORNER STONE AT ST. JOHN'S ON JULY 8 is;1;Sf i 'k%£:\ â- â€¢â- â-  tM/^» Chilly waters did not deter the bathers on Sunday, June 24, accord- ing to statistics compiled by Wil- mette beach authorities, which Show that 1,039 bathers enjoyed the beach on the Sabbath, although the water temperature was only 58 degrees. Much of the bather*' time^was^ spent "lolling"on^^he^road^tre1,chlpril.ndV Life guard Glen Magnuson effected the rescue of two small children who ventured too far out into the waters. Plan Beach Day It is probable 'that a high-dive wit' be erected at the beach wSthiff the few â- ^a>rner,mt€nl ?mfcT&ffi*ifa will be observed at the site of the new St. Jbhl^klrthie^ mette;i-aiid^#tark;, , afternooi^ July 8^ it ;^ jO*cloc!Cf Revirl^maii^W^TM^rS» pastor of the church Will deliver the address and officiate at the ceremonies. ; He will be assisted by pastors .^Jf, neigh- boring .Lu^heran^.churche^llipi^^lV'::; All the residents of the Village are Cordially invited to attend the observ- ances. Ground was broken for the qew church last April and it is expected the first unit of the attractive Gothic structure will be completed early in November at a cost approximating ISOiOOOiiThe first ittift comprises the church- proper; fcowt *n«*«Bolleti- bacher are the architects. : RAVDKAOFTCRS Mi SpSs Ifltisr m Pternoon Indian dren's Program July" Sg|HL| STARSS' MEMOR* TEST ill WMmZ&t$&ii?*' tmMm mm j0,f$i$ei"i Children of North Shore In- appropriate hymn 'for Opening. i^^eniQr^je^ ^•epeated or suing.. Other appr- opriate worship hymns and prayers properly • distributed. ©rief rrtis- / sionafy* story aiid missionary offer- ing. ' :777:'7;./ ^.\...-,.:, 9:20â€"Memory Drill. Verse finding and other drills. 9:30â€"Character Story. 9:45â€"Music Period, including drill, singing and light calisthenics with ffnusic, or other activities of recre- tionaJ nature^â€"-------------â€"â€"'------â€" ):4Sâ€"Bible Story and other express- lional activities relating to daily pro- :^ttmhr~---?---r?^~:-:â- â€"-*â-  .,,-...~^ If:25â€"Closing Exercises. ^quickly and~quiefly. Reassemble Attendance re- 7 port. "Welcome to new scholars. IsBobstei" Songs, school songs, yells, fete. Two children advance to plat- ilform, one with an American Flag <|the other with the Christian Flag |As they start up the aisle from the »-?--ii.ki4riirâ€"»â€"«*»â- *«• -. »-:»•*â-  jB*'--â„¢i*'Aav,*t,«"'^~#-rt--- play. next-few-^days.7f*^w^^ are being formulated for annual Beach day to be held late in July and at which there will be many contests and races for young and old. _ Fea- tures of the Beach Day will include races for men, women and children, a pie eating contest and a nail driv- ing contest for women. There will also be life-saving drills and demon- strations. Beach "Log" â€"Last week's beach "log" records at tendances and as^'followsffe:^ water Bathers Monday, June 18 307 Tuesday, June 19 rf i 475, Wednesday, Jun* 20,J 386 Thursday, June 21 573 Friday, June 22 674 Saturday. June 23 864 Sunday, June 24 1039 temperatures Water 58 I *• 59":; 59 58 58 58 mains, etc., the sum of $35,000. 3.^F6r heating, lighting lie village offices^ stationery and office! supplies, printing, court and legal expenses, the sum of $15,000. 4. For supplies and the*expense of street lighting and incidental expenses 1ir^onnection~therewtth^flh|Tsum of mm.:'......-w | 5. Bor payment iof silaries?bf clerks and police, the ws$w $35,000. 6. For the operation, equiptnent and maintenance of the; Fire department, the sum of f20#OO.f 7. For the payment of th<f interest on the bonded in debtedness of the Village of Wilmette, the sum of $3^XK). 8. For a sinking fund to provide for the liquidation of the bonded indebt- edness of the Village of Wilmette, as same matures; the sun* of $3,500. 9. For the Library fund providing for the maintenance of the Free Pub- lic Library, the sum o|^$9,000. W. ^or the operation^ japd tnain- tenance of a pumpin§" staitidn, the; sum of $2.QQ0. â-  v/MMm- ' "'â-  ^'^ 11. For the ravmliif^f t>nblir ben»»-; fits, payable by the Village of Wil-j mette in sundrv special assessments **> sum 'of- $100°o.. iâ- ?.%-,;i*'^.?^:':--^ 12^v]^^b^ejsta^sJi^#it..and main^: tenahce ot^i. ^arbvge svstpm for the collection and disposal of garbage, ♦h** Fitm of $7,500. 13. For t|»e' collection and disnosa' of pshes, dins, bottles. snH miscellan eous waste; the sum of $15,000. 14. For the creation of p Firemen's Pension Fund, the sum of $li500. 15. For the creation of a Police Pen- sion Fund, the sum of $1,500. terianceiof i^Publife Playgrjoutiids, the 'SANE ing P Issues Warn- ^l^« W>mm mMm Restrictions Placed On __^â€" Sprinkling ©f Lawns Difficulty experienced in the vi|l?^e securing adenuate_water suojgly fox " during in sum oi 17. For the creation of a fund ...fair Public thsirityv the sum of $l,000i# The Appropriation provides for the fiscal year commehcing ^Aprilf 20. 19^ and ending April 19, A jgenuinefy "Sane Fourth" is the order for Wilmette on Independence Day. Fire works will be absolutely prohibited and persons violating the prohibitory Will be subject to immedi- ate arrest, according to village author- ities. '. :)ff- 'â- ';;;;;;:?;;â-  ^^*P%' â-  :Z'T>Z.: Posted in eyeiry s^ lage are proclamations setting forth the ff«w1nf^^m^W^*;^^^. ' "tdl#e^s6ttflsmiliri^OiJ!^ischarge^ any cannon, gun, fowling piece, pistol, or jfire ar^toefe ^y^de^ript ion, ^or sling shot, bow gun, air gun. air pistol; fire| explode, of set ^prf any souirt, cracker of other thing containing pov^der or other combustible of ex- plosive material within the fcporate limfs.7 of ^the Wage of4Wteetfe* â- undp-r^^alty^fii^i^^ nor tmore than $10 for each offense." The proclamation is»^igned by Vil^ lage President Zipf. In connection it is explained that State's Attorney Crowe has promise*} a determined campaign* against fne sale of fire works in^ololc counly. It has long been th^pr^^le:: df fire works dealers t©7i^l7|^^ just beyond. J^ev^rpOMte|y|i^tt m un 11 iei;in7lii& â-  COU^ the enforcement ^ofg|SaUe "fbt&th,t Ravinia Park, given each .-.week. â- &&#?â-  ':|ifti-:S: the auspices of the Ravinia club scheduled for, Thursday,;'l^y^^mmm educational value has ..he^ttijarralig^^'M as. fo!KMg*Sv.: . . -friUit I. Interpretation of orchestra. ;:ttM|i:^ ber Mr. and .Mrs. |lax..O0«rndorfei||i|S H. ..Orche^a.|||gfpi|i^^^^^^^ ,^Ut-JMiSAfte»noo«M!^^ „.:;ican -Indian. â- 7;:;;'-^^7- ^-â- â- '-;^:^m^i- Ky^ostuine-: tfecltati^^ %MEwen.-' â- â- :â- .'/â-  'i-:' -;-'S|*^^ ^Ugends:van§:i.;:|^||-,,;ol,J^^n^f^^ fican -Indian.f :..„..tWM,JK,.,^l,Vj,, ' Aiulyft Mraiory Selections Is ordinarynSousehoTd uses durmgeer tainJiours of-the day when-numerous lawn sprinklers are in operation throughout the village provided the cause this week of ^nanti»sprinklinft nfrfir Issued tiby ^village Manager Schultzl Th e order reads :aDo^Noi-Opewiit« Your Lawn Sprinkler h-tw^e'*. the hours of 4 end 7:30 o%clocfc F. M7as ♦his order is to be rigidly enforced by th* Police department. All violators will be prosecuted. Help us in this matter as of with liberty and justice-[vjtaj^^ importance, because in some parts of the village oeople cannot get water for ordinary household uses at that time of the day. C. C. Schultz, Village Manageilf Fourth Observance I Worrh While?â€"Sermdn Has the Fourth of July any wor^i while significance in this age? Woufd the people of this generation care Jo listen to a real Fburth^lof July if^ o^ressT^ Has Independence Day afy constructive value in relation to oi>r patriotic spirit 'a^jLifeaUsPAL "tear, the pianist begins ^to i"The Star Spangled Banner." ' dilute to "Our Flag." "I pledge alle- giance to my flag and to the Repub- *lic for which it stands: one nation I indivisible, . ;';â-  ,$)t6t all.";.H; â-  Sing one 4^erse of ,^^meric*.,, Salute to the Christian Flag. "I pledge I allegiance to my Flag/and to the Savior for whQS£,l$ngdo!ilJt stands: 7 lone brotheriyold/ 4irikin#%U mam kind in service and-^oye>t| v*; u\ Sing one verse of ^Sfan* Up for â- â- : Jesus***' â- '- Benediction. Allr'The Lord watch ^between me and thee while we are -------- -absent, one from another." . Children march ont, to music, led by two carrying jags, $alute flags at ^the. 4oor.V.::::-'>:'"fs;77;V7::7^77'77v>vv.;.,<,.' ^^ 7 I "There are 4wndre^s of children mi #ilmette. both in~tfie Smiaayâ„¢5cfibols 7aUd out of them, who would have a wonderful July if enrolled in the Daily ^Vacation Bible school", con^ eludes the church, Jeader, "Tker® ^Ti^will be afoc^d deal of pageantry, ^o|ie flicnics, ajid much beautiful music7 ;::;':;S'^sThe'" Chicago Fruit Market ooens 77Saturday, June 30, in the Palace Cash Market, Sherman alvfenue Evanston. KgjiejsJt^aJj^ toMfear^^m*sed^ f!i*|/.f7 Memorial Day ProgriM"^M Cost Exceeds Donations Wilmette Post, No. 46, of the Amer- ican Legion this week issued a report of receipts and expenditures in con- ti»rtion with the annual Community, These questions and others will -hie d4scussed-by^he-Revr^eoFge P. Msi- "ill in his sermon Sunday morning ^t 11 o'clock at the Wilmette Preshj|- terain church. '---Jm- The sermon subject will be: 'Ofr National Birthdayâ€"what does it mein la ih^-average American citizen ?" . .ses/^ofSI&eiectio^^ Music Memory"' contest list to be w heard in the second.concert' prog^fanii7^^ given in connection with'; next i^ursl^lSlS day^s^C*ildrenfs-.afternc«n^,ii-:;SS:i «:j Wolfsrang Amadeus ^Mb'asart, â- .;^tttfe>*SH trian Composer of 'th^||y^'l||j!|,:^e||g , This'^^wniag^ie'lOwilui^^I ';i7written by-Mozart-jn ;4^Va^^the^7||» [^prelude Jofc'\;'his'-7^-one«*ct;;' -coiiiedj^'7'1^8 :fs:ca|ied ^"Thellmj^elario^irhe Jtor|e;'i|f§| iare trying to secure an en^agefceht TH ^rwith^the,':managerâ-  of theopera,^Kea 'ki^m *^their:^'>s«4gers *-%et jealous ^of.:Jba'ch::: â-  7118 â- â-  "Otner."'. ,.â- :â- .;â-  *,:;;;x77-..v^,is:«<*;jisu Dir«?e- ,"Indianv: Suite":'".! '^rMacDowef :^mM 7Edward MacDowell, American com$s |||IS """' It.. pf/1a^,;; IPth. Century. ".' • .,'• iillii e^grj||t§st' American /composerf:^^^ , .|wa*s;iEqwia|a^^ ;:f;Onel;#f.J-the=ifir4t'finusicians to" realiz|ws.ll^ P'ty.; ;M^t£t!rice" 'dl||{he:;' music' of" the7;: 15^ ^lAfiterle^, Indians. f^l^lteiSuite:-;M<- ""'"*" 7";t#alled "'^Indiari",- :bec|^S|s4all?-7-the;:: themes are taken fro^ Ttlte regulations. „. President 'i^^^^^^uil^^^itu^. that thi Fire Works ordinance in Wilmetle wiV be riildly% enforced. The police, he warns, have7c|»ee|t ih-^ structe#to immediately arrest persoht caught Violating the ordtnan of Indian Memorial Dav observances which the post had in charge. The report shows a deficit of $106.56. _^17lI^I "The report is as follows: ^;l_' , Total receipts from donations.$37i)M Expenditures: ^ Parage expenses . ..# Printing, stampsf; ete7 Total expe.iditurej . .$387.6^ ^89.59 Deficit ...•.â- Â«-^___.7^,.v v... «$106.56 Certified correct t?7R. A*hVv Ad- jutant. Dan. G. Stiles for Finance Committee, American Legion Post -No_46. Be Sensible! The fact that a car has beea used hy t'"?-'- â-  0*&'- •'"%#"' !':."-:"'-V:' • somebody else doesn't really low- er its valued In- vestigate! FOR SALEâ€"TWO DODGE SE- dans, one like new. Can be seen at L.. and R. Auto Ser- vice, 1209 Washington Ave.,; Wilmette, <rear Wilmette State Bank), in Trego's Paint Shop. July 4th Marks Opening Jesse R. Gathercoal Jr., formerly of Waflpgtte"=afid ia gtpduatejr^ofr thr^ocaf schools^ haf p^rch^editheT^ohiqsQo, ni;- taurant^nfe' thi'; *lfetropo|ita»: -Bloci^n €entra^ avenue and will openr the^^ eating placeâ€"foi^^sines^o^^u^ 4, T r i ^^ z Mr. Gathercoal is an experienced ires- /aurateuh having been associated with the Commissary department of the Chi- cago, North Shore aiid l|fiwaukee' Elec- tric road in that capacity ^ince his re- turn from service in the recent war. He is well known among the younger people of Ihetillagfe different „ Is^the fqm-th :^;7Suite|ii®7|^7l|^7" < f^ttiplion^^lil 77;,F^nch^c6mp^ser:;olrI|te:t,l: 2Qt$ cen turies. :^?|7|^^|7#a*!' -:s< v'^";a "^sy^mp] which tells of the old h gvtof the wilful son of S was determined^to drlVel f^suii".....;*"'"""""";". was a very sad one which gaintl ^Saetts-ha«^jto1dp^:$wdndl1^^ *^n^S%ahfir^^ilt6«,a â-  Amefican composer howâ- ^ * 7American composers who realizesv 7 ^he Mnportance of the^ mtisic of thi lAmericap, 4ndi»iis* He ha^s iised * "their themesu, ^e„7t)ee|7 • l>ase<i; i on ^-iA^ip. Indian-' poem i#1c storjr: o, who* %$%'$ ti^".v-" iSiJ7 Troop 2 and 5 Scouts ChiMren EHgHiI are eligible to* compete in the" Music Memory contest sponsored by the Ravinia i club and in which awards Wilmette Boy .Scouts* of Troops v 2 and 5 df the Congregational and Priss-' byterian churches, respectively, wilt go to camp at Portage Lake Michi- gan.Saturdaif ^eort)|j|, puneft^u). ;â- â-  The Camp will be in charge of Scoutmasters iCd6H anoT Shaw: and in addition to ^e?!%|leade^>8, y^rva^'ih. Wilson^'chairmait *6f the Scbtft coih- mittee *pf the ^ €ot^pr«p*tionaii fehurch and the assistant minister, Rev. 5, S. Stoffer will also attend the ciamr^l hs |Be^^...thf'^^Ad^ is a PR0FITABLB BUSINESS IMPORTANT NOTICED II Because of the fact the offices of The Lake Shore News will be closed all day Wednesetay, July 4, it will be accessary to advance the "Deadline" ^oFTtfci issue of Th* Lake Shore News of Friday, July 6, to Tuesday noon, July 3. 7'Mir" All news and advertising copy for tfc«t issue nfuit he in the offices of The Lake Shore News not later than Tuesday noon July 3.*â-  t! many of Dance is melody. W. shor£7'illi Ravinia season, fet^-fe, .=-.-.#,., .-*â-  z^mt staff oCofficers ^f the Ravtni* I clvm re?po3ns|^ate^he|^iieless7of:Si the Rarinia Children's, concerts an4^fe programs, |conipr|se^t7i7€0i^i '7 ||| Mrs* William Sutherland, Glencoefl 1 president; - Mrs7 ,,^||>i|i7Poole, ,.Lak|;7| â- Forests rlst :vice7^esiden||^rs7;':An|fi tiette'^R......Jwti^^l^'iP^^lbATt vice >pr^sid«^7^i«»='i|a<wi^';:^ > Evanston, ^r*a^urer j 7 Sfri7 Howard 1 Benton, Evanston, corresponding sec*7 ret ary i - Mrs^Airthur -;K f ;tplieldfc%gh |||; land TPark^f ecordihg "secretaryâ- *£Hfsff 7 Maurice Maiideviile* Lake Bhifl^ an#y| Mrs. George & Pa^ke^ Winn*|ka| members Childreh4^ Da#- committC( liMemibers. 'and:Cfrten^^oW*ne*;^j^ m%tte English Tl^thea^n? cliurch will join in the annual O^gregational picntc7 Sct^irdav af^^nc^iijV^ even* hM :^;ibj# weefc^n ;.!^k%':^iEMlt-;,.Parfc; at the7fc|Ot of Washington avenitev A llj^eiv^iiiip^ o'^docJk ill â- *€P ?gsig

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