' "ittBii'.' * 1 THBLAl^-SHOR|liwSpiiiDAYT^Tt!l>re Betty Compson and Bert Lytell will be the headliners at the Howard on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, July 1, 2 and 3 in their celebrated production "The Rustle of Silk," that has made such a distinct hit in leading theaters throughout the country. "Hot Water" will be the comedy for those days. "Environment," starring Milton Sills, is the Howard attraction for the Fourth of July. The picture will hold over on Thursday, July .& "Fighting Blood" will be an added attraction. v!S* Viola Dana will delight Howard audi- ences on Friday and Saturday, June 6 and 7. The picture is "A Noise in tyewboro.**":'JButl Montana, by way of contrast, will appear in his latest comedy "Rob 'em Gqpd.".....- â€"â€",..â€" L Adelphi Theatre Harry Morey will be the Adfelphi star for Sunday*^ July-1. He appears in the great picture "Masters of Men," that has won popular acclaim in every part of the cpuntry,^-,,_,„:.,„.. . ........ A selected cast of players will be seen at the Adelphi on Monday and Tuesday of next week in the film, "The Isle of Lost Ships;" For Wednesday and Thursday, July 4 and 5, the Adelphi shows Thomas Meighah's(latest trmin^h "The Ne'er Do Welti" a wonderful picture that should crowd the theater even though -the weather be warm. *I::-W yy-i^t^ Milton Sills, in "Environment" is the Adelphi attraction for Friday and Satur- day, July 6 and 7, Max Linder's "Three Must Get There's" is the comedy fea- ture. ^::i':":'-: Hoyburn Theatre Monday and Tuesday of next week will be given over to the showing of "The Lonely Read," at the Hoyburn theatre.' Katherine MacDonald, recog- nized as one of the world's most beau- tiful women and a great favorite with north shore movie fans, has the lead- ing role in this picture. And here's a deep, dark mystery for Hoyburn patrons. The management will not at this time announce the program for the Fourth of July. Something special is the promise; "The West Bound Limited," sequel film to "The Third Alarm," again star- ring Ralph Lewis, will be the Hoyburn feature Thursday, - Friday and Satur- day, July 5, 6 and 7. The picture is called "the great American railroad play." The Hoyburn announces with pleasure that Stanley Wallace has been secured as organist for the popular Davis street theater. Mr. Wallace, manager Stur- divant announces, comes to the north shore with aThroad experience and mark- ed success in prominent theaters throughout the^^unfcryf. During the late war he was bandmaster of the U. S. S. Mississippi and in that capacity made the acquaintance of several Ev- anston men who were with him in " the service.'-: }:i'T ,' J^::l%'x ;}â- *% oL**^ ***$** P«?iuctions of the hour . For the first three days of next week, £*!£££ $* fourth o! Tuly, the New Jiyanston has secured the very recent Pme. Mary Mdes Minter, Antonio Moreno and Ernest Torrence are the stars m this renewal of an old story and popular stage production. The New Evanston Elaine Hampersteinr^fr ^Broadway Gold," will be the headliner^it the^ew Evanston this week-end. This is one '..In 'Hollywood," the comedy-drama of the movies which James Cruze has1 just produced from a scenario by Tom Geraghty, Thomas Meighan will be seen m his favorite pose. He is shewn in the picture with twelve children getting ready to go on location with his direc- tor, Alfred E. Green, and other mem- bers of the cast. For his bit in the pu> ture Meighan "stops at the news stand of the Southern Pacific Railway station in Los Angeles and buys chocolate for -the'--'kiddies7^3TT"^T:rT"'^"^ " ":$ Director Alfrew E. Green and Thom- as J. Geraghty, scenarist, who have been in the East for more than^LJweek^conr_ ferring with George Ade on an original story which Mr. Ade has written for Mr. Meighan, have returned to the coast The picture will be produced at the Lasky Studio, Hollywood, following the completion of "Homeward Bound in which Mr. Meighan is now working. After five weeks in the wilds of the Tonto Basin, Arizona, the Paramount company making the Zane Grey produc- tion, "To the Last Man," has returned to the Lasky studio at Hollywood. Featured in the cast of this picture un- der the direction of Victor Fleming are Richard Dix, Lois Wilson, Noah Beery, Robert Edeson and Frank Cam- peau. '•'â- â- â- Movie art has reached the point where even horses have to screen well. While making "Bluebeard's Eighth Wife" Sam Wood insisted upon a horse for Gloria Swanson of a certain size and weight and a definite shade of bay brown, and a white star on its forehead. Middle West Farms Lead in Use of Telephone* Farmers of Illinois and other middle western states have more telephone service than those who live in the rural districts of other states, accord- ing to a recent report of the United States Department of Agriculture; .The value of telephonic communica- tion to the farmer is forcibly proved by this report which shows that Iowa has a higher percentage of farms with telephones than any other statev but Illinois is close to the top of the list. Eighty per cent of the farmers of Iowa have telephones in their homes. In Illinoki Kansas and Nebraska be- tween 70 and 80 per cent of the farms are equipped, with telephones, "fjjlf' Ohio, Indiana, Missouri and Minne- sota have from 60 to 70 per cent and Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Wisconsin, South Dakota and Oregon have from 50 to 6U per cenfe of the farms supplied with telephone service. Rural telephone development is smallest |n South Carolinja, where only one farm in eighteen has tele- phonic connection4fl^ft::;*:r'||^gi N. W. *L" Statloa. at Howard tksmwmtmm'tmA mqmmumw.men* »«EittiaVn& MOW. •â- « TUBS. §Smm .-hot... .water* ,|||^ j. fjt*n* uk w .mt'su&m WBD. mmM THUB. sSSI&lStrl WsSM-S, A ' alekea Caat. af Plar«*« mm?V MILTON SILLS ;:ipW .§IIt:*ENVI*l^^.........,....,,.,„.. . . _____.„,,„ w^^mmi-'^^^mm^m^ liS&iitTHos. weiâ€" â- Illf Lighting blood- M '" â- :-mm&: l^'KIPiiiOTUU^ '"mmM' SAT. W^mMmi^s0 â- ...- â- '• â- '"â- -â- "" "' • §A NOISE IN NEWBORO" lis ♦THE NE'ER DO WELL" ^^^"'â- '•MHiTOH-'.'iBiS FRI. •«« S AT, The North ShoreVMott Representative Theatres MAX UHBiDl . ^lOBâ- ;,^EM,:GOOD^|li|l|l,:^ Three of the most popular forms of exhibition dancing will be shown in Allan Dwan's new Paramount pro- duction, "lawful Larceny," by fthree of Broadway's favorite dancersâ€"Gilda Gray, Florence O'Denishawn and Alice Maison. "ENVIRONMENT* ^aJiW^^Klii^*,^-: ;â- â- ••#â- â- â- â- ' -- '.â- â- â- â- â- â- -â- â- •â- â- a. â- '. ...'...«_ ... Buy ore Studebaker mm Ef HE NEW TkT VANSTOll "The Big Picture* First" Thursday, Friday *â- « Smtmramy. lifra June 28, 2SV and 3© ^x-^ ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN IH; I« H«r New rroametUm â- "Broadway Gold" Monday. Tneaday and Wednesday July 2, S aad 4 MARY MILES MINTER ^&: â- Supported By llANTONIO MORENO awl || ERNEST TORRENCE l^TheTi^ofthcl^ 2 to 5 â- -'â€".'v;.vi~": -V; T to 11 Adults 27* Adtrtta ««c CMldvea 13e CWIdrea 18c mmiJ. Alway* a Good Show at *TmiKntwtttt^ ^W^yTF House No. 406 'm$ #a«w» •**^<*^ffw»i»l!*25!fef °f hoi** cam ft* btamtifiU and diUmctir*. ouses ORE aftid more people are building with Face Brick because there is no other material so beautiful, so Mutable and so economical. Face Brick is | scnpi investtiient ftcttn eve^ poim of vilw. You will find it to your interest to inves- tigate Face Brick beforerp>u%uild. Come in and see the many at^ac^e homes we have to shc^^y^ get a copy of the "The Story of itidfe," a booklet full of jacj^^jg^everv prospective builder '^hbuld ktiowf *;.. • :;;1||; v .M W:^M:f:m Bonner-Marshall Brick Co. Hydranlic-Press Brick Co. S. S. KlmbaU Brick Co. Burt T. Whaakr Brick Co. Wisconsin Lima & Csmsnt Co. 326 West Madison St. Chicago Room 1033 Go early this year. Spend the whole Suttitner; Bring you* ^ familyâ€"fish, golf, hike, bathe, canoe and play around1 all 4&y* The pine-scented fresh air and complete :. relaxation.^will;jMj^Bmsi. yearA...to....ypur.Jij^i|%J|^ 7,000 pictun Z â„¢ splendid hotel, cottage^od camp accommodations at mod* erate cost; ^i^^^^'^^^^' ,':."' T '|-dl8llSK... „..,, „,„..-..........,.. 30-day and weekend Leave """ unday, 7jP0 p. m., (Standard v§:$tmWW§m^il^^K^^^^^ Sunday. , Time) arriving. Northern .*e* Hpup? sorts early next Standard Pullman, CaU today lor ilh«tr.N... ..^^^B >rnmft> Piilllad foldar with Ur|a ,â- Mms#l&la^ nua^» iaibrma^ • , tion about faros aad room and* ©pen section sleep- §f|§g|Iikt,©i *«•«**•, jng cars, iobservation-lounging car, serving buffet luncheon^ and breakfast Ashland limited leaves Chicago 5.-00 p. m. daily. EARL E. -Ql^lMiiiS^^i^ IttiillJiMttliBiiiiiii^^fc^^ t^^-gkmimm