Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 29 Jun 1923, p. 13

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^'^;'^l;lj;jP^liPl||Pi|11^ Lowfy ;THB LAKE SttORE NEWS, FRIDAY; ANOTHER loi*elyf Ji|ies wedding took place this week, when Miss Gladys WiMei-s^l^ry, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James A Lowry ^t^l^O-^Walnut-avettaej^&eeafne^ the bride of Frank Gray Waggett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waggett of Melrose Highlands, Mass. The service was read by Rev. J. J. SteffensTTector of St. Matthew's Church, Evanston, in the Church of the Holy Comforter, Kenilworth, on Wednesday evening, followed by a reception at the Lowry home. Miss Martha Withers Hahn attended her cousin as maid of honor, the bridesmaids being the Misses Cecile Murphy of Chicago, and Katherine Hahn. Louise and Virginia Varney, small nieces of the bride served as flower girls.g The bridal gown of white satin made with a court train, was most attractively trimmed with pearls and a collar of rose point lace, an heirloom of the bride's great grandmother. Her veil of tulle was fastened to a coronet of rose point lace, and the bridal bouquet was a shower of sweet peas, valley lilies and roses. Miss Hahn as maid of honor, wore a lovely gown of pink georgette and silver lace, and the bridesmaids were in frocks of orchid and yellow georg- ette, also using the silver lace as a trimming. Silver "bands of ribbon ornamented the headdress. Alt three attendants carried large bouquets of snapdragons and lark spur/ The two jittle flower girls were dressed in green and carried old fashioned bou- quets of flowers. j Mr. Jack Wyer came on fromPort- land, Maine, to be best man for Mr. Waggett and the ushers were Messrs. William Cobburn of Weston, Mass., Myron Smith of Worcester, Mass., and Charles and Leonard Ferguson of Evanston. •;>«**'-'â- .•:•> Mr. and Mrs.. Waggett have gone south on their honeymoon an4 upon their return will reside in Wilmette. Mrs. Waggett is a graduate of Chi- cago- Kindergarten Institute and a member of the Sunbeam teague of member of the 1915 class at Dart- mouth, and belongs to the Omicron Delta fraternity. dw?;*r tSâ„¢38 *£* .CppdMd and her daughter, Miss Virginia Copeland^ and Mrs. Morton L. Faterson and ^ Sr &he,0a,helm, Elizabeth Cutler and Jeani Howell of Evanston, are paving Sunday for an extended trip through west. They will travel by way of the & &"$*? Rock,.es» visiting many of the beautiful spots in and around Banff, wdri Ik go,n?Mon to Scatty Wash Wii*-Dli ^S.MrB- Baird» for"»er resi- dents of %WilmeHe. With the excep- tion of Miss Scheidenhelm,, who re- turns home early in August, the party will remain. .m. the w<»st until early September, During their absence, Mr. Paterson will take up his residence at the Library Plaza. Mr- and MrsVpharles Ostrom and son, Rennolds, 719 Central avenue, ac- companied by Master Arthur Rice, Jr., will leave Monday to spend the summer at Buckatobou Lake, Wis. i m Mrs. Louis Melind and daughter, Marcelhte and son. Roy, 329 Central avenue, returned Saturday evening from a motor trip to St. Louis, where they visited friends. . Miss Virginia Hope Duncan of 7Q1 Central avenue, has just returned on the ' Olympic" with a party of friends, from England where she has been traveling since March. "}-. Of wide interest in north shore so- ciety is the marriage of Miss Gladys Spencer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Spencer of Highland Park, to Joseph S. Richardson of Boston, which will take place ^Saturday after* noon at 4:30 o'clock in the Trinity Episcopal church at Highland Park. A reception at the Spencer home will follow the ceremony. ^ r If Mr. Richardson and his bride will make their home in Concord, Mass. Miss Spencer who is well known in north shore circles, is also distinguish- ed for her Red Cross work in France during the' wan ,..;v..^v.':';'â- â- "' J'-,::"*v;;A 1,U :* Mrs. Frank JL at luncheon today ^cago friends, at King is-entertaining for a group of Chi- t her Residence, 829 Greenleaf avenue. On Tuesday-of this â€"week, Mrs. King was hostess- to the members of the Luncheon and Bridge elub, I Lee Harrison, 1333 Washington ave- nue, is vacationing in Seattle, Wash. Mn route he visited Yellowstone Park &nd the tours in Montana and Wyoming. ITpon his return trip he will stop over %t Banff and Lake Louise, 0^44'^M 1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Moore, of #038 Greenwood avenue, have just re- tlufned froma two weeks' trip through 3*he East, stopping at Pittsburgh, Pa., 'Washington, D. ^ ,M9S^S^t.aMSsi^^ «*liissel'" Befry Mulford, Dorothy Law- Pence, Wiriogene Springer, Frances £,evi, Naomi McDowell and Betty King lire leaving Saturday to attend Camp lA-Wa-Ki-A in the woods oh the Paw |Paw river, near Watervliet, Mich, v, J The first weekly ^ance of the Buc- caneer's club took place last evening on Sbbard the "Port of Missing Men," in jVilmette harbor w There were several Jfmatr dinner parties given proceeding ::f§he. dance.'" W'^MM^MM^W^W^^^^^ W Mrs!tsRichard W. Jordan and son, William, 1012 Greenwood avenue, will fleave Sunday to spend the month of % uly at Post Lake^ Wis. Mr. Jordan irill join for the latter part of his yacii- j^r |^.^ ^ King, 8^ SreenwS Ivenue, will return Sunday from a busi- ness trip to Kansas City, Mo.* . WMtS0MM'feKfei&a^fffe:'^^': w »ffi WeactieroflFrMcU Splciif^liltrttction iriPcon- versation and song diction. Address inquiries to 806 Oakwood avenue, Wilmette. %#-â- â- .....^x;.....':;;-ljU ttJ........;:"--â- -^'â- -' ^r'^d^rs' Thomas I- Glen, of 1059 qhatfield road, Winnetkfe, an- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Catherine M., to Robert M. James, of Winrietka and Chicago. ,?'-i Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Beem and daughters, Audrey and Madeline, are motoring to Colorado Springs, Colo., to spend the summer months. Miss Irene Carey, 1046 Elmwood avenue, spent last week-end with friends m Watseka, 111. Iff. and Mrs. J. Herbert Newport of Kenilworth hare announced the en- gagement of ^ their daughter, Miss Florence Shively Newport, to Mr; Charles J. Rockcastle of Chicago, The Matinee Club, of wnich there are twelve Wilmette members, closed its meetings for the season with a luncheon: a^d^bridgerTnr^he - Soverei^ hotel, on Wednesday of thir weejk*; s Miss Dorothy Berry; 1127 Green- wood avenue. left" Tuesday for the* Eleanor Camp at Lake Geneva, where she will be recreational leader lor the :8ummer,-;-f^j•, ',,;^:X-j^^[^^\ ">> ^';;f ..:'â-  Mr. and Mrs/jKaulfuss^df No A Dakota, are occupying the Calloway home at 950 Linden avenue, for the summer motiths. They hope to locate in Wiknette*'pcrtnanently in the fall- â- â- >mx$suamr8.m. H. Brethold, 1102 Central-axenue, and their granddaugh- ter, Miss Eleanor Schulz of Ravens- wood^wjU^feaise^ffeturday for a month's tour" of, the "northwest and California. ton avenue, is leaving today to spend the rammer in California. A part of her Visit will be made With heir aunt, Mrir-AlvlhV:"Butz:'in: San Diego.:?^^^'; , Sherwood Roberts, 612 Central ave- nue, has| gojne to Camp Minocqua, Wis. the i summer vacation. His brother, Samuel Henry,. will spend the summer with his^ grandmother in Toledo, Ohio. Mr. arjd Mrs. Joseph i Danning, and ,; 411 Laurel avenue, are leaving Tuesday next to spend the months of July and August at their cottage at Maim^wishTrWis« r ~ The Delta Gamma sorority's post- commencement house-party is in prog- ress this week at the summer cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Rowe at Forest Glen on Lake Geneva. Miss Mary Jarvis, 623 Lake avenue, is one 9f,..^^^0^$ girls,.;:m;.a||n(%p%,!: : ;,i;Mr. .and ;Mrs. 'X,-.Al|iiBower family, 1041 Ashland avenu^wi to Manitbwish, Wis., on Wednesday to remain until the latter part of August. The annual dinner for the incom- ing officers at the Ouilmette Country club took place list evening at the clubhouse. "-•" "o- â-  MB^'j" Junius Mulvey, Eighth street, is leav- *"* " * of next week ing Thursday the summer at Canada. next Mr, Child's to spend camp in Mrs. George Carroll of New York city, formerly a resident of Wilmette, is visiting old friends in the village this ^ week...;..; t---[. Miss Ruth Harris, niece of Mrs; F. J. Pfahler, has gone to California to spend the summer. .4^a^^-.:7^'Jt, Miss Katherine Winship, 803 Chest- nut avenue, is visiting friends in Glen, If* • -'â-  ?'} â- ;.â- â- ; â-  â- â- *" â- â- â- â- â- '.â-  â-  â- --"â€"' . â-  ^. MlCh. ^.}ti± >..-^:,ir:,.-:'-,,,:.l .. is spending his vacation on r. and Mrs. B. J. Callowar and children have gone ^ 0%l-â- .; Mission* illn fitiiiiiiiim^iii eitie :."'iC«iIman7*w' 'w: tlmwood avenue. â€"aâ€" ii i nti HANNAH 2Ma4rillMEANN: :,.:,& â- '*>â- â- â- â- "â- â- â-  OSCAR DBIS VgmWOP-^'i W«*mfm*mr mm* WrUtmrm IMimM " UN OMtnd Ar«^ Ph«m« S64-M ty SUMMER HOMESms $37i SAT BEAUTIFUl LAKE GENEVA HIGHLANDS !;|.On south shore 'of ^Lake'"Genfti eva. Splendid boating, bathing, fishing. High wooded; lots ai*e 5 $0x100. for only $37$. Terms il desireC^vFor circular and fuM . particulars address Taylor $Hm Povrerjii 5732 Madison Sfc*„Ghi?fe| cago, Phone Austin 0341. â- <â- â- $â- ;,\32f •I^EiT,^ a^GttaEUOL looXcs well^ jsun.dL Is^cyws iti~â€"-vv^liLeii he looks cool and feds _ w it-^thenâ€"and then only^s her properly attired for the summer sea- son. lAnd here are the Clothe designed in style, weight, patterning and ^^m^^^^ws &NORD The North Shore's Leading Tailors Dyeing ~T~. *~ fll'P^^^f^^feWi 1^gi|||S"; fff â- â€¢ -^:;:^

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