WW'-; THE tAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY â- %'â- •',: EUtNBTON W. EVAN8TON I Knowing that you will wish to take advan- tage of our JUNE « fp?TQ RENT' In the Heart of Prosperous Evanston Eleven Shopd for Eleven High Grade: Merchants Beautiful ground floor •hops, Evanston'* newest and most els*, rant hotel, THE ORRINGTON. ImmoiWrtoly adjacent to surface can. Northwestern R.H, Elevated; ,Jforai Shan Electric, churches, dubs, library, university, etc. Ap- praiser says best location between Chicaaw and Milwaukee. Passed by thousands daily. . ; iiiitttt <mi^, â- ,.„-,„,.. , .„..„„..„.. flowers, chlldraVs wear, beauty day and daily. Ready September parlor, candy, antiques, books. 1st. *VM,"21 . ^:,:lL-lSiMlllil^^€'Ml Betrothal Announced haberdashery, lingerie, etc Wem- .derful comer for above ordinary idru* store. Biggest opportunity around Chicago today. Come and see! Apply tests far location, but hurry i Rente moder ate. Will be snapped up quickly by enterprising merchants. Op*' tkwis and applications scheduled as Orrington though it will-^rotob^-.take -place- -in- ciraig^ EVANSTON ILLINOIS :;fv\. right up to the end of the month i All purchases charged on Saturday Jane office, N. W. Comer Davis St. and Hinman Ave. Open and eveninps. Telephone: Evanaton 8700 30th Si will he entered on July Bills, pa St Phone WU. 1100 â- -â- â- . â- â- â- â- •â- â- â- â- -â- :â- '. .'"j^ â- 'â- '. ' - -."• .-â- â- â- â- â- Ttwe'FMe Deliveries Rowman 1# MIRY COMPANY n-fmm^: Drink W cool gtasis ofSBOW^l JVIANrS, rich, pure:^J^'l'^^f;2 mal^e you feel better immediately. mm *=| ft-t^r irritating your throat." ISS v Keep yoar\ table generously sup- plied with plenty%f BOWMAN'S MILK. It is the best beverage of II r3 To Sidney Huguenin OF particular interest in north shore and university circles is the news of the betrothal of Miss Theo Wanzer to Sidney Huguenin, son ^of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Huguenin, of 5Q6 Lake avenue. The announcement was made at a charming bridge luncheon in the Harry S. Wanzer home in Sacra* mento, Cal. Miss Wanzer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Wanzer of Sacramento, is a graduate of the State Teachers' college in San Jose and for the last year or so has been teaching school in Stockton. She is on the faculty of the Weber school and has also done special work in music and physical edu- cation. "'•"""" Mr. Huguenin, grandson of the late General James Huguenin, who led the first infantry from Chicago, during the Civil war, is a graduate of the Engi- neering School at Northwestern uni- versity, a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity, and for the past year has been residing in California, holding the position of engineer with the Western States Gas and Electric company. He saw--service with the ^Uhlfea "States Navy in the Adriatic Sea, being sta- tioned there for a period of two years. No date has been set for the wedding, the MM North Shore young people will be interested in the announcement of the marriage of Miss '!Alma Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Thompson and Jevne Haugan, which took place Tuesday evening in St. Luke's churcty Evanston, Dr. v George Craig Stewart officiating. The wedding recep- tion took place in the home of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar H. Haugan, 2855 Sheridan place, Evans- ton, immediately after the ceremony. Miss Helen Haugan, sister of the groom, attended as maid of honor, and the bridesmaids were Miss Mary Clair Eastman, Miss Eloise Lomas and Miss Marion Blessing of Evanston, Miss Laura Slosson of Glencoe, and Miss Elizabeth Stevens of Kenilworth. John Robbins of Evanston was best man and the ushers included Edward Yonkers of Wilmette, John Muldoon and Duke Dunne of Chicago, and Edward Jones of Fort Atkinson, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Haugan will be al home after ^September % 3t;, 624 Sheri- dan "road, - Evanstonf ftfev.: ::K^ •V:;^. .;^|f * Rosary College's benefit card party .given last Saturday afternoon in Mrs. Herbert Drew's lovely Italian garden was a brilliant success. North Shore society was out in its gala summer at- tire and the surroundings of flowers, pergolas and terraced landscape on the water's edge, made a perfect setting for the occasion. Among the hostesses from Wilmette who entertained at one or more tables were Mrsi^r"C:Cawk- well, Mrs. Charles A. Barton, Mrs. Wil- liam Morin, Mrs. Joseph Joyce, Mrs. Frank Hoffman, §$d Mrs. William Hopkinson. Mrs. Frank Jones and her committee, consisting of Mrs. William E. Connor, Mrs. G. E. Fouts, and Mrs. M. Dolan, were on the grounds early and late. Sis- ter Annunziata, promoter for Rosary College, superintended from within the Drew home. The hydroplane proved a great at- traction and netted a nice sum for the cause. ,â„¢jwith *he income from § „â€"_..„ bridge parties and rummage f sales to swell, their, house building fund, i members of ^rto^~^smp^olIhe I Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority will open a wayside tea room near Lake-: p side, Mich., next week, l/ffs. E. R.II Parker, of Evanston, has offered a I corner of her summer estate on the Michigan highway, and a picturesquell small shack is under construction where iced drinks, sandwiches and light lunches will be offered for the refreshment of Sll motorists and nearby summer residents It Out of deference to the familiar Kappa4| key, emblem of membership in the so-'-- rority, the tearoom* w»W be known astj the Keyhole., T-'â- 'â- ' . .Mi::. * % . ", >â- â- ftp. Miss Martha faring,just 'graduatedi| from the university and IcliOseh in the'SH' Syllabus contest as; one1'W'the eightf§ most beautiful girls on the campus, will have charge of the jplace, with Misslfl Norma Lawlor, who has just completed♦ her • junior, year;;'^ere.g|||||g|g|||^ r-Prentiss Cduffen*on of Mr/ and Mrl^Wj John D. Couffer, 903 Lake avenue, who W has been in Los Angeles for the past *P year, sends us this news clipping from ^ the Los Angeles Times of June 10: §1 "The many friends of Ruth Craig -Hi and Louis Prentiss Couffer will be P^ pleasantly surprised to learn of their fc! engagement. T'he^-^aM^uneement wit'."'^ made at the annual senior breakfast of the University of Southern California, --M Chapter Kappa Alpha Theta, recently P held at the Beverly Hills hotel. Miss 1 Si native Californian and the daughter of ^8 T>r. and Mrs. W. H. Craig of Upland, P Mr. Couffer is a member of the Wis--» consin University Chapter, Sigma Alpha R Epsilon. He is the son of Mr. and ^ Mrs. J. D. Couffer of Chicago. The IS date set for the wedding is the first of ^P September.- â- *â- â- ; ^^^â- |^^.^^3:^&^^^M^ â- . .The Woman's "Club. of Wilmettrtfl will conduct "Book Reviews" on the ill first Friday of each month, beginning $1 in November. These meetings will be open to all people of the eommunityip^^ The first books to be reviewed will be "The Passing of the Great Race," by Madison Grant, a very Worth while book. Then two novels "The Middle ££t^Ro*<rfcy Sir Philip Gibbs and "The Cathedral" by Hugh Walpole. .It is suggested that members add, #si these books to their list for summeritiil reading, so they will enjoy 'discussing?*1^ â- â- Mi, m them in the fall. """'"IWl â- IsMmiA The Westmoreland Country club will celebrate the Fourth#f July with special golf events, bridge for the ladies and a surprise program for the children from 2:30 to 5 o'clock with souvenirs and' refreshments served in the men's grill. A.fter the table d'hote dinner, fireworks will be displayed. = The Saturday night dinner danti" will take the place of the usual Independence 4ay dancing. A Benson orchestra will furnish' .:the. music. ^|;4;S";(;I'^$0Z§ â- \ Mrs. Frank Wilson wa^hoste^sH f 4*»°r*»aI ^*«e^ng"ofrold^fFiends for Mrs. Thomas Wilson of California, and Mrs. George Carroll of New York city, on Monday Afternoon at her home, 1118 Central avenue. . Mrs. Frank Jones, 1336 Central ave^llif nue, accompanied by Ofiver 0'Gonnell»i who has been her house-guest Over fhepSftl week-end, left Tuesday to drive to|t§l Springfield, where Mrs. Jones will belltt! the guest of Mrs. Jerome O'Connell. MrJWlf Jones will join them later and on the^.re-iffp turn trip Mrs. O'Connell yritl accora-iii! pany.;them' for :a -visit';he^.-;W£:;::v:v;',,;y|p|^ Aliss Frances Jones, 1336 Cental ave-lSl nue, who recently graduated from Elm^ii Place School, Highland Park, has goneijl to New York with her uncle, HaVt Dar- S^ Jnf^^who is jstunm^4rom a western W gp to Jus home at Maplewood, N. J. llf I bhe will spend the summer in New liSf York and go to the Adiroiidkicks for l?IS several weeksj ^rith. relatives.... l^.:-.^. •Igll J^r^H^^ A>' Dannen»rk,\of 'f|l the Library Plaza, entertained at dinner Ip! Monday evening in honor of Dr. and IPI Mrs. A. C. Messenger and Mr. and IHI MtJ.;â- ArG. Leslie of Springfield, Ohio, i^ £ °uanL st°PPm8T at fhe "TEdgewater ^ Beach hotej; -Mrs. Danrtfemark willW-. feave July:,!.; for ,|<ake Geneva, 'to:.be* gone . two:,monthsiei:.;â- '>: 11./,-..,... ,.::,:....,:......... *M®& W». Wxp-zl m mi* ^-M«ses=fara|^Hnd Margaret Gallagher, WL Bay. Mr., and Mrs]« Bi€:Gallagher « plan to drive north with meir daughters «H for a^short stay. Miss Sarah Gallagher «® S S^<>,n? a i40"8* deration today â- gMis:rn^te â- "Sitlllef "Si 'HS^: ^PC^S?llT'kenter^ed ft m^^vans- r?aJ?$ **$ T ^h«rMay, for Mi$s Grace Mary Cooke, %ho will become tne bride ^of Mr Paul Schulze, Jr., on o^!:th|,s||^esniaids;:vat;> the ^weddmgV^s|| Collar %SSu ^^Z Ga»e' Margaret F?ancS c?Thy honkers, Elizabeth and ^ces Cutler ^and Margaret Patersoni pS^Wi^ evening from tendSftJ^k^fik where *tey ^ *:;â- Mr and :Mrs. F. U. GallatoiS^IS'; nue" to Mrh<lSf % m <§SSSl^ at^he Nori q! Ronan' V* wf" «side !n X YnM ^Shoret,hotel this summer. «Lf • Si they WjH otcupy an apart- ment ,n the „ew Orringto^ hoteK3 ^ II v^O- ^Mjss :"^Jvyenne vMo>inTrwas^steli^l homehno3S^f °" ^e^^^»l £'^^plf iv?^; honoring^ ^ ^uT^w90^^086 n>ar«age| l8 fauVrcni,,ze of Chicago, is to take»- P^ce.-.|h1s week-end. p^t^^&ffâ- - E SMr.::;touis Melind, 329: Clhtr^^l^B? ^"^gg^nday eyenmg^to itfend IS ^:CoKvention â- m,Toronto^nj|U.v ^ ^f^tiiut^eu^ 11 .....•â- â- 'â- â- - 'â- •'â- •â- â- ......•'â- .^ksM mmi«-â- â- ',..•- ...li;â- - -)^SMp^Si^^A^g^^^i^^^g;!i;g"I"?? jj