liilliiifSlls â- ^^^^^^^^^W^^y^^1 *-w% 1 ',;&?. w THE LAKE li^K N^S. lllPAV TUNE 29, 1923 lili«^isi» 1SS ENGLISH LUTHERAN Greenleaf and Seventh St. William Guise, Pastor ^ Services for July 1, the Fifth Sun- day after Trinity. ^ mâ€"â€"----- r Sunday School at 9:45. Classes for all ages. , ' Worship and sermon at 11 o clock. With Independence Day only a few days ahead, the pastor will speakxm an appropriate theme: "Some Factors which Contribute Toward our Greatness as a Nation." . . . The annual congregational picnic will be held Saturday afternoon and eve- ning, June 30, along the lake front at the foot of Washington avenue. All members and friends connected in any way with the congregation, the Mission- ary Society or the Sunday School, are lifted. Other friends lare welcome. Bring your "basket" of good things. Dinner will be served at 6 o'clock. Let us make this event one to be happily re- membered throughout the coming year. The ladies of the Missionary Society will hold their monthly business session next Thursday, July 5, at the home of Mrs. Swan Larson, 721% Ninth street. A good attendance is desired. The Daily Vacation Bible School will open next Monday in the Byron Stolp School. Parents who have, children of the proper age will do well to give this matter favorable consideration. The council will meet on Monday eve- ning, July 2. Beginning on Sunday morning July 1, the Bible School of the Baptist Church will be run on the short schedule from 10 o'clock to 10:45. The classes and departments will meet as usual com- mencing promptly at ten o'clock. At the Worship Hour at 11 o'clock, the Wilmette Choral Society will ren- der the music and the Pastor will give the second in his series on the "Sermon on the Mount." The sermon will close at 12 o'clock. The Young People's services have dis- continued for the summer. The Mid-week meeting for Prayer and Fellowship will be held in Children's Hall on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, _^_tojafhich all are cordially invited. The Wilmette Baptist Church is lo- , cated on the corner of Wilmette and Forest avenues, and welcomes all to its services. The Pastor, Rev. Francis Stif- ler may be reached at his study in the mornings or by. appointment The Church Office is open daily except Sat- urdays from 9-5 and from 9-12 on Saturdays. The Church telephone is Wilmette 2235. S ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN Linden and Prairie Aves., Wilmette Herman W. Meyer, M. A. Pastor 406 Prarie Ave, * Telephone 1396 ^j&^^^i" -â- â- .->^WdEllvlCES"^4' -â- â- â- Wiff Fifth Sunday after Trinity 9:15 A. M. Sunday school and Bible sti classes-at Library Hall, |fc|^ 9:45 A. M. First servicei and sermon W;" at 'the church.:h^i::^.:;M^'&^-^^^^. 11:00 A. M. Second service and ser- mon at the church. ;iiif July 8 at 4 P. M. Cornef, J|tone Lay- pC"ing,at the New Church, ifflrf"â- â- "•*â- â- â- -"'"â- â- â- ^^^^^^^JKBS^m^^ â- ......- ^11|;; Saturday, June 30, Sunday school out- IH'ijteat.GlenyiewForest .Preserve. :â- â€"- p|i IPwesday, July 3, Building Committee SH;at .the: Pastor's study. ifp^ ^Thursday, â- .â- July â- 5r--at~2-P^fc-3rhe !ti|lI^adies' Aid: and Mission.,; â- • |if;-f Thursday, July 5, at 8 P. M. The jjjj Builders /.Y.; P. S. and Walther.....League.. ifeiSSlOtt Saturday' Afternoon, â- â- June 30, â- at 1:30 o'clock a fleet of autos will meet at St. John'a Lutheran Church to take chiMrert and grownups to the Glenviewl "HI Foresr^reserve^f or the annual Sunday school outing. Class games and general -contests will put athletic prowess, speed prior to the International Convention of the Walther League at Detroit, July H to 19 many matters of importance will be discussed and it4^ hoped-that every member will be present. THE CORNER STONE LAYING CEREMONIES at the new St. Johns IarthjamJShurch, now- omder construc- tion at Park and Wilmette avenues, will take place on SUNDAY afternoon, JULY 8 at 4 o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Herman W. Meyer will deliver the ad- dress and officiate, assisted by pastors of neighboring Lutheran Churches. St. John's takes this means of extending to all citizens of Wilmette a very cor- dial invitation td attend the services. I ST. \mmmmmm AUGUSTINE'S PARISH June, 29, 1923. Both the Clergy, Dr. Carleton, the Rector, and Rev. Mr. Danforth left with the boys last Monday morning for St. Augustine's Boys* Camp at Lake Ripley near Cambridge, Wis- consin. Most of the boys were taken by automobiles through the kindness of parishioners, which kindness is greatly appreciated and was a great help. The boys have been enjoying the usual round of bathing, hiking, over-night camping at different spots in the vicinity, fishing, boating under supervision, and^the^Jike and report a very happy time. They will be in the Camp over the Fourth and are expected to return home the end of next week. ___.„ Carleton returned^^frbm t; Camp Wednesday to officiate at the wedding of Miss Logie^da^ighter^of tttT^dTmsrAT^Lagiern&XsK- land Avenue, and went back to Lake Ripley immediately after the wedding. He will come back to Wilmette to- morrow to take the Sunday Services at St. Augustine's going immediately back to the camp. The afternoon party given by the members of the Daughters of the King, of St. Augustine's last week was a great success. The party was held in St. Augustine's Club House and was attended altogether by about 125 of the women of the parish. Punch and refreshments were served and all enjoyed themselves to the utmost. The special object of the party was to make it possible for the women of the parish to meet and become better acquainted with the newer ar- rivals who have come to Wilmette mostly within the list year. To the great regret of the Rector and the Choir boys Master Austin Cooke, one of the most faithful mem- bers of the Choir, was taken down with scarlet fever a few days before the date of departure for the camp and was unable to go. Rev. L. H. Danforth, curate of St. Augustine's, will be absent during the month of July which he will spend at Tomahawk in Northern Wisconsin. The July service will be taken by the Rector. Rev. Mr. Danforth will be in charge of the parish during August. be had upon the grounds, but it is hoped s^pthat all wilt bring a basket lunch for the gljfamily . supper. LOOK for the .big evening meal^ at 6 and Join in the big &GN: STgiOHN'S LUTHERAN CHURCH winch will be displayed on the.grounds..,. That's; the place. gliSiSli The sermon next Sunday morning will fj|be delivered by Mr. Paul Brauen who is Mat present completing his studies at the Concordia Theological Seminary at St. *"*" " Mo.'" ^^^^^^gl^Nwreoog^JSgllll^Sie. regular monthly meeting, oi the Ladies' Aid and Missijjfe Society takes place |pt;:Libriii?:':Ha1tl|t 2-. o'clock. As .usual, ^the ume?C)ftn|r:3i)#l, have its devotional ami lectiireliour at 3:30 o'clock. Guests !:;^a^^iiKSe^m^* ill mm CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH continued during the months of July and August. This church is co-operating with the other churches in the conduct of the Daily Vacation Bible School which opens next Monto morning at the Byron Stolp school Miss Beatrice Segs- wortiLwiH be m c^ge^Moffi-&£& noficesof the school is given in another column. Parents with children in our Church school are urged to register their children in the vacation school, and to co-operate heartUyy in the work. Dr. Stansell will be Jn his pulpit dur- ing July. He will present the follow- ing messages at eleven o'clock:: July 1â€"THE UNREALIZED SUP- PORT of GOD. Text: "I girded thee, though thou hast not known me. ^LY^MAKINOOUR LIVES A BtESSING. Text: "I will bless^Aee -andI thou shalt be a Messing." Gene- $iSJuly:2' 15 - RAINBOWS- WHERE AND WHY. Text: "An* thw was firainbow round the throne." Reve- jSv 22^THE^ECRET OF THE LORD. Text: "The secret of tteljrd is with them that fear Him." Psalm ^july 29-*HE LIVtNG CHRIST ON OUR ROAD. Text: "And Jesus Himself drew near and went with them." Luke 24:15. The Epworth League will hold an unusual meeting Sunday evening at 6:15, followed by a happy social hour. Midweek Prayer and Praise Service Wednesday evening at 8:00 o clock. The Pastor will present the twelfth chapter of Acts. â- «"y»v *. -',•-•'•, ..'â- 1 Sunday school in all of the depart- Boy Scouts of America meet on Tuesday nigh* at 700 Vctocki Girl Scouts on We6ies4s^'^4^#doek; Junioji BoJ|:....&»»it*rc|i #hursday at 7:00 o'clock. > "•';:£â- >â- :,>â- f: :|'. 4^*. ife-;. *;.<,..â- â- .â- HOTTERLAN CHDRra] It is customary for the ministers m many of the churches, on the Sunday preceding the 4th of July, to deliver a sermon or address appropriate to the observance of the National Holiday. In these latter days the question often arises as to whether or not the ob- servance of Independence Day, July 4th, has any worth while significance. In so far as it having any constructive value in relation to our patriotic spirit and The Boy Scouts of Troop 2 of this church, and the Scouts of Troop No. 5 of the Presbyterian church, will leave for Camp at Portage Park, Michigan, tomorrow evening. The Gamp will be in charge of Scout Masters Cook and Shaw, and inSlfaddition to these two leaders, Mr. FrahkWifeon^ chairman o£ the Scout Committee of this church, and Mr. Stoffer, assistant minister, will also beJn campjwittLlht boys^ ; - Dr. Pardee is so much interested in the work, of the Scouts that he has turn- :edhis^practice-over to an assistant for two weeks, during which time he will be in camp ftrith the boys, so that they will be well cared for mentally, physically, socially and spiritually. It looks like a gcod trae fjir Sunday nw^ w1tt^it£ell%mj^ ___,_ . „ .. .j"e~15eigmning of the summer schedule for the school. Beginners and comww w»» f»v -w.^^ ^.ww^,, .^v^ Primary departoiem^wiU meet in their andskifi^tothetest^ andTiiaw^laiifeT 7espeetive"fooms, and special .programs WreathM hidden in the mahager's prize have been ^ prepared l>y-JjJissT Wheelock bag for':"the victors. Refreshments may ' * L "^ ' " for these departments. The Juniors and Intermediates will meet together in Pil- grim Hall under the leadership of Mr. Lloyd. The. program for these depart- ments during the summer will have for its central theme, "Our Flag around the World." Program for next Sunday, July 1, follows; li|pliS'^lI|lSIII';- "Our Flag." Leader^?^'l«r^ftoyd: Hymn . O Beautiful for Spacious Skies . Readingjill^.#;'â- ..:'. 'H "Baroara^:Fitchie'* flC;Missv:Priscilla',Ivtbyd..^|)|p â- : Sahiti^d-me Flag â- â- ;x...â- ;.. ;f^^7.: la^... "Your Flajg *nd MysFlagf' feis Miss Agpaes Biesemeier-.J ^:^_^ The" Stair ;Sp4ngledl^^!^ jong _ _ StorierToi the FJag .......• Mr. Lloyd Soloâ€"French Hornâ€"Columbia the Gem of \^'^0c^i^.:^..M^^o^tt^il^ ,'tv*A'tv«vj i\*n iwj iwjiwj ^ ;||5fj# ."Sl-^#fe. The Church Has Something To Your church exists for but one reason: to help fm to consider in their true relationship your spiritual and material life. V" v . ! t If you have ever stood in awe before the evidences of the Infallible Law which governs all we are and all we do, you know that there can be no material without spiritual. If you ever leave off for a moment the perplexing, engrossing business of everday life to ask for help in solving some of your problems, and you see the help come, swiftly, surely, you must realize how little your own strivings, unaided, mean. Your church will remind you of these things. Your church will help you to help yourself. But that is only possible if you come to church* One quite Sunday morning hour, each week, will give your mind new strength .and tranquillity to face the materialnprobtems that are most easily solved when the spirit is at peace. YouMeed^ Church \SwTt?Mme to Church §i|§li ':M^*1?'S .-;&&%'. ' 111 TTie WflnetU Baptist â- Q^df^^^^^^^^^WUl^^M fftfS Forest and Wilmette Aves. Lake and Wilmette Aves. | Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd St. Augustine's Episcopal Church ;vill40 Wilosette^Ave. Rev. Hubert Carleton -hi: St. John's Lutheran Church Rev. Herman W. Meyer*'^ihyh Linden and Prairie Aves.^^^^^^^^ « ^an Church WHiuette â- r ..703 _ Greenleaf" Av«i-|f || Rev. William Guise! IT* Rrit NetluMbt Church 1 Lake, and Wilmette Ayes. ;M Rev. Gilbert Stansell a :^hMh4^$$0&^&^t:: The First Presbyterian Oiurch Ninth and Greenleaf "IM: ^»g;».^a^'^£ffsyyK-.^f^."^*» â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- • .v â- -. :â- - ?&aaaj5Mgajw _j£ , prlb^^aHsi^^ ^eagu^ineets «tf"finirsday evening at .HI â- :hh^:h'!".<f'§im!m^ â- -««»-.......,;..; , â- Ax. /eleven' o\:l€K*,^ir.A^loy<Mwitt preach. There will pe Reception of Members and the administration of-tite Rev. George P. Magill '|^U'i8^^®^^^^^^^^^|fc- It i. Lord^ _ia ........v^M lay night meetings will be dis* Hii