â- ^ym^^^i!^^W^W^Wm^^^^ LAUNCH WAR ON AUTO SHIRKERS Inspectors After License Fee Delinquents Wmwm' '^^^^f^fWW^^'^rvCi THE feAKE SHORE NEWJ FRII)AVBuNE; 22J ===== â- ' 11 , y; Asa==sBJr±ass==ss i'-'&M.'fa Purchasers of automobiles prior to JuljCllJwho hope to save half of the annual state license fee by holding back their applications until after the first of next month will be out of luck, ac- cording to Secretary of State Louis L. Emmerson. The automobile law provides that the license, fee for automobiles purchased after July 1 shall be only fifty per cent of the fee for the entire year. In the past, some owners have attempted to take advantage of this law % noJt sending in their applications until after this period ^lthough-^he^ownership^ of the cars dated back for a month or more. "There always is a great flood of ap- plications just after the first of July," Secretary Emmerson said this week. "This is suspicious! It isn't likely that such an enormous business is done by dealers at this particular period. Investigators Make Check "Last year we made good use of the automobile investigators to check up on* these applications and we found that an overwhelming majority- of ihem should have been in before July 1 and that the owners had been violating the law by operating their cars without license in the' hope of saving half of the fee. "Inspectors are now out covering the State rounding up every automobile that is operating without a license or with last ^year's license plates. -The driver who tries to save half of his fee in this way is likely to find | the; experiment rather expensive for he may have to pay a fine and even if he escapes the fine he is reasonably certain to be compelled to pay the entire fee. f% %[*+... â€" Provides Road Fund " ....... "AULai- the moneyjcoiiecied in.auto- mobile fees goes ftito"the"building of hard roads. I think any owner of an automobile ought to be interested enough in hard roads to pay his fee promptly. The man who doesn't is a shirker. He wants to use the roads and avoid pay- ing his share toward their construction and upkeep. _ _"W£_are_af tetJthese shirkers-aniMhey are going to have a hard time getting by." Robert W. Service's novel, "Poison- ed Paradise," will be one of next fall's film events. "Poisoned Paradise," is set in Monte Carlo where Service has made his home since the Amistice and is as vivid a picture of the famous gambling resort as that which the author has pre- viously created of the Yukon country. N.U.ENDOWMENT FUND INCREASED Students and Alumni Help Swell Total To date undergraduates and thetaculty of Northwestern university have raised over $200,000 while friend* of the uni- versity have subscribed $217,350 towards the institution's endowment fund to be used for the erection of a large down- town university building at East Chi- cago avenue and the lake shore, Chi- cago. When it comes to endowed uni- versities, Northwestern comes ninth on„&*}& headed by Harvard with $47,000,000; Northwestern University so far has only an endowment fund of $5^00,000. ____ These figures in the form of charts and plats were placed on view in the club-room '$$ Paten gymnasium, Evans- ton, last week, for the benefit of visiting alumni and alumnae, who, it is seen, also have contributed to the growth of their alma mater by subscribing $78,135. The trustees of the university since January 1 have donated $201,705 towards the en- dowment fund. The university is out to raise $5,500,000. Other maps show the distribution of men and women who at one time at- tended the Northwestern University and an examination reveals the fact that they are scattered all oyer the union^ with the cdhcehtratlori, of course, centering in Illinois and Indiana, Other exhibits in- clude a copy of every bit of material published by the campaign committee. St. John's Sunday School Holds Its Picnic Tomorrow The Sunday school of St. John's Luth- eran church will hold its annual outing in the Forest Preserve at Glenview to- morrow afternoon. A delightful program of sports and contests have been arranged by a special committee. A picnic supper will be en- joyed in the evening. Painting and Decorating SERVICE AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED > ESTIMATES PROMPTLY FURNISHED BROWN AND HARRINGTON â€"5«4 Lincoln Ave.â€"Phone Winn. 314 â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- •â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- â- aBaBHBaBaMBaaBaaaBaBBBaBBaaaaal Telephone Wilmettal304 about your real estate ems A. J. WOODCOCK------- Proprietor 3 5 Y E A R S' EXPERIENCE ggjgjgggi^^ fsr :'$0.i 'ifi, na mm ^m • - ...... .......... ... ,, ..-'llPfli You wjll find that our glasses may be worn with m#*sf* perfect safety and 'c6mfo#WM:a^v^^^t'|^ , The â- adjustment.of pur •.nrountingj*Aps*fffl:p^||i^^ idld.--wthdut-pinchiiig^44^^ Minofkm Ki WeMoke a Thorough uw»imiwii^^^!^|j â- â- â- '. of Your Eyes Without Extra :C*^^|||||||S Roberts ^Golilauli • ; -. :Chicago, ^ IHinoisW^^y Sill-fllll V: '• -"' â- 'Mi0§^9M lit â- 'lltli& â- â- Wm A Cool Place to Eat Cold meats for hot <teiys...^£Q^:A%- Have you tried our special dinners â€"either hot or cold? They are always delicious. ^wv'^^W^lI^ TRY ONE TODAY :.,5$f it Order* fit. \^^AliHouri^^ *l^)pen from 6 n.mMQ midnight I^jjuuuuumj^^ > These Cool, Summerly Frocks Are Made from Ginghams^ V^ The styles are all new, and the variety we are showing makes selection quite easy? ' "" Warmer weather brings the urgent need for dresses and frocks that are cool and com- fortable. You can supply the need easily at this convenient store. New garments from voiles, ginghams, linens ets., are arriving almost daily, assuring you at all times a fresh, well-selected stock to choose from. Prices are grouped into five lots, as follows: QUICKS CLEAN SERVICE $£.95 *QM .95 5 Uprcially attractive are the new linen dresses.'irTasrcblors^ attractively trimmed in white pique, sizes 18 to 40 at $5.95. 8'.. . .'; ; â- 'â- 4'-i.....*% } •esses^rojnzSmai^giL B^h^omfoiidhlejmd Plain and fancy silk crepes and tub crepes, are combined to make these dresses unusually attractive Some are made in straight 4kie styles, others basques and pleate4 sktos^Some have bright colors in combination with white. JleasoflablyHP»€ed-$ "i £1.9$ Ned) Porch Aprons, Trimmed urttkJm White Organdie, on Sale Saturday3 There are two pretty styles for you to select from, and a variety of different patterns? 5iri, either style Each style is distinctly new, one with white organdie sash, collar and pockets, the other with white organdie trim on pockets and front; These will be on 11 .75 sale for the first time Saturday morning, June 23rd., for ..%............ ^ X â€" Each one of these packages contain 6 eight inch heavy paper plates, 6 drink- ing cups, a supply of service plates, six white crepe napkins, 6 |ibre_ spoons, 1 ,â€"large tablecloth, and as __"_ of service napkins. The com|; plete packages sells for^^fv The^McAUi 1146 Wilmette Ave. "$&: §£'-'â- Co. Wilmette If You Are Going Jhr a Picnic- come to this store to supply your pic- nic needs. Here you will find the sev- eral things that are essential for the success of the picnic lunch. Boxed Picnic Sets Contain~~- Other Items Arm Priced at ' ?^8|^KiK iocâ€" -: ^Wl Among other items yo^imayTieed are: Paper plates, 1 doz. in box ....10c; * Crepe napkins, SO in pkg. for *|J0c| Fibre spoons; 10 in pkg. for i.iOc1 Fibre forks, 12 in pkg; for .L.lOc I Lily cups, two pkgs. for ......10c Oil paper, put up on rolls of 125 •*. ft., with convenient cutter, for 50c Baskets-*-* Flexible handle shopping baskets, that are also suitable for picnic baskets, at- tractively jcoloredj well jnade m three sizes. Priced at 55c, 45c and v.v.;*.^....,,.«.>,.••.*â- • .».*;*f.»«*• • ***:•; ^i^ig^MiimmmmMmmm mm ^c^k^M2^$^M^^^A^&W^^^^0^m^iuYr â- -xMrnauk mm mmm mmmm