Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jun 1923, p. 3

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\V'>WiWbS':' â- â- â- â-  ' .•â- ' .V â- ' m wPwiww? MSltiSi 'la^^i^^^^ Illinois Department of Health Give. Some Valuable Ad- vice to Beach Devotees kmm i$, Learn Life-Mving Methods, i^Sfs W j|* With the first warm days of spring J young people, and for that matter |! older ones too, seek swimming hole or g bathing pool. This spring, being no f! exception to the general rule, brings If the news ^jmany^Uaadental drown- !t ings. Child life is besieged by many I enemies in the form of communicable diseases. Preventive medicine has I made much progress in recent years, 'land will make more rapid strides as .fjthe public con8^ieQqe/^.||^|^en^iQ, .lithe' Necessity ;th'erefori;*fi.fep*%!-- *' ' H Kot only should the health of chil- dren be guarded while they are" in school >'l^"-:^;<lidr^wiiBin*iir sports should receive the same careful at- tention. Bathing beaches, summer resorts, and public playgrounds where swimming pools are maintained not only educate their patrons in the mat- ter of life saving, but Jiave lite saving crews standing ..jr«i^jrr(rfpj:;any,;;einerg- :i^tnty^^^^g^^^Mr .11"'.'. I The Illinois Department of Health gtthis week issued a bulletin contain- ing some valuable '^on'ts^fjSrbath^ri. »itThey-:,read as. follows r^,:#^fv: 4a&&*- ^w/Don'le'For Bather* M:IHi:« Don't swim on a full stomach. Wait at leejrt two boors . after eating-. \. Don't â-  swim if overheated. ' w,«S;|#!l J. Don't &ifa*. *mffl ^i**^^ Don't swim if you have heart trouble. Don't oive without accurate knowl- |"k':; edge of the depth of the. water. Don't struggle if caught in a swift â-  - current or undertow; the force of :; r the current will bring you to the D(on\ wao^ mtb jw«|er with 'arms |||:v';OV>erf your head; you will not be III â- ^^â- MM^MiMl^i^^^^ Don^ lean backward when wading in- |$$ to the .water, always be refltdy to fall P«i ifcririwi^ '..',:'.â- , | Dont-ery for help in fun;: you may â- y/':: some time need help and not get it. Don't fail to learn the Red Cross life |:»;g saving and resuscitation 'methods. llll Be" capable of saving yourself ^ andT fsill'^wr companions. â- â- 'â- ^^'â- â- â- â- â- '; .â- ..:! %"â- ' boat go in swimming alone unless !gi|| ;.-you^';ar»;;*n. :.eapert^^^^p|^^^; N. U. Law Graduates Are sf The forty graduates ot the law school -of Northwestern university were enter- tained at a reception Wednesday, June 13, at the hc^e of the secretary, Frederic B. Cressley, 602 Washington street, Wilmette, III President Walter Dill Scott a^id members o| the law school â- ;; â- â-  •iaculty^were^^es^ members performed^^â- 'istunt.";"l^ght;:res: f reshments were served, ft Mr. Grossley is the Wilmette Village attorney and prominent in Chicago law ^-CircleS£iSifi«^^ i Die* at Residence Here Mrs. Jennie E. Jenkins, 910 Oak- wood avenue, passed away suddenly yo i^ home Monday morning, June 18. Death* was caused by heart fail- ure. Funeral services were held from the residence Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o clock. Mrs. Jenkins was a resident of Chicago for many years. During the past two years she had been making her home here with her daughter, Mrs. J.. A. Delafontaine. _,She is survived by two daughters, Miss Marion Jenkins and Mrs. J. A. Delafontaine: i TWO BIG STARS ENTER M PLAY Rice and Bettens to Play in Tourney â€"v iimSM DOUBLE . THE.'. PLEASURE tit OF YOUR TRIP TO ;jraXLOW^OWB The pleasure of your trip to Tellow- Btone can be doubled by traveling via Lander, the new Southern Entrance, in One direction enabling you to enjoy scenery grand beyond compare, here- tofore not accessible to the tourist Go via Lander, return via West Yel- lowstone, See the Jackson Bole~coun« try, greatest big game retreat in the world, Jackson Lake and the Teton Mountains, most majestic range In air the Rockies, Salt Lake City, Scenic Colorado, Royal Gorge, Colorado Springs and Pike's Peak Region* ^Den- ver, with its Mountaiit Parks, all on one grand scenic circle ticket. The trip of a lifetime. Write C. A. Cairns, P. T. »L, C. & N. W. Ry., 226 W. Jackson St., Chicago, for free copy of illustrated folder, "Teton Mountain Route to Yellowstone," and other in- teresting information or Pbone Wil- mette Station Agent, Earl E. Orner, Wilmette *. %,â€"Advertisement Sponsors of the Illinois State Tennis Tournament have received word from Lawrence B. Rice, ranked number 11, that he will enter the Illinois State Tennis championship to be played July 2 to July 8, at Skokie Country club. He is a product of the modern school of sound all around play, his game be- ing a combination of fast, deeply played ground strokes and consistent net play. Rice's forehead drive is, perhaps, his greatest asset, as it is used not only as a. point winner but as a means of gain- ing the net. His game presents nbaglairS ing weakness and is not noted for an highly specialized stroke; it is merely the result of intelligently applied strokes and tactics, coupled with a persistence and a vitality that has earned him the jyictoiHl in many hard-fought matches. "^e has a sound backhand that can be either defensive or aggressive, l%;-th|! occasion demands. He is extremely hard to pass at the net, owing to his good anticipation of the direction of approach- ing balls, great activity, and the ability to put away lobs. A season or two more of tournament play should advance him still further toward the top of the 'First. .Ten. ^;ft:;^^#^|^^!^^^g^ Word haW^lsb o^ Phillip Bettens ,of California, who played in the Illinois State last year that he would enter. He is a member of the University of California tennis team and isjon his way East to play in the Ihter- coliegeate Matches to be played in Phila- delphia .next.'? week, pills He is a very aggressive player and is weU liked by everyone. ;J ^herei is a bare possibility that iheYentirf TlftiferMtjy oT California team will ajlsol jcome Jo the Skokie ;mee€ilPiia!i!ifcMSWI: liil oy*t ort [eck Sizes 12 to 14 || Colored Woven Madras a^.d fine quality Printed Percales. ... |o_«*?_ tractive stripes. Former values, $L5Q. For immediate clearance. WabsA K. CS TROUNCE " IX. CS BY 54 Fans Witness WeU Played Game at Gross Point The A. C's lost to the K. C's 5 to 4 last Sunday afternoon on the Gross Point diamond in a well played game, that provided numerous thrills .for a sizeable outpouring of local fandom. Jfc. The score stood at 33-all in the sec- ond inning, the Wilmette boys coming from behind after the ^Casey's had counted three in the first frame. In the fifth, the Knights rattled over a tally on two pretty hits* and in the sixth the A. C. crowd again knotted the count with some good stick work. The first half of the ninth found the Athletic club with men perched on first and second and none down when an in- field fly automatically retiring the hitter, got the man on second confused, caus- ing him to dash for third. Results, a double killing. "r^^v1*^?^ * Inability of the WilmettTleam to, Mt when hits meant runs cost them the game. Some intensive twilight batting practice is expected to: remedy that de- fect, however, and when the outfit gets on its own Ibt at the new municipal playgrounds, some real baseball is prom- ised, m «s«ik. 'W^r^'^^i^^ . Sharpened ifety. Mail «is your old dull sa razor blades. We will sharpen themjik:e,|iew;,ar|d^aj^acl^ .- youpp# i^^^^Cm,SW:^'...... Double «df« blades.. .3Sc doâ€"a Single odge blades... .2Sc doaon Satisfaction guaranteedâ€"24 hour service. Give us a trial. W- Chai\dlerl i«PVAN Grot* 3 brBreaks ^..................aKi,T„. :MW i^^H $0, .«â-  iH^day to buy^#^iitdiiiiibii®| But you drive that car |OTm days thereafta*, IfYott lieed il Doe presence of abundant local serv- ice facilities, and the responsi- bility of a permanent local deal- er for the daily performance of ^your car? ..... If you buy it here, it does. Ir- is. â- â- â-  itilllll WliM^DliOTOR CO; ..fcasr 5221in^ A^e. WINNETKA is Painting â€" Repairing â€"^aiiii^ ^ Suppled Phone 165 SMI Podge Brothers I Motor Cars Wills Sainte Qaire ,;,^,..Automo1biies 'Wm 'iwij '^M':^Wk^ WiSl? '?::;:.^:.;£?~t^,Wr;$.m:â„¢ $^^M'& '£$eM»» WM'M^fr- â- :. 0&^0*0S??~t. liSill **' i- 'â- " Sill iiii :My- :m.. OPENING Factory Branch WASHING MACHINES IRONING MACHINES VACU UM-CLE^ERS-I Skilled mechanic? ^at your service mm Repair parts in stocky w'^m^for;ati modeh§ "MM-?' Y13S Greenleaf Ave. 'â- ?%$•â- â-  tt:I!llt V^S^^M^^k WMmk SSSI^ 'â- â-  'liip^ift'.' â- - m §k^ . â- â-  r0f?Mi Wws :t"A'p^: : :0iM w§ |-#i||;|||» lllfi :-f*?K. $Mfc'$M?' •'"J'^iii You can enjoy o^er^ a l^ckara Sn^^iirwith^& Arsatisfact^^uch a possession implies, on a basis of geal "M%! '<-â- Â» â- Â«"-â- 'â- ' "-â- â- â- 'â- â- â- - -m-0{ii. . 'ASK ' â- iifsffir^t:^ tifpVHO OWNS^i"!>l^l;:s â- ^0i'i M: Pacliircl maiiufalifflliSg'pS^^^jxr^ sources and experience produce perform- ingand riding qualities never before attainable at so lowa|^to^ 'and:.inaint^ance.;'iii*tt^ ..... :^:f:i mw SISt:"MSa&5fcj WlM$0 SsMM /SjsSfeii m f£0m- Even had yoii set your figure a thousand dollars below the cost of a Single-Six, investigation will proye that yottr desire ^1:^^^ lMlliiS: tt>:^d^^i::a.Packard- catf'be on a S&Si ^fei WSSM Wm. basis so reasonable that the purchase be- comes truly an investment in economy. ismm •lil:S!sii§l 'ss^i? iMIIf in m -ISilflllill i£MM$£$M SllSilSSI.5 IS^iil.l! Ipili; iiSfe ........__________________ .......â€"â€" • â- -.....â- ^j^*^^'^i-'*--,""**M'*i>"ii,iMi*......'"•"*â- ' â- M

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