mm mifliliTiv!------jt; Ithe^t^^ Journalism School Turns Out Second Qui=-'-â€"$£: JlFourteen graduates of the Medill «*hool o|4ournalisnvM^i*hwestern University fwill fe award**! the de«. gree of bachelor $f science in journal- ism at the Cdnihiencement exercises Monday forenoon (June 18). For £»ost of. the graduates, positions in their chosen profession have been obr tained through the efforts of the 8chool. ,#;â- ,'â- ., ;' ! The graduates are: Wallace W. Ab- My, Falls City, Neb.* Thelma M. Butts, St. Louis, Mo.; Herbert^J. Clonick, 1914 Orringtoii avenue, Ev- Inston; Josephine C. Fischer, Fort Pierre, S. D.; Leroy W. Johnson, 4534 North Christiana avenue; Stephan M. Jones, Anderson, Ind.; Iver M. Kalne?, Alexandria, Minn.; Harold R. Kibler, $312 Harper avenue; Manly S. Mum- Icird, 2147 Maple avenue, Evanston; >ssie C. Olsen, 6810 Union avenue; Brraine P. Quinn, Waukegan, Ilk; eslte M. Ross, Coal City, 111.; Ed- ard Shaffer, Minneola, Kan.; Einj |ett Swisshelm, Louisville, Kyi III ^Last year, the school's first gradua? ' ig #e»f tiiice its :«stablishriient m T), ^liiiie Students were graduated; the last school year twenty jobs ^newspaper and magazine offices /ere filled by Medill men and women, tlthough altogether the School re- vived some seventy requests froan jltOrS. •'.-: 0 ::'-:y" NORTH SIDE MOTORS m-1 ENJOY RECORD SALB •-Deliveries on thirtylthree motor <cars were made during the -month of Hay by the North Side Motor com- pany of Evanston, according to a Statement of Samuel D. Wampler, manager. ! North shore representation for the Oakland was announced^ by this con- cern two weeks ago. "The Oakland is sold on a mileage basis," says Mr. Wampler. "There has long been ^Jpayenpor.- Io*va, over last week-end feeling among motorists that the"r~-â€"- â- - â- â- â- â€"• buyer of a fttotor car was expected t;p take too much for granted about the life and serviceability of the mechan- ical parts of the car. There is much justice in this contention, because fhese are fhe only phases of motor Icar service that could not be esti- JDnated in advance by the buyer. "Beauty, comfort, equipment *nd performance do not have to be bought on faith. Price is known m advance. "Oakland, in establishing the mile- age basis plan, has solved the prob- lem of serviceability and of mainten- ance cost for the man who buys an Oakland Six; It is a clean-cut plan such as no other manufactures has offered to the public." Mr. Wampler announces the com- pletion of the hew service annex to the North Side Motors salesrooms at 1019 Davis street, Evanston. Ample window and skylight space makes it one of the best lighted motor shops on the north shore. KENILWORTH HAPPENINGS Mr. Frank Sherritt, 330 Oxford road, left Monday with his houseguest, Allen Albert, to attend a houseparty given by Mr. Albert's parents in Paris, 111. Miss Louise Tinsman, of Kansas City, Mo., formerly of Kenilworth, is the guest of Mrs. Samuel Clark, 132 Mam street, Evanston. Miss Jeanette Cherry, 422 Abbots- ford road, is home for a week from Wis- consin university, hefox£_^he-returns ta attend summer school. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar C. Westcott, of Chicago, formerly of Kenilworth, were guests at tea Sunday evening of Mrs. W. J. Taylor, 310 Cumnor road. Miss Elizabeth Hannah is attending Williams Commencement and will spend a few days at the Zeta Psi house. En route home she will visit in Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ball, 207 Wood- stock avenue, left Wednesday to join the Elkharts in New York and together go to Lake Placid, for a week. - x_MrSr^Jalius P^tersenr^22-Gumbetland road, entertained he Bridge club for luncheon Tuesday. Mrs. L. M. Allen, 258 Melrose avenue, entertained her Bridge club at luncheon on Tuesday. Miss Clare Purmort, of Waterloo, Iowa, is visiting Miss Isabel Cline, 304 Cumnor road, this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cline entertained at bridge for twelve on Monday eve ning at their home, on Cumnor road. Miss Jane Ridg^^returne^ home vesSrday from Bradford academy. She £s to enter Welletley in the fall. Mrs. George Jonet~318 pxiord road, entertained her Sewing club on Wed- nesday. Mrs. John Hicks^l Melrose avenue entertained at bridge luncheon on Thurs- day' â€" oâ€" Mrs. I. C. Darling, 319 Essex rojid, entertained a few guests at tea Sunday evening.. Mrs. David H^es, o± Jfne»vi"j' Wis., is the guest of ^Mrs. Marie W. Cresap, 239 Essex road, this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Brassert, 547 Roslyn road, left Monday to spend ten days at Stone Lake, Wis. Mrs. Karl B. Korrady and daughter, Margaret, left Monday to spend the summer at West Falmouth, Mass. Mrs. A. G. Maloney, 517 CumnoFroaoV was a luncheon and bridge hostess last Saturday at the North Shore Golf club. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Allen motored to North Shore Combustion Co. The Combustion System burns ordinary grades of cheap fuel oil, hence the user is not con- fined to expensive fuel oils. Can "KEEGAJJ" Wll. 2131 -M fvVe liave been tolrl by a cu5dxmiej^yho-4s^we& known on the north shore that when securing esti- mates \o recover his roof with asphalt shingles a competitor called: and iriade several false state- nlej^ and some of our officers. Severaf ways have been suggested by which is~thing can be stop||ed but we know that this sort of salesmanship will prove not only tiresome but repulsive to our neighbors on the north shore. &^ii^#ask#s|l f^vor that if you are approached in the ^niei^ove stated give^us att oppof tunity to p prove-that our Company Ind every one coliriected jl with it is reliable^ W:e|eap refer you to hundreds Sof satisfied customers cm the north shore, pi local libanks aid |wf leaf show that our present vpltime is ||af]$r$>fe year and increasing l!ramdly:|s;;-:iiftfc^:-' v-'l&^frr-y"•":#":^1.-.......^M We are the north shore distributors of Flint- ikote rooMg, one of tfii l|rgestrroonng manufac-J Tnited Stales who guaraniteeitheirl tshingles not to ciuTlofl J|fHQur officers //'i^eSi^W^ceiit' Dudick/ Harold ||e|l^'||,|(.; :|^^^&^^JJr,^W4*<:'c, all^sictent| ot the tiorth^shorS'illW" ^E^tTiJP^tltoEM5i" â- 'mi 3425.00 2595.00 Jewett Sedan.d«ltvere§M^^^,^»^^ t^-*!fS52^ Paige Sedan Paige Touring " .,y -'â- "â- SALES â€" SERVKX mm1's*^ THACY HOLMES MOTOR C<J.5g 1027 Davis St^ Tcl» Evanstcm 4W0S *# :B Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hamm and family, 256 Kenilworth avenue, have moved into the ^earrsTtome on ^he lake. Miss Betty Darling, 319 Essex road, is home from Rosemary School, Con- necticut. â€",â€"r-*--~ Mrs. Leslie McArthur, of Oxford road, entertained at bridge on Wed- nesday. Albert McDougal, of St. I*>uis, spent last week-end with his mother. s F<Ml SALE BY WILMETTE TIRS A VUIiC. CO. 1141 Grcenleaf Ave. EVANSTON BUIUritfc MATERIAL COMPANY EVANSTON, IIXINQIS Phone Evanston 8906 Shnpson St and C ft N. W. Tracb "ml mMxrom ^â€" FILLING Whether your needs are one load or a hundred, we are now in a position to make prompt deliveries. EDINGER & SONS Estamhed1907 .v .....>..;. ....,...â- ..,":. ...\-~ 'M&::â- ' â- ..;,. Dealers in All Kinds of Building Materials EVANSTON § KENILWORTH , WILMETTE , WINNETKA M'f GLENCOE â- :;' M^.". o^rilsHOR f ROiF tRAFTERS iffili^stliCT St|g PHONE EVANSTON 7026 &':;r- 342 Pirik"A»4;:^£ ^'GLENCQR tLL^$ PHONE GLENCOE 166 PhmAtS4 7 "or lS9m, P""M yput„ma^ jwaiit in tHatlinei at s. very-;low| pri^ iif As we are reviving lt a |arger| variety |>f rf°*-vegetates evepr da|; A and^asjhey ati fipa fo^r^#||.,_ f|^;:.p|o|v "Jhey: ^re: l^Lihdgtp Be just las fresh as though you just picked them but of your own garden. our vegetalde^yOTl k SH <|| fancy fruits. Wf hayeeverythin frj% â- â- â- â- -4$ i's-;l ^SIlUWllERRIESi^^fiAllNING-sr |||liave.-.:them--aBdr-a^-i^::lf^ M