WS^^MM^!^^^!WI9W^^ *EN-MINUT£ trips in a hydro- airplane, with exhibition stunta as an added featufff, m,-m «after- >n s entertainment, will be offered the guests at the huge outdoor bridge party to be given Saturday afternoon from 1:30 tfc«< o'clock m Mrs, Herbert §. Drew's Italian garden over-looking the Jake, in Evanston. Bunco and five hundred will also be played. Although Urs. Drew is in deep mourning, she is allowing the use of her residence for the benefit of the Rosary college for frls, in accordance with plans made by e Rosary College Benefactor's league many months ago, before the death of her little daughter, Margher)tar laie last § inter. More than 300 tables have been sold for the affair, with the possibility of admission at the gate to add to the num- ber of guests alreadjTm prospect The list of patronesses, well known in Chi- cago and north shore society, includes Mrs. William E. Dever, Mrs. Joseph Cudahy, Mrs. Lester Armour, Mrs. Ed- ward F. Carry, Mrs. Thomas Webb, Mrs. Napoleon Picard, Mrs. Louis W. Blessing, Mrs. M. J. Collins, Mrs. Ed- ward Co" r â- $?'â- $?*£$ $1 ^any » me appoint ment 0f Joii J. Jones* Jr., asugom missioner ~ of Agriculture qi the State of Wisconsin.- Mrs. Jones was formerly Miss Eleanor Day, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. p* Day, 1233 Elmwood avenue. The Jones nave made their home Racine for many years, but will to Madison within a few weelcspg; HtMrs. Arthur (% Jackson and ___ daughters, 932 Fifteenth street, are leav* ing June 29, to spend two months at their cottage in Northern Wisconsin, near Drummond. Mr. Jackson will join them later in the season for a few weeks. During their absence, Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Ostrom of Winnetka will occupy the .residence, ^k^mi Coleman. Mrs. John Sexton, Mr«. Franklin Sexton, Mrs. Dennis Sullivan, Mrs. James Martin, Mrs. Fred Cozzens, Mrs. Robert McColl, Mrs. Robert Chapin, Mrs. A. J. Stewart, Mrs. W. tA. Heppfer, MrsrEv A.Clifford, Mrs. Charles Smith, Mrs^ Fredâ€"Lenfesty, iMrs. A. L. Smith, Mrs. Walter Mc- Guire, Mrs. George Brennan, Mrs/Pat- rick Carr, Mrs. Robert Switzer, Mrs. |A. F. Gorman, Mrs. Charles Lame, Mrs. fjMary Robertson, Mrs. David Curtin, Irs. J. C. Connor, Mrs. James McAn- Irews, Mrs. Walter H. Gunthorp, Mrs. rT. A. Swigart and Mrs. H. W. Thorpe. Mrs. Frank H. Jones, Wilmette chair- lan, with the assistance of her able committee, Mrs. William E. Connor, pfrs. A. W. Boylston, Mrs. John Cook, |Mrs. M. Dolan, and Mrs. Harry Davies fhave disposed of about forty tables to pie following patronesses: Mrs. Charles ~larton, Mrs. Joseph Verhalen, Mrs. Charles Bunte, Mrs. Bernard Lynch, [rs. Carl Schroeder, Mrs. George Bichl, [rs. Joseph Joyce, Mrs. Charles Nor- m, Mrs. Frank Collyer, Mrs. M. J. >'Brien, Mrs. John Millen, Mrs. Joseph [utten, Mrs. William Hopkinson, Mrs. mis Crush, Mrs. Frank Hoffman, Mrs. J. McArdkvMrs. H^A. Morin, Mrs. Mills, of Highland Park; and Mrs. Muzik, of Highwood. Further information regarding the af- |air nay be obtained of Mrs. Fran)? ffdnes,. 1336 Central avenue. ^I^fg^ffU I Misfyln Byrni M^MSt |owmg pupils in recital last Saturday afternoon _at the Evanston Woman's club: Nancy Fisher, Florence Young, Eleanor Thayer, Camille Coffey, Marion Seidel, and Marian Thayer, Miss Fay- |tte Krum, augmented the program with .:* group of songs. ;&^MiM'^' y Mrs. Paul Soule and summer home of her her three ^visiting ~af mother, Mrs. sons, the Messrs. Hugh and James Paterson, 925 Chestnut avenue, left Wilmette yes- terday to sail from New York* jtext Tuesday aboard the Steamship Brenen- -^rfcfot^a^^ourn. in ^r*ncey:^w1Sere Mfe-Jp^^P^rsbn::;set#i4 during the war, and in England and Scotland. They plan to return home early in September. "" 'mm S«^Ppppjf»li!p«JI"!,»!,jW!J«Sli.. m m& m â- ran m Wednesday iting were Piel,*?Webiter,*| r. |n<i:;..»ff?ittttt^ ton, announce the engagement of their daughter, Helen, to ;Paui: I^M#re>, gbri ue. The wedding will i wasliini mgton av take place early ayeriu%^;at^^TO*':'a^':.:.Miii 1- ^bertfl.. My&ftm^ot:iffi$:;.%&fciti. avenue, lift &&^frst>>part)M the week for Detroit, Mich., where they will make a __ Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Shaw Adams, (Roberta Skinner), are flow occupying their apartment at 535 Wellington aV|- nue, Chicago, following a honeymoon aj^pich Lick and later in New York. 'WM" iNorth Shore Alumnae of ChfOtw 'r^H|fefarn*i^ ornia was hostess at a bridge-lunch- eon Wednesday afternoon at the home of-her mother, M rs. John Boylston, 1302 Chestnut avenue.â€"Dr. and Mrs. F^rier will leave next week for their home in California after a six weeks' stay in the village. -r'^r-v -,rf "â- ^'â- s.^.^tyM^M Mr. and Mrs. Rexford Bellamy and family, 1214 Forest avenue, left Sun- day to spend the_^summer-4n New York, where Mr. Bellamy will be de- tained by business. In the fall how- ever, they plan to return to the yil- lage. â- 'I â- ^ fi} -frjt' ft?;: •;**â- :i;:^0M"M^^00. Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer B. Sipinel have gone East untilâ€"the^ntddkr tff August. After a stay in New York city they, expect to vacation at Nantucket Their apartment at 723 Central avenue, is being occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Hastings, for the summer. â- ;';' :Mrs|iGeorgeC-W-'MartinlKMo' .Eii- wood avenue, left Tuesday to visit old son* Walter^ Care^ also a guest :-0 friends. , â- ...â- .;.-,:;-„..^;„;,;» Miss:' Beatrice : ^Seglswbllir^'lSi Forest avenue, left Wednesday to at tend the Eastern College Student's Conference at Silver Bay on Lake George, N^ Yi^f^^^^^^^l^BM Becklar, ini a stnVurb ol Glb^^ Mr. Soule,i.^vho was;:,.in,:;.the^.,;!^s.t,,v\J!ajt, #Be1c:"*;dÂ¥""'-Msiriess; spent the'•'weelc-end with hjis family, and returned home iVfa^-/this[^wee^, ... â- :;....,,.,.,:,.,,.,â- ,,:,?:,,;-,,^jj XWimiette'-'fiay at Ravinia Park luis been set for Thursday, July 5. At this time the forty children at Dorcas Home ilrill be entertained on the grounds all day, with a picnic lunch at noon. Mrs. Perry L. Smithers and her committee will arrange the transportation of the â- ;:gojpgs|^rfi:sJrnomv and :to_r|bj^||o|ne^.,sr;,s Winnetka, formerly of Wilmette, an- nounce the e^yrageinjei^of their ^laughteiv Miss" Mildred Affleck, to ^ _ , Miss Mr. Victor Spoehr, son of Mrs. Charles A. Spoehr, of Chicago. The marriage will take place in,, the autumn...pp^g J Miss Clementine Eastman, 1027 Elm- wood avenue, has gone^d^yracuse1, N. Y., to visit Mrs. A. Leal Bibbins, for- merly Miss Minerva Fouts, Of Wilmette. Later she will visit in Boston and Con* bord, and before her return the latfr §art of July will also go to New York. ^Karl David King, jrpleturned last week from Dartmouth and in company with his brother, Robert, will leave this evening for Camp Minocqua at Toma- hawk Lake, Wis. Karl will act as junior councilor at the canu>^during^ the,sum- mer ' months|:|f WMM§^M;SiB?;fciPI ^ The marriage of Mis#Helen Esen- trot, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Esentrot, 1404' Elmwood avenue, will become the bride of Ralph Cragg of Park Ridge, on; Saturday, July 7, St. Augustine's church. ^x^^/m^W. Mtfe'Andrew^Mbore,.....W Laurel ave- nue, has issued invitations to the mar- riage of her daughter, Margaret Mr. aitd Mrs. W. E. Ten Broeck and daughter, Miss Jean Ten Broeck, have taken the Carleton house for the sum- mer months, m the absence of Mrs. Carleton and her daughter in the east. Dr. Carleton plans to be in camp with tj!^|jovj|.:;aJJ.. season. :'^^v;^:,^^^^^ ^|| ||en»s Whist club met Tuesday evening? in me? home of Mr.< I^rryHl. Rennolds, Tit0 Central Tavenue. SPhe Ladies' club.;?iyer4^^rtained in the hoirieof W£ StimmMM enth street. The two Organizations have adjourned until September.W^ry^:^^ Mr. and Mrs. John R. Harper and son, 719; park avenue, have gone to Hartford Mfch., to spend the summer on their farm. Their home is being occupied. again this season--by--Mr. and Mrs. George Zendt of Chicago. Washington avenue, left Monday for a three-months' sojourn at East Dennis, on Cape Cod. Their home will be oc- cupied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dunas, of Chicago, during their absence. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Renneckar, 935 Elmwood avenue, report most success- ful fishing at Lake Geneva, as the result of their week-end visit at the summer home of Mr. and Ifas. Arthurs South- worth. . Mrs. ^ Anna â- ^-^ajis^^igf? l^ebl, is ih^ the"^a^^ daughter, Mrs. Daniel R. Brower, and family, 720 Fifth street. ^ ; :, Flor- Will take" place June 30. Saturday evening, iMr. W. C. Rennolds ancL son ^Ted," are leaving June 30 to join Mrs. Ren- nolds at Camulo Ranch, . California. The Rennolds plih to make their home m California in the future.^^^*#&' |Mr. and Mrs. William )1 Laurel avenue, left H. Patterson, Friday on a 9UMME3R THRMS IN DRAMATIC ART p Jessie Royee Imadl* StaAkw : ^^5ar-KtartMilt-lI«Ilt CMhbjpb *" Instruction may also be had in Bvanaton. Pfcoaes) Har. 79«» Bvâ€"tosi 1â€"8 sorority will hold a Mother's Day lunch- eon on Thursday of next week in toe home oi \MH*j;rI^rj^^^^onri,,^i9 Greenwood ^veriue.^^J^»^ :;; Itpfl ?Sti Mary's Academy at South Bend last Jtyeek knd after si few day's stay l|lt for Detroit and other Michigan points for a brief visitâ- *$$ y :1& -:>te;-: '^m^W ~^mm§ry'm:Mm ^jgjji^ Mr. W. C Shurtleflf and daughter, Miss Helen Shuttled will return to their home at 815 Lake avenue, on Sunday after a fortnight's sojourn at Atlantic City and in New York st»T Mr. A. E. Barber, 621 Linden av- enue, and his son, James G. Barber of Evanston are returning this week- end from a two weeks' fishing trip in northern Wisconsin, v; Mrs. John Campbell, of Milwaukee, is spending the week at the home of heir father, W. C. Shurtleff, 815 Lake ave- nue. Mr. Campbell was here over the Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moody, of 1235 Ashland avenue, contemplate leaving the latter part of June for their summlr home at Lake Rainbow, near Waupaca, Ws;'?5#i$?# ""'â- '* ^'â- â- ^r-^^^yp^)Wy^y^§yy^^: r$. Arthur Lamkey, 720 Linden ;a#« nue, entertained with an informal dinner party at the Ouilmette Country Cl»b Monday evening. ; ;# -»^. fl HAHNWOiiSCHUMANlii ' - Pteaist nd : Aaatotut Teacher r«v-, •' «t the â- â- . â- â- : ;SSS-*f,|i:: ::; : OSCAR DEIS .STUDIO W^M Wednesday aad Fridays, 12 to S 1260 Central Ave., Phone S84-M â- â- HI'- y-^iy- '^',:WiliMliWTlB.vv» Try mnamis for all occasions Phone EVANSTON 632 1712 Sherman Ai HBevanston.? m Mr. ami ,Um l»lti| Gfeirk, Eighth street, have as a house sister, Miss Ida "»â€"•- -*â- -* city, who will seve/al weeks. remain oi with of 433 f at^ietr iew.;.Yofk; them for ,. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Wheeler returned to their home it% Onarga, 111., on Tuesday, ikfi&ttititkil^ the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, 1311 Ashland avenue, v;/-^-'imiiiHiiX --^i-;'^j'u-\^ â- :',..-':'.'â- ,f-V '.-'.. ',1'"^'"'.- â- â- ' ,^'!!!lffJl!""^;#:V^»^" <?' "'v^ ' '-"•* '-' PW<»P» ^Wylor baa returned home from Grinq^n college, to spend the sum* mer with ms mother, Mrs. D. L. Taylor, ,849, Michigan avenue. :^;;: â- -|i} % ?*^yA r. and Mrs. A. E. Bertling and er, Lolita,' 315 Washington ave- nue, left Friday'^to^penfl.- the summer in. California. iyyWim^/^;Vtyy'M^^ 'â- â- â- -•'^ m& ;wm "wood avenue, have opened their summer home at Lake Geneva and will be there until â€" Mrs.Jm.^^IfrVerhalen; 101^ElmwooÂ¥ avenue, received the members of Fortnightly Club Tuesday afternoon. rellf.WC Mr. Frank Flanner, of Bla was a wt*lc^ |uest al the E^fclalch hoiwv'dll /Was1migtoh:-avenuePlSiMi Philip Bri 'has:' returned |v|^|^a1^'|lr1i:.-W*li^ *treet» Ja\Sla%t#lSUll" â- â- 'ttVnMnaannV "jtf&it^ Univenhy kBell have |i|,;;;#f:;:;B|e;: Shore Country Club, will be observed with the regular afternoon of bridge. Gli^fGR^ >port Apparel iummer Frocks ;.Mak|n^ ^Gownsi^iind. ;;F|| tR&'yt !-.m Mn'ttf[EToyburn Theatre mm gyt»;,St.;'>;,-lBVi ^^gtelephdna.; T*«T| HE neryoua irritation ^usedjg£ .„_ ly shaped shoes is a constant drain which will detract from^yowr pleasure now and may result in a serious breakdown laterfc It is patterned on the lines of 4te foot. The arch of the shoe hugs the curve of the instep ahoVyrovictes restful-support for- the foot. Well-set heel and natural inner sole line distribute the weight properly, without :stmttJ§^pg^JSSgl^iiipf^g.â- ;?-â- ;i.; And,: the. ,shank' "^.'Itejawfe l^^lnstejaor'of checking the circulation, it encourages good circulation, correcting burning and perspi- feet^t In this comfortable and nealth- ful way, Cantileve^^ to pns- vent 'hot;^igieilliertitipe'^^^^K^^i^ flexible shoe. for your. >l«r^fe"'|«ol||^p||^i||| ^^m^mmmtltmm