Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 22 Jun 1923, p. 10

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<^0&$^MW^W^^0^Wf^^&^0^^i^^ â- M0ffl Slpp; =-fi^S^#> 'IC^MMMmMM&MMM^B^jM^^M iMSSSMii 'Mm^Wgmâ„¢* WEWSfFRIDAT CONGREGATIONAL CHORCH "Let's do ,it again and often/ was the general remark of the three hundred and fifty (plus) people who attended the Church school picnic and beach party last Saturday. The day was made to order, and Mr. Watt and his committee had left no detail unattended to. The games, stunts, contests, the dinner, the bonfire, "the sings" and the cordial good- fellowship were enjoywT^by; ^#11. The thanks of the church is particularly due to the Park Board, who did everything in their power to make it pleasant fof everybody. They Ire ?gdod sports,' and get our vote one &indre4 pefc ©BhtT Sutdayf Ju^^ twenty-fourth, Mr. Lloyd will be in Dixon> Illinois, where he will preach the Annual sermon to the Young People's Conference of Congre- gationJtPfchurch. He will also speak at the Vesper Service, before the confer- ence. Rev. B. s! Stoffer, Assistant Minister of this church, and under appointment to India, will preach Sunday morning. Monday evening, the Church Cabinet will meet in the Church office at eight o^io<^:;;g:||f _â€" --â€"â- ---' Tuesday evening there will be an im- portant meeting in the church parlor of all those who are interested in the Daily Vacation Bible School. Wednesday evening, church night de- votional service at eight o'clock, followed by the quarterly business meeting of the church. Reports from the various de- partments will be received and confer- ences upon the work for next year is expected. Not only the officers of the church, but members as well, are urged to make special effort to attend this PRESBYTERIANS Wallacl Weld, rf. . IX W. Smith, ss. . C. L. Hayes, lb. . J. H. Brinkler, c. .. L. Condy, 2b. . â€" V. Baker, If. .. C. Koenen, cf. . M. ColvhVpi .... H. Loughrin, 3b. C. J. B. E. 4 .4 1 16 meeting. Saturday evening our Boy Scouts will take the night boat from Chicago for their Portage ;Park, Michigan, at which point they expect to arrive Sunday morning at nine o'clock. Troop 2 of this church and Troop 5 of the Presbyterian church are .uniting in this Camp under direction of the Scout Com- mittees and Scout Masters of both Troops. In addition to those in charge, the troops will be accompanied by Mr; Stoffer, Assistant. Minister of this church, .who will spend the first week in Camp; and by Mr. Frank Wilson, Chairman of our Scout 4Pommittee, who will spend .'* the second week in Camp. It is also likely that other adult leaders will be ; Vin Camp for part of the time. ISI? The boys are paying their own ex- **^rislet tor' the two weeks; but there is tetill needed, contributions toward the permanent equipment for the Camp for this and other years. If you have not made your contribution, you may hand # it today or send it tomorrow to Mr. I Wilson, Mr. Richardson or Mr. Schuler. ;y At the Business meeting of the Church - School, the following officers for the s year beginning September first, 1823, -were elected: j j| General Superintendent, Miss Esther #Dunshee; Assistant Superintendents, Mr. |g George E. Walk, Miss Ruth Gates; Mis- llfsionary Superintendent, Mrs. B. F. |f|t Blymyer; General Secretary, Mr. Harold §11 Weld i General Treasurer, Mr. Summer l|;R. Masons-; ::m^^:^:^km,:-B-:: #|| ^Department Superintendentsâ€" - ifl®^ Senior, Mft A* H. ' Howard; â- - .Inter- till mediate, Miss Louise Goodhue; Junior, HI Mr. Alfred Watt; Primary, Miss Bertha Hi Wheelock; Beginners, Mrs. W. A. gf| Richardson; Cradle Roll, Mrs. H. Mul- P§§f ford; Home Department, .to be supplied. ...U£J- :;/\vy BAPTIST ., E. Phelps, c. .....------ } G. B. Williams, p....... 1 H. Bowe^ lb..........0 R. V. Barnes, 2b.......0 J. C, Blayloclc; 3b,^.... 0 M. Reich#lti ss.::*%.... K B, {^hereoal, cfc%. • Walter :Wass^U.r^x^- - G. G. Greenflr|i^ii%..;,', 0 , ' . ..»;#;., o 0 4 Wilmette Presbyterian Church 9th Street and Greenleaf Avenue Pastor, George P. Magill, D. D. Sunday School: 9:30 a. m. Church Service: 11:00 a. m. We welcome you to our services. ST. JOHN'S LUTHERAN 1 Linden and Prairie Aves., Wilmette. Herman W. Meyer M. A Pastor, 406 Prairie Ave. Telephone 1396. SERVICES Fourth Sunday after Trinity 9:15 A. M. Sunday school and Bible Classes at Library hall. 9:45~Ariiifcr First service afpd sermon at the church. 11:00 A. M. Second service and ser- mon at the church. "The Sermon on the Mount and the Sermon on the Cross." MEETINGS Monday evening at 8 Sunday schooL Tuesday evening Committee. at 8 the Building dren's Hall on Wednesday evening, first of ^ series of considerationsi of Old Testament characters will be usea as the program. .]BBBB......... The Wilmette BTptist churchJs lo- cated at the corner of Wilmette and Forest avenues. The pastor, Rev. bran- ds C. Stifler, may be reached at his study during the mornings, or by ap- pointment. The Church office in charge of Miss Badger is open daily except Saturdays, from 9-5, and from 9-12 on Saturdays. The Church Telephone is 2235. ST. AUGUSTINE'S PARISH 2:30 to 5:30o attendance and the Baptist Communion Next Sunday, St John Day, there will, be Holy. -- ir< both at the 8 o'clock and the 11 oclock services. At the 11 oUock services there will be public baptism. Yesterday the Chapter of the Daugh- ters of the King of St. Augustuses en- tertained the women of the parish, es- pecially the more recent arrivals, at af- St; Augustine'* boys are all alert over their camp which begins at Lake Kipiey, Wis', n«ct Monday. Many of the boy* will be driven the 130 miles m cars, sev- eral of the parishioners having kindly vol- unteered to drive the boys tip. The rec- tor and Mr. Danforth, assistant, will be <fo charge and Mr. Thomas Fullerton plans to spend part of his time at the camp.^ .-.â- *v.- The rector will return from jthe Boys' Camp for Miss Logies wedding next Wednesday and day's. services. for the following $un- .: Dr. Stansell >.â-  will preach. Sunday morning at eleven o'clock. Special music; under the direction of Mr. Borchers. «* Sunday School in all departments at 9:45 o'clock The High School depart- ment will have a special musical pro- gram under the direction of Miss Adel- aide Jones next Sunday morning. > The Board of Managers, the Official Board of the Agard Deaconess Home, Lake Bluff, Illinois, invites all inter- ested in that work and in the recent re- modeling of the Home to attend the H Annual Reception and luncheon to be held Wednesday, June 27. Luncheon^ at 12:30â€"50 cents prpla^„ Business^ meeting to follow. â- $&&&; B:i^B: ww' v?; j v 9J>'. yw w j iwj iwj i w iv Holy Communion will be celebrated at St. John's on Sunday morning, July 1 in the 9:45 o'clock service. The preparatory service begins at 9:30. Announcement on the Friday before- hand. I %Mn* Walter Edwards who is in charge of all the arrangements for the Sunday school outing at the Glen- view Forest Preserve oh Saturday afternoon June 30, has made ui>-a^ fine' program of events for oldf and young and everybody that attends Will surely have a good time. Cars will be on hand to transport all to the grounds, and will be at the church grounds at 1:30 o'cloefc. Come to Church Sunday For one sweet hour turn your back squarely on all the worries and vexations that beset you for six days out of seven, take a "day off". "Six days shalt thou labor- but the seventh is the Sabbath". ^ E__ ,'V.â€"- feS' ENGLISH LUTHERAN I^^^The Masonic organizations of theivil- f^Tfcge have accepted the invitation to ob- §|§J|serfe-their St._ John's- Day in connection|open Greenleaf and Seventh William Guise, Pastor Services for June 24th, the Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Sunday School at 9:45. The good at- tendance last Sunday was gratifying. New scholars are always welcome. The adult class will discuss an interesting lesson from the book of,.-Esther.^.^,,?.., The Holy Communion will be admin- istered at 11 o'clock. All members are urged to attend; Come in true penitance arid faith believing Chrisrs blessed word "given and shed for you for the remis- sion of sins.'* ^ Have you noticed the tidy appearance of our new lawn? We hope to have* some real grass before many weeks pass. This needed improvement adds strikingly to the coz^7 appearance of our bunga- low-chapef|||f|;^^ y "'^ ;||fi with our services next Sunday morning Ill-ait J1:00 o'clock. The 1T. Masonic Imperial ^j .Quartette will„ j«jg||§&ee^ spec ^|nouncement~and_ progratti elsewhere in ^gipaperiy.-Dr. Magill.â- â- ' will; deliver1 'the pSi special address. His subject; is-^-"Sym- Ws ; tol»m and Reality^*" or 'Ihterjpirethig ^|Lif^V'Purpose."V: It;Is-expected -that-a ^1 large- ::nuraber oi Masons and their f rietads will be in atendance. The musi- ^|^fca||||0|p^mr^is^ unusually attractive. Ml^The last .regular meeting of Troop S until next fall will be held in the church t||g|nex* Monday at 7:15. The boys will llpfsaii- for 'the -Scout Camp at Portage MM hake Saturday, -June 30th. The Juniors |lf|have already; disbanded until September. ^plThe Daily Vacation Bible School has J*^ beett: postponed a weekâ€"mow starting """ July-. '2rai|l|Sliil.i7l l^ll^g^^i-r- '^Parents having children from 4 to 14 are requested to keep in mind the Daily Vacation Bible School which will next Monday in the Byron Stolp .SChOOMv-yW:y':M,,-a-'.-.:". y-r;â€" Â¥-~:y. Arrangements have been made to hold a congregational picnic. Definite an- nouncement in regard to time and place will be made soon. Our friends will be; heartily we:lcomed to this hapj^ jevent. llhe members of the Missionary So- ciety and their friends enjoyed a pleas- ant afternoon last week. Thanks to the social committee for planing the delight- ful occasion. B':r-:V.:.;:.. y„Vy:;y . - Come--not to continue listening to the inward turmoil of weekday thoughtsâ€"not to keep on rehashing the vexa- tions and worries that wHl pursue you even to, church it you allow tHeni^toâ€"but come with^ the determination to shut out all material affairs^ Listen with the inner ear to that "still, small voice"; open your soul to the in- flowiing of "the peace that passeth understanding"; charge yourself with that divine pnergy that may be yours for the asking: fill your consciousness with the sense of God ^asourM^ pr;;;^^;^I3 After such an houtf you will go a\^ Refreshed and strengthened spiritually and physically You will have ; tisen to a new viewpoint, tife will seetii to have wider ^ horizonsi The spiritual and the material will assume -J more nearly their correct places in your scale of values.; Minor its will fall away as by magfc./ The more serious problems will be easier of solution* Business tanglesâ€"in the merftal clarity that has been gainedâ€"will be more^ quickly |t.raightened. ':^c>Hy^Y'-'v" ' 'â- :'$:*â- *?[ All thesie desirable results may not be realized from a f single hour's attendance at church. But the effect will f be cumilative. Make a habit of regular church-going and see what it will do for you^ 'Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all ^ shall be;added unto you.'" mm ^ ?Â¥tte Magill attended the meetings of llpf! the Synod and State Conference at Mon- ^D mouth, Illinois, a few days this weekâ€" both as a commissioner and . SynodicaljiiaThe Bible an for Hew^ra^m^^^mm"" ' ^-^^ last Saturday evening at the Glen- vie# Forest Preserve, where the Baptist and! Presbyterian churches were holding fhetr annual picnics, the Presbyterians, accepting the challenge of the Baptists to a baseball game, defeated them 16 to 4 |ris^ted>|by much rooting from hoth sidel, the game developed enthusiasti- â- ':e^:^oT^^e^!Ma^r^;fee- '............ :li $&*'â-  BAPTIST CHURCH CoinifeGliircli ^ii^^i On Sunday, June 24, Stifler, pastor of the wiH-hegin a series of Rev. Francis C. Baptist church, a series oi sermons on the Sermon of the Moun\" at the Morn- ingservice at UyOreloefe-The Wilmette Baptist Choral society #ifl smg. *fe School will meet at 9:45 with graded instruction for all ages, the adult classes beginning at 10 o'clock. IjThe'closing meeting for the summer of the -Senior -Young People^sr-society will be held at 5:30 in Children's Hall. Esther Wick's Group will be in and the "topic will be **F6rge*tlng M$t-J":'-,, *%^ -' flfi "^|?S|||';-?-®p;^y- 2toJ #id-Weli ,;a^fe^;5w';....... ,, and Fellowship will be held in Chil i>iittc^l^ The Wilmette Baptist aurcb Fbrest and Wilmette Aves. ^ :;•-;••' Rev. Francis SttfUr ,--.r,::^]y^^^m. St Augustine's Episcopal Church Jwll40 .Wilmett«i Ave.B \:r"^:t. â- Â£*â- â- '*â-  m Rev. Huberi Carliton^'. ^MJy^u, 1 St John's Lutheran Church Rev. HertnartJVl Meyer ; © â- â- m WS0W^$$§i

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