Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1923, p. 7

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mm \samM^mmM^mM^M:mS Little :S^phdny:^pl(^^: dJMMusicate Slips? NORTH SHORE music lovers are planning to attend the Musicale and Garden Tea to be given Saturday afternoon, of this week, on the Italian terrace on the Daniel H. Burnham estate, Stockholm place, near the lake in Evanston. The affair has been arranged under the auspices of the Woman's Board of Northwestern Uni- versity Settlement, and all proceeds will go towards the Settlement work, of which Miss Harriett Vittum is in charge. Patronesses for the party will include Mrs. John Burnham, Mrs. George B. Dryden, Mrs Robert Lord, Mrs. Charles Little of Evanston, Mrs Mark Cresap of Kenilworth, Mrs. Frank Bersbach, Mrs John Nash Ott, Mrs. Allen Withers, Mrs. Douglas Smith, Mrs. Thomas Smith, Mrs. Rush Butler and Mrs. Harve Badgerow of Winnetka. Tickets may be obtained at the door or from Mrs. Frank Bersbach of Indian Hill. In case of inclement weather, the affair will be postponed until Thursday afternoon, June 21. The Little Symphony Orchestra will give the following program, which will precede afternoon tea,-***? Overtureâ€""Mirella" .......... Gounod In the Garden (from The Rustic Wed- ding Symphony) ......... Goldmark In the Village (from "Scenes Poeti- ques")..................... Godard Petite Suite.................. Debussy En Bateau Cortege Minuet * Ballet .â€".__. Waltzesâ€""Roses from the South" . %iv.'.:"..;.............. fr.% „ Strauss Excerpts from "La Boheme".... Puccini Hymn to the Sun (from "The Golden Cockerel") ...... Rimsky-Korsakow Dance of the Priestesses of Dagon (from "Samson and Delilah) -------..... ,:.â- ...,... .-.â- .. Saint-Saens Dance of the Hours ( from "La Gio- conda") . ............ • • *â-  Ppnchielli The summer season at Ravinia opens June 23. A fine array of artists has been engaged. Elizabeth Rethberg, a dramatic singer who stands first in the ranks of dramatic sopranos in Europe, and Josephine Luchese, who has ^ made a big hit as a leading singer with the San Carlo company, Florence Eastman, Gazielld Pareto, Margery Maxwell, and Ina Bourskaya are among the Well known and well-liked sopranos. Two famous tenors will make their debuts at Ravinia; Tito Schipa, who is a big favorite with Chicago opera-goers, and Giacomo Lauri-volpi, who was a notable addition to the Metropolitan last year when he made his debut as the "Duke" In Rigoletto. Also we will hear Armand Tpkapyan, Morgan Kingston, Danise, Ballester, Rothier and Lazari. With such a group of artists the thirty- four operas which Mr. Eckstein has tentatively listed for the summer will surely be well presented. .Miss Jtfargaret Rahfield, formerly of Wilmette, spent a day with Mrs. J. F. Comee, 1612 Forest avenue, recently, en route to San Gabriel ranch, Alcalde, New Mexico, where she will take the postion of executive.'-'f^^f^^^r.iffj.'. Mr; and Mrs. Raymond Malmquist, 1439 Central avenue, announce the birth of a daughter on Saturday, June 9, at the Evanston hospitaL Mrs. Malmquist was formerly Miss ^ Cath- erine Fej^ann.. .' ^^.'^J^,:-,.^; Mrl A.^^^J and Mr. R. W. Jordan, 1012 Greenwood avenue, returned early this week from French Lick! Springsi^heW they at- tended the American , Whist League convention. Miss Mary Louise Scheidenhelm, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ~F. T. Scheidenhelm, 804 Forest avenue, will return home Tuesday from Wellesley college. '^'.'tM'ii:^'â- y^-^-^:%^If*-'# Among those who will receive sheep- skins at Northwestern university next Monday morning are the Misses Ethel Flentye, Dorothy Yonkers, Clara Gage, Margaret Couffer and Elizabeth Cutler; Donald Bateman will return home to- morrow from Brown university, Provi- dence, R. I., to spend the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bate- man, 735 Michigan avenue. Miss Margaret Millen, has returned to her home at 1128 Greenleaf avenue, from St. Mary's of the Woods, where she was a teacher of dramatic art in the college. Mrs. Garry Roggeveen of Pullman, 111., entertained fourteen past matrons of the Eastern Star at the home of Mirs. J. H. Briggs, 1133 Ashland ave- nufyoniTMe^jJay.. Mrf d, 1^ Corns, 1121 Chestnut ave- nue, went to Kansas City early this week to meet his son, Marshall, a student at St. Mary's college. The^ both returned home yesterday, t^v Miss Dorothea Schmedtgen is re- turning Saturday from Wellesley col- lege, to spend the summer with her parents* Mr. and^ Mrs. William Schmedtgen, 710 Greenleaf avenue. Mrs. Richard J. Harman, of 730 Cen- tral avenue, has returned to her home after two months' convalescence from a major operation performed at the St. Francis, hospital. Miss Cornelia Jones, 1417 Forest avenue, has as hex guest, her niece, Mrs. Morris of Bristol, Pa., who is here to attend the wedding of her sister, Miss Katharine Carr. Miss Betty Rice, who has been at- tending Smith college this year, re- turned to her home at 518 Central avenue, on Wednesday. Mrs. Arthur Seibold will be hostess to the Thursday Luncheon and Bridge club next week at her home, 522 Forest avenue. *,• • ,vH. Mrs. Thomas M. Knox, 519 Forest avenue, entertained members of her Tuesday Club at luncheon and bridge thisi week. v â- â- ^Mt^'&Mz Mrs^ family, 435 Lake avenue, are leaving next week for their summer home on the Isle of "B." on Eagle river, Wis. I Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Clark Diet- rich, 627 Eleventh street, are.recjeiviiig congratulations upon the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth, on Saturday, June 9/: %%r,\%1&^~Jte^j^n -fifeSPitSili .Chicago. )iHi..........."""'"*.......... Mrlst Paul Balmes of £ake avenue; and son, Marcian, left Thursday for a month's: visit with her sister; Mrs; George Balmes, formerly of Wilmette, ..nofco^......... Niro§INK.LODGt GENOA JUNCTION • WISCONSIN 26 Miles West of Kenosha C. & N.W.R.R. FOR tWTNB VAeATIOWS Here is a place of refinement with all the advantages and material comforts of a modern country club. Good fishing and bathing, tennis, trap shooting, and saddle horses. 18-HOL.E GOLF COURSE Our 18-hole golf course is one of the finest in the Middle West. Large Club House; showers and lockers. Ideal place for golf par- ties. Open for play at regular green "fees or season memberships maybe obtained. *13i§lfer--'*:â- .;* • '>"â- ' RESERVATIONS â- -«?»;*: Made for week-ends or any part of entire season. New hotel; rooms wifEF tub single or en; suite, with tub or shower baths.' Cottages with elec- tric light, running water, screened porches.,-^Excellent folder, or drive around. cusine. Write up and let us you CHAS. E. CURTIS, Mgr. Phone No. 3. Geaoa Junction, Win. for show ,r. â- ;.,;..â- .,.(1,-.'., .â- .â- ,:â- ';'â-  ,â- :». ;.»>.;,.......,â- .. .-..â- â€žâ- .^a-a ««| Mrs. Hubert Carleton and daughter, Phyllis, 1103 Fewest aNiinu^ are leaving today for ai visit in Hew* tonville, â- Mass*^ . • â-  ^mwm^mi^'M^:: â- â- ;â- -.â- : .Wi^'i* [ i :|y|l|iliiiB:;.-ill; Mr. and Mrs. J. Nye Macalister, 918 Ashland avenue, have returned from a week's automobile trip through II* linois and Iowa. . â- -mmm;?mmmmr â-  Miss Phyllis Small, 411 Maple ave- nue, will arrive home tomorrow 'â- â€¢* from the University of Chicago, for the summer vacation Mrs. Harry W. Mons, 921 Oakwood Avenue, has been confined to her bed the past two weeks with a severe at- tack of rheumatism. * Herbert E. Nunn, Jr., has returned home from Howe, Ind., where he re- cently completed his junior year at Howe Military academy. - ,--:in^m^^m»^' The Misses Ruth and Grate Crock- ett entertained at a Tulip Tea on Sat- urday pf last week at their residence, 821 Oakwood avenue. y^r$M*M&$&: Mr. and Mrs. M. It-Rosenpl045 Elmwood avenue, have returned from a six week's sojourn through Cali- fornia. â- .'â-  .'./-ysKss;' Mrs. Lawrence Tower and her small son, Larry, 1132 Forest avenue, are leaving Monday to visit in Detroit, until July 1. * Dr. Alice Barlow-Brown, of netka, is leaving next week tot charge of a hospital in China. ^Mrs. Emil Nord entertained inform- ally at luncheon on Wednesday at her home, 829 Park avenue.\a&j^;k-^my' J. Harmon Rindell of 1317 Elmwood avenue, graduated from the University Illinois with "final honors." . Mrs. Hubert Carleton was hostess at, a:;^^l-lHtc1ien1'lih^e:IK0rt':Mbnday' evening at4£#: i-nom©,- ^108^S#«*resi' 'ave- nue, honoring Miss Katharine Carr. Mrs. J. Nye Macalister, 918 Ashland avenue, has as her guest, her mother, Mrs, G. W. Hervey of Omaha, Neb. &â- â-  bf>€U*aiwi*$<< otctmis|lie/:tori#iS ly, of Chi H. Pattison nue, during will occupy the the summec months. • is in Washington, D. trip this week. Lake avenue* C, on a business i Anna Jeannette and Peter J. Klap- P0rich, 412 Central avenue, returned yesterday from Prairie du chien, Wis., to spend the summer with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. P^^ 'Klapperich. Mr. and liirs1||Weridelin P. Seng and family, 401 Lake avenue, will de- part Thursday to spend the summer at their country home on Big Port- age Lake, State Line* Wis. - We now have a wonderful assortment of Summer Dress^ es, Coatees, Wraps and Canes aT prices tn^;^i^:r.^arji*t$%a f|l started in ~wffi n^ i|i ^i#aysf well groomed. He worer good| clothes! People were impressed with his| air of dipiity. ItHis appearance ^espokef personal pride ^d iel^c^ climbed higher and higher and his appearance al- ways tyrjifted his progress.'

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