12 THE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FP'"^V"TNE 15, 1923 WeLASSlFIEDADVERTISEMENTS General mUces^S^t^^STZ ««£ ^ Evanston to Glencoe -inclusive, whose names aPPeaj; *" *£®^e t_ f S SJT85B £«>£ ^r^h?..aVe^rTSb,onU"nc^ charged double price. Average of five words to the line. --.-.. * *â- _. Classified advertisements will be Deadline for Insertionsâ€"accepted m» to Wednesday 12 o'clock for The Lake Shore News.or all three papers; Thursday 12 o'clock for the Winnetka Weekly Ta^lk and Friday 12 o clock for the Glencoe News. Telephones WILMETTE 1920-1921 or WINNETKA 888. REAL B§TATE R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. OFFER SPECIALTY MODERN 6 ROOM BUNGALOW IN wooded section, attractive arrange- ment of rooms. Owner has bought larger home, offers this at $10,000. Attractive 5 room brick bungalow with sleeping porch, east s ection near the "L". A buy at 812,500. Very atractive 8 room stucco on wooded lot, vapor heat, large sun and sleeping porches, vacuum cleaning system, garage. â- Price reduced to $19,500. Let us show you th|s splen- New 7 room brick, central north east section, hot water heat, tile walled bath, shower, extra lavatory and tottetriarge-sun room with tiled floor, wooded lot, garage. A very attractive home at $25,000. Modern 8 room stucco, north east - section, large sun and sleeping porches, vacuum cleaning system, i baths, 65 foot lot well wooded, gar- age. Price $27,500. " ' We offer a splendid 50 foot lot on Central Avenue 3 blocks west of the station at $3,000. Also a wooded cor- ner at Central and 15th Streets at â€"$5r000. ~fioth fiire building sites. Let us show you an exclusive list- ing in a fine lot on Greenleaf Avenue near the Canal at an attractive figure. 340 Linden Ave. Phs. Wil. 68 and 444 L33-ltc A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. HAVE SEVERAL GOOD â€"for~sale; 8 R. frame on Chestnut Ave., water heat, newly decorated, nice lot. $19,500. 8 R. stucco sun par. and sip. pch. large living room. Well located on Central Ave. $20,000. Beautiful Colonial on Sheridan Rd. 8 rooms, 2 baths on 2nd floor, sun parlor, dining and sip. pchs., plate glass and metal weather strips. Must be sold by July 1st. $44,000. Good terms. 5 R. Stucco bungalow, East loca- tion. Owner living must sell. $9,500. 6 R. nearly new stucco with sun parlor, h. w. heat. One car garage only $13,500 on 10th St. LOT BARGAINS N. W. CORr-17TH~AND FOREST IN eluding garage, only $3,250. See this at once, owner anxious to sell. 60 foot lot on Washington Ave., 3 blocks from station. Only $30,000. 50 feet on So. side of Chestnut Ave. about $150 per foot with terms make " offer. 1157 Wilmette Am __â€"JBsUSSMu 640 ~~~*~-»r~-~^~-~ â- â- â- â- • â- â- â- 'â- LSS-ltc REAL ESTATE VACANT SPECIALS _ BEAUT. WDBD. LOT 2 BLKS. FROM Lake, $185 ft. Sheridan Rd., 1 blk. from Lake $115 to $150 per ft. Maple Ave. nr. L. Trans. $50 ft. Pine wded lots nr. N. W. L. Trans. $30 to $65 per ft. #.„.„t_*_* We have a large list of furnished homes for the summer from Evans- ton to Glencoe. EVEY, DELESS & CO. I 625 Fourth St. End of 'L* Wilmette 2794. L33-ltC FOR SALE WILMETTE-MODERN 5 rm. bungalow, good location, easy terms, $10,000. _. a. NEW 6 rm. house, vapor ht. sun ana slpg. porches, Just completed and ready for immediate occupancy, in fine location, Bargain at $l$.oJ0. 8 RM. BRK. AND STUCCO, 5 BEDRMS, 2 baths, sun rm. 2 years old, owner leaving town, will lease or sell, $17© month or $18,000. _,„â- __,__ __, HILL AND WHEELER 411 Linden Ave. Ph. L-33-ltc. PROPERTIED _^N0-fr«h IN WILMETTE GAGES ADDITION TO WILMETTE located on Chestnut, Ashland, Elm- wood, Sheridan Rd., Tenth St., and Seventh ave., comprising Lots 2-7-10 Bl 1-L2 Bl 2 with Riparian rights L 4 Gl 5 L 4 Bl 6 L 3-4 Bl 9 L 9-10 & 12 Bl 10 L 5 Bl 13 L 1 & 3 Bl 17 and L 16 Bl 18. Seven Wilmette Agents to show them to you. ___ ,^JJ?fO-«r-GAGBrBox-*«»9 burg, Fla. .-,.-.„«. __. LTG20-tfc. CHARLES H. BRETHOLD FIKK, LIABILITY, THEFT AND AUTO INSURANCE First and Second Mortgage Lease* REAL ESTATE 545 Main Street Wilmette, 111. Telephone 65 ' LTG 20-tfc FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL RAVINIAEASX^SIDE ___-â€"property, moTrt~T«as6habTe on North Shoreâ€"Going fast: Don't loose this opportunity_toi _makeâ€"some .real money. Tel. WIL 732-W. l LTG-33-ltc. FOR SALE â€" 11 ROOM HOUSE INT Highland Park, Choice of 100 or 200 fefet. Choice neighborhood; good value. Tel. Highland Park 447 After * p. m. ^LTG-33-ltc. REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE in New Trier SEE â€" SCH AEFER & GOLB ACH 909 Ridge Ave. (near Lake Ave.) Tel. Wilmette 364 LTG28-ltc REAL ESTATE ft LISTEN IN ON THESE -WINNETKAâ€"ALMOST NEW 6 RM. ": stucco, sun-sip. pchs.; h. w. beaut. 100 ft. wooded lot, choice east I section, gar. attchd. $18,000. MR; INVESTORâ€"$6,000 CASH BUYS one of the most beaut, deep wooded i® lots in Winnetka. _____ l^feENCQE^--^JBRAND- -NEW ^ JtMr f ; clap-col. tile bath and shower, sun SSS pch.f h. w. ht.; 2 car gar.; 70 ft. s^ lot. Well built, nr. Bchools _and sS#^rAnsp©-^atioiir==Only f 14;000; "" ps! Choice east section, 50, 60 and 75 ls#'ft. lots at $75 to $85 per ft. Asking '::â- â- $14K>aero*a street* ^~r.....^.tfrtfe"......... I KENILWORTHâ€"ATTR. 7 RM. STUCCa I lge. beaut, wooded lot; nr. school and transp. Easy terms._ $14^000. TOU HAVE A FRIEND LOOKING FOR a Wilmette home. Perhaps this would suit him: 7 Room brick Colon- ic t.4_J_^-ial with 3 glazed, heated porches; 2 car heated garage; 2 tile baths; 70 ft. lot, beautifully landscaped; best location in Wilmette. REAL ESTATE WILMETTE REALTX CO, - ^rF^OTthrstr Wllm. 1304 L33-ltc EQJ&i-SALE 68 FTfâ€"LOTr^UNDETR market price for $2,300. Bargain in vacant in RaVthia, $45 _ a_ft.~One inHighland Park,T50 ft. 'lot. $2,000.::.g^ /]pSfe>iflrliiil^" Wallace B. Clore, Jr. & Co. JJ£7-^Wttmette-A-ror-TelrV^ 1750 â- :-â- ,â- -â- -â- .' LTG33-ltc Win, 254_. LTG3Â¥-ltc fe^ervice You W1H IJfee f <m$§00i^0ttM. ;: SPECIALS ., ^s^^s*-^ --f- llYour opportunity to .buy. one of the most beautiful lots in Hubbard Woods â€"85xl5»â€"A jungle of trees, S blocks from station^ ail improvement*. $6,500. 1« ROOM BUNO. ON 75 FOOT LOT, 4 &l*lks. to station. Excellent condition 1|;il»nd a bargain at '$11,800. m^'mWMtl ****r. Many other .good buys»Sffi#fess* E. E, Stulte Realty Co* i^PI#^IWIatt... 1800. >s*^*"r:--" LTGSa-ltc â€" OPPORTUNITY PLANT YOUR MONEY HERE AND watch it grow. Twenty acres on Ridge Road near proposed, ^Fort ___Shexidan Gardens. Buy Now>i S Ad- dress Lake, Shore Newsâ€"A-19&. V "SK",:::-a , â- â- .LTG-33-ltc. 7*0 Elm St. WILMETTE 3FOR SALEâ€"DANDY 5 RM. BRICK 3 bungalow, glazed pch.. East side, ? near ,fL." $12,500. New 6 rm. home, lge. Hv* rm., h. :g w. heat, 2 fine pchs., immediate pos- Sesslon $13,500, % ...:Z. s? Artistic 7 rm. stucco. Central Bast ;S loc, liv. rm. 14x28. 4 sunny bed rms., one of which is 14x28, beautiful heated sun parlor open screened pch., h. w, heat, tdeal arrangement. Own- mr must fell. $15,500. _ _ \_. . M\ Elegant: 10 rm. home, 3 baths, h. ?fw^-4iea*, garage, wonderful TM ft. : lot. $25,000. FR*NT GEORGE & CO. FOR RENTâ€" FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENTâ€"MONTH OF JULY, AT- tractive modern 7-room furnished home; east side Wilmette, garage, flower garden; cheap. Tel. W«. l«l»- WANTED TO RENT- HOUSE .FURNISHED WANTEDâ€"FURNISHED HOUSE OR bungalow until Oct. or Nov. for two Gentile ladies. Bedroom and bath on 1st. East side Wilmette or Ken- ilworth. Not on car tracks. Tel. Central 3513. L-33-ltc. WANTED â€" SMALL FURNISHED __ house XLear_ Jake;-Juljv-or- July,- Augr * Responsible fcarty. Kedzie 8042. LTG-33-ltp. 1VANTED TO RENTâ€"HOUSE WANTED TO RENTâ€"BY JUNE 30 unfurnished house with 3 bedrooms, near Northwestern R. R. Rent rea- sonable. Tel. Wil. 1785. LT-33-ltc. Upholstering, Draperies, » Slip Covers James B. MacFarlane Interior Decorator Formerly with Mandel Bros. M#Â¥ourfii Street, Wilmette Pbone Wilmette 2228 HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE O REST-FURNISHED APARTMENT WANTEDâ€"SMALL FURN. APART- ment for light housekeeping; pre- fer private bath. Refined people, good local reference. Address J. E. K. 1130 Oakwood Ave. L33-ltp FOR RENTâ€"GARAGE FOR RENTâ€"BRICK GARAGE, 1534 Spencer Ave., Tel. Wil 993-W. L33-ltc FOR RENTâ€"APARTMENT FOR RENTâ€"BEGINNING JUNE 18 small apartment $50 _a^ month;â€"cenâ€"f trattyâ€"located. Tel. Wil 706 M. After 6 p. m._____________LTG-33-ltp. FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENTâ€"TWO LARGE LIGHT furnished rooms, private bath, kitehen privilege, exclusive, east near Indian Hill Station and lake. 164 Woodland Ave., Tel. Winn. 1543. LTG33-ltc feENILWORTH inn â€" VERY AT- tractive double room, also pleasant single room, with board, for July and August. Tel. Kenilworth 161, _______________-------------------LTG^3fr-ltp. FOR.- RENTâ€"FINE FRONT ROOM single Or in a suite, best east side location, private home. Tel. Wil. 1940. LT33-ltc CENTRAL HOTELâ€"ROOMS; ST. HEAT ht. and cold rung, water. Tel. Wil. 1080. 629 Main St., Wilmette. LT32-tfc FOR RENTâ€"2 ROOMS, YOUNG COU- ple, 1115 Greenleaf Ave., "Wil. Call evenings after 5 o'clock. LTG-33-ltp. FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED ROOM IN private family near Lake and El- evated. Address Lake Shore News A-200. L33-ltc WANTED â€" TWO CONCESSION clerks, between the ages of 25 and- „_30â€"y«ars -oldâ€"apply at Indian-HEtttt North Shore Station between 2 & 4 p. m. Monday. L-33-ltc. WANTEDâ€"WHITE WOMAN FOR day work, several half days a week, 33 Cresent Place. Wil. 2608. L-33-ltc. FOR SALEâ€"CADILLAC, MODEL 57 Victoria, perfect condition. Has hadw best care. Five good tires. Bargain* $1,500. Can be demonstrated or seen w at 521 Longwood avenue, Glencoe.^1 Phone Glencoe 577.v:'- â- y;«:. _______ LTG-ltc,;llr ----------------------------------'â- ------------- â€"__.';SB«i- pi FOR SALEâ€"7 PASSENGER NASH W' touring; bargain $400. 418 Linden :fP Ave., Wilmette. LTG-33 ltc, 'm- Wr FOR SALEâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS ANTIQUE FURNITURE FOR SALBVli Desk, chest of drawers, settee, sleigh Si bed, spinning wheel, chairs, tabl^ spi wash stand, clock, hooked rugs, andHfi' hand woven coverlet. Tel. Graceland ill 3516. ____________________LTG-33-ltp^ # FOR SALEâ€"VICTROLA, Mahogany finish; this is the style X, originally cost $125, will sell for $75 cash, or terms may be arranged by respons- ible party. Address Lake Shore NjbWJ_^Aj49_8j______---------JLT^-33-8tKiSSfi I T*OTr~SAT2E^fEARI^r NEW FUR- ? niture; chairs, beds, dining room set, carpets, curtains, lamps, etcw Leaving town. Wilmette 901-M. =!# ~â€" L-33-ltpl WANTEDâ€"WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. No laundry. Good home. Phone Wil. 2908._____ LTG-33-ltc. WANTED â€" EXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework, four in fam- ily, $18.00. Call Winnetka 1843. LTG-33-ltc. WANTEDâ€"GIRL OR WOMAN TO take, care of two children all day. Clf Kenilworth 2637. LTG-33-ltc. WANTEDâ€"WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework and plain cooking. Tel. Wilmette 176. • L-33-ltc. SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE SITUATION WANTEDâ€"CARE OF walking children: Klndergartner; -Call or Write 1078 Elm St. Winnetka. . LTG-S3-ltp. WANTED â€"LAUNDRY WORK BY white woman-Tuesciays and Fridays. Address Lake Shore Newsâ€"A. 197. L-33-ltp. EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMAN wishes ironing, cleaning by day will do other housework. Tel. Wil 935- M. L.33- NURSERY (GOVERNESS, EXPERI- enced, desires positions music, Sew- ing; best of ref. Address Lake Shore News A-196. LTG-33-ltp. WANTEDâ€"CATERING, BEST REF- erences. Tel. Victory 9077 or Doug- las 1781. LTG-33-ltp. FOR RENT â€" LARGE FURNISHED room, private home, near all trans- portation. Tel. Wil. 873-J. L32-tfc FOR RENTâ€"ONE OR TWO NICELY furnished rooms with connecting bath in strictly residence neighbor- hood. Tel. Wil^Jum^----- L33-lic_ FOR RENTâ€"SUNNY FRONT ROOM near "L" and trains, 512 Central Ave. Phonjej^iii=7^3^i=^===^La3-44ei4 FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED RMS. ALSO- housekeeping apt._ Telâ€"Wil, 935-M. Near^atl trains. LT25-tfc FOR RENT â€" FURNISHED ROOMS, across from Village Theater. â€"reasonable. Tel7^WnT^S93T^L33-ltc g GLENCOE LAKE FRONT aooxeoo ft. I^riparian rights Fine Colonial house, owner F. J. IIsiWoolley, 69 Park Aven Glencoe. LTG30-4tp FOR SALEâ€"BUNGALOW, SOUTH- ^east of Highland Park station, large Miiot. Bargain. Tel Highland Park 447 after 6 p. m. LTG-3S-itp. FDR-RENT-^FURNISHEtT ROOM IN private house; also garage space for one car. Tel. Wil. 2713. L33-ltp LOST AND FOUND LOSTâ€"$200 REWARD, NO QUES- tlons asked for return of hand ^matt#3iiace'. and Llinen bed spread ^takW^rom home of J. C. Aspley, a* 230 FairviewM Aye. Phone Glencoe "'"711. ' ::.;;-:->,:>.:/â- ; â- â- 1 : LTG-33-ltc. HELP WANTED-MALE FOR SALEâ€"LOT 50x167. BARGAIN, 1715 Washington Ave. For informa- tion call at 1717 Washington. _!.___L330tp FOR RENTâ€"HOUSE FOR RENTâ€"LOWER PART OF house; 4 rooms and bath: heated. Possession. July«1st. Teh ;W11me'tte "824-W.,- â- â- ^,-.;y. ifsjt' -M'â- ' NINE ROOM HOUSE 1109 CENTRAL Ave Wilmette. Apply 2049 Pratt Ct.. Evan. Tel. Ev. 1610. L33-ltp POW HE\Tâ€"PURNISHRD HOUSE FOR RENT â€" FURNISHED HOUSE for summer. Seven rooms, two baths, large sleeping porch, breakfast nook, 2 car garage, all newly finished, near. Community. Golf Course. t- - ~_~t««'«« 6<n_~jr ' /-•.".â- _Â¥*â- 'B'** â- «• â€"»â€"i WANTEDâ€"GROCERY CLERK, EX- !$%erleifccedi;: Steady position, good fSwagefe. Olie half day a week off. Ap- |>ly at once, A* S^IVan Deusen, 1154 :Ceiitral^;^e^, Wilmette. Telephone 510. LTG-33-ltc. WANTEDâ€"MANAGER FOR-DIRECT â€"factoryâ€"oranchr^in "Wilmette. $4,000 and up yearly, $2S0 required, secured. Give full particulars. Hicks Corpora- tion, 608 S. Dearborn, Chicago. L-33-lt NURSE WILL CARE FOR SEMI-IN- valid in own home. Address Lake Shore News A-192.__________LT-32 2tp. FOR SALEâ€"TEN PIECE WALNUTS dining room suite. Owner leaving town. Call evenings after 7:30, exM cept Sat. 624 Park Ave., Wilmette^ LTG-33-ltpfi M$j •â- FOR SALEâ€"OAK' DINING ROOITJ^- table and seven chairs -eheapvâ€"Tet^wS7 Glencoe 679. 335 Hawthorne Ave. flitSt , '^.;••;• . . LTG-33-ltcj^^^ FOR SALE^V-ERY^-^CHEA-Ptâ€"COMBl^^^ nation gas and coal stove, awnings^|Srti; porch rug. Tel. Glencoe 841. li#l! â- VZ LTG33-ltcJM N. - FELLâ€"DEALER... IN NEW - ANOl§l used household-goods. 1644 Maple Ave., Evanston. Phone Evans. 103. WM LTG-16-tfc;i!! FOR SALEâ€"TWO RUGS, 8xll;cheapJ!fc^ Tel. Glencoe 468. -LTG-33-ltc.SlSi WANTED .TO .BUY â€" HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUYâ€"SECOND HANL JCurniture and other household goods. Highest price paid for same. -Croat mp Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Ifl Evanston, 111; Phone 180. toS* ' . â- ' • . LTG-27-tfe.vlli FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANEOUS __i£_|FOTir------SAL&-FURNITUE _____________ RUGS,::pf cart, anything bought, sold or ex-IP changed, piano, fixtures, plbg. lum-â- .â- â- •'#&: ber, stoves, 808 Oak St., Winn. 1212.-M • LTG-24-tfc,:-:1§ GRAJ^PJJ?1 CLOTH COATEE NEW, §B $10. hat to match $3, also two 39-in. p? mattresses $2.50 each. Tel. Wilmette t$j&#m 1438v _â- :.. ..â- â- â- .- â- â- â- L-aj-ltCiiW** FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES Do, You Own Don"t forget_Jhat^ we your headquarters for. gen- uineFord Parts, accessDfies and service., .,.,- ^ SkokieMotorCoe 'TiZ-VffilM Elm Authorized Fordâ€"and Street Lincoln FOR SALEâ€"USED CARS ^Ford Sedan- â- 'â- #vir-^?&1922 KttDodge Touring Car ^"1920 Franklin Sedan >':i;X-1918 WERSTED MOTOR CO. Tel. Winn. 165. 562 Lincoln Ave, Winn. LTG-33-ltc. WANTEDâ€"MESSENGER WITH Bi- cycle. Wilmette office Western Un- ion Telegraph Co. L-33-ltp. SITUATION WAN.TEDâ€"MALE EXPERIENCED MANâ€"WANTS PER- manent position 3 days a week, lawn and housework. References. Tel. Wil ^SS. LTG-33-ltc." WILL DO ALL KINDS OF WORK about the house: lawn work a spec! FOR SALEâ€"1917 MOON CAR, CHEAP. * Pavlic Bros. Machine Shop. Kenil- worth, 111., Tel Kenilworth 280. fc L-33-ltc. FOR SALEâ€"VERY CHEAP, STUDE- baker. 1917 Model, enclosed body, running condition. Tel. Glencoe 84L -T£T LTG^SS-ltc. FOR SALEâ€"STANLEY STEAMER, late 1922; current model. Bargain for quick sale. Tel. Winn. 1937. LTG-33-ltc. FOR SALEâ€"USED "OVERLAND 5- passenger touring, good condition, FOR SALEâ€"A FEW HOUSEHOLD ft goods, garden tools, reasonable for Ji; quick sale. Tel. Wil. 1248. Mlif LTG-33-ltp .ti^teffei,; FOR SALEâ€"HARLEY " DAVIDSON :.|^il motorcycle; twin motor, side car, Ipi electric equip.,.-, Wil */'; 1589, 1100 :ip§ ,: *-LTG-33-ltc. ;^« Ridge Ave. FOR SALEâ€"TWO-VICE CARPENTER ft Ill.~TeT-TKenilworth 280. L-33-lte.:"Pg| FOR^AJLJEWFf NEST 1300SE "FmSTH- er Pillows, made to order. Tel. Wil- mette 126, LTG-33-ltc. FOR SALEâ€"ATTRACTIVE NEW :':I§i cape. Tel. Winnetka 1196. "^'«:| - ' â- â- â- â- â- , â- ..â- •â- â- -'â- â- â- :â- :' .'LG-33-ltc. '-W&£ ^^f^^^^T^y^given that the co- Partnership • heretofore existing ,be-„ tween. H. K. SNIDER and U. C. CAZEL ha_*„*thi8- d^y been dissolved and the assets of the co-partnership have been ^/"SS^ ov^^?.d assigned to SNIDERt S55EJ_« DRyG CO" a corporatior «?iT^kS"0*1? has assumed and will all obligations, * June 6, 1923 SNIDER & CAZ1 â- :- •'." 1â€"TG-33-ltc. MISCELLANEOUS ANY llEisllllPlI?- ^^"**t'"~^"METAL'or us arid we will you for them SCRAP IRON & flMEtAL COS Phone Evanston 905 MllJ£es4eri^St^4iY#^^