Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 15 Jun 1923, p. 11

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"â- v i':S-%'•'â-  J^wIWt-.'l^w^kâ- %] â- " ^HE;sl2Mm::SH0RiMi^ii:' ful program, consisting of vocal, piano and violin selections, along with several aesthetic dances, was enjoyed by many, {riends. Everyone was very, enthusias- tic about the presentation of their birth- day pennies, which will be used to send Norma Schuettge as a delegate to the Lake Geneva Conference. Wilmette Presbyterian Church I 9th Street and Greenleaf Avenue Pastor, Rev. George P. Magill, D. D. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. ,* S Church Service: 11:00 a. vnM'^M All are invited to our services. 4 i| Rev. Ralph Morphett of the Immanuel Baptist church, Chicago, will be in charge of the service at 11 o'clock on Sunday morning, pylr. Stifler, the pastor, will be at Cake Geneva, Wisconsin, representing the Board of Education of the Northern Baptist Convention at the - Student- ••;Conference, _ ^l^^^^j^^^ The Bible School with graded instruc- tion foir all ages will meet at the usual hour, 9:45, the adult classes cbmriienc- ing at 10 o'clock. The Intermediate and Junior Young People's Societies have discontinued their meetings forthe summer. A Union meeting in the interests of the Lake: Geneva Missionary Education Conference will be held at the Congre- gational church at 5:30, The Senior Young People's Society will adjourn their noting "in order to attend this meet- ing in a body^ Mr. C, C. Light, the Executive Secretary of the Conference, will speak, Using the beautiful new set of slides which depict the work of the ConferenceiK;';:;\'y/'v?:^ The^lRegular Mid-week service for Prayer and Fellowship will be held at 8 o'clock on Wednesday evening. The Wilmette Baptist Choral society will meet for-4ts-weekly rehearsal ^n m'j^mt^tm.: KBBEBS..1"' mm Mr. Phelps in charge. Young Men (Unity and Mr> Phelps' Classes) ^, HarryHITttjrtiferi; captain, vs,' Deacons, Trusteed and Sunday School Teachers igt Officers, Clare C, Hosmer, captain. â- â- â-  ^s^ ♦" .â- ":.r.":-'-..."'^--... Voung Laales (Unity and Mr. Blay- loqk's Classes) Signy Ouse, captain, vs. Woman s Society,., Mrs. J, D. Dingle, captain. :-«l|#':.....â- ...... ^5:0(«:00 P. M.â€"Athletid|i Events. Groups and free for all. Messrs; Wil- liams and Campbell in charge. 6:0Qâ€"7:00â€"P. ^f^-Supper, Ladies in charge.'"" .."â- ;â- . '.; ;:?-r;'*!"â- .;•â- â-  ?K;;:^:f:m: ^'.MM 7:00-8:00 P. M^'Roamin' in tne Gloamin*." .â- '. The Wilmette Baptist church is located at the corner of Wilmette and Forest Avenues and welcomes all to its ser- *_yicesJ. The Pastor,- Rev. Francis C. Stifler, may be reached at his study dur- ing the mornings, or by appointment. The Office in charge of Miss Mattie Jean Badger, is open daily except Satur- days, from 9-â€"5^ and "from 9M-12 on Saturdays. The 0Mrch- telephone, is '2235."" '"â-  â- ":"'â- ""'â- 'â- â- *â- '".^â- ;"'"/:*â- 'W '-.........ftK!- M The last sessions of thje two Church schools in St. Augustine's Parish House and St. Augustine's Club house, respec- tively, will be held next Sunday, June, 17,::at'.9:45' o'clock. m< -h^; : "||S ' â-  .'. Rev. Dr. Carletonf fectojT of SI^^Aug- ustine's, preached last Sunday morning at the Church of the Holy Comforter,! Kenilwdfrth, while Rev. Danforth of that parish, preached at St. Augustine's.! Members of the Boy* Scout troop at St. Augustine's last Saturday hiked out to the camp three miles west of Glen- coe, selected by the church last year. They remained in Camp oven Saturday night returning to Wilmette Sunday af- ternoon^ The Itemlworth troop also used thllcairnp from Friday to Sunday. Mr. Clark, head^^ charge. v^^KSt"" . -M'r',:W^:'-':-m§..,. St. Augustine's Boys* camp will Open at Lake Ripley, Wis., Monday, June 25. Although primarily for St. Augustine's Choir boys, all boys belonging to St. Augustine's organizations are allowed to register and attend the camp as far as accomodations will permit. Registra- tions shouldLM^.Ml^s;:J^^JSiSXA^t'- Thursday evening, June 21, at the church. Today, at one o'clock, the Woman's Society will meet for White Cross sew- ing at the Church, > C The annual Church and Sunday School picnic will be held tomorrow, June 16. Automobiles will leave the Church at 11 for the Glenview Forest Preserve, where the following program will begin at f 1:00>r-2 :Q0 P. M.--Luncheon. Ladies " '"' """"-Athletic Eventsâ€" and 2mâ€"3:00P, M^ l-Class Contests. Messrs,,^Williams i' Campbell in 'charg^^'S'lil" ||| 3-00-^4:00 P. Mâ€"Mass Games and I"'Stunts. Young people and adults. Mr. 1 .,.JiA. E. Reid in charge; '8tl 3:0Q~5 :^ P. M.--Children's Games. li: )Mr0ii&iJ Ei^ViUiamS:'. and Miss '--Hazel Â¥â-  Green â-  in:. ;cnarge.*SS^--^ 'â- â- ^%$$} â-  x • â-  >.oSi« lip:,"4:00â€"5' :00 P.?sM^Ba%febali ';-':GtrnM;- Greenleaf and Seventh William Guise, Pastor. Services for June 17th, the Third^ ^imm^tpward^eir |5y Pfedgegfeffie Sunday after Trinity: The "Sunday School will meet at 9:45. Classes for all ages, A The adult class will discuss an interesting les- son taken from the life .of Jeremiah. Worship and sermon aTTTr^Thaf a blessed privilege every Christian has in that he can associate with~other members of the faith in common worship and adoration to his Lord. God's blessings are so beautiful and satisfying to the human soul that we can never praise__ami__serve Him enough. The Holy Communion Service will be held June 24th. We shall be glad to receive new members at that time. Our friends, who have considered prayerfully the matter of uniting with ;our congregation, are requested to speak to the pastor or some member of the council as soon as possible. * The Missionary society will hold its final all day worak-meeting Thursday, June 21,~~at-^fce~-home~ iofâ€"Mrs?â€"Swan- Larson, 721 NinthU-^v^A.^MS?:-,Ai welcom&>y>:"^ A short congregational meeting will be held after the service next Sun- day,â-  June;. 17.7;«;feâ- ;,;;;;. ;;^::-.-;-&>i^v Our parents ffrie asked to read care* fully every item in regard to the proposed Daily Vacation Bible School which Will b« opened soon by the cO- operation of the churches of the com munity*'p;>;..;v';;^;;;;;::;^:v Carleton. , , , The boys arid girlro^ Church schools are raising money during the Parish House Buildingrfund.":r-:^tfitli St. Augustine's Vestry held its reg- ular June meeting last week in the rec- tor's" offices, :; . x&M-ex- PAINTING 2600 MOTORS SERVICE, Jut. Everything for the Automobile High Grade Work Reasonable Prices Estimates Furnished PROMPT SERVICE BELL AUTO PAINTING CO. ____JJ923 25 WibuhAvenui __. CHICAGO TELEPHONE CALUMET 2227 from the factory. JOSS tire at a reasonable price J. C. Slown ^mMSSM A.: B. A^aii D^chS .km and excellent food are bringing many satisfied patrons to this cafe- join their ranks at noori ^oday^l^-|;|l^^^:^^ QUICK CLEAN IlllVKiE THE SHERIDAN CAFE 601MainStreet 'MMWilmetteBm :Mh â- â- ':J&0&.! â- â- US m iPaintisWass,............ (Picture and Mffior iwlle PXATEand WINDOW GLASS fetd M mMr<nit "Paints'-- Oils â€"Varnishes â€" Brasbes-^- Wall- ^^eS^a«r^tefe^asjKexarry only the BesTand g â- â- ?fS^t Stock ol Paint .Supplies:^ â-  the^oi^^g^ SPECIAL SALE FOR THE COMING WEEK-»** ma â- ^ITE;.;LEAD BEST HOUSE PAINT. ^^^|,If Whave;a; paint Pr°Wf^,^^g .^^pWalmettey^

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