Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jun 1923, p. 5

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PRAISE PRAISE FOR FIRE BO ....^&^A^ -, f:-^THE.XAKE'SHbRE NEWS, FRIDAY, JUNB.&-.1S23M1 Here's A Citizen Who Lauds The Fire Department .iB'ifi'ifMiifeir. Complaii^ts may be considered the vogue at Village offices, and it & per- fectly natural that such is the case, for satisfied people are mually quietj dis- satis factionoccasions comment, fre- quently rather excited comment, on the part of the complainant. Ho% refreshing' then, it must have been for the village authorities to hear Clerk Orner read the following letter at Tuesday evening's board session: June 4th, 1923. Mr, Edward Zipf, President, Village of Wilmette, I Wilmette, Illinois. 5«v^ '>^iuS^^ Dear Mr. Zipf: Last Friday night was my first ex- perience with a Fire Department. In my residence at Michigan Ave- nue and Forest there is a built-in In- cinerator which has been working all right until Friday night. Upon start- ing a fire that evening instead of burning out as usual, smoke poured out of the receiver-door on the first floor filling the house. I turned the garden hose in it for about ten min- utes which apparently had no effect as the _sjmoke„jncreased and the door continued to gef Hotter- "which led me to believe that there was a break in the wall which permitted the floor joist to catch fire. I lost my nerve and we called the Fire Department. Before we could get away from the 'phone receiver the siren sounded and seven of the boys was at the houseâ€" a distance of some ten blocks from the engine station. They discovered the cause of the fire-an$ the smoke and put it out with- out doing a nickel's worth of dam- -age^^hi* allTrccuTrM=a^ouTtr!3{raf night and I want to say it certainly was real service and the residents of Wilmette should have a feeling of satisfaction and security as well as pride in the Wilmette Fire Depart- ment.-" ' ' • ""â- ' 5â-  ' I want to take this opportunity to thank the fire-boys through you. Respectfully yours, Frank A. Brown. 400 STUDENTS ENROLL FOR SUMMER SESSIONS Registration for sumih^schootat New Trier High school so far num- bersover 400 according to word from the school offices. Classes will be held from 8 o'clock until 12:30. € -..With the regular academic work, Mr. Jackson will conduct the swim- ming clashes from, 9 o'clock until 12:40., Children^tfhder eighteen will be charged at fei of $5 and adults $10. Those interested will register at the mam oifiiMLj&lQuday morning, June 15. W:';"MS:P^Mi:W^l^':l":'. The sclieduiet is as follows: 9:00-9:40 Girl Swimmers 9:45â€"10:45 Boy Beginners 10:30â€"11:10 Girl Beginners 11:15â€"11:55 Women Beginners and Swimmers , 12:00â€"12:40 Boy Swimmers HARVARD TAKES HIM fit MINUS USUAL EXAMS A new ruling made by Harvard uni- versity admits, from each school, one student of the upper seventh of the class in scholastic ranking, without the usual college board examination. New Trier High school is quite proud of the fact that Dwight Chap- man '23, of Wilmette, has been grant- ed entrance by this method. He was recently elected to the hon- or society of New Trier wjjthjthe high* est grade ever made by a boy in the school's history. -For two years he has been editor of the New Trier ews, and a member of the debating team. He has won a number of po- etry and essay prizes. He is also a member of the T. N. T. society. siren sounded and in less than -------------â€" five minutes -theâ€"truckâ€"with~six-©r ^EXCHANGE PULPITS FOR A DAY" Dr. Hubert Carleton, rector of St. Augustine's Episcopal church, Wilmette, and Rev. Leland H. Danforth, rector of the Church of the Holy Comforter, Ken- ilworth, will exchange pulpits Sunday morning, June 10,, the .forrher pr^fhimrf" luTXam^oTmand the latter taking the pulpit at St. Augustine's. North Shore Combustio Co. Take advantage of the present price* by calling "KEEGAN" Wilmette 2131. roUm Ihulan 15SS Sherman Ave. Evanston EtVW04 |t#fe { Proper grouping of furniture makes your living^£2?J2â„¢*^2 fco2Â¥ and myitmg. 1 â-  A small jable here and there of ten completes a tarmon- ? ^ious-'-eiJecfliP^ I A filt ToifeTable is effective in almost afty grouping close !<• the watttefor decorativeeffect or in a_corner This:^ld ^ â- 1 mahogany** '^#^^^ v;:^^jvc^^ v,i;>:'. ^{^p-s^ ^?t. â- ";^ ^ ^-: :-â-  • w^v^r;^^^;: |li We have other designs* Come in and see them. :mSm Tell It to the Judge Fines amounting to $125 and costs werr collected Irom eleven speeders in Magistrate Mickey's Wilmette court this week. Five of the fines were for, $15 and costs. Those fined were;'""./:!a ' ^S: ' '#;' ;'.,.,';. A. H. Gustfield, $10 and costsSlAr- rested by officer George Schaefer; 34 miles an hou^, on Sheridan *pad. Samuel Atmore, $15 and costs. Ar- rested by officer George Schaefer j 34 miles an hour on Sheridan road. ") Urs. W. C. Hubbard, $IS and costs. Arrested by officer Clement C. Ley; 33 miles an hour on Sheridan road. J Mrs. W. E. Lamb, $15 and costs. Arrested by officer Henry Brautigam; 30; miles an hour on Sheridan road. i J. A. Borgeson, $5 and cosfsT" Air-* rested by officer Henry Brautigam: 30 miles an hour on Fifteenth street. Perry B Rollins, $10 and costs. Ar- rested by officer Henry Brautigam; 30 miles an hour on Wilmette avenue. : Robert B. Mahan, $10 and costs. Arrested by officer Peter Schaefer; 35 iniles an hour on Sheridan road. ? D. Hodgton, $10 and costs. Ar- rested by officer Peter Schaefer; 33 miles an hour on Sheridan road*^ I Loyd Vivian, $15 and costs.-Ar* rested by officer Peter Schaefer; 33 miles an hour on Sheridan road. John Goldman, $15 and costs. Ar- rested by--)oiffic«,";^et«^ASch»«.f«r;;^ miles an hour: on 'Sheridan road, 'fm M. F. Schiavone, $5 and costs. Ar- rested by officer Peter Schaefer; 38 miles an'hour on ^erWan roj"J II HEAR JUBILEE SINGERS The famous Jubilee Singers of Utica Industrial Institute, Utica, Mississippi, will give a program of negro melodies and 4 spirituals Wedneday evening, June 13, in connection with the Mid-week ser- vices at the First Congregational church. - -|IRACK"' **ARTIf €hufc|t|" Beach .|«»lf^i|^^,,^^.,,-.:ff.. invited to join' wmV" ^rdi£wrw'.'^ celebration of this social eventSrher«|^ will l^';'|fam^|:and; amk^;|ejen^:?f|#^^ ing the,'-Af^esinii^ipct^'sinK|t;."i|i^.jbMH^0;14linncH^^S« at.'6 oclock. ji^i<»«f^^ :.â- :.â- â- ...... â- â- â- .- â-  â- â- â- :'â- :â-  -'; :â- : â-  : V'-' MMmm Hi: WWi0 5> ll#Sif iilSllpS ':^SilKllill EVANS TON !^#y; "^V^ffiHi will be::plfm0-;^;CcUi on all inside and outside workif:W^:."vSBJB^^B' ^-: First class work ' guamnte?<i.^^^ 1 care given 'â-  t&:.shrubbery§§MMM^^i^^ $ Phone Evanston 19^3 before- ^g^l^Mf^^: *a/m.T<Mdaffei*ffi IplJjJ^^. ttyose flours order to cdll inay be :phone^r^^0i^^^ ffepa J^iUWUCHOM^ t/** ana twx. centuries* received ^ifts of cu^ichords " m "^***'* i:Mf HiSfe In 1904 Aw famous firm Ch introduced the small grand ;*^^ie id^^'B^MMJPi^^S^ iSSli :i<W& â- SM. &i;: M:Sm;-y;::::^^^ ' WMi

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