Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 8 Jun 1923, p. 22

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psfpjsipps^^ «fPJW«"J"W.fW;i!^IWI!^»^S^*Wâ„¢7f" TO VmE LAKE SHORE NEWS. FRIDAY, TUNE 8, 1923 €hAS$mED ADVERTISEMENTS General NOttoeSâ€" Evanston to Glencoe l«c»»»»^^w^"Mn&â„¢*" ^&?â„¢tk* fetoffilorSKlS New. persons who are regular subscriber, to either The Lake Btoore News, Winnetka Weekly iaia or wi««w Black W^bt. nr>.i£ .«<i 0.M... i« «>..i^~i. #^- »*... Mmmu Mmm T-Al«nhonea W1XJI«TTJB lWU-lwl Or wiiw»i»» •»« Weekly Talk and Prlday 12 o'clock for the Olencoe News. Telephones WILMBTTI REAL ESTATE3 OWNER FORCED TO SELL VERY attractive 6 R. Colonial home. Only four blocks from transportation. On account of leaving: town soon, will sacrifice. Price $13,600, only $2,000 cash down. 7 R. stucco home in North Evans- ton, h. w.' heat, sun and sleeping porches. Owner anxious to sell. Must be seen to be appreciated. Price only $18,000*- 8 R. Stucco resident, nice location with large lot, sun and sleeping porches, h. w. heat. This is an at- tractive buy for $20,000. 8 R. stucco home on Ashland Ave. . Can move right in. 78 ft. lot and garage. Price $27,500. This is the time to take advantage of the opportunity we are offering in the buying of one our lots In the New Subdivision. Every lot will ab- solutely be advanced $6.00 per foot or $250.00 per lot on July 1st. The marvelous development that is now taking place will assure you that it will be a matter of a very short time before they will advance two- fold in value. Now is the time to buy. These lots are well restricted and we offer you every reasonable terms. A. R. EDDINGTON & CO. 1157 Wilmette Ave Tel. Wll. 640 L32-ltc HBAL HfcTATE GOOD INVESTMENT WINNETKA EXCEPTIONAL LOT IN CHOICEST S. E. Section. Nr. lake, school and trans. Easy terms. $110 per ft. Almost new 6-room stucco sun- sip, pens.; h. w. ht.; beaut. 100 ft. wooded lot; choice east section; gar. attached, $18,000. Glencoeâ€"choice E. Section 50, 60 and 76 front lots at $75 to $85 per ft. Asking $100 across street. Brand new 6 rm. clap-col. tile bath and shower, sun pen., h. w ht., 2 car . garage; 70 ft lot. Well built, near schools and trans-. Only $14,000. Kenilworthâ€"Attr. 7 rm. stucco, Ige. beaut, wooded lot, nr. school and trans.â€"Easy terms. $14,000. HEINSEN & CLARK, INC. Open Sunday Afternoons 556 Center Stree LTG32-ltc CHARLES H. BRETHOLD FIRE, LIABILITY, THEFT AND AUTO INSURANCE *' First and Second Mortgage Leases REAL ESTATE 545 Main Street Wilmette, 111. Telephone 65 LTG 20-tfc All My Vacant IN WILMETTE OAGtfS aBIMTION TO WILMETTE. located on Chestnut, Ashland, Elm- wood, Sheridan Rd., Tenth St.. and Seventh ave., comprising Lota 2-7-1© Bl 1-L2 Bl 2 T.ith Riparian rights L 4 Gl 5 L 4 Bl 6 L 3-4 Bl 9 L 9-10 * 12 Bl 10 L 6 Bl U L 1 A 1 Bl 17 and L i« Bl 18. Seven Wilmette Agents to show ttoJNO%yGAGB, B» 2«8» St. Peters- burg, Fla. FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS CENTRAL HOTELâ€"ROOMS; ST. HEAT ht. and cold rung, water* Tel. Wll. 1080. 629 Main St., Wilmette. LT82-tfc FOR RENT â€" NICELY FURNISHED room for one or two desirable per- sons. Tel. Winn. 1240. LTG-82-ltc. LTG20-tfc FOR SALEâ€"WILMETTE, NEW 8i RM. brk bungalow, easy terms, $7,500. New 6 rm. house, 8 blocks to lake, 2 porches, attractive layout, a bargain at $18,600. ' . . 6 rm. brk. 2 baths and sun porch, in finest residential section, $18,600. 9 rm. brk and stucco, 2 years old, 6 bedrms., 2 baths, 2 extra lav. 2 sun porches, lrg. slpg. porch, attched and htg. gar. 100 ft. lot beaut, land- scaped, 2 blocks to lake in finest section. Will be sold at sacrifice. HILL AND WHEELER 411 Linden Ave. Tel. 93. L-32-ltc. FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED ROOM IN private home, also garage space for one car. Telephone Wll. 2713. .mm * L32-ltp FOR RENT â€" LARGE FURNISHED room, private home, near all trans- portation. Tel. Wll. 878-J. „ „„ ^ L32-tfc FOR SALB1â€"HOUSEHOLD GOOD* CABLE-NELSON APARTMENT Up- right; walnut; practically new. Mlsa Rlsley, Wilmette 1920. WANTED TO BUYâ€"HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUTâ€"SECOND HAND furniture and other household rood*. Highest price paid for same. Crost Furniture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evanston. 111. Phone *8»iTQ.27.tfc. FOR SALEâ€"AUTOMOBILES FOR RENTâ€"ONE OR TWO NICELT furnished rooms with connecting bath in strictly residence neighbor- hood. Tel. Wil. 1772. L32-ltc 5 ACRE TRACTS BEAUTIFULLY WOODED ANDROLL- ing 5 acre Country home sites. En- tire project restricted to high class Suburban homes. A few of these beautiful tracts left at $500 per acre until June 15th, when price ad- vances. Location north west of Deerfield.___For _f urther particulars phone R. M. JOHNSTON & CO. Wilmette 68 and 444. 340 Linden Aye. 'â- '." L32-ltc OPEN FOR INSPECTION 934 SHERIDAN RD. 8 RM. FRA. AND Stucco home. Beaut.' wded. lot. CombxJit^_SjijL_and-Slp. penes,-Igo^ v. rm. across front of house, firepl., garage. Owner must sell. Sacrific- ing at $21,000. EVEY,DELESSACO. 525 Fourth St. End of *L' Wilmette 2794. "L32-ltc FOR SALEâ€"NEW 6-RM. COLONIAL house, near trans.; ht. w. ht., sun p.; 3 bedroomsâ€"all rooms light, airy; wooded lot 50x180. Owner leaving city. 144 Linden Ave., Glen- coe. Tel. Winn. 501-J. LTG32*lte â- Â»Â»*- REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR RENTâ€"4 ROOMS AND BATH; hot water heat; one block from C. & N. 'W. station. Address Lake Shore News, A-182.________________S82"lt0 FOR RENTâ€"CONVENIENT ROOMS; "Instant" hot water; all summer rates; reasonable. Apply 629'Park Ave., Tel. 2345. LS2-ltc FOR RENTâ€"ROOM, GENTLEMAN preferred. Phone Wilmette 969-W. L-30-tfc. FOR RENTâ€"FURNISHED RMS. ALSO housekeeping apt. Tel. Wil. 935-M Near all trains. LT25-tfc FOR RENTâ€"FURN. ROOM, SUITABLE for two. 1529 Washington Ave., Tel. Wil. 2917. "j______L32-ltp WANTED TO RENTâ€"ROOM GENTLEMAN, WHOSE FAMILY IS away, desires room in private home until October. Address Lake Shore News-A 193. LTG-32-ltc. HELP WANTEDâ€"MALE WANTEDâ€"AUTOMOBILE MECHAN- ICS, experienced in Cadillac- cars; . good pay. Cadillac Motor Car Co* Evanston Branch; 1820 Ridge Ave., Evanston._______â€"1_---------LTG-32»ltc. WANTEDâ€"BOYS TO WORK AFTER school and Saturday mornings. Lake Shore News. L32-ltp SITUATION WANTEDâ€"MALE For Lots and Acre Tracts in New Trier â€" SEE â€" SCHAEFER & GOLBACH 909 Ridge Ave. (near Lake Ave.) Tel. Wilmette 364 Upholstering, Draperies, hp::JMJriterior Decorator Formerly with Mandcl Bros. 519 Fourth Street, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 2228 Do You Own aFord? Don't forget that we are your headquarters for gen- uine Ford Parts* accessories and service. Skokie 712-714-716 Elm Street Winnetka Authorized Ford and Lincoln Dealers FOR SALEâ€"USED CARS DODGE TOURING CAR, 1920. CHBV- rolet Coupe, 1922, Stewart 1-ton truck, rebuilt. WERSTED 562 Lincoln Ave. MOTOR CO. Tel. Winn. 165. LTG-82-ltC. 1923 STUDEBAKBRr-FULLY BQUHV ped; California Top; seat covers; heater; bumpers; brand new spare tire; Bargain. Tel. Wilmette 2720. LTG-32-ltc. FOR SALEâ€"MISCELLANKOUS FOR SALEâ€"-A MOTOR WHEEL, WITH or without bicycle; new tires and both machines in perfect running condition. Will pay foritself_in_a short time. ^m^ntr^ee^foT^bur FOE SALEâ€"BUgCBLLAXttftiT, FOR SALEâ€"GIRL'S RANGER" â- â€ž.. cylev used |pur. months. Le0llS5 Porcelain lined ice box, like 5*** large hew mahogany hali clock SSL'- chimes. â- â- â-  '«'#^-.-. â- , www* wit^; WIFfNBTKA, ILL. FOR SALE engine; run Telephone JWPG-8Mt| MOTORCyCLB, NJNf: ri^itbout-aoo m41esn>ar«Sl Wilmette 1080. **"%» ' LTG.82.1#^ ANY v'^l; OLD RMS PAPERS MAGAZINES METAL or ' IRON? Call us and we will pay ____. yoiiJox them------- EVANSTON SCRAP IRON & METAL CO. Phone Evanston 905 1311 Foster St., Evanston LOST AND FOUND LOSTâ€"PEARL "CHI FBI" PIN. IHBN- ry SU Thomas, Alpha Nu. Reward. Tel. Wll. 11. L-32-lte. VILLAGE OF WILMETTE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERB__ GIVENâ€"that at a regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Wilmette held on the seventeenth day of April 1923, the following ordinance wan eassed by three-fourths of the mem* era of the said Council: «~ «.«*,: AN ORDINANCE TO SELL CERTAIN REAL ESTATE NO LONGER NECESSARY FOR PUB- LflC7 USE* ^ _ WHEREAS, the Village of Wilmette yi8thjL_owjie*_©*-lh^^ .. nfoiiowâ€" ------ * â-  self, 711 Park Ave. Wilmette. . L-32-ltp. FOR SALEâ€"FURNITURE, RUGS, cart, anything bought, sold or ex- changed, piano, fixtures, jplbg. lum- ber, stoves. 808 Oak St., Winn. 1212. LTG24-tfc FOR SALEâ€"2 COLONIES OF ITAL- ian honey bees, good condition. 782 Center St., Winnetka, Tel. Winn. 551-J. LTG-32-ltc. REAL ESTATE WILMETTE FOR SALEâ€"ARTISTIC 7-RM. STUCCO, Central East location, liv. rm. 14x28, 4 Sunny bedrms., one of which is 14x28, beautiful heated sun parlor, Jilso open screened pch., h. w. heat, deal arrangement. Owner must sell $15,500. Account sickness, owner forced to ? ? *ell, elegant 10 rm. home,, in wonder- £$• ful East location, mammouth liy^ ii':.0di' rm., -4 lge. master bed^fms. and two S@ff baths 2nd fl., maid's rms. and bath !|© gm 3rd fl. Billiard rm., h. w. heat, llilygarage, beautiful heavily-^wooded lot Site *00x200. Big sacrifice at $25,000. ill?! Shown by appointment. ttFRINT GEORGE & CO. y|&S Successors to M. E. Barker & Co. !l End "L" '410 Linden REAL ESTATE GLENCOE LAKE FRONT 200x600 FT. RIPARIAN RIGHTS Fine Colonial house owner F* J. Woolley, 69 Park Ave., Glencoe. ___________________LTG-30-4tp. FOR RENTâ€"HOUSES FURNISHED 11 FINE HOMES FROM $175.00 TO $275.00 a month. UNFURNISHED Ph. Wil. 407-408 L32-ltc iM'< Sti- ffs I or Rent for Season ^karge iuminer cottage situated ait Long Lake, Illinois. :^ Phone Wilmette 452 BetwIttraiKT0- A. M.: v^>|| 10 HOMES RANGING FROM $85.00 TO $135.00 a month. Wanted -to=4>uy- large^^hoTise tor rooming house. WILMETTE REALTY CO. 513 Fourth St Wilm. 1804 L32-ltc FOR RENTâ€"OFFICES AND FLATS FOR RENTâ€"OFFICES AND FLATS, 556 Center Street, Winnetka. LTG-32-ltc. FOR RENT-APARTMENT FOR RENTâ€"PLAINLY FURNISHED 5 room apartment, 2 baths; 2 blocks from Winnetka Depot, from July 1st to November 1st, $75 a month. Ad- ^ dress Lake Shore News A-194. LTG32-ltc WANTEDr-POSITION feur; experienced; house. Tel. Victory lis. AS CHAUF- will work in 4699. A. R. El- LTG-32-ltc. HELP WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"MAID FOR GENERAL housework; good home, good wages, small house. Tel. Winn. 756. LTG-32-ltc. WANTEDâ€"WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; good wages. 818 Ashland Ave^t -Tel. Wilmette 2135. LTG-32-ltc. WANTEDâ€"COOK AND ALSO SEC- ond maid. White. Family of 4 adults. Telephone Kenilworth 163. " J LTG-32-1 WANTEDâ€"WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; no laundry. 530 Laurel Ave,, W-amette, near elevated. ^TeT-Wll 847-J. LTG-32-ltc. NOTICE OP SALE OF PROPERTY * VILLAGE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Gross Point, held on the 7 day of May, A. D.-1923, the following Ordinance was passed bv a vote of more than three-fourths of all the members of the Village Board. ORDINANCE 'V BE IT ORDAINED, By the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Gross Point, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois: ^sfei SECTION 1 :)>•:«$*$$:• That the following described real Es- tate, to wit: Lots five (5) and six (6) in Block seven (7) of Soger's Subdivi- sion of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, except the East two (2) acres of the North one hundred fifteen (115) feet thereof, in Section thirty-three (33), Township forty-two (42) North. Range 13 Ease of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois, together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, being the property on which the Vil- lage Hall is located, which said build- ing was used by the Village in the conduct of its business, is no longer necessary, appropriate or required lor the use of said Village or profitable to, or its longer retention for the best in- terests of the Village. .-. SECTION 2 -rrS*-£*^Uâ€" â€"That-proposals to Sell the saidprop- erty shall be published for a period of not less than sixty (60) days in The WANTED MAIDâ€"FOR GENERAL housework, go home nights; Tel. Wil. 1167. Mrs. Snyder, 1012 Ash- land Ave. L-32-ltc. WANTED â€" EXPERIENCED MAID for general housework, four in fam- !i-y' ,no laundry. $15 a week. Tel. Kenilworth, 533. LTG-32-ltc. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENER- ai.,ho«u,8.0Â¥ork; family of two. Tel Wil. 931-J LTG-32-ltc WANTED Service You WU1 Like REAL BARGAINS^ IN_ HOMES Aim vacant, large listing of furnished houses to. rent.. \j^'+j-\;KC0-m^<:-l 5P0 LIST i. YOUR PROPERTY! FOR ^e:-©r:*$nti; ' -........ ^^rsm^K^w^^ 7«| BU» SjL, Winnetka. Tel. 1800. LTG32-ltc FOR BALEâ€"AT SACRpTCE, 604 proxTeT^Ave^ Glenco*. v^e^ attrac- tive New Engrland Colonial near Bkokle G. C. garage, v glte yard. , .„,,. XotTdf trees. Only $14,850. MlghttWOULD TilKE *ent furnished for summer. Family leaving city. . CallJ^n_ evenings «>r ^r ***â- â€" â€"^ tvf Wabash J890O.-*â€"â€" ?m t#-?m: f r >ytTG32*itp TO RBNfTâ€"FURNISHED APARTMENT WANTEDâ€"SMALL FURN. APARTt ment for light housekeeping; pre- fer private bath. Refined people, good local reference. Address -J.^B^ K. 1130 Oakwood Ave. __^_____^^ L32-ltp FOR RENTâ€"ROOMS FOR RENT-----NICELY FURNISHED large airy bedroom; private family; one block from Glencoe R. R. and Electric station; 2 blocks from Hazel Ave., bathing beach; gen tie- LTG-32-ltc. FOR RENTâ€"TWO LARGE LIGHT furnished rooms, private bath, ^kitchen privilege, exclusive, east te^near Indian HiHâ€"Station and^iakeV 164 Woodland Ave., Tel. Winn; 1548. LTC32-ltc TO COMMUNICATE ^jwtth couple desiring two rooms In Lii^ome in Hubbard W:oods;housekeep* giilng privileges, C. S. or Protestant. ^T3.-%inn., 014......,..;^^:..3MPCh4«-**^- WANTED MAIDâ€"FOR GENERAL housework, small house; no wash- ing. Tel. Winn. 1558. ?LTG^32^T SITUATION WANTEDâ€"FEMALE WANTEDâ€"OFFICE POSITION BY young ladyâ€"Special experience in â- -SSi1 E8tat* "ork. Tel. Wilmette 2706- LTG-32-Uc. NURSE ^WILL CARE FOR SEMI-IN- 22â„¢ l^J2WI1* ^Sme- Address Lake Shore News A-192. LT32-2tn FOR SALEâ€".HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALEâ€"ONE HOT POINT VACU- um cleaner with attachments $10. Sfl* 54"lnS!? /u>»»«d oak dining table. $25. One «Q.inch; Queen Anne buffet dark oak,.. f«o.- One 8<olid mahogany coeâ€"34*7â€"^saaress 760 Grove St Mk":---:-- *£" - ' L32-ltp" Glencoe. FOR SALEâ€"DINING TABLE AND 4 chairs,$25, white enamel bassinette ^with aiattteas, like new, |4;l?. bFsjf -?52S»JrlS »«,p|n,«8' **• one poreh swing, $3, one dresser, $15. mahog- any rocker, $5. Tel. Winn.* 1390 R jLTG-32-ltc, AND used household-goods. 1644 Manle g Ave^ Evanston. Phoxie^Evans. 108 rowing described premises: Beginning at a point on South line of Northeast Quarter (N. E. %) of Southeast Quarter (8. E. %) o? Sec- tion twenty-eight (28), at Its intersec- tion with East line of Sixteenth Street in the Village of Wilmette, Cook Coun- ty* .Illinois., produced North; thence North parallel with West line of said Northeast Quarter (N. B. %) of South- east quarter (a E. Ji) of Section twen- ty-eight (28), 64W feet to a line J9!1 fe?^ Southwest of and paral- lel with Southwesterly line of right of ZtX* of~ ft? „P/iICAS° NORTHWEST^ ERN RAILWAY CO., thence Nx>rth- easterly at right angles to said South. -IISHiIkT1^10t way line 191 feet to said right o* way line; thence North- feet to^a point; thence South on a line Sif^S?*/iler»(,J>AB' A) °/ Southeast S^k^ocI8; %•â-  H2 ©flection twenty- «!?!♦* ^8>#toSo«lh line thereof; thence S5SL*f6..^eA* â-  tfi PIaC« of beginning, $#ctptvn*L there'rom th« Intersection 2i^^a J}lKJ?w-a1y' extending along West $Z!L££rj£g£L ot Wfty Of CHICAGO & 5SRT,HWBSTERN^.RAILR°AI>. com- Sfi*13!' kR°^? 58 We8t Railroad Ave- «oe^ in-*?02k. CountZ{, Illinois, r8 'S.1?85ftf*^5»'lh« Warranty Deed of it-B^iWIN â- 5BM£fiF1, ai»d MARY J- ?& WK?J«ai\d EDWARD H. BAGLEf #i?d *vNGJILA u' h,B wife, Of Chicago, i0,-!.h? •^lIJa«GB«.of Wilmette, dated n^eU8i 30th> i916- recorded in the «?ic^«der? °,ffic,e of Cook County, HJIib211*' l5«Book. **» 494 ot Records, 22 eaf? 48^' aB Document No. 6,712,431, °\S&£g&i*J "th. 1915; and «»]^£rii£<l*A.s' the aforesaid premise! *«?. n°w being used as a public street «7i*#k7owi?'*£.,* Part of Sixteenth WhA^JI Village of Wilmette; and „Aw."f3Kf'AS, the said premises are ?°n»i°-^er# necessary, appropriate, or «?qwfiea Jlor >he «ae of the Village 25« wi.*ettie f or 8uch Purpose, nor ; J^1^J}B lo**** retention be for the^ w&Jy ^ ^ ^ Village of-WHf NOW. THEREFORE, .1 ^t^ORSA^BD BY THE PREStl Lake Shore_News and Jthat^said prop- J^S^liSff^lOARD^OF^ TRUSTEES 5W e«y=besoHT to the highest and best |T^AV_IJ'I'AGE_ OF WILMETTE: bidder; provided, however, the Board of Trustees may by majority vote re- ject any and all bids received therefor. SECTIONS u- That in the event said property is sold as herein provided, the President of the Board of Trustees and the Clerk of the said Board are hereby author- ized and directed to convey said prop- erty to such party or parties whose bids have been accepted, by a proper deed or deeds of conveyance, stating therein the price therefor, with the seal.of the'corporation, ^'-^wt -tkt SECTION *'â- â- '"â- " This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after Its passage, approval and publication. PASSED this 7 day of May, 1923 APPROVED this 7 day of May, 1923 JOSEPH BLESER MATHEW SCHNEIDER N. J. MILLER ATTEST: EDWARD A. SCHNEIDER " Village Clerk EDWARD ZEUTSCHEL President _ m m j PROPOSALS Bids for the above described prop- erty are hereby solicited. Said bids must be In writing and sealed and deposited with the Village Clerk of the Village of Gross Point, on or before the hour of 6:00 o'clock P^M. on the 1st day of August, A. D. 1928. Said bids will be submitted to the Board ot\ Trustees of „ the1 Village^of considered at the regular meeting of said Board of Trustees to be held on WeiSn?2l?y' the A8t- d*y o1* August, A. D. 1923, or at the first regular meet- ing, or adjourned regular meeting of. said-Board of Trustees, held after that date.. The right to reject any and all bl JOSiEiHPlKES^RiflCally *e8erVea' MATHEW SCHNEIDER ^Py'^:-^j- ~ N. J. MILLER •......- -......^ ^«>:^^ :' _EDW_ARD^U SCHNEIDER â€"^*^ Village Clerk . Si^pf-'A^&^W â- EDWARD ZETJTSCHEII*«i^';S^^ DATED this TdajLjO^May^-iajj^-- ftf^!^!5 J' That the premises, as hiffildKi^,adverti8ed 'w aale to the ?hfhS&«5iM^' and. that a notice of) pSSv1^^**^?!1 ^ S?u» together with a ?nPZJ>I^J? Ordinance be published! Pullet #«alJleW8JDaJ>er of general cir-i (60* days? Per»od °' at^east sixty| efrfe**?^*!, Tlhl8 ordinance shall take! ^passaSe^ torce *rom and afte^ ofPaiwS^ th»e Xre8l*«nt and Board| m^tte^fJf0^ °LJ&L Viljiage of Wil- Sid V°£.i&* 17th^day oTApril, 1923, â- !? thWrSil6* *4!d flled ln the Office thli lfith11^6 9KPk „of »*« Village mis 18th day of April, 1928. »ARL B. ORNER. ot^r<&S*y the pXSiSSt61^ cWkhe<v2i,fa*â„¢<£ Wilmette^ da?kof AprtV*! A1jinot8' thl8 18th ATTBaST* Ula*e ?* WUmette EARL * E. ORNER. f t $$df^.: '. ' Ana ♦!.«* w.Yl,Ia«e Clerk, aaid nr«it5.*bld8 .C?1^ the purchase of VUlaJ£°£Er& ^IM*be received by the P M* JiSLer»k* , ^*ht (8) o'clock diilv ZXiZA* !•*?• which Wda will be meetln*P«'fedi.-and.^ «•*â- Â«â€¢?#* at the Jullr a* iIm116!?*1^00^?.*11 to be held the vTli2J!8»Jn ^5lfi Village Hall of o'clock Tm °i« W«mette at -eight SMola^^^^^ S^jrfe^e^^rliS^ W'bfSJ^ge ^alff^al^e6 «« S» t?0n»v«y«d °y the vSfige of Wil- ^ bld^r^h1^y?d-ijg^Snt deed to, and ^^^.Kft?8ll.^1ir8ha,l *• accepted, purchae2â- â- ftfil di?ly Pay or secure the of wtffiette? there«>r to the Village §3 VILLAGE OF^ ^WlLMBTTB^- ^m^^i-^m -BDWARD ZIPF, --Z2 â€"rr^fit*Â¥m*&J£«-.- -'â€"â- â€":-------' Fresident •-â€"- L25-10tc

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