;? f"^S^^0^^!f^'9^.t;<^tv" THE LAKE SHORE NEWS, FRIDAY. TUNE â- ».....""»^i»pi" "Flesh and Blood" will open next week's program at the Hoyburn. In the cast are such stars of the cinema as Lon Chaney, Edith Roberts, Jack Mulhall, Ralph Lewis and Noah Beery. It is a powerful drama depiciting a father's sacrifice. The picture will show on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Jun« 4, S and 6. The attraction iorThursday and Fri* day, June 7 and 8, will be "The Toll of the Sea." This is the first motion picture produced in natural color. The principal players are Kenneth Harlan and Anna May Wong. The story is a Chinese legend of the sea, « "Stormswept" comes to the Hoyburn for Saturday, June 9. Wallace and Noah Beery are the stars. There will also be an episode_of "Fighting Blood" in the Saturday program. "Heroes of the Street," with'Wesley Barry in the principal role, will be seen at the Hoyburn for three days be- ginning, June 14. L Howard Theater "Masters of Men" will be the How- ard feature picture on Sunday, June 3. There will also be the customary specialties for that day. "You Can't Fool Your Wife" will be seen at the Howard on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, June 4, 5, 6 and 7. Tom Mix will be the Howard star on Friday and Saturday, June 8 and 9. "Secrets of Paris," with an all-star cast including Lew Cody, Gladys Hul- ette, Montague Love, Dolores Cassin- -etti, J. Bafncy Slreriy aml-W*W«nr Collier, Jr., will show at the Howard on Sunday, June 10. The picture is taken from Eugene Sue's famous novel of that title. It depicts "Paris â€"the city of gay love and passionate emotionsâ€"from the ermine-robed ar- istocracy to the rag-tattered under- world." "The Girl of the Golden West," will Anita. Stewart, famous cinema star, Irene Palton*- also well known on the screen, ^and some 300 batfiing girls, worked last week in scenes for "Holly- wood, being produced by James Cruze, who made "The Covered Wagon" for Paramount. A California beach was employed for the background. Many men were also in the crowd of beach revelers %ho took part in the ensemble. The Adelphi theatre has picked up wonderfully ? under the progressive management of Newell & Retchin, own- ers of the Howard theatre, and it is now one of the most popular of up-town theatres. t-H^/ -%:;: -V â- cessary to maintain the exacting high standards of Ford manufacture, pro- duction has been gradually increased smce-the-fitst_«i the^year4mtjLatrprerl. sent-the company is operating on a~" schedule in excess of 6,500 completed cars aroHriicks-a" dayr~-ir!Si^^ While reservations now are being put on early predictions that this year would see 3,000,000 cars and trucks produced in the United States, increasing demand for Ford products will, all indications are, keep produc- tion at capacity rate for the remainder of the year, bringing it well over the million and a half mark by Jan- $zlyJ next' maintaining the estab- lished Ford percentage of producing as many cars and trucks as all other manufacturers combined. •Buddy" Messenger is turning' out some pretty good comedies now. They are very popular with the children, and are good for many a laugh from the older people. SELL 395362 FORDS T0DATE THIS YEAR be seen at the Howard on June 14, 15 and 16. L Adelphi Theater^ Alice Bradyi brilliant star pi stage and screen, will be the feature at- traction at the Adelphi theatre on Sunday, June 3. The vehicle is "The Snow Bride," a picture of the frozen ;north. The photography is beautiful, the scene replete with virile action and the plot well defined. "The Girl of the Golden West," which last week created a sensation at the Chicago theatre, will he seen . at the Adelphi on'Monday and Tues- day, June 4 and 5. It is a story of the days of -49. The title has been immortalized on stage and in opera. Charles Ray comes to the Adelphi for Wednesday and Thursday, June 6 and 7 in his great triumph, "The Girl I Loved," considered the best picture that famous cinema star has produced. :v::;>- -'""-:'"- The big double feature bill forJEri day, June 8, brings Dorothy Phillips -to the^ Adelphi.-........She_ will be „ seea in "The World's a Stage," a remarkable depiction of stage life in contrast with the private Jife of the theatrical pro- fession, illustrating the forces con- stantly at work to undermine the happiness of those who entertain from behind the foot 1 ights.^g Richard Dix and Kenneth Harlan appear in_the cast with Miss Phillips. Another â- feature of^the double bill wilt\..h* the Sales of ^Ford cars and trucks in the United States alone for the first quarter of 1923. reached the enormous total of 395,962, the greatest sales rec- ord in the history of the Ford Motor company for a similar period of months. This is an increase of 135 per cent over the same months (last year when Ford retail deliveries to- taled 168,500. â€"â„¢T- ~ â€"â€" Even these stupendous figures do not indicate the number of sales which could have been made had pro- duction facilities been greater. Every month dealer requirements have been far in excess of the company's manu- facturing ability. For May, dealers' orders reached the enormous figure of 300,000 Ford Cars ancHfnicfcs; Following .ilwr expeh_„__ _ __ ..... lions of dollars for new machinery, ex- pansion of manufacturing units and enlargement of assembly plants, ne- Any man who owns an automobile and remains an old bachelor has no one to blame but himself. Robert Quillen. SING IN MUSIC FESTIVAL Eighth grade pupils of the Wilmette public schools sang in the children's chorus at the North Shore Music Festival, Evanston, Saturday. Every schooLalong the north shore filled its allotment. HOYBURN ** THEATRE ** 615 Davit St, Evanston Matinees 2 end 4 Evening* 7 and • HOYBURN THEATRE Children'* Morning Show SATURDAY; JUNE 2 1st Show, 9:30; 2nd 11 aim. '•TpHdtTENTffg Douglas McLean ^Wf1' NEXT WEEK Mon.-Tues.-Wed., June 4-5-0 "FLESH AND BLOOD" witk M Lon Cnanney, Edith Robert*' Jack Mulhall, Ralph Lewis S#iW 'â- *â- *',Wonk Beery •â- â- :Ǥ. ji"ii'i"M"'i'"- " I i â- "â- I - 'â- • '% Thiff p*fi) f\mn 7-8 iTHETOLL OF THE ;:g;v;.:,i^:;:.;:SEAr-^-.;-::-,:f- THE FIRST MOVING PIC- TURE IN NATURAL COLOR â- '. with â- $^i., KENNETH HARLEM #- %!â- â- #:'; an* â- â- ':-â- â- :& ^*' "ANNA MAY WONG -â- ; « >'.;?"*" Saturday, June 9 WALLACE end NOEL BEERY il^IG|rtlNG:.BLOODrvJ THmT^TBe^Cmid^m Within?1 ii; "Masters of Men", will be seen at the Adelphi on Saturday, June 9. Com; ing to the theater on June 10 will be "One Exciting Night." I SCREEN CLIPPINGS . Lew Cody, who for several months has been playing old-cloflies parts, with the exception of "Rupert of Hentzau," a costume picture, essays his first dressed-up part of the season in "Law- ful Larceny." In "Lawful Larceny" he appears with Hope Hampton, Nita Naldi and Conrad Nagel. William de Mille introduced some- thing new to the Paramount West Coast Studio- recently. He_.had real grass around a house which had been built for scenes in his new l>roduction, "Only 38," and found it necjessarjrto employ a gar- dener to keep it trimmed andTwatered:/ He is^belifved to he the first studio S*Tâ€" ' dener'M V-W-:-~,-P ^-MW&M-&0^M:-. f:-3" "?«: N. W. UV Station at Howard "â- V-'ia Saturday, June".2 v\;sL£-.:£ . â- â- â- â- ^K^LAST' TIMES NORMA TALMADGE ^WITHIN THg LAyr Sunday, June 3 VITAGRAPH'S SUPER SPECIAL "MASTERS OF MEN" Mon.-Tuea.-Wed.-Thur., June e-- .;•â- â- :â- â- 4-S-«-7 .; Leatrice Joy, Lewis Stone, Nitha Naldi â- • -r :â€":â- - IN â- -:>&;&r*-iA.^ GEO. MBLFORD'8 ; SUPERPRODUCTION "YOU CANT FOOL YOUR .â- •â- -•-â- â- • ::-^WH&j:W£PX-- Fri and Sat., June 8-9 TOM MIX "STEPPING FAST" LARRY SEAMON ?NOv WEDDING BFI.LS" S#-. Fri. .and Sat., June' l-2|©iff§ REGINALD DENNY"^- 'TOE ABYSMAL BRUTE" . Sunday, June 3' â- "â- fMi:- ALICE bradyIIISI: "THE SNOW BRIDE" Si Men. end Tims* June 4-S WARREN KERRIGAN And Selected Cast In Balaaeo'a' :muTHE GIRL OF THE « â- ziB: GOLDEN -. WESm^Il Wed. and Thur, 6-7 ICHAS. RAY II In Hla Newett and Beat "THE GIRL I LOVE* ii§|f flstii Fri and Sat., June 8-» GLORIA ^WANSON "PRODIGAL r DAUGHTERS'9 The North Shore's Most Representative Theatres "Anthracite the nearest subsitute" Madeira Hill Domestic Coal ' THE 100%^UEtrPOR HOUSEHOLD USeS|^||1! Absolutely Smokelessâ€"Low Ashâ€"High Hea£0UMmB. gruschow-McCabe coal i&mSi- Wholesale Distributors â- __OLP COLON^BUILDING _^ â- ^mm^^^MlCAO^m^ Phones Harrison-.8165-8166-8167^Wm&&M§iM. "WB "ESS STUDEBAI^|9 :. 4 jWe: have moved WidUf^M^W^^ Cor. Oak Ave. and Davis St., Evanston, 111. iome g^|- the real hpnae service Jhore Studebaker Agenc We Build on Service ;,Wes1e^" "Freckles'* Barry may be it-_comes to age and size, but he has a live-man job all rolled in one in his latest picture, "The Print- er's Deiril." "Freckles" is the chief en- gineer, janitor, reporter, assistant editor and printer's devil on the Briggsville ^Gazetteâ€"-wherever that is^fr^ ^ ^ t Harold Lloyd's much touted new re- lease, "Safety Last^" is^showing: in Chi- cago this week. &0$t&:^:. &->:,; '^P^:f:% We use the very best roofing; We are a North Shore Organization; "&ji^$*mM We give you a 10-year service guarantee against ^â- â- S leaks and curling shingles; - ^^^:ti:^^::M^ When the robins have raised their young and gone South for the winter we stay here ready to take care of your roof during the hazardous months. Let us refer you to the We*tM>rekthd (Country Club and hundreds of other 0\ fine jobs and satisfied owners* Get Our Very Reasonable Estimate Is ncnv hi^ chaise Sf our Glencoe office Residence Phone Winnetka 1987 3201 Emer»QM St^ 342 Purk Av«n EVANSTON, ILL. PHONE EVANSTON 702« GLENCOE, ILL/ PHONE GLENCOE 1W. THE same scientific plan! ning that goes into the" construction of a great can- tilever bridge makes the brid«e--ol^a-jCantileAtei ____ the perfect support for your Joot. Pliant, flexible leather Is tne only Irnaterlar iMt i§ used in making it--there is no unyielding metal in the arch. The spring in your feet will make you forget the heat in the air as you walk in Cantilevers. %M â- 'â- -â- â- â- â- MM Trim lines that conform to the latest styles in footwear, and smooth, glossy leathers make your feet feel well- dressed for any; tailored e*c* casion. -M'M ' ^f 'â- â- â- 'â- M i|'f|^ flexible shoe jof your flexible "/ooillll IPACKER & OSTILLER'S 11 mm lis 529 Davis Street EVANSTON, ILL. ISii In the North ^Mmm Evuuton '«7S7