'! Jf|*r; THE r.Airtt .WORRNEWS. FRIDAY/MAY 25, BOYS LOOK GOOD IN RELDE VENTS Annual Grade School Field Day Comet June 5 Although plans for Field Bay are not yet completed, it is thought that the event will be held at New Trier fie^d. Besides the track and field events, a baseball game to decide the championship of the seventh and eighth grades, will be tone of the features of the occasion. Suspend Three Policemen For Alleged Misconduct I . . ; ^ - â- :â- , Patrolmen Joe May, Herman Vance -Looking forward to annual Field|and Gottfried Ahrendt of the Wil- Day, Tuesday, June 5, pupils of the mette p0Hce force were suspended Wilmette public schools have been in Sunday, May 20, as the result of a continuous training for track and fie^? I collision early Sunday at a Wilmette evejits.^ Under the direction of L. F. {street intersection, between a car in Todd, director of physical education, j whfch they were passengers and a trials in most of the events have al-| Bowman Dairy company milk wagon. ready been run off and many sur-lfhe horse attached to the milk wagon prising marks have been registered by" the youthful stars. Dick Brown has been one of the best performers in the tryouts and, all things considered, should win a medal or two on Field Day. In the trials he has run the 100 yard dash in 11:3 seconds and has made a record of 8 feet 9 inches in the standing broad jump. Robert Blasdell is another perform- er of merit. In the 100 yard dash he runs second to Brown and he has suc- ceeded in putting the 12 pound shot a distance of 34 feet. Thirty-six feet is good distance for high schools. In the high jump Paul Feltman and Har- ry Wilson are the top notchers. Both boys have cleared the bar at a height of four feet and 10 inches. Five feet notâ€"badâ€"performanceâ€"for^iiglr VILLAGE MANAGER ILL Village manager, C. C. Schultx, was confined at his home several days this week because of illness. He was ex- pected to resume his duties at the Vil- lage offices later in the week. JOINS CLORE COMPANY Mrs. Rose A. Reynolds, formerly a resident of Kenilworth, has become af- filiated with the Wallace B. Clore real estate company with offices in the new Rockhold building, Wilmette. schools. was so seriously injured as to make it necessary to put it to death, it was said. The policemen, village authorities explain, though on duty at the time, were not passengers of the machine in the pursuit of their duties. Horse Frightened by Dog Injures Its Girl Rider Roberta Hope, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hope, of 1526 Washington avenue, is at the Evantson hospital re- covering from injuries received early this week when she was thrown from a horse she was riding on a road west of the village. The animal became frightened by a dog which rushed out from a farmyard...._.TJbe__girl^._thougn.. "~~ " "" be re- Are You a Member? CHICAGO MOTOR CLUB Established 1906 J. G. STANTON Wilmette Branch Mgr. North Shore Hotel, Evanston 6400 1-4 Million Cash Returned by auto insurance de- ^^^partment in 1922 iw////iw?MMMM??/jm}jwjjm/MM/mMm2k painTuIIy injured, was covering satisfactorily. said GRACE FORBES SHOP Sport Apparel Summer Frocks Making Gowns and Frocks also Room 217 Hoyburn Theatre Bldg. 516 Davis St. EVANSTON Telephone 7467 Welch's Cafeteria Wilmette w m We'll soon be in our new location Get a Dinner Here 1 any evening and you'll # sure to meet many of your neighbors. They go where they can get delicious food and satisfactory service. Il The Cafet&fawayl is the best way m^^^^F^mm^mmmmi STERNER'S Paint and Decorating; Business Wi/f Be in Their New Quarters Saturday, May 26th, 1923 1213 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 2491 Clean Upi f itlfftili â- itISi sstttii fSSii mm ifJPfl B0M^i: TEe pride you feel in your home is reflected in its appearance. Whe^y^ that painran^varriisH cost little, yet giyen a chance they can accomplish wonders. Cfl ?# ^ ~ as \vell, saving you the many annoying and expensive " repairsr that tfyafiahly "t^b^i^'rc^finiiefflleglect. So ^ m-,;m0ortt putit ^ifrput it oivâ€"theri's anAD-Ek-ITE Painti %n^;^arMsh^£^ iiillii;; â- yaiCiS;;v;<-'«'?#'i â- ••;?*â- â- â- â- :â- .â- vara;,.- M^iiMt Pbin^^G^^^^MlM^i WIIIS^ dealerfliamed P|l|i; abov#and^a lval*iabie|^^ l^aturday, .i>M-i-~* mm â- ."â- '.-.i'.-.'iSife* if^^tt^f^d^fififii- â- Ills'!'"a'"Tv"T?^:^:^£::â„¢^j ^ , â- -:^mA:- .tp^â- â- l^^f^#M^S®^^^^^^^ l-::?;t AD-EL-ITE:v:; Do^ HI rif8!|^ a.rifi â- c\noire :rr^w^-^^zis:9;r^(M^^,~^^ i S^4#M»wÂ¥ „ „>ii„^..,..<1,..i8 &^TOofJ|ric^ ?a^Â¥^H YGIfiNIG ^vKalsom room, liftssii?^ BS#».,»;*,AD-E^IT^arriishes1Ffor||wp^ WglgaifmNAPLESvVg^g$â€"^fat:?ipallsipaint ^ihafiW"" ' iillfIIP washable ' ^^ ,J^i free ^lon^riiilS ^kJettf^souveM viM&H Â¥lU PAIN :andwaceessoriesPs,ir "' ,*Mt**1 It is very remark- able that among our regular customers many have moved to Chicago but con- tinue to send their work to us. They do this because they are convinced tha£ we do highly satis- work3me- any^hefer tablislildllf thS riig Khave any ^^^ifinlber't)fli^fi|^ i«iiiiiii^|fp||^|^ Si .',•'.;'*â- ', "â- ' 'â- iV- ^ '-.^ ^â- .~>..,".'"i'.,-"ikS*."."^&...^i,.-i&. ....^t -iS^I^Sil^l^ F& ;fSi' ..........jusia^ â- :$i$Sl WM& i0-§!^[W^m %*â- â- â- ^M^mM, Estimates Cheerfully Given |||f|g||?|l^|s| as ineiv or )VaE w................__:..........^^»i^fti^Sisi^tii^^p?a?5 iental and Domentic Rugs ^BlI $8M