mmBsmmmsmm SWmriJ^IW â- :8»' THB LAKE SHORE HEwf FRlt^vg It VIIjIjAGIB OF WILJMBTTBJ PUBLIC NOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Wilmette held on the seventeenth day of April; 1923, the following ordinance was passed by three;fourths of the mem- bers of the said Council: : â- -wmâ- 'â- ,% "%.>. AN â- OiUMJiAWCB'^V.m:-^^"-- TO SELL, CERTAIN REAL ESTATE NO LONGER NECESSARY FOR PUB- LIC USE. WHEREAS, the Village of Wilmette Is the owner of the title in fee to the following described premises: Beginning at a point on South line of Northeast Quarter (N. E. %) of Southeast Quarter (S. E. %) of Sec- tion twenty-eight (28), at its Intersec- tion with East line of Sixteenth Street in the Village of Wilmette, Cook Coun- ty, Illinois, m produced Norths thence North parallel with^West line of said Northeast Quarter (N. E. &) of South- east quarter (S. E. %) of Section twen- ty-eight (28), 646.1 feet to a line 191 feet Southwest of and paral- lel with Southwesterly line of right of way of the CHICAGO NORTHWEST- ERN RAILWAY CO, thence North- easterly at right angles to said South- westerly right-of- way- line 191 feet to said right of way line; thence North- westerly along said right of way line 66 feet; thence Southwesterly at right angles to said right of way line 227.1 feet to a point; thence South on a line parallel with West line of said North- east Quarter„<N. H. £> „of Southeast Quarter (S. E. %) of Section twenty- eight (28) to South line thereof; thence East 66 feet to place of beginning, excepting therefrom the intersection of a highway, extending along West side of right of way of CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILROAD, com- monly known as West Railroad Ave- nue, in Cook County, Illinois, as described In the Warranty Deed of J. EDWIN DEMPSEY and MARY J„ his wife, and EDWARD H. BAGLEY and ANGELA L., his wife, of Chicago, to the Village of Wilmette, dated .August-Mtlu JL915,____recorded in thfr Recorder's office of Cook County, Illinois, in Book 13, 434 of Records, on Page 488, as Document No. 5,712,431, on September 17th, 1915; and WHEREAS, the aforesaid premises are now being used as a public street and known as a part of Sixteenth Street ,in the Village of Wilmette; and WHEREAS, the said premises are no longer necessary, appropriate, or required for the use of the Village of Wilmette for such purpose, nor would its longer retention be for the best interests of the Village Of Wil- mette; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESI- DENT and BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE^ OF WILMETTE: Section 1, That the premises, as aforesaid be advertised for sale to the highest bidder, and that a notice of the proposal to sell, together with a copy of this Ordinance be published in some local newspaper of general cir- *;ulati9n fOT a Period of at least sixty (60) days. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Wil- mette on theâ€"17th day of April, 1923,"" and deposited and Med in the Office ?£. th,eo*YuIa«e Clerk of said Village this 18 th day of April, 1923. "**?* EARL E. ORNER, ^ . Village Clerk. Approved by the President " ' of the Village of Wilmette, I Cook County, Illinois, this 18th day jot April 1923. EDWARD ZIPF, ATTEST; â- ;â- ?â- â- '?, ^:tRâ„¢^F«?$"fSl' 'EARL.' m, ORNER, t:X$i$t$mmk- ' a * *v , ^ tillage Clerk. «*knd that bids for the purchase of •aid property will be received by the Village Clerk, up to eight (8) o'clock £. M. July 8, 1*28, which bids will be duly opened and considered at the meeting of the said Council to be held i£ly <.&» 1923' Jn the Village Hall of the Village of Wilmette at eight o <HQOk 5r. M: AU bIds 8ent to the said Village Clerk shall be marked on the outside "Bid for real estate." The said Council reserves the right, pursuant to statute, to reject by majority vote any or all bids. The said real estate will be conveyed by the Village of Wil- mette by proper and sufficient deed to the bidder whose bid shall be accepted, and who shall duly pay or secure the purchase price therefor to the Village of Wilmette. mmV'ii&Adm^QF- wilmette, "«•-, EDWARD ZIPF, :c?P^"yU^Wm^y President- â- â- g^"^-^ â- -,â- "â- â- â- â- ^ ^ ^ ' L25-10tc NOTICB OF SALE OF VILLAGE ^ PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Gross Point, held on the T day or May, A. D. 1923, the following Ordinance was passed by a vote of more than three-fourths of all the members of the ~ Village Boardfe*#ssf;;â- 'â- 'â- â- .-â- â- ;:' ';,::::w',â- "' ;'â„¢-'.; â- ,^S»SSr,;:©RIMtNAJir€B:'S€#s BE IT ORDAINED, By the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Gross Point, in the County of Cook and State of Illinois: SECTION 1 That the following described real es- tate, to wit: Lots five (5) and six (6) in Block seven (7) of Seger's Subdivi- sion of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter, except the East two (2) acres of the North one hundred fifteen (115) feet thereof, in Section thirty^three (S3 ), Townships forty-two (42) North, Range 13 East of the Third Principal Meridian, in Cook County, Illinois,--together with all the buildings and improvements thereon, being the property on which the Vil- lage Hall is located, which said build- ing was used by the Village in the conduct of its business, is no longer necessary, appropriate or required for the use of said Village or profitable to, or its longer retention for the best in- terests of the Village. SECTION 2 That proposals to sell the said prop- erty shall be published for a period of not less than sixty (60) days in The Lake Shore News and that said prop- erty be sold to the highest and best bidder; provided, however, the Board of Trustees may by majority vote re- ject any and all bids received therefor. SECTIONS' .......f~ " That' in the event said property is sold as herein provided, the President of the Board of Trustees and the Clerk of the said Board are hereby author- ized and convey said prop- erty to such party or parties whose bids have been accepted, by a proper deed or deeds of conveyance, stating therein the price thereier,__with th«» seal of the corporation. SECTION 4 This Ordinance shall be in force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication. PASSED this 7 day of May, 1923 APPROVED this 7 day of May, 1921 JOSEPH BLESER 1MATHEW SCHNEIDER N. J. MILLER ATTEST: â- . *f |^4W^^^ School of Play Production '"^%hd. Dramatic Art '*"-"•*â- "â- *" Make-Up. ^1 '"'H.- development, Character5 and Coaching of Plays, Voice, Studio /55J| Grove Street Glencoe w/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////w lomoi lonoi EVANSTON BUILDING MATEmALC Phone Evanston 8906 m St. and C. & N. W. Tracks lOBOl ff^/.MM^/>J^^ Son Best Lubricating Oldahonm Oilsâ€"Light, medium and heavy $2.85 extra Pennsylvania Oilsâ€"Light, medium and heavy $3.50 extra S^SSKS^^-l-"^" keavy $3.75 '" :X:*1*;:;'-Mv/r:^ If 1 fo^ on- $2.85 K;lffl|SlIÂ¥nese. prices are ' baseii on, 5r-gallon - lots lllfSpecial•-pricesonbarrerand j^-barrel quantities These Prices are Effective to May 30 WILMETlllBATllRY SERVICE :<A.:Â¥|^^^^:^*^^*^:';^:': l$ffffiMSHpilli: Open evenings until 8:30 ^ ^M^S5SSf0^ Avenue (Rear of Stole ........"lit ThmteWitm^^0^ EDWARD A. SCHNEIDER „.,____ VlflUge Clefk EDWARD 2EUTSCHBL w* fv" â- ' â- President liilSSlllli _ PROPOSALS Bids for the above described â- J^M^&f. prop- erty are hereby solicited. Said bids must be in sealed and deposited with the Village writing and _ _epi Clerk, of the Village of Gross Point on ng vii or before the hour of 8:00 o'clock P. M. on the 1st day of August, A. D. 1928. Said bids will be submitted to the Board of Trustees of the Village of Gross Point and will be opened and considered at the regular meeting of said Board of Trustees to be held on Wednesday, the -1st day of August, A. D. 1923, or at the first regular meet- ing, or adjourned regular meeting of said Board of Trustees, held after that date. The right to reject any and all bH^i?»AeJreJfeJrJIRSS.lflcaUy reserved. â- â- â- JOSEPH BLESER' â- £. n*-f i.....::â- :& . MATHEW SCHNEIDER """"" -"^" ' f i N. J. MILLER i EDWARD A. SCHNEIDER Village Clerk EDWARD ZEUTSCHEL DATED this 7 day of May, 1923. r â€" -,-,-.â€"........ ; - â- L88-10tc A. A. Faupel, 230 Doyle court, a well known resident of the village, is gravely ill at his ho|M8uffei>j|y^.:aÂ¥i| attack of pneumonia,: '^f^li^^'Jl -h Read the Want Ads = â- "•l!^0m§^-V'WM^c .-'.Ml -â- "•:/â- â- â- 'â- 'iig.f.-r:.i--,^!»*.â„¢ S f» Qm Advertisers m tin â- ^mm '», 'i '•â- i»;»*».;»y Wilmette Sho« Store Edinger & Son* Skokie Motor Co. Evanston Bldg. Material Lulias Bros. ............ Rockhold Bldg. ... Nelson Laundry . The Full Page Roll- of f.:.;;;:y;;:,^,.l mf.S.;...i ..V........1 :;u..., .v.i ......,.;,.^:i Honor con-^ tinues to grow. Merchants are being convinced that full-page ads dominate the attention of readers and bring in business. They believe that there are times when they need a full page on which to advertise their goods and services. Watch it grow! Full Page Roll of Honor Hubbard Woods Lumber and Coal Company .........................7 Winnetka Coal-Lumber Co; ........4 Wilmette Bldg. Material .. .....2 Shoreen Motor Company ..........2 North Shore Bootery..............1 R. H. Schell A Company..........1 *JMNf,U^WIB*:^ NPiSUffi.< ^ The Nelson Laundry offices at Main street ^trid/^eM ceiving the annual spring rcdecoratioo :Aif ^e«rtp,^^rl.^^:^|4^ sign has been placed at the entrance. is what we specialise Jri^Wiejitii sold here.:v^ave.v/>ee|t^'J^|feM| handled... ;^ ^|.^:; ^ J| mWlSB "*' . They Mir* l»eeh: plreplll^llii care and are sold to make; satts*sf fied customers. Try us and yoil ! will find that oar meats arfi delicious. ;»H;.^.. :^y£/%M^!$ffl$^ Specials for Saturday, May 26 'if Pork Loins, young and Whole Loin, per lb. . Native Rib-roast, Rolled, (No bone, no waste) lb. Bacon Squares : Bacon, whole. of; half : | ^ SiaO . . . ....... ....... . . . .«94> California Hams, small and lean : r.-vt.-t; . :fZZy&ZWifjf* Native Boiling Beef. .. .12*4 Hamburger, fresh ground, Fresh Spareribs .......12^4 Pot Roast, Native #1 SLICED BACON, 3 pounds ...... 11.00 IWMtlCashl 1189 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wilmette 2779 We deliver in Evanston, Wilmette, Kenilworth, low dian Hill, Winnetka Phone Orders Receive Careful Attention II ?;iii^i 11^^ M Phoot Wilmette 1436 PHONE .YOUR. ORDER; T^^t^^^^i^S^^m^ Hormels Dairy Brand Hams, whole, per lb. Youno;, Lean Porkloins, per Native Pot ^ Shortlegft, Young Lamb, Mc Leg of Veal, Milk Fed, per Siill lb. ,•>â- â- 'â- ..• :»v-*;:; "?*".' • •â- *'" Shoulder Veal Roast, per lb. 22c Fancy Broilers Dressed â- to Order :-",MW*MWW*- BlS'^fSSll^Bi? No. 1 Sliced Bacon, per lb. .. 39c Hetzel's Breakfast Sausage, i^tl^^^liiastinfi^^