Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 May 1923, p. 4

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V EXILWORTH MEMORIAL PAY ^service will be conducted by the Ken- â-  "flworth Club on Sunday afternoon, May 27 at 3 p. m. Mr. John A. Logan, Post No 540 Grand Army of the Republic and officers from the Great Lakes Nav- al Training station and Fort Sheridan will be guests of honor. .rÂ¥intr at There will be a parade ******* 2:30 with a Jackie Band Kemlworth members of the American Legion, Boy Scouts and citizen partcipants, Mr. John Benham, Marshal. m7 B B. Eckhart will preside at â-  the exercises to be held at the Assem- bly Hall at 3 p. m. and pupils of the â-  New Trier high school and Joseph Sears school will take part. Try to have all your flags <?ut and be on hand for the parade exercises on Sun- day afternoon, ,May 27, at the Kenil- worth club. ; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Sheridan who have been spending a week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Pease ' 320 Leicester road, left Thursday of J last week for Ithaca, N. Y. to attend "Spring Day" at Cornell university. Mr and Mrs. Andrew Madden Tay- lor, of South Bend, Ind., were in Ken- • ilworth over last week-end, visiting their ' mother, Mrs. William J. Taylor, 310 .; Cummor road. Mrs. V. C. Sanborn was hostess t» the Afternon Bridge club at her home in Lake Fores^on_l^ejdax^texnooiir A large. jlelegationf«wn-the€huTch ToT the Holy Comforter attended the ; meeting held at St. Mark's church in Evanstqn on Thursday, May 24, to re- ceive the United States Thank Offering from all the Women of the Diocese of Chicago. : Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Ketcham, 621 "Abbottsford road, are receiving_con^ ^ratuiations on the birth of twiiPboys, May 14, at the Evanston hospital. : .....WPPIFW**^ !' ".'â- '.'â- .' THE LAKE ^^sssssssssssssssr Mrs W. S. Porter and daughter, Emma; who have been «**ȣ «» former's son, Dr. W. H. «>^r «S family, 816 Elmwood avenue ^returned Monday to their home in La Porte, Ind. - Mrs. L A. Hulche^s, 1505 Elmwood avenue, entertained the Mothers club at luncheon on Monday afternoon m honor of her mother, Mrs. Ford. The rlub meetings have adjourned for the summer months. Mr. and Mrs. John Sumner Crossley and their small daughter, Lorame, ot Rogers Park, are spending several weeks with Mrs. Crossley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCue, 631 Wash- ington avenue. John G. Wolf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J Wolf, 819 Greenwood ave- nue, returned home yesterday from Mexico, Mo., where he attended the Missouri Military academy during the past year. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Nicholes, 816 Forest avejnue, will entertain, several guests at dinner at the Edgewater Beach hotel tomorrow evening, in celebration of their twenty-ninth wedding anniver- sary. Mrs. Charles A. Koepke, 414 Wash- ington avenue, had as her house-guest recently, Miss Ella S. Jones, of Mill- ington, 111. Miss Florence Butz, 802 Lake ave- nue, left recently to spend the sum- mer as the guest of Mrs. Alvin Butz in California._____________----- Urs: Arthur E. Lamkey, of 729 Lin- den avenue, entertained the girls of the Catholic Woman's Auxiliary at tea Sun- day evening. Social Happenings Mrs. S. M. Dingee and Miss Anna bingee, 932 Lake avenue, motored to Kilbourn, Wis. this week to be the guests yOJtMr. and Mrs.; Will Dingee. Later they will visit the S. S. Dingee's at their home in Wausau, Wis. ^ Mrs. Warren Winn and two children, of Orange, New Jersey, arrived re- cently to spend several weeks as the guest of her parents, Mr. .and Mrs. Warren Lusted, 741 Prairie avenue. Mr. Winn will visit here later. liMrs. J. D. Roth, 1124 Forest avenue, left Monday evening for Rochester, :Minn., where she will receive medical attention in Mayo Brothers' sanitarium. Week's Building Permits Total $31,550 in Village Six building permits were issued by the Wilmette Village authorities in Ihe-past ^veek. The six permits rep- resented a total investment in build- ing enterprises of $31,550. Permission for the most extensive building operation was granted to C. H. Brethold. He will build a $15,- 000 two-story dwelling at 634 Sheri- dan road. Another large residence willvbe constructed by C. H. Brethold at 1705 Washington avenue. Oscar Olsen received a permit to erect a one-story residence at loW^Spencer avenue at a cost of $7,000. Permits for additions or private garages were "granted'to A. C. Ather- ton* 332 Washington avenue; J. A. Denman, 1411 Central avenue, and A. Thorpe, 1126 Linden avenue. SHORE NEWS FRtDAV:MAY25 It Was Not This D^« Who Got Into Mix-up William Dyer,. 219 Doyle court, be- came justifiably indignant when friends adviftd him that news reports hadI it 32? he wS involved in an automobile cVash while under the »lflu/»c/nt°fdS nicious "moon"- of very recent distil The reason he felt so badly is that he is not a drinking man and was not involved in such an accident. Another man bearing the self-same name is registered in the Wilmette police ?Sords as the "he»o" of the story. It ^s not Mr Dyer, of 219 Doyle court and The Lake Shore News is glad to make this statement in his benalt. Mrs. George W. Kibby entertained with a bridge-luncheon the latter part of last week at her home, 83S LAKe avenue. BANKER IN NEW HOME Roy R Marquardt and family are now occupying their new home at 218 Wood- bine avenue, which has just been com- pleted. Mr. Marquardt is an official of the First Trust and Savings Bank of Chicago. Saturday Leg of Lamb..........40c Native Rib Roast of Beef ................35c Fresh Dressed Chickens, 38c Shoulder Veal Roast... .38c Armour's Bacon........35c Strictly- Fresh Eggs, rSrectirom iarrn^, .^35e Live Broilers on hand and Dressed in Short Notice. Klinge & White e Ave. near Lake Ave. Attention Phone Wilmette 113-114 The Charlotte Shop Is offering an unusually attractive line of Sport Togs, Knicker Suits, Sweaters, Hose and Bathing Suits at moderate prices. Come in and convince yourself. W^€enif^r^ve SAS- A Good Place to Eat Why not have your Sunday dinner away from home. We are here, to serve you at ail times. • ^m:Wf-:.\': !Tr3^*s---Â¥o^ 601 Main Street Wilmette SiSits mwmMk mm0 ifjmnts .....HI S»ffiilll is/made a:reaiitf|witfr^ . T«-^vtceft^ i:ties-foP^ ::of^e;f^ 02ia If. faafe-.â€" ^jgitt4i#ifcateJL mm ^WftfiB â- Â§&%$£§ Street |$one Ttflmetf8?i8w& E la jLhas prpye4 its great superi- ority over any other met •ration, f Thousands of homes have bund that Frigidaire oSers a dependable, better, more practical and econom- ical method of refrigeration, requir- ing practically no attention and getting rid for all time of the muss and nuisance of ice. lillSli icur oi scient truly healthful keeping of food it is necessarytohave,first,aconstantand uniformly cold temperature, second, m dry atmosphere and third, thor- oughcleanlmessâ€"condltiorisimpcs- to obtain with melting ice, Snot put up any longer with the old, out-of-date method office refrigeration. You can get riow, a igidaire in your home at a very§ ;a^ej>rjcejar menlfnd eas^ •w* -â- mam, mm HI* ure, have connrmed the ? ^ycv:,$B0te:; 9befm *%::|||^^^^^^^p|rtl' â- â- â- â-  -STOVER CQN&AltW'^MmMm^?^ Made and guaranteed hy Delco-Light Co., Dayton, Ohio. Subsidiary of ^n^2 Mo^* C^po^wn. Gonadion Factory: DeUo-Liqhl Co. of Canada, Ltd.. Toronto, Ont Aim mamtfaciurer* of Delco-Liatit Home Electro Lighting Plant* Pum *r^~ Z-J llA.A.-__ -LT-.I..*... JW 99 â€"J **nMiff Airrt4nr nltfrnnlinn current. t*mâ€"* •*> **nâ„¢Jâ€"*'U>Mtl>' faâ€"m» and Walking Maehineafor 32 arid HOeott, director ttttwvMOii^^W^ iA

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