Mf^PlflBwjf! ^^5!WiWPn|P THE LAKE QRL, GENIUS, IN CHARACTER ROLE payers to Give "Jane Clegg" fi in Legion Benefit IllftSsjSlwl sSltl Lacking the art of "make-u*" most dra^fparts would fall far.short of interest for the public, and, m conse- quence, entire productions of real merit and splendid acting would lose entirely their appeal ... „.* :« "Make-up" is obviously an art in itself, and there are few young drama- tists who have mastered it more com- pletely than Fanelma Schulmeyer, clever protrayer of character roles with the North Shore Players. __ _i'_-_- Another Character Role Miss Schulmeyer has another char- acter role in the forthcoming Legion benefit production, "Jane Clegg, to be given by the North Shore Players on the eVeningsof June * and 6. In this reahs- tic drama she will be seen as Mrs. Clegg," a part that will tax her keen ability at make-up. . .â- <*."' T In "Jane Clegg," to be given on June 4 in the Jane Kuppenheimer Memorial hall of the Skokie school, Winnetka, and again on June 6 in the New Trierhigh school auditorium, Mrs. Jessis Royce Landis, director of the North Shore Players, and a talented player in her own right, will be seen in the title role.^ - Selected Talented Cart Other parts in the stirring drama of real life wi^ be effectively interpreted by such artists as Ben Carswell, to be seen as Mr. Clegg; W. Harlan Ware, as Mr. Munce; Hawley Mertz, in the character of Morrison; Gordon^ Delay and Ruth. Bushncll, respectively m the parts of the children Johnnie and Jennie. The entire proceeds of the production of "Jane Clegg," above actual expenses, will go into the coffers of the Wuinetka ipost No. 10 of the American Legion, ^sponsors of the performances. Moratfig 'gfL^^g^ Have Clean TOUR EVES Healthy €yes U they Tire, Itch, Smart, Burn or Discharge, if Sore, Irritated, Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine. Soothes and Refreshes. Sale for Infantor Ad^ A|aU^ MURINE CO., 9 Eart Ohio Strâ€"t,Chfcw> Hoyburn Offer* Another of Those Morning Show* Saturday, June 2, there will be. anotfjer of the popular special now* stows at the Hoyburn theater Davis street, Evanston, given expressly for the^en- te*tei»ment of^^ the ehildren ^f-ther«orth "-'The Hottentot," one of the most popular pictures of recent please, will be the feature attraction. Douglas McLean and Madge Bellamy, exponents of clean pictures, Sre the sfars in this remarkable film. , There will be showings at 9:30 and at 11 A. M. RUBBING ALCOHOL tAJhuty Need in Everf Home % A reliable rubbing alcohol com- pound is vitally necessary in the home, the sickroom, the hospital, and the athletic training quarters.^ t PURET^ST RUBBING ALCOHOL is selling faster today than any other rubbing alcohol compound on the market. Leading hospitals, gymnasi- ums, and athletic teams throughout the country are using it exclusive^. Campers, trampers, and all geople who work hard with the muscles and body_should use itJbPLX-^^-^.___ . SmenlssT=*^iHl!^esv^ bruises and sprains. . . . 1 The medication, by which this prep- aration has been made fit for ex- ternal use only, does not fender it unpleasant in smell. Fine for reducing fever and ex- cessive perspiration, and for relieving inflamed skin and headaches. 'y^'ffiM%. Per Pint i-Due Wednesday theTMrtoh is Decoration Dayâ€"or shall we call it Memorial Day? The lat- ter has always seemed to us the better designation; for merely decorating the graves of oui heroes is little; it is the recollec- tion, the appreciation, the mem- ory of their great sacrifice that ^counts, and that makes the day a holy day indeed. â€"- In memory of the body who wore the Blue and the Gray and ♦he Khaki and the Olive Drab this ijank will be closed all day Wednesday^j^i^, STATE BANK III "Your Home Bank ma iwssfc ^^^:%6^i3iii^'v':';-That:8:ttie way they mfmm lite it iltfeadow Gold Butter .contains: the |0pg :â- mmm^tMeitMaM vhiek build blood -and; \>mm0m ffiglfitt ^â- %iyJwa^;fre^lil?Pure *"* dehc,ous- |NNKi IWlftllfti^ moled at t%£re^ \^P it, odor- ^^ "-M*'""**-' to assure its purity and cleanliness from the m creamery to your tabli If your dealer doe8 not handle Meadow â- â- Qd^wmm write us. ' We will ;MWg»M U5S^J^irnifiSAvenue wsite re notice w Yoar Butter by Name-* Say Meadow Gold! eatrice Creameryfipompany 2693 and 2694-Two Phones l||fl|l§'«' Have Some Splendid ;V^/aM|||| The Finest Array in Months at this Store. Wonderful Fresh Fruit limdt Veg*taMe»^ Fresh Mushropins, ;per^ Fresh 'â- â- PeasSMissi^ Iamb*' 'n$r.....ttt;:;SflSt: â- â- -v^«-w eans, per qu -j^^^^^^g^. \ New Potatoes, a low price; per peck, Asparagus, homejgrowt^ 2§|Jninches; ome-grown iges, per doz. 25, 56 and-BOcipp: Bananas; per dozK^^Mjmd^-X^^ 181111-'M