Â¥HEflJKE SHORErKEWS, FRIDAY, MAY 25',j^i22i£_ Social Happenings The following pupils of Mrs. Gertrude Lees-Robertsjy^ap^ejruiJ^ "cliining^rthTWi s club: George Larson, Jr., Lucille Dahlberg, Eleanor Culver, Sara Rossman, Ruth Kuhne, Beatrice Larson, Jane Hardwick, Phyllis Fuermann, Louise Parker, Al- bert Bows, Donna Wiley, David Davis, Katherine Parshall, Symon Bows, Jane Baudouine, Ruth Webster, Bnce Steph- ens, Isabel* Thompson, Grave Ludwig, Richard Rossman, Jeanne Culver, Kutn Wachs, Charlotte Moody, Grace Cooke, Katherine Ellis, Austin Cooke, Mary Lent, Vera Johnson, Marion Wolf, Marcia McEldowney, Blake Roberts and Ruth Patterson. The students will be assisted by Mrs. F. W. Fuermann, so- prano, who will render two of Jeanne Boyd's songs, accompanied by Hazel Eilers Bentleyj at the piano. Mr. and Mrs. Leo A. Des Autele have returned to the north shore after several years' residence in Columbus, Ohio. They are residing in Evanston at present. Mrs. Des Autele was for- merly Miss Mary Meyers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyers, of Win- netka. There were covers for one hundred and four members and their guests at the luncheon and bridge party Monday afternoon, at the Ouilmette Country club. A few who entertained rather large parties on this occasion included Mrs. Elmer Rich, Mrs. Royal Buckman and Mrs. P. E. Madden, and there were many other hostesses to three or four "• guests. , ... . c Mrs. Arthur W. Allen is chairman ot the Afternoon Card committee and is assisted by Mrs. F. D. Buckman, Mrs. F. E. Harwood, Mrs. J. W. H. Higbee, Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, Mrs. Earl Neir, Mrs. R. W. Tansill and Mrs. Harry fWolf. ' â- ' Mrs. James White and her daughter, Miss Mary White, 931 Chestnut ave- nue, left yesterday for the east, to sail from Boston on board the steam- ship ,fScythia," Saturday, for a sum- itnej^ssojourni^ refufrTTo°™W11mettethe latter part oi September. Dr. arid Mrs. John Segsworth, 1147 Wilmette avenue, are moving into their new home at the corner of Forest and Wilmete avenues, today. Miss Beatrice Segsworth, who is a student at the Na- tional Y. W. C. A. Training school in New York, will graduate from the sch<tol..,oij^^ Miss Beatrice Hudson will return to her home at 509 Forest avenue Sunday, after a month's visit aPW*"^. as the guest of Mrs: Gertrude Payne. Mrs. Payne and Miss Hudson spent several weeks at Yosemiteijtflfc,____ 'Mrs. David Ijeteori, 821 Elmwood avenue, is leaving Tuesday for the fcast, where she will attend the commence- ment exercises at Miss Wheelocks Kin- dergarten college, where her daughter, Gerda, is a member of the graduating class. Mrs. Charles McCue, 1233 Washing- ton avenue, chairman of the. Philan- thropy department of the Woman s club of Wilmette, is entertaining the chair- men of her committees and the com- mittees, at luncheon today at the North Shore Golf club. Mr. and Mrs. John Martin, of Straits- ville, Ohio, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas.C. Moulding, 1004 Green- wood * avenue, this week, having come to Chicago to attend the wedding of Miss Sara Moulding and Mr. Donald Macumber. Mr, and Mrs. W. H. Braun of St. Louis are spending a week as the guests of Mr. Braun^s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will C. Braun, 807 Central avenue, pri- or to their departure for Boston, where they will make their future home. The Misses Olive and Rosa Louise Humphreys entertained on Tuesday for twenty-six guests, the occasion being their birthday anniversaries. f K G: B. Blajce, 1009 Chestnut ave- nue, and Mr. A. N. McCallum, 1331 Chestnut avenue, will leave Wednesday for a ten day's^ tripi in northern Wiscon- sin.' ';?'/ vi|â- W'V:",'j:s^K";M'*::l-:y;""'^â- ' In the Village Theatre Building iThe Village Chocolate L For I Shop The BEST Hot Fudge and Milk Chocolate Sundaes in town. Where Quality Chocolate Rules The final juvenile party, for children in the sixth and seventh grades, was riven at the Ouilmette Country ; club Friday evening. The party for^ juve- niles under the sixth grade is scheduled for^hje_earjy_^aiLoXJu»?!_______^_â€" Mr. and Mrs. A. V\ Wiggtewortih, 426 Central avenue, returned home Mon- day after an extended southern and eastern motor trip from their winter home in Miami, Fla f++++0++++++*++4Nt+++:+^^ Our Dry Cleaning and Om Superior Dyeing liave made a hit with fpHcs who know ^ ow to appreciate good work. Let | us help to help in the conservation f piovement. We'll call for-.your^ worJ:v 15 511 Ml!ff";Stree|I ers Phone 1949 FOR SALE BY WILMETTE TIKE & VULC. CO. 1141 Green leaf Ave. $mi!^^ Da You ^o^^Mli^ -----We have a~tew~Tlioice 1^ 0|lt the finest lakes of Michigan. This beauti|| ful lake is less than a quarter of a mile from| the Michigan Central railroad; an over|j night trip from Chicago. | Cottages will be erected for less thai|| $300 to the buyer. â- . .v;.|| If you prefer a hotel, then there is a | large modern hotel that will accommodate! you at $3.50 per day for room and meals.| ^^TFyl)Upr^^ catij be made. ' /':K'S8$SS^u.: ;%'il Spend a few days on Lake St. Helen|| and decide whether you want to make it j your_ summer home. § Finest Fishing in the State of Michigan 1 For particulars Phone Wilmette 1304 * Ask for Mr. Carter Wilmette RealtyJCo. J 513 Fourth Street ~ 1 637 MAIN STREET WILMETTErlLLINOIS Quality Fruit Store ^jiy^jgarj^fr^rjhj^^ fr / f?-§lMi&i^ V//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////A .1181.:;:wai^^y^aiii I Phone 154 mor159'i We are offering the the lowest prices of : the.year^^ Wonderful Fresh Fruits and Vegr etables â€"-the finest array in months at this store. Phone 154 or 159 SPEXMIS&GR FRIDAY ^SATURDAY Fresh Mississippi Telephone Extra Select Asparagus 111 Extra large bunches ^piii3flc Texas Evergreen Sweet,:Corn .St !§4 Peas, with filled pods, sweet anAjender^per Hot house long green IllCueumbers, small, each . 10c large, each . ___ v 15c M Florida ^e|fry, crisp and juicyfi y ^^punchff y .'â- ' .â- .. _.;:.;'.;,,..,., .:.*..........................,;;*, ;.Z.5C: Home Grown Rhubarb |:,;,5c,'Ib*, albs* J "Finest Fresh Endive p;r.per.lb»^ ~^*»~»;f *â- : â- ,."ST pi$f§^y 10c Home Grown Spinach i SPECIAL, Peck ... 20e lushrooms, fresh, flat, lbil|{29c m Extra L^rgeX^!!^ tMRlFitiMm^r-lb' ^ll^^KMwiiiii^Oc Itftfun^jW Home Grown Radishes per bunch 8c, 2 for 15c, 3 for 20c Artichokes, SiL:3:lor.vv;T; Sweet California P351^ .•â- J'.#'.".',m(|»,:-:» '>>*>* •- x-ir'"'&"%â- â- %""â- $. -0 ".' *fV>V(i":-»^V • | 'Florida Grape Fruit, thin skin, juicy, sweet, seedless, doz. .;.;..,w> W:/^MMM 5149c' Cuban Pineapple, large, ripe, full wmfavofi -each'.\ 7X\........ .20c-^3ic' ^j^TZOc qt. and; up BEETS, CARROTS, WATER CRESS, MINT BEANS AND WAXED BEANS rmmswmmmm^mmM[M^^^MM '^T^ THE- 'LOWEST PRICIfS. :.;;^;^,^^^w^^»^.Li^5^^«i»^ AT THE LOWEST PRICES ^^Thii Storl Is Open UnUl 11 P. M. Friday,.and Saturday U^ajStBuWI^^^ WiU Help Us as WeB as YouiCTq^^ro^ Friday Night. ^ . â- - - -.;-,-. - mm^mmm- ¥™\ ^ - J -Ssis ----------------.----------;-------------------------- ... g^. i^ii,^