Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 May 1923, 2, p. 19

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WyMPWBW pfpllpl THE fcAKB SHORE KBWS, FRID^Y^ MAY 2$, 1923 MariomBoydehfMmonoliO* Mk>d ItARldf 1C BOYDEN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Boyden, 904 Oakwood avenue, and Miss Jessie Gay, daughter of Mrs. Sarah E. Gay, 929 Twelfth street, both members of the Young Woman's Auxiliary of the Wilmete Woman's club, left the village last October to spend a year or so in the West. Recently Miss Boyden wrote a delightful account of her experiences and adventures to members of the Aux- iliary, but it arrived a bit too late to be read before the club, as all meetings for the season had been adjourned. The letter contains many bits of infor- mation of interest to all, and many friends of the two girls will enjoy hearing from them so directly. Miss Boyden's letter follows: *' Dear 'Girls.a^m^^1"^^ Here I have been gone from "Home" for six whole months! In some ways I just can't realize that it is that long but when I think of all the things that have happened, all the people I ^aTre~rneti--aTid~aH the adventures~T have had, it seems much longer. Have thought of you all many, many times and wished many more that I could drop in and tell you all about everythingâ€"it is so hard to find words to draw a vivid enough -picture for you to see things as I see them. As you probably all know Jess and I stayed in Oakland and Piedmont . most of the time. Weâ€"had a very pleasant trip to Los Angeles the last 'of Octoberâ€"only stayed for a few days but that was long enough. We both decided that it was "Northern California for us." Of course, it is in- teresting to see all the places you hear so much aboutâ€"Hollywood, moviedom, Venice, etc., but so far as -real beauty is concerned that part of the country can't compare with the Bay region. If any of you ever make IJ"â€"the" trip t<S California for the first time don't make the mistake that so many people from the East make and go to Los Angeles only, and think that you. have, seen all there is to California. So far as work is concerned we have both been very lucky-rhaven't had a bit of trouble about finding what we wanted. The first position that I took was about November 1st and was in the office of the District Attorney of Contra Costa county in a little town about thirty miles east of Oak- land called Martinez. It is a beautiful little town nestled in the foothills on the extreme eastern point of San Francisco Bay. I stayed there for a month, made some very worthwhile new friends ahd~lound some old that I had gone through school with. Came back to Oakland and started to work two days later for the Mayor of Berkeley with whom I stayed until about February 1st. Worked only for a couple of weeks in February as I was getting ready by that time to sail.' k • I sailed February 28thâ€"JeSs having decided that she would rather wait until the first of May; I hated like the mischief to come alone but it seemed the best thing to do as I didn't have a permanent position to hang on to. The trip across was all that could be even hoped for. The weather was only rough in spots and while quite a few people were seasick I didn't have even a "squirmy" feeling. Ate three square meals a day and all that I could snitch from the galley in be- tween times! Met some very inter- -estm^eople^Hrboardwho~fea1fy-I1vc here in Honolulu. They have made it very pleasant for me. This is^just like aT small v^V^elmyv/zy^^vpyonit knows every body else and it isnt possible to walk down the street with- out meeting at least half a dozen peo- ple to stop and chat with. ~ We were very fortunate in our trip from Chicago to San Francisco last fall in meeting one of the most charm- ing women I have ever knownâ€"I have completely fa1fen~4n love withâ€"her; __ She is somewhere between forty and fifty I imagine and -has been iirYrW; C. A. work all her life. When-^we met her she was on her way to Honolulu to do some special work in the Y. W. here. She wrote us most enthusiastic letters all winter urging us to come. I can't help but feel that it was a very fortunate turn of the wheel of fate that threw us together. About two A. M. of the seventh day out we sighted land! I. knowâ€"for some kind person pulled me Out of my bunk to come out on deck and look at it. I was very surprised in the ' topography of the islands themselves for somewhere in the back of my mind t imagined that they were rather flat and levelâ€"but not so. Such high clear- â€"â€"-cutâ€"peaks you never saw. As we ^ sailed intoHon^lu-la Harhat Jhere was ' a rain storm up in the hills back of the city and the velvety green of the hills, the white lazy clouds, the tur- quoise blue of the sky, the brilliant gold arid rose tints of the sun cpmimr ^r~op like a ball of fire out otetrfcmcratfr green seaâ€"and last but by no means leastâ€"three distinct rainbows playing hide and seek in the mountains, was too wonderful a sight for one human "4; being to appreciate all at once. It c^#aYrnWiir^ri^ I don't think I will ever forget my "introduction" to Honolulu. M We docked about 7:30 A. M. and right new let me say that don't any of you ever take a sea voyage alone unless you have someone to meet you at the other end. I was never so thankful for anything as I was for the fact that I had someone to meet me! Miss Broad (the Y. W. C. A-^bdy of the train) and the head of theY. W. here were both there to shower me with flower leisâ€"I looked like a fair imi- tation of the "Queen of the May." There is so much I should like to tell you but if I once started I fear this would end up in a book. Will have to save most of it until I come home and then will have some pictures that will help a lot. i|The first month I stayed at Fern- hurst the Y. W. C. A. home here. It is more like a beautiful country club than anything else I ever saw. There are sixty girls there and all of them up and coming I can tell you. I loved it there but when the chance was of liMri^li- A-. :'â-  MacLean,;: who: has, been receiving medical attention inâ€"the-^Ev- anston hospital for the past two weeks, 924 Greenwood of:thev;week.M avenue, Mr. Harry Field, fered me to go out to Jh^^b^aiAjtoJrveJ^^--1^6111131" I thought it besTto take it. I never days business trip to dreamed of actually living on Waikiki"â€"but that is I step off my the sand. To look out over even the "Beach at just what I am doing. front porch right onto sit there at night and __ tHe'iiioistilitn^tttel^slilce'^lhg in an other world. Generally go in swim- ming twice a dayâ€"before breakfast and before dinner. There are seven of us in this houseâ€"all business girlsâ€" and we have a wonderful Japanese cook who does everything. She is a perfect wonderâ€"I gained seven pounds the first two weeks. It is an ideal way to live. Didn't have one bit of trouble find- ing work. Turned down several pos- itions just because I Was having such a good time playing. Finally after a couple of weeks decided to take the one Thave nOw-^-in one of firms in fhe city. Have had so much law work-that it is second na- ture for me to do it. My fate has not been the fate of a great many girls however. There are lots of girls look- ing for work every day and not find- ing it. I was just lucky. There are so many girls who come over here without enough money to get home or to live for any length of time and as a consequence-they are stranded. I am having a dandy time learning Hawaiian. All you have to remember •s that a is a (short); e is a (long); i »s e (long); o is o (long); u is oo; w is y (sometimes). 0b, yesi it is/very simple. By the time I get such words as LiUiuokalani, Kahoualoha, Makiki, Maunakea, Meeaumoku, Kahakauila- iaulia, in dictation I feel that it is very simple indeed! (Honestly, that long word is the first name of a client for whom we have a case:) "There are only fourteen letters in the whole alphabet. Sometimes you find as many as six and seven vowels together in the same word and they are all pronounced. The number twenty-one is iwakaluakumaniakahi and it gets worse as you go on upâ€"in spots. Can you imagine counting to a hundred in order to go to sle^p? I think I would prefer to count black sheep! One of the interesting things that I do want to tell you a little about is some work that I am doing among the (Continued on page 23.) Comanci Club met Tuesday with Mrs. Myron West, at her residence, 1240 Gregory avenue, where they were guests at luncheon. | Mrs. Richard W. Jordan was hostess to the Thursday Luncheon and Bridge club yesterday at her residence, 1012 Greenwood avenue. ' â-  â-  '^-^^^l:. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Winters have returned from Santa Monica Cal., and will spend the summer at their home, 633 Forest avenue. The Friday Luncheon and Bridge club will meet in the home of Mrs. Hervey E. Keeler, 610 Forest avenue, today../ „.,,,,,,„.....,,„,., Mrs. Ernest Ginter entertained at luncheon and bridge on Friday of last week, at her home, 403 Washington avenue. 1203 Elmwood tanooga, Birmingham Memphis, Chat- and Atlanta. Mr. J. D. Couffer, 903 Lake avenue, returned Saturday from a fishing trip near Alexandria, Minnes^ta.^ The Reading Circle met Monday af- ternoon at the residence of Mrs. Ed- ward L. Scheidenhelm, 704 Lake avenue. Mr. and Mrs, John Conlin, Lake avenue, announce the birth daughter, Dorothy Allen. .â-  .,. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Zeremba, 408 Linden avenue, announce the birth of a son, Hubert Bernard. Mrs. Charles Hastings, who recently sold her home at 403 Central avenue, is visiting friends in Galesburg. 111. Mrs. Martha K._Williams has sold her home at 129 Fifth street and has moved to the Rogers Park hotel. I |al| Miss Margaret Strauss, of Kansas City, Mo., is a guest of Miss Virginia Lihenfield, 816 Michigan avenue, this ;Sii A number of Wilmette mothers and friends are planning to attend the card party given at the Edgewater Beach hotel next Monday afternoon, for the benefit of St. John's Military academy, anston. Miss Ruth Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Anderson, 1123 Elmw avenue, is ill at' her' ?tobm$&mtfafi Mrs. Harold Van Hoesen entertained the Fortnightly club, an organization Tuesday afternoon at her home in Ev- Try ^ >onuon5 er Cut Flowers J for all occasions Phone EVANSTON 632 1712 Sherman A venae EVANSTON |. MABELLE A. HIGGINS PIANIST TEACHER Studio 719 Fin* Arts Bid** Chicago Instruction may be had in North Shoro lioaMs Telephone Wumetka •» Library Plaza Hotel Evanston HE finest jewelfy shop on the North horev maintaining a repair-depart^ ment for watches, clocks and jewelryr NIPPERS INK LODGE â- .,.% Genoa Junction, Wis. 02 Miles Northwest of Chi- cago. 26 Miles West of Kenosha. Good Roads All the Way. Fast Service on C. & N. W. RR. : Goif Fishing Bathing Boating Tennis Trap Shooting The Resort Complete H^ere^olTwlirnTiffinilhe advantages and material comforts of the modern country club, frequented by happy, congenial people. The Oakhaven, a perfectly appointed hotel, fs the last word in comfort JSlth large airy rooms, single or en suite, with tub and shower baths. ' The cotwseshave runnta* W elecWiclijffht and screened porches. Nothing has beeir overlooked which will contribute to an ideal vacation and summer rest.------â€"^ ^^ Season Opens May 30th Accommodations in either the hotel or private cottages may be reserved for week-ends or any vpart of entire season. Write forjjllustrateu fotder^aiia r* GOLfP: 18 hole course now open for play at regular fee, or season memberships may be obtained, jfdeal place for golf parties. . SUMMER HOMES: 60 acres of lake shore property in restricted residential park available for gttmmer- homes. Write for map. ^. ^. --,'u'-«...,.-,-^~ r^JiPFEBSmMkMAmOE,ASSN.,:JJhmm-<WMimmt* Genoa Jet., Wis. . Bi^MiMiH Phone Genoa Junction 3, Saddle Horses *ren fee- or 8*ason ink' 'HERg.lf lometm^ fiat- 'topped lady's desk, it is easy to sit down and write a letter here^ Every-thingâ€"penâ€" -paper, always ready for useâ€"suggests that you take care of your correspondence. You will like this style^of desk. "Good to look at and as roomy to work at as a business man's desk. It is made of solid mahogany throughout with a beautiful rosewood inlay on the drawer^ WM0 We have several designs of this style desk on display nowt~ Come inland ^ee~thent^ «>|g|i

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