Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 May 1923, p. 1

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OF BOY SCOUTS five WUmettev^ibopt' to Engage In Annual Rally at Lake Front Park May 30 COMPE^|||^1v|NTS Rally WilPiB^ Staged At _._. 2 o'clock Memorial Day Wilmette's five troops of Boy Scouts '. of America will engage in their annual Scout Rally on Memorial Day after- noon at Lake Front Park. The rally and Field meet will begin promptly at 2 o'clock. Troops represented will be Troop 1, known as the Community Troop; Troop 2, Congregational church; Troop 3, Methodist church; Troop 4, St. Augus- tine's church! |Troop; |f Presbyterian church. .â- ^'"â- '||S..;. p&^z-S â-  :<':r.,-::-;:.'.;~/v-- "Rally Events '/-;:; Events in the Scout Rally will be as follows: Inspection of all troops.l Competitive "Drill.; B,B;?M$v Pyramid Building, 15 trterieach, a Tug of War, 16 men to team. ------fitter Drill, with bandaging, 2 teams allowed each'. troop^0"0S: -nl|»?I?IIIS __ Signalling, 2 teams joreachT jrogi WalOlcaling, putting 8 nien oyjgr foot .J^j^^^^f^^^^^^^-i'1^!^ One mile relay nice, $ men to team, running 220 yards each. Standing Broad Jump by a team of 8 me^u4|^|â- B^;fâ- â- '^^â- ' -:1$^£i^icSX- Fire lighting by'--friction. '^^^^^i^-. First-,: Aid- -BandajgesgipgJ^||||f gj .""'- Fireman's .Irffi Wg&^^ Undr#singv:'.-rac£;!:^st^^ â- . Scoui • Pace racej; going a mile in 12 tninutesj SO ^Steps;-v walking alternating with 50 steps runningwT 100 yard dash. , â-  ", *^M.:^.^--B- Three-legged- race.^mM.: 'MM* '-.' Kribt^ynig. « /r!'"'-;?'l|^p|iiffâ- .•â- -. Rally Official*"*":?1';;;.;-"^' Officials for the rally will include: Referee, F. A. Wilson. Judges, Inspection and Competitive Drill: JL J. Leach, L. E. Matsori; John Anderson. Judges, Scouting Events; Pyramid, Wall Scaling, Fire Lighting, Scout Pacie Race: G. R.':'.:Hai^tigfa4/l^...i!^^driiey, J. D. EmrichY Mr, McDowells Judges, First Aid Events, Litter Drill, Bandages, Fireman's Lift: Div^ Br M. Conley, Dr. H. [Herman] O. Weishaar, E. G. Cazel. â-  ".^^^^':^^gi:S?::-â- :.:â- |ig:â- . ;--:::":';; v'^"" Judges, AthleticI ^veiits^'R. D. Burt- ner, J. H. Brinker, W. A. Richardson. Judges, Signalling: T. E. Bullivant, S. C. Bennet, -H.-|ivHaack.pSSS?#?S'«'" Starter: B. â- â-  N. max." .. .:^:1fill' â-  Clerk Of Course rL. F. T^di «s ""'"Scorer 'and announcer^J&^C/ Rein--; The Scouts suggest the rally be of interest to everjr' parent in Wilmette. The boys anticipate a record attendance. BUSINESS MEN BOOST :# Resolutions were adopted at the meet- ing of the New Trier Commercial as- sociation Monday, of this week, endors- ing the plan of the Chicago, North snore and Milwaukee Electric railway to operate a bus line between the WiU mette avenue station and Deerfield, via Gross Point, Glenview, and intervening points north. ...The railroad recently petitioned the Wilmette Village board for permission to operate a bus line in the village. An ordinance relating to the proposed estab- lishment of the service in Wilmette is being prepared and will be submitted to the Board of Trustees for action in the near future, it is said. r^ The Commercial association members stated that the proposed line would work a distinct advantage to the residents in the territory west of the village in com- ing into Wilmette, as well as providing an adequate means of transportation for golfers who will use the new courses now being established in the Forest Pre- serve west of Wilmette. CHURCH SCHOOL WINS HONOR CUP Congregational School High- est in Efficiency TWO CASTS FOR "GYPSY TRAIL" Annual Senior Play at New Trier High School to be a Dramatic Event CAST FOR EACH NIGHT Tickets to be Placed on Sale '."â- . Soonfi:lr.,i:.-.v1"r given by the Illinois Conference of Con-^ gregatidrial church to the church school having attained the highest standard of efficiency during the year, was awarded to the Congregational school of Wil- mette, at the annual meet of the State conference held last week at the Pilgrim Congregational church at Oak Park. The award came as a surprise to Dr. Stephen A, Lloyd,»pastor, and the school workers, since no special endeavor had been made during the past year to carry away this trophy. Thework of the Church school has jbeen consistently good, therefore the/:'h^br'vis:r'the"'g^r«aier because. jt>:4^*£ojrt§^^ regular, work. .iMM^^^^^i^^^W^' Vviieri the announcement wa4"li|a3e at the banquet that the cupj was to be awarded to the ;Wilmette ;;scho|>l, Dr. Lloyd ' suggested that ff::Miss|^Bertha- Wheelock, who for fifteen y^ars has been identified with the work of the school and who, probably more: than any other individual in the school, is responsi- ble for its present degree of efficiency, have the honor of receiving the cup in. 4he^name-of the^schooL- Miss Wheielock Went forward and was presented with the cup by Dr. J. W. I?. Davies, head of the Religious Education department of the State conference. The cup will remain the property of the school for the term of one year, and may not be awarded to. the; same school two years in successlongipie schools having had the cup in previous years are--Payson, Moline, Oak Park 0irst^ arid Winnetka. iiThere are 300 Congregational schools in the statevwhich compete for this honor. The Associational Banner for efficiency. BY HELENA BRADFORD The annual Senior Play, the biggest dramatic event of the year, New Trier Township High school, is to be given at the New Trier Auditorium Friday and Saturday nights, June 1 and 2. A new plan is being followed this year, in that there are two com- plete casts, one for each night. This arrangement tends to make the play- ers put the greatest effort into their work, and should prove an interest- ing experiment. Modern Comedy The play itself is "The Gypsy Trail," a modern romantic comedy by Robert Housum. It concerns itself principally with one Frances Ray- monds a charming girl, prosaic and not in the least unusual. > She lives a humdrum sort of life and longs for omaneerâ€"At^y^uw^^Bxtf^nB=4ove^with Frances is Ned, just as prosaic and humdrum as she.; ; Then comes Mic- hael, a reporter, an adventurer, a wanderer. Ned conceives the brit- hant scheme of kidnapping Frances, andgetsMichael to help him. Then, in some! way or other, Michael, who has no desire whatever to marry and settle down» finds himself engaged to 'Frances/'^?-â€"; â- -V&'y^vSSj^' :mMmm$fk Clever. Pl©*^: ;:-/â- -:,.:â- â-  - ...,m â-  ^^.(isr^:;'r^u-'Vha^t-f^|^ginhinij â-  of the©: play||f Tt^ fa, ft^c#tei*ly - \ .'.â-  worked out, and '^ttogettketf pIMasing. The i'se^^.^^^tt^active, as |usuat and the. iast^#el|yorking-^ bef;put^||f^^ tht $ates, Jime 1 and "^^iMMS'S&^ Seek Circus People p^^^ufdeiice^^np ^Warrants were issued Thursday |bfv this week, for Jhe arrest of Samuel Solo- mon, Andrew Theis, Samuel; Burgdorf, Harold Matthies arid Mts, ^muel Brirg- dorf, on charges of operating a con- fidence game and. conspiring to obtain money •'•und«*;^|l'alse?;^ipre*dii8e$:v>-The' charges were ba^ed on the alleged^ fake disposition of an-automobile in at con^ test at the American Legion benefit cir- cus, May;. 14 /to ^iil^^ii^||^:" The warrants wert swqiw oiujfe, W^^ nesday on complaintâ- â- :« Malconi^ McKer- char, commander of the Wilmette Post No. 46 of the American Legion. Police officers located the five persdns named at Blue Island, and were to go there to serve the warrants on Thursday morning. Solomon, Theis, Mattheis and Mr. and Mrs. Burgdorf were all members of the Soli Brothers circus troupe engaged by the legion to take -charge of the Legion benefit circus last week. Samuel Burgdorf, manager of the circus, di- rected the affair, and it is charged by members of the Legion that he "fixed" things so that Theis, his wife's brother, another member of the troupe, became possessor of ""the cSf m "questloni^ , A hearing was scheduled t^; be ^nere late this week. ,â- â- .: \V:/<0f0$§mg: YOU ARE REMINDED OF THEUEGHMTS on that DAY NEED MEMORIAL iV"-, . DONATIONS .. ;,"â- : »s s Residents of Wilmette who fiave not made donations to the Memorial Day fund and who desire to do so are re- quested to mail their checks t6 Dan <*« Stiles, Finance chairman of the ^roorialDay prbgran^ atlh^Mil- mettfe State Bank. ^^^^^^^^^- l44How are you going to s^end me evening of Nesday, May 29 ?", reads a letter just sent out by Wilmette ^ost Mp. 46, of the American Legiori.aaii#. Wt"A good suggestion is that you and your friends attend the dance to be given by WILMETTE POS^ at the Ouilmette Country club night; .,,-:;â- ;.":;,.-.:.. ^iMISii^ipK â- ;. il"Dances given by the Post >n the past have always been well attended because the Post has a reputation for eivirig real dances. As usual, the music will be excellent. Who the favored or- chestra wilLbe is a mystery and the only way to find out is by attending. Its guaranteed to be real music that w^l malce you dance. jOSS" "For a good time be sure and attend. Wilmette Youth Wiiiner of R. O. T. C Gold Medal Fred. S. tn^Mn Fred A. Ryfe, 1005 Chestnut avenue, won first prize individual honors m the K. O T C competition at the Uuniversity of Wisconsin last week. The emblem was- avgt)M"'medal^^gg||^f:;:|^^^" The event was in connection with the annual Federal inspection of the troops. ^Mcdowell home sold f M^ Quire and Orr, real- estate^ealT ers, report the sale 6i the McDowell home aT^Sll Terith street, w * Observe Poppy Da3rs in p Wilmette May 29 and 30 s"'^Disabled-."'.:wai|:>;.yeterans. will be the beneficiarieS;|of Poppy Days* to be ob- served in Wilmette Tuesday arid Wed- -nesday,;; May:. 29;- an^^(^^|^(;^^^^:: vb^Meri^^^iof?:;:^e;| of; ^ijB ^ihnette #os^ Legion will appear on â-  the streets jpXjthe village |^ t^ poppies' that have becomek Iso familiar at. .this tiriie of year.^^i&^0$BJ^^M. The Auxiliary . devV^I'-^^tf:';'^0-.. getically to the service of bringing cheer ;and material aid t<j:-;thfr^|^rM^ar:^|t--. lra^;.'C*i|fin^lin-V;gd^ arid to the h$ljE» oi ::t0^m^t0e&0i^ -ex-seryice-^-men.â- -â- i^'-â- .,V;^---;4^|^:«^^ '.'^--'Don't^' tor0t-tofiMf^^^^^0^ -riext week! And, be sure to buy^fyjbljtr poppy In Wilmette 1 â- r:$fe*?.s£:'-. MeniberS of the seventh Sind; eighth grades of the! Wilrnette Public schools will gather at a triaiss rrieeting^in the Byron C *Stolp school gymnasium tiext Friday afternobii. The affaiir will be an entertainmerit for the sfey- erith and eighth graders airiit is being planned A>y tim Byroi^C. St#lp^ School Council If present plans are Bad* hered to, each one bi the seventh and ;Mghi!L;iriid@ stunt MrJ the amusement of the up- perclass pupils. - - A new flag for tht Byron C. Stolf* school has been purchased by the Council and its delivery is being mp- mentarily expectedlii Thjig Council plans to dedicate the colors next Tuesdays the day before Memorial day^jvfll^- appropriati,,jseryic;e§ir^Hg^f. school. 'III.'."-.'; '\-:iMBd0§Sii .........' sitifl NEXT WEEK»$ DEADLINE^.-• The news and advertising DEAD- LINE for next week's issue of The Lake Shore News! will be advanced on€ Wednesday, May 30. A^ll news and advertising matter for the issue of^ The Lake Shore News 6f Friday, June 1, must be in the 'offices at 1222 Central avenue, Hot later than Tuesday noony Slay 29; 1 The offices of The Lake Shore News will be closed all day Wednesj day, May 30, ^atwnai Memorial Day. PLACE SAFETY mm- AT ACCIDENT SCENES Safety signs warning motorists of danger spots along highways in the vil- lages of New Trier township, are to be placed by the New Trier Commer- cial association in accordance with ac- tion to that effect taken by the associa- tion at its regular meeting Monday of this week. One of these signs, an official of the association explained, will be placed at the Drainage Channel bridge on Sheri- dan road, bearing the information that a human life was lost as the result of an automobile crash at that location. Other signs will be placed where other serious accidents have occurred,; u"They will not be the most pleasant reading,'* he declared, "but we feel that time has come, wf|m the increasing^ Iy heavy traffic, to employ drastic meas- ures in warning motorists against the danger that lurks at hand for the un- observing driver." VJ, GUILDS OFFER TROGPRINCE' Children's Operetta to Given June 4 and 5 be operetta perform- changed from June 1 'â- m i"he children's operetta, "The Frog Pttnce,' is to be given at the Wilmette evening,, June 4 and 5, under auspices of the Associated Guilds of St. Augus- tine s Episcopal church. It will be noted that the dates of the ances have been and 2. The operetta is the ^vork of William Lester, and the libretto is by Frederick Martens. The music is said to be very pretty and the lines amusing; |The old- time court costumes are being made under the clever direction ^f |frs. Chester" .I^wrehce.Ctg':;"^-*;'-;'- BM'.' With Raymond Irving as the sweet- ^oiced ^f^rog^ilarjirle ; P^irfe |$ the Rinejy p^uicesC Miss litarjorie Day â- â- Â§*«; awe-inspiring, yet kindly king, a de^iglitful aaricirig entertainment by Miss Vehber-s pupils, and a lively chorus of pages, and maids of honor, the children hope that their efforts will be rewarded by a substantial addition to the ^^ilAl^ftir^s^ _ The one-act .comedy#Plerweeii fthe Soup and the Savoury^'tb be given in augmentation oi the opeife group of talented jk)eal dramatists, £iv# prom- ise of being^excellently ^ Madanjes Charles Henderson, Margaret Sefbert, ^n|L Misa, l^therine^Shaw*â€"^ To help4he5 eausjlalong, sq^ men of the village arer ^ to p»resent a "stunt," the exact nature of -which they are guarding asr^i profourid secret. Tickets fbr the per^ on sale at the Rerineckar IDrug coin- pany, or iriay be^secured by^telephcwring ;Mrs. ^v,;LogJte,%' ,Wilri^*e;i;^y8^:jW&J|rs,. KaumeyeB:t'Wilmel^^S8lf5P?3^^Mii' PARADE OPENS War ^:;^teriSi,: tions. Children Bodies in Line of March CEREMONIES Chaplain LeUnd Danforth • : MEMORIAL SUNDAr Memorial Sunday; May 2^ wtl Observed in all Wilmette churches with sermons and music programs appropriate to the spirit s bf tjus season, when special tribute is paid to the men and women who have made the supreme sacrifice in the cause of their country. J ^^MllliliS Wilmette Post No. -46, oi th! American l^ion^ will attend in I al body, and in uniform, the morning services at the Wirniette Presby* terial church, Ninth street and Greeri- leaf avenue. The Presbyterian church troop of the Boy Scouts of America also will attend in uniform. The^sj|^ vices begin 'at [ \l d*cIock.' WM0ij$:ii Rev. George P^ Magili^^^M Sunday ^ermort will be oii the subr 's1; i und Sailriff [emorial,' or "Our Greatest National ;â-  Defense/' : -i'W§MM:-iMM^:B&iiM- 'â- & , .^-3^||^gf^^otv"the*4cnnlp^;^ill| render appropriate music. I* 1 -SsSfeSfts^ll m ':day>'.;'a^tivitt^pwiU'-"begiri";';w^l^ eet t^isrocessiori'- ;:fbrmirigv-: atlff'^IISIS mkw0od mm WEtl REMAIN RESIDENTIAL Plans for art impressive ccHttiinunr observance^v ofi#Meniorial'^ -Day..-'::- â- - 8rip|?^S' Wilmette were cmiipleted this fw^lll^S fey a committee from the :Wilntetie| Post of .the American •'Legib%,,.whicliliii^ |as charge of arrangemerits. f'The ll^r/Street _ p*cldck"in:""the^ mofriing•at.'v:thferViilage^piipi-s is;^pre«n*: ^vV^naette^ and;, Centr at' :aveii*»<fe»^^p ......k^m^n^'Si^^^^^k^^ ecpratioii ol'the Lake Front park, where there will be| SiM :;addressE^by .Legion Post. Chaplaini||^^pp -Lieut. ;;LelaiidV;?Danforth';in 'tribute. -to|i|p^|^ ..-\Vilniette's;:,'iGd|i|r Star:' herpes, . and', a|i|||^^» brief"-'.talk;-:'by?^ojpge;:: &.:\;.Cole,':'-â-  -'-.welii||U§ii| known Wilhiette me^^ the:.-Grand||||^§ ""• Arriiy of' the ' 'Reptibt^;,; A^: ;featureip||^^^ of the- Memoriali;,dereiri^ies' wilt;.. bep^^^S the dedication:^;rif5:tK planted' in-'Jiorior'^^^Jidiyiij^^^ .., veteran"oT ~WS^Ift^^^^Xf^^:- '^i^dlH^i^^ during', the /.patSt.: y<^myM4M^$fy^^ â- ;^w:;: x0ecor»^;^Mift Decoration of the tentorial will be made â- â- >^^'.^^rs;iâ- ^4Jbiseph -EJ Sharitz, president of the^otnari's Aux-I iliary.'-. of % 'thtB^Mxi^^Mt^iM^^m American'- Legibn^Re3i|:;^^neri- .A Lfoyld will ^qnov^e^m^; ^^erB^jth0^^^^ c^erertioriies ; fwill start:/;;:-i^in:e<Iiate^^^'*'c"*" following the parade.. Tips will :£on-#Slt| .c1ude;::-the:vevents, WMMM^Ii9M^§lMlm .....................................ffftpSi&af mmm Wilrnettes ITillage Board of Ap- ^'ZuniiiK Wednesday night of last vyeek ruled that ihe so-called Oak wood tract, fronting on Main street and extending north, shall re- main residential property.®laf||IIIlii| Action by the Board of Appt^is was in consequence Of a petition filed several weeks sfcgO by AfcGuire and Orr, realtors, owners of :the property^ seeking an am^d^aent j^ ordinance to permit classification of the tract as commercial. * -Rt»Mem> w^trrtrytciri made strong protest against the pro^ posed change and suggested that the property Wai |naturally adapted f^ park purpdses^.f;!"v--:--;v-';;. â- '"â- ;:â- â- .',' •â- ;.;.•â- ' The action of the Board of Appeals, it is expectedi^will be followed by a determined effort upon the part of residents in the southwest of the vil- w. lage toJiaye^the Parle district institttte4--5K,,,n0tt* F,r? proceedings : to have the tract con verted iritota- part||U smMM Methodists Hold Rally To Promote Boy ft9 Camp ^HHnberg . ©f .,-.. the W^hnette Parish Methodist Episcopal church, comprising tlie villages of^ihriette,^ Winnetka, met in a Camp Rally Thurs^ day evening of this week to discuss tne prospective camping expedition of the boys of ^.pa|jsOu^^njg^^ Stansell. ?m^^&^^mm^'m^mmm: - w Stereoptican slides -" Were* Shown de- picting scenes at the camp last suriimer. The question of selecting a new camp site was to be considered and the par- ents urged to-take an active interest- in J this recreatiOnal-as± we% as educational Tablell^M^ The formation of the Street •pro-! c^sidMt;?:vihaft^s3>eeri-~ f^itowfliililfciil i^nnojirieed|I|as| ijpfg FORMA HON OK PARADE â- v,-M^mk ' ;"â-  Mariliil.:Piii_, Police E«cort^...,;-'-i-S. .:: -SBs§fiM$mM$t L««ion â-  Band.'" "â-  ':â-  - ' . -.fiSifllliiii Veterans of the Spanish-Aineric Wer. Ralph Feupe! cottmandinff. Veteran* of the World War, Major^ Maleolm MeKerebar,. commanding. \ _ ;:â-  - Detachment -of :tlwr- U. S.: A«B»j^.;&;li^plii®|S Detachment of the IL S. '.â-  Hi^;WmiMM -,---â- .-. oecona &#m*ion â- mp^mm^s^^tf^dgmSm^ Girl Scoat orffanizations. ISfiil^i^^iil^ii â- flMiij*-- Trim* High School .-and' Wti-lplflpj -mette Public School Band. -3pisi|3Sip;gii^^^^ vBoy Scout, of America. ^|gjgg^^^^ . .. .. ^^^^"wm^^^^m The. 'Ltnl^O&r^^ follows: ^:^iMlikB,: ;^;SS ::|Mi LINE"; OF MARCH ,...... .. „........^^^^ - Wert oji. Wilmette avenoe to Pajrk.^^fii^l .â- : vlMwrtti;" on -;'Farlt,_ -Lake' avenoe; east on Lake 12th street; north on 12th aTentie to avenue to street to a^HflereasV on Foreil'li^enoe |p to 10th street;:.' south' on. 10th street |^ to L^u^e avenue; east on Lake avenue ^ to ftth street; south on 8th street to* Central aYenue; east on Central ave- nue to Lake Front Park. '; .,.;,„,,.,,,„„,,,,:. ^^Sll - •• â- â- 'v-:'â- "'â- â-  â- "-â- -â- ". -\-.^' 'â-  â-  '&0MSM POST OFFICE CLOSED MAY 30 The Wilmette^ post office- ^ivill be closed all - day Wednesday, May^3/0^ ifl observance of Memor ia 1 CD^ There will be no deliveries of maM;

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