â- ffiSISffiJKiSSS IfSplt WW^^WWWWS^&S^VM^WM^^^WMy^m-^^m ' : ' ilPlsff^^r^-t*T'»w^w»?wiwpw^Tiij-jjn" ..'.i»mw»i«w'.. .1.,'...,i.i»w.i»|w"1 : '-'nwwws":................t'^vw^w, â- «mwm:......-........:.-r->.....*â- ";":'" t;....;, ,.,;.:...,:.,,, .;.:.:",i::,i..;;,:i,;.;; _r\.;v".-'â- :":;.. 4~~ Sfc 111111111111 *^?^5S*H up S9SBS* fi-M^fcl'li This Charming Bungalow Now Open for Orrington Apartment Selection §1 «*§ ;â- (I HI lit; Supplementing the renting office directly opposite The Orrington, the management have opened a sec- ond still more pretentious and in- teresting office on the northwest corner of Davis street and Hinman avenue, Evanston. 4 .Here in a charming little bunga- low you may view color sketches of typical suites, the beautiful palm court, reception^ojirtSjthe^lounge^ ronment %? â- â- 'â- --:'-- . "W1*^;%:^^^;•s^:l^â- ^:^^.â- .â- â- â- :'?;^â- ;â- .^'â- " 'â- ':-i^A^.'"'""" WHEi yw mike ^y^ :J6n,fyijy^^ w ';" .....".": z cpiarters of Exceptional eo^ service and environment far d3&y£ tht ^dfiiary. There M^ no finer jwce iq live than The ^apffltm^iti&3a __r___________..., . _ reception courts, the cozy, Mstfuf Tidor lounge^ imposing palm court and other public rooms on the mez- zanine floor. On--the-roof there will be a spa- cious solarium, landscaped roof garden, private ^rteitain^ ^o^^i^^M^t- %M% 4ining room and select your apart- ment,from typical floor plans^and ^^^urntfM^ layoiat^r^ ^ T**" This unique renting office is open daily and whether your interest in The Orrington is keen or only cas- ual we invite you to visit us in this unusual bungalow. fevery ap&rtrkiiit hi Hie CM^§m ii^ii^iitsi apartment; jt HOURS 9 A, M. until 8 P. M. Daily including Sunday. Telephone Evanston 8700 To assure your choice of the more .desirable quarters, make your reserva* tions this week. gosures in^Jl diiei^^ tfi^ will give you your preferred view toward the lake, the south, north, or west as desired. people who want attractiveness, exclusiveness tad com* -,.;•;'.:â- â- â- .â- ;â- ,.• . ..'.,., fort fit......moderate rates. Quarters are leasing rapidly. - Reservations should be made this week. ];J I fe fBM ^Rea^j^Sepfem^gBI^^Mi, â- af^:f;':%.: g: m^ rifr:'tetS.|j ^^^MW^^^m^^^S^^^^^^^I mi m 0m W0L wmk P|f|||§||$ pptlll Nillill W9mm Mill wmm SpsMSSP Iffllll ir 'i:'f--"hi^W&^^i ltt|pf|p iliil lliilfr illl 1§§$f§l :^l|^ |3psP3r|81 »i .^^^ m. 'â€"r~â€"â€" ,..â- â- â- 'â- â€"-i : --â- â- .....-------......">- - â- '.....â- '--......â- -â€"..............---------â- '-----MJM*MI LiMiMWiiMiiiHliMi^^