_iOK '&&rU^l^$&&>&M SECOND SECTION^ page. ;kine:,;si "'.......'^3"""' WILMETTE, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, MAY 2$ 1923 5f .;'WS PRICE FIVE GENT^ I PERMANENCE IS NOTE IN HOMES â- i, â- r/frV'.";/;.. ,';J;.„:,,,...., ';;;J^, Observer Comments on Great Number of Beautiful New Homes on North Shore %M: building *§&*jftmm Decides North Shore Is Best BY OBSERVER . The other evening at about 5 o'clock I boarded the Chicago-bound subur- ban. What impressed me as I walked through ih^wcoaches was the great number of working men. And at each station, even more of these -horny handed lotos Of toil" found places in the red plush seats until, as we passed Evanston, the tram^^as v literajly crowded with toilers. â€" A day or two later, my family and I motored in our fliver down to Evans- ton. I was impressed with the number "of substantial suburban homes under construction Onall side^. Hiardly had we^fttron^gfcihii^ peared. Not millionaire mansions, for the most part, but just comfortable, pretty homes. Train Loads of Workers I. now understood why the train car- ried so many workers. Why, as I later learned, entire trains are needed to bring to work and take home again the hundreds of toilers who labor the north shore: A year ago building activities seem- ed more pronounced; now they seem more normal, though still maintained at a high average. Construction, checked for so many months by post- war labo§| troubles, Was suddenly loosed last year like pent-up waters, but the flow Of construction is still high and seems likely to continue above normal for some time. In fact, realtors are authority for the infor- mation that building on the north shore will continue more; or less una* bated over an indefinite period in the future because the north shore is the most desirable neighborhood of Chi- cago.; ::-'â- -â- ::â- â- , â- ' ?S^::?;":^lil§lliillS It is noteworthy^ to IcBnsider ^e pleasant fact that, quite uniformly, the homes built in the north shore villages are of the most substantial character. Architecture is in pleasing varietyâ€"there are the bungalows of varied resign, Dutch Colonial, Spanish Mission,'Colonial types and others but the outstanding feature is the impres- sion of permanence every new home provides. Homes are being built, not ~ttrbe sold within; a month, or a year or five years, but to house families, who, weary of city congestion, are planning "to make the beautiful, home-like north shore their permanent â- residence.--:: :;>;|2 i These are merely the notesi-^f"^S casual observer but none the less sig- nificant on :iltitv.acc6tiht;^:^:#aW'^dt- looking for new buildings j they forced 'ijea^lves3^ If ic Work FrM^uPp7.^: f- : By These Stone-Cutters -s5n a modest enough building locat- ed just ;west of Vthe tracks in Kehil- worth, is coris<|ittcjted one of the tnjst unique industries in thi^ vicinityli |g Reference is ^S |he Richalds Broth* ers stone-cutting works. ^Here is turned out much of the beautiful stone work seen, on north shw ingS. .r. vj^pg^^^ Artistic^Inscribes the products pi this workshop. '.WM^W^--- Vic. Killian Specialist IRf. WhehltT^fie^^ When it's plumbing you want, Vic J. Killian of Hubbard Woods is pre- pared to do the work on a large Or small scale, as the case may demand. Killian did all the plumbing work in the new Aitken building in Hub- bard Woods. He has been in business on the north shore for about three â€"ycars2p '.mm """"rii fiXPElt'T J. W Belter, lOft film street, Win- netka, is an expert glazing contrac- tor. Much of hm work is to be found bn the north shore, sfor he has been established w|n business Jiere.ior # «uniber^bf-^aÂ¥s..,i^lSag^^ |Af Modern Adaptation of Mm pspres ':*touse^s$Wt:-m- HE "irchitict hefie bias taken his inspiration frop the Dutch Colonial, so justly admired by many builders throughout the country. The gambrel roof folds down in a ^comfor- tably ^ house, leaving the ddrihers flush with the brick wall of the first story.| result,.......,___,.........„........ i The jpent over the porch and along the gabled end adds a feenng of intimacy which seems to emanate from the whole house. Treating the gabled ends with a different colored brick IromiJhijsje use^-jon the sides would simulate the traditional effect of this type of house. Or, using the same range of color tones throughout, the bond patterns and motor joints .might be treated somewhat differently. *' iFThere are some economical advantages in a two %Ory house, if you do hot object to climbing one flight of stairs. Add a few\ feet to the height of the walls and you double your floor spacci In this par Designed for American Face Brick Association The porch, included in the floor plan, forms an outdoor vestibule for the entrance to the large living room which greets you with its cheerful fire- place. The opening into the dining room may be widened, if desired, tO turn almost the entire first floor.'>into^':one^...room.^||;h.:;);:.,:f :-â- >';" . The kitchen is verys>spÂ¥actical and compactly ar- ranged.-."â- The pantryette, with its opening to the din- ing room sideboard, the door to the basement stairs, and the passage through the coat closet to the front door give the kitchen a strategic position in tbje-plan. I A Colonial stairway leads from the living room to the secottd floor with its bath and four bedrooms, all with cross-ventilation and light.-^t^m:. The basement is provided with laundry, heater, |coal bins, vegetable cellar and storage rooms. The ceiling heights are, first floor 8 feet 9 inches, second pflOOr 8 feet, and the content is 23,100 cubic feet. By extending the entry porch a few feet, a sleeping |t||t|§' ticular Jnsiance you get seven ,#On^ of the back^ â- ' « â- â- â- â- -â- ^?^>^;'.?;'-t'-':".:",,:'--i"vVr-y'V -' .V' •\\'...:^^w~^['->":^"^^ -.,- â- â- 'â- ' r-~â€"~- , .....â€"...« « ..... :~thrcer|§ll%;W0O â- â- <-:â- â- •â- ••.-. ::*^oo;• J* y^:iA<w â- â- ' , 'â- "/â- â- â- bedrooms. Supplies for Builders ""Builders' hardware is one Of the specialties at the J. â- 'â- â- & Eckart Hard- ware company^ located in the new Eckart nmldinjKJDn Elm street, Mn- netka. ^^^WH^E'^MKISII!^ tfssGrOw1 letting iitolarger qufrters, so; J. FS decided to build hi$ own commer- cial structure. Now the firni has plenty of "elbow room" in which to Carry its complete line of ^hardware supplies suited to the needs of. the contractors and builders, as well as to those of the general public. |g| if Incidentally, the new ^kart build- ing is considered one of the finest commercial structures nn the north shore. It was Opened May Vandail Available sp^ce in stores and offices taken. ?w* >mm WEINSTOCK PRONOUNCES FIRST RULE OF SUCCESS m pi Thirteel -Sill ago the Winlletica jClCL WolftJEtc^ Suggests The^ lamr Ai C. Wolff, ist so^ well known in Wilniette ^dipth^ mpTt^ shore*connnuni«es thafiis ahnost superfluous to state that it represents an extensive furnace and tinsmithmg business. The firm recently opened new offices on Main street..'â- ,..,:. ,y-;^;.. Wolff has been in business in this vicinity for several years^t He is artive in COmmnnitY work, too, for he holds the title of marshal or Wfl- mette's Volunteer Fire department Sind^^^x^m^em'tTkr Commer ________ years _ Coal ami-tumber xompany^did-aHbusi- ness that required one man in the of- Jcen~Np^iheTIsanie con^anyZj|ia& an Office force of seven, and Everyone is busy.: S â- "..'â- -.('â- â- . '%"â- ,'â- â- â- "'$:".'â- 'iv- â- g Earl Weinstock is the manager of the Winnetka Coal and Lumber epm- pahy.: He has seen the^rni'grow year |y year until it is at the present time the largest ort the north side of Chi- cago. He attributes this volume of business to a consistent effort to take care of customers. Other prominent members of the company are M. K. Meyer> . Clarence 4Ha»P and:i*jfc|:T AVeinstock."lv-v% 'â- â- â- •^â- â- " ^i^m^i'S '%. IMst month the Winnetka Coal and Lumber company sold and delivered . 130 carloads of building material. ^V4th -each, car- averaging- 3& 4on^4he total months business equaled 4,550 tons. Counting 26 working dayjs m a month 174: torts of building material were .delivered every day. To ?take care of this large amount Of business the company has one of the most ex- tensive delivery . equipments on the north shore. Five auto trucks, six teams and one tractor are kept con- tinually in service delivering; all^kinds of building material. ||||||S|^^^i| Ben Kief er and the Boys Are Kings of the Trowel benjamin P. "Pete" Kiefer, is known throughout this vicinity as the piasterer-contractor. Kiefer, with the able help of his stalwart sons, does a good share of tM^pTa^ering ,i|r" these partsrand he-bas been doing it for several ^rears; ......... ~......... .....; 'fr Kieier^y the elder, recently spent about a year touring Europe. * The boys took care of the business while he was away. Now, he's back at th# helm. The offices are located ni Hubbard Wbods^ WM ? â- :& JlM HE'S THE "SANDMAN Peter Conrad of Glencoe is the man cial association ciroles||I^ Belong ^^utm ~«A W« ^ the, progressiva t^ business *«*« < »iv*&««»»» »»»v»* * j«^%- His specialty is^sajul, and kindred essentials men. f| "WdOD, THE PLUMBER" I George S. Wood, 879 Pine street, is one of the plumbers with a reputa- tion built upon many years' service to north shore householders. <fWood, the plumber;" a popular phrase in many Winnetka homes, when there's plumbing to be 'â- dont^^^^^f^-^^ ;'^':- COMPLETE SERVICE.'*^g| One of the newer general contract ing concerns on the north shore bears the name Zimmerer Brothers.: Offices are located, in the Gleason and Perrin real estate Offices in Winnetka. Com- plete service in the building line is promised by these experts. 5 S ;/iiiiil"'^^r:.....â- ?â- ?£? i"M.j< - •â- ' M0$'m , 'MM,. READY FOR WORK mmam ftawl TfAtftpP, Wilnmtfr*. pin ha* just occupied his new offices on Main street near Central avenue. The of who supplies building _ maiejrjaJUt_for_ -fices have been attractively decorated and space has been provided for hous- ing a â- cfflBE®*^ij^iMffl^n«;'anpf pJUes-lo-^xpeditepthe- work; GROWRAPDM Every Community in .Tofwi-^^ ship Sees Development of ' Commercial District â- ***&$®%^ ffW0frSm .... s-ifi|Sp»q iM$W8MM<>. &m Ambitious Developments Along Shore â- ::i:^§Ji^^^J IfUffli While. the * villages ;.'of- :;Ile^"';^r|Br|§^g Township . are -essentially. ."residential;^^|i^ in.' character,; lacking, .almost.;..entirely|^^||| the .industrial districts', so- common: in^^SS :;rerii6ved| most commuhities further from ,the north shore, the need* of^ adequate commercial areas itiiv wmwm '^ftft has not. .. been overlooked' so:;:that; Wilmette,;«ssl'« Winnetka and Glericde can some of the finest shops and in the vicinity of Chicago. i| The rapid development in honte building has necessitated the enlarge- of the business district InIffit ..w....„,w,.,,.,„ In Wilmette a /veritaDie, revoiutiQii..^^^^ nrenT the villages^ taken the place since tnejiiitftitf Wilmette-Central'pia ' the^^f'S^r-^^pi been v*fc:- anMiM^ in business has war. ; Both in avenue district and in minal area, there has bitious business development with' sey^-': ^^S eral • modern and .substantial- buildings ;:i^^^ filling the -vacant, ;l0ts;.#Recent; :^::^^^ ditions to. Wilmette's â- commercial'.area -^|^ are the Post Office-^McAlliste# Worthen block; the new Dannematik^f^ »â- â- *, â- ;htiil<ife-":'^Mifl building, the new I^ckhold -building^ the Ndson SiBloc^ t^ Schalhnan ^^ -building â- and^â- S^yeral;;,^sjnallei: structures.'..."" '*â- '.-â- ];;><-'â- "â- '. :y^'::\^M^Mimm^M Many Stores Added The Rockhold and kelson nuildfc .ings, provide space for 'more,: than,t.j|':,^^^ score of stores :and; shops,•.and the"'-^^^ former contains' 'â- sixteen; Onlces.:::V'^The'-;|j^i^ Nelson building: will,contain ,l$,thiree^;;,^^^ room apartments.' ;..^e.....new'::Schall#;:||^^ man building ;in. the . Terminal';area^;:^§Q contains about 12 stores. "":V'S';S15pP5i^^ll : In Winnetka there have; biee:iii'4e11c1illg^| ed recently the new. Winnetka-\StAt^l^fi$, Bank building, the n'ew"Eckart^bujld|s:;;|ili|| ing^. the' New' McGuire and Orr' buiJd|tfiiS|g ing, the Hill and Stone building, the lg§§ Brand building, housing the Comrnun- fiHli ity"Pharmaoy,.and the Martin.,Adants^v,;S|||p building,""[;:t:^ ./;\:\"V;'. ';^:f* -,; 'l'y9>i0§§fii In the â- Httobard.'Woodsv'district â- â- we'.^^1 fiind the new Aitken block, containing |fii|l several .stores^' and 'offices';'"the.,n^w^flfllH Carlson building,.; the Avenue; Shop ':1^BJ â- structure and,.. the' structure,::housingi^ISi^ the "F.: A. Reid real. estate-'.companyi^-^Mi coMiffPil .«>niii^| -GlencoeV development ip the mercial field has been largely fined to the establishment^of Stie*t garages and automobile sales and dis* play rooms, Recently ad^d to th<? Vernoh avenue district areWthe new^ Kurschner garage building and the adjoining Kent garage building which comprises a garage and the sales rooms of the ClencOeJ^ Motor d^leM-Mh^^rd-Hand- Lincoln-car! Another important de^eksf^ent nn Vernon avenue isr- the: reDuildihg7 o .,,........ the store formerly occupied byWtiielsias Glencoe News Agency and which novtH will be included in the space occupied! by the H. C Wienecke Hardware| company. '.â- An ^addition, at the /rear^i^^| extends, this stores space back to^thep|^^ alley line, making it. one of the ,most|^^^| spacious stores in the' villageipii^^i^^^ .These are. among, the-.more recent |i|i^ building operations in the -. various l^f^^i commercial ^districts, in .theâ- â- township.f^^tt There are plans: in... vefy-..villageâ- /â- liMr^^p even, greater extension of .the: busi-:|^g^|l ness'. areas,.. having in mmd â- . always il||ftli comformoty with the proposed Vil-ftlMH lage Beautiful munities»r projects in the «mv New Firm Promises WiM^o^'Be.....Leader in-fknWSM 1 â- â- •â- *.' . -.â- ;â- • <â- â- â- â- ,â- â- â- â- :â- ., ... â- .-â- â- •â- â- â- - sfej^pJEgj The-. Evanston "Building Material Iflilp company, Simpson '.street,' Evanston,: ^^^ though only recently added tO the ItiMl building supply concerns of the north shore, is aiready established as a "fix-r ||S ture in the field. ; MW$ James Wieflpnton^#wall â- y:.kn»W'n^^^i builder, is the directing head of the business. He has surrounded himself M with a corpswof experts in the building J supply fieldviil>'/-,,::;::i^:,^fe -.'v^^^^ M fthe trucks ^arClbecOming quite ntifnlr-^nd-thafnay hjnteaaufigr ff^W^S m &$M Wsem wsm 'â- â- : ;':^MlsiS^HftSiil^SilMii^^'SAÂ¥SilK".v-^l^fii^'7.::;: .• --v;..â- â- ,".H.;;::,v,SMMM.,;..id.-,â- .. - • *WM':mmMit> ;':v- ; :^:|