Lake Shore News (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 May 1923, p. 13

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c':ii^P^0$^i^l^§W^0^^Mx&P': ? |lil»g|| Illinois Club tederatioWWIi I^efs^^icagoMay20&§ THE tAKE SHORE NEW^Jillfy^ffl^; .,„« Clubwomen throughout the sfate are making preparations to at- tend the twenty-eighth annual convention of the Illinois Federation 0f Women's Clubs to be held at the Aryan Grotto in Chicago. The sessions will begin on Tuesday morning, May 22, and will close on the following Thursday evening.* «rf General plans include morning ses- sions devoted to business for the first hour, followed by a fifteen minute re- cess. On Tuesday morning American I citizenship and public {welfare will take up two hours on the program; Wednesday morning will be devoted to fine arts and applied education, and on Thursday morning, press, publicity and legislation will be discussed. The afternoon sessions have been arranged for the presentation of the work of special committees and the reports of officers, nominations and elections. The endowment fund will have a prominent nl»»o, â€"m*. â€".-•.__- relating to the future welfare of the federation will be discussed by speak- ers. On Monday evening the board of directors will give a dinner at the Con- gress for Mrs. Edward S. Bailey, pres- ident of the I. F. W. C. -_On Tuesday evening Mrs. Thomas G. Wurter of Minneapolis, president of the General Federation of ; Women's Clubs, will be the guest at a reception given by the delegates. Mrs. Winter will speak on "Ideals." Mrs. Marx Oberndorfer, chairman of the music division of the state federation, has arranged-a musical program. On Wednesday evening Miss Bertha L. lies will direct a pageant of wom- en's work. This pageant was given last August at Chicago's Pageant of Progress, and because of its education- al value the delegates and visiting club women will be given an opportu- nity to see this wonderful perform- ntnce. â-  ' â- .;.".â- â- â- ;. 'â- â- â-  â- "•- '< â- ":â- â- â-  â-  â-  â-  """" ""* The convention will close on Thurs- day evening with a dinner to be given under the-dome at the Columbian Fine Arts buildingini Jackson park. The splendid work accomplished by the Second district in raising funds to re- store one wing of the structure has aroused interest in the movement in- augurated under the special committee on restoration, whereby they expect to arouse public interest and civic pride in preserving this building, con- ceded to be one of the most beautiful in the world, for future generations. Lorado Taft will speak on "Memories of the World's Fair," and there will be music and installation of the new officers. ./__..,,. J,,,, *,;; _o Many delightful prenuptial parties are to be given during the next few days, honoring Miss- Roberta Skinner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Buel Skinner of 723 Central avenue, whose marriage to Thornton Shaw Adams of Chicago will take place on Saturday, May 26, and the members of her bridal party. Mrs. George Boldt McCormick entertained with a kitchen shower and .tea on Wednes- day afternoon of this Week at her home in Evanston. This evening, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Adams and Mrs. Elmer H. Adams of ChicagOj^wiH j;n^ tertain with a dinner and dance at the Chicago Yacht club. Tomorrow, Miss Virginia Buchanan will be host- ess at luncheon and a handkerchief shower at her residence in Winnetka, _and on ^unday_evjEning,jyLiss Dorothy Hardenbrook, also of Winnetka* is entertaining members; of the bridal party at tea at her home. Mr. and Mrs. John Eliot Warner, Mr. Arthur Ferguson and Mr. Thomp- son on Merrick will give a dinner farty next Monday evening; Tuesday evening Miss Xucile Weller will be a dinner^ hostess at her residence, 420 Surf street, Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. p;„r2JScSt?war.!,and Mr- and Mrs. Faul R. Souhrwill give a dinner party h^wm I bn?*ei at the St*wart nome, 1008 Greenleaf avenue, on Wed- nesday evening, and on Friday evening, following the rehearsal. Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Skinner will give the bridal dinner at the Webster hotel. _ Winifred Townsend and Marguerite Fitzgerald presented their classes in the final recital of the year at the Wilmette Woman s club Friday evening, May 11. There were many interesting numbers. Those participating included Ralph Kline, Robert Ellis, Martin Hoberholz, Floyd Harvey, Bertel Carleson, Robert Walk- nette, Marjorie Roberts, Beatrice Haas, Effie James, Margaret Jean Cree, Elenor ENis, Rose Flentye, Charlotte Ryan, Evadue Newer, Joan Ingram, Lois Bailey, Jtoian__FlentyeJ, Elisabeth Parker, George Swigart^ Helen ~~Ley, Harold Miller, Helen Hare, and Janet Buck. Miss Fitzgerald is leaving shortly for her summer vacation, to be spent with her father and sister, Miss Genevieve Fitzgerald, the talented harpist, on her brother's ranch in Montana. The spring term of the violin depart- ment will not close until June 30th. Miss Townsend, who is known socially as Mrs. Charles Cree of Winnetka, will play one of the first violins of the Sym phony orchestra at Winona Lake, Ind., where she will appear as soloist each week during the season, but will return two days every week for summer violin classes in Wilmette and Chicago. Pearl Marie Barker and Esther of~lKe Wilmette branch""of the Col umbia school of Music will present their pupils in concert next Monday afternoon, May 21, at four o'clock, at the Wilmette.Woman's Club. Parti- cipating in the program will be: Dixie Douglas, Isabel Danby, Alice Marie Guertler, Janet McNulty, Lucile Urn- mach, Mary McNulty, Robert King, Jessie Hosmer, Ruth Cohen) Mary Elizabeth McNulty, Florence McCoy; William Gibson, Jean Hosmer, Henry Huffman, Emily Darst, Muriel Seng, Marjorie Soloman, Morley Rich, Ruth Meyers, Loraine Kuerten, Elizabeth Potter, Lily Bernstein, Jane Rogers, Mari Koretz, PauliHe^lSlceoy, Rutfr Rice, Bonita Eiffert, Josephine Norton, Louise McCoy and Mirabah Mabie. *Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Austin, 1415 Church street, Evanston, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, May 15, at the Evanston hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Milton H. Frierid and daughter, Betty Ruth, 806 Linden ave- nue, are sojourning at French Lick. .An interesting recital was given "by the student* of Oscar Deis, wufl j^nicago.-Marion Ofner, Sylvia Chap- S?h«mSf„rtritfc .*<**»»?> Hannah £S "J?*,",11'. Marvm Brook and Rez- eua Goldstine were among those who appeared on this occasion. Miss tendent Annabelle Ferrier, superin- , , of Arden Shore, will be the guest of Mrs. Frank H. Gallagher, s8l Greenwood avenue, for a few days during the coming week. y < ' .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brown, of 945 Michigan avenue, have returned from a brief visit m St. Louis, Mo. Enroute home they visited their son at the State t|myersity m Champaign, 111. T Mrs. A. C. Hammond, of 500 Gregory avenue, entertained eight guests at a fiSE^SF J* &turday ev«»"«S at the opening of the Westmoreland Country U^lt C' P***"**^. nas retarnW to her home^in Aurora, 111., after ten days' visit with her daughter, Mrs. A. G. Fj-ojt, and f amfe,of..SB9 ~ %ne of tKT^^^1^ eori clubs stitra|t a vpni inur^ji avenue., uesday Bridge-Lunch- was entertained by Mrs. Frank M. Barrett, 941 Sheridan road, this week. MABELLE A. HIGGINS PIANIST TEACHER Studio___ 719 Fine Arts Bldg„ Chicago Instruction may be had in .' North Shore Homes Telephone Winnetka 613 insurance: BnalaeM â€" lilfe â€" Estate J. IS. SWIFT TEAL Iteprenentatlveâ€">9Tew York tit* \orta- Shore HeadfeiMrtevs mm7 Central Avenue, Wilmette Phone Wilmette 87- 'It Tokef the Worry Out of Uf* Phone Wilmette 2600 721 Main St., Wilmette, Ol. Everything for the Automobile gTEeT driving season is getting bearer every day. Is your car |ruimingl|irc^eriy? put iir l^^lfiifin-.Jiily or August. If iyou postpone necessary work: luntil just before starting, there Imay be troublesome delays fwhich wi dislike just as J. IfliiB^ The Young People's Club of St. Augustine'* church will.-give a danc* ing party a the clubhouse this eve- ning. -â- ;-... Mr. and Mrs. George W. Kibby have opened their home at 835 Lake avenue, after having spent the winter in La Porte, Ind. Mr. arid Mrs. J. J. Miller, 1730 Wash- ington avenue are receiving congratu- lations on the birth of a son, Wednes^ day, May 9. I Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Currant 415 Gregory avenue, have left for an extended trip to Washington, D. C, and White Sulphur Springs^ W. :Va^ Mrs.* Claude Fitch, 1033 Elmwood avenue, was called to Boston, the lat- ter part of last week, owing to the serious illness of; her mother. ::^$£;mmi Mrs. Walter Hanna, 1018 Eleventh street, returned Wednesday from a short visit in New York. The Drama Study Class will meet with^Mrs. William Ewer, 1111 Ash- land avenue, on Tuesday of next week. Mrs. cz-mmtMmmmmwry •venue was among the many Wilmette mothers to attend the special Mothers' Day festivities at the State University at' Chamoaigii ,|^st' we^lr^mt,; v,,i;,:^..K, Ur. and Mri. Harry'"'% Bro^n; 819 AshlandV avenue, and Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Root of Chicago are entertain- 535*2? c 'ft**"?,.^ the Soverign •Hotel Saturday' night^*f ::^^0$M; "* â- ?â-  c ^n l1^ H"- Harold J. Rief lellf Springfield, 111., spent last week-end the guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. tSSF&y!:, Bettmghaus and family of 1737 Highland avenue. v^4;i^,:^. Mrs. Charles E. Hotze, of 1229 Hill street, and two small sons, Wayne and Carl, leave Sunday for a month's visit with relatives m Moline and vicinity. . ^r. and Mrs. A. Schemp of linden avenue, Kemlworth, announce the birth of a daughter, Florence Rose, on Wed- nesday, ^layâ- % at the Evanston hospital. Mrs, tSertrude Lees-Roberts will pre- sent her pupils in a recital Friday eve- Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Marder moved from the Chicago Beach hotel into the P. W. Andrews' home, 411 Lake avenue, last week. m houte guest of ^fci and <ftfefft>' w liam Holmes, 622 Central avenue, for th« Pf * tjo months, left Tuesday ,er^ ning .for. California. ,:)K.;.>i^r^--:; 'â- >>: #Tfi:^vahsloi.' Alumni Rvpa A^^^heta held thw May luncheon at the home of s_______ W. Cresap, 239 Essex road, KemrWorthL Elmwood avenue, returned the first of the week from Carey, I1L, they niade a brief stay in their summer a bridge-luncheon at the Ouilmette Coun- try • club- â- Wednesdayi:'i|jGdveis::'^weie5 ^iif^ SS^Ir. A, G. Frost, of S09 Centfai^:ir**B nue, has returned from a week's business trip^toJ<Jew Yorkvciry and othef*pat|rtP: m:«ie East '-^rt^^:"-/.: -,;•--â- : |J5#fr. ai#;^rs^rChas.^,Ht-www,,smm, have recently moved from vnm3&w! ,their:new:aj^rtn^^at1^^ -â- 'â- â- â- â- jA^;'ww^iss»«ii^ at a bridge-luncheon at the C Country club Monday at noon, were placed for twelve guests. Wdider Cut Flowers for all occasions Phone EVANSTON 632 1712 Sherman Avenue EVANSTON 'W&9M. Victory Notes bearing 4$4% intw^st^ m May 20th, and Interest ^ if f era ^ In yo^ yx)u choice of, | 'â- -â- / "f-'^ 1. Receiving the cash in payment, 2. Placing the amount to your credit, 3^J^cchanging the notes for other high §s%* li OPlViLMETTB ^jillSIl^ J. M. APPEL^estdeatlg aSlS MMMM ,"imm- l%Sf?f &M N.mscMWAyEl fsSMSSSSTw ^.â- .'fejfej/yg:;^ Slipli s'iS" tiimi .^a^*^." â€"â- â- â- *"â- *â- *.. .-â- ^â- ^Jufe..i ixmtiM

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